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1. 2019 का टै गोर साहित्य पुरस्कार ककसने जीता िै ? Ans. C

A. राणा दासगुप्ता B. विनीता अग्रिाल
The United Nations (UN) and the
C. ततषानी दोशी D. अमिताि घोष European Union (EU) have signed a joint
E. झुम्पा लाहिडी framework aimed at strengthening
Ans. A partnership in counter-terrorism efforts.
Sol. लेखक राणा दासगुप्ता को उनके 2010 के The UN-EU initiative will focus on
terrorism and violent extremism
उपन्यास 'सोलो', अलगाि और भौततक अस्स्तत्ि की
prevention in Africa, the Middle East, and
बुतनयाहद विफलता की किानी के मलए रिीींद्रनाथ टै गोर Asia, as well as support victims and
साहित्य परु स्कार 2019 (दस
ू रा सींस्करण) से promote the reintegration of terrorism
सम्िातनत ककया गया िै ।
टै गोर पुरस्कार, विश्ि शाींतत, साहित्य, कला और मशक्षा
4. तनम्नमलखखत िें से ककस शिर ने िध्य दक्षक्षणी
िें सुधार एिीं प्रेरणा के मलए एक िािक िींच प्रदान करते
ििोत्सि 2019 की िेजबानी की?
िुए सशक्त दृस्टटकोण के साथ स्थावपत एिीं लॉन्च की
A. दास्जामलींग B. कोलकाता
गई िै ।
C. गींगटोक D. गि
ु ािाट
2. काि पर सुरक्षा और स्िास््य के मलए विश्ि हदिस E. इनिें से कोई नि ीं
2019 का विषय िै ? Ans. D
A. Safety and Health and the Future of Sol.
Work South Central Zone Cultural Centre
B. The prevention of occupational (SCZCC) of Ministry of Culture,
diseases Government of India has organized a
C. Occupational safety health Madhya Dakshini Festival 2019 in four
vulnerability of young workers venues of Guwahati, Assam.
D. Safety and health in the use of Around 100 folk artists from Central
chemicals at work India, states from Maharashtra, Madhya
E. इनिें से कोई नि ीं Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Andra Pradesh
Ans. A has performed vibrant and colourful folk
Sol. The theme for 2019 World Day for dances showing the rich cultural heritage
Safety and Health at Work is “Safety and of India.
Health and the Future of Work”. The Cultural Festival was organized at
The World Day for Safety and Health at Shilpgram of NEZCC at Panjabari,
Work to promote the prevention of Guwahati.
occupational accidents and diseases
globally observed on 28th April every
year. 5. भारतीय ररजिा बैंक (RBI) ने तनम्नमलखखत िें से
ककस िूल्यिगा के मलए एक नया ‘ग्रीतनश येलो’ रीं गीन
3. तनम्नमलखखत िें से ककस अींतर-सरकार सींगठन ने
बैंक नोट लॉन्च करने की घोषणा की िै ?
आतींकिाद-विरोधी प्रयासों िें साझेदार को िजबूत
A. 100 रुपये B. 500 रुपये
करने के मलए यूरोपीय सींघ के साथ एक सींयुक्त ढाींचे
C. 50 रुपये D. 20 रुपये
पर िस्ताक्षर ककए िैं?
E. 10 रुपये
A. अींतरााटर य श्रि सींगठन (ILO)
Ans. D
B. अींतरााटर य िद्र
ु ा कोष (IMF) Sol. The base colour of the new Rs 20
C. सींयुक्त राटर (UN) denomination banknotes in the Mahatma
D. अींतरााटर य दरू सींचार सींघ (ITU) Gandhi (New) Series will greenish yellow
and bear the signature of Shaktikanta
E. इनिें से कोई नि ीं
Das (RBI Governor).


The new denomination Rs 20 (dimension: A. यूएसए B. ब्रिटे न

63 mm x 129 mm) has the motif of the
C. पाककस्तान D. बाींग्लादे श
Ellora Caves on the reverse.
All the banknotes in the denomination of E. न्यू ज़ीलैंर्
Rs 20 issued by the RBI in the earlier Ans. B
series will continue to be legal tender. Sol. British film & sound editor ‘Terry
Rawlings’ (85-years) passed away. He
was an Oscar nominee for his work on
6. तनम्नमलखखत धरोिर स्थलों िें से ककसका रूपाींकन Best Picture winner “Chariots of Fire”.
20 रुपये िूल्यिगा के बैंकनोट पर िै ? Mr. Rawlings was the founding member of
the Guild of British Film and Television
A. साींची स्तूप B. कोणाका का सूया िींहदर Editors.
C. रथ के साथ िम्पी D. लाल ककला Rawlings was also elected to membership
in the American Cinema Editors and
E. एलोरा की गुफ़ाएीं received the organization's 2006 Career
Ans. E Achievement Award.
Sol. The new denomination Rs 20
(dimension: 63 mm x 129 mm) has the 9. शींघाई िें एमशया गेम्स बैर्मिींटन चैस्म्पयनमशप
motif of the Ellora Caves on the reverse. 2019 िें पुरुषों की एकल प्रततयोधगता िें स्िणा ककसने
The Reserve Bank of India will introduce
जीता िै ?
20 rupees denomination banknotes in the
Mahatma Gandhi (New) Series. A. केंटो िोिोटा B. शी यक
ू ी
The base colour of the note is greenish C. गय
ु ेन ट एन मिन्ि D. चो ट न-चेन
yellow. E. इनिें से कोई नि ीं
Ans. A
7. ककसने अींतरााटर य वित्तीय सेिा केंद्र (IFSC) िें Sol. Japanese player Kento Momota
काि करने िाले सिाशोधन तनगिों का सींचालन करने (World number one) retained his
Badminton Asia Championships title in
के मलए न्यूनति आिश्यक स्तर को कि कर हदया िै ? Shanghai.
A. परिाणु ऊजाा तनयािक बोर्ा (AERB) He defeated Shi Yuqi (China) 21-12, 11-
11, 21-18.
B. भारतीय दरू सींचार तनयािक प्राधधकरण (TRAI) The 2019 Badminton Asia Championships
C. भारतीय प्रततभूतत और वितनिय बोर्ा (SEBI) was the 39th edition of the Badminton
Asia Championships held at Wuhan
D. बीिा तनयािक और विकास प्राधधकरण (IRDA) Sports Center Gymnasium in China.
E. भारतीय खाद्य सुरक्षा और िानक प्राधधकरण
10. चीन िें अींतरााटर य शूहटींग स्पोटा फेर्रे शन (ISSF)
Ans. C विश्ि कप िें 10 िीटर एयर वपस्टल स्पधाा िें स्िणा
Sol. SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board पदक ककसने जीता िै ?
of India) has reduced the minimum A. अमभषेक ििाा B. अखखल शोरान
required level for clearing corporations
C. आटे ि चेनौसोि D. रवि कुिार
operating in international financial
services centre (IFSC). E. इनिें से कोई नि ीं
They should have at least Rs 100 crore Ans. A
net worth from three years of Sol. India's Abhishek Verma bagged a
commencing operations. Gold medal in the 10-metre Air Pistol
This net worth requirement in the form of event at the International Shooting Sport
liquid assets has been brought down from Federation (ISSF) World Cup at Beijing in
the earlier Rs 300 crore.
He clinched the top honours with a total
8. कफल्ि और साउीं र् एडर्टर ‘टे र रॉिेमलींग्स’ का तनधन score of 242.7 points.
िो गया। िि ककस दे श से सींबस्न्धत थे?


11. शींघाई िें एमशया गेम्स बैर्मिींटन चैस्म्पयनमशप

14. एमशयाई स्नूकर टूर का खखताब 2019 िें ककसने
2019 िें िहिला एकल का स्िणा ककसने जीता िै ?
जीता िै ?
A. ताई ज़ू तयींग B. साइना नेििाल
A. पींकज आर्िाणी B. सौरि कोठार
C. पीिी मसींधु D. सींग
ु जी-ियन

C. एिसान िै दर नेजाद D. यासीन िचेंट
E. अकाने यिगुची
Ans. E E. आहदत्य िेिता
Sol. Akane Yamaguchi won the women's Ans. A
crown with an emphatic victory over Sol. India's Pankaj Advani defeated Ehsan
home player He Bingjiao 21-19, 21-9 at Heydari Nezhad of Iran 6-4 to claim the
Asia Games Badminton Championship inaugural Asian Snooker Tour title.
2019 in Shanghai. Advani had earlier won the second leg of
The 2019 Badminton Asia Championships the Tour in China.
was the 39th edition of the Badminton
Asia Championships held at Wuhan 15. तनम्नमलखखत िें से कौन सा दे श ‘एक्ससााइज़
Sports Center Gymnasium in China. िेस्टना शील्र् नािक सबसे बडा सैन्य अभ्यास करे गा?
This tournament is hosted by the Chinese
A. इींर्ोनेमशया B. भारत
Badminton Association, with the
sanctioned from the Badminton Asia. C. जापान D. नेपाल
E. श्रीलींका
12. एमशयाई गोल्फ िें उनके योगदान के मलए एमशयन Ans. E
टूर द्िारा विशेष उपलस्धध पुरस्कार से ककसे सम्िातनत Sol. The Army of Sri Lanka has informed
that it will conduct “Exercise – Western
ककया गया िै ?
Shield” starting from July 01, 2019 with
A. र्ी. पी. अग्रिाल B. र्ॉ. विश्िास पटे ल the participation of over 5,000 soldiers.
C. रजनी राजदान D. अलका मसरोि
16. तनम्नमलखखत िें से ककस भारतीय किकेटर को
E. र्ॉ. पिन िुींजाल
कलकत्ता स्पोर्टास जनामलस्र्टस क्लब द्िारा ‘सिाश्रेटठ
Ans. E
Sol. Dr. Pawan Munjal, Chairman, Hero स्पोर्टासपसान’ पुरस्कार से सम्िातनत ककया गया िै ?
MotoCorp, the world’s largest A. िरिनप्रीत कौर B. झूलन गोस्िािी
manufacturer of motorcycles and
scooters, was felicitated by the Asian C. स्ितृ त िींदाना D. अमिता शिाा
Tour with a Special Achievement Award E. मिताल राज
for his contributions to Asian Golf. Ans. B
Sol. Former captain of India national
13. पुरुषों की एक हदिसीय अींतरााटर य (ODI) िें women’s cricket team ‘Jhulan Goswami’
has been awarded the “Sportsperson of
अींपायररींग करने िाल पिल िहिला अींपायर कौन बन
the Year” at the Calcutta Sports
गई िै ? Journalists’ club (CSJC) in Kolkata, West
A. एिी सटरथिेट B. क्लेयर पोलोसक Bengal.

C. स्टाफनी टै लर D. मिताल राज

17. तनम्नमलखखत िें से ककसने अींतरााटर य प्रेस
E. इनिें से कोई नि ीं
सींस्थान का 2019 िल्र्ा प्रेस फ्रीर्ि ि रो अिार्ा जीता
Ans. B
Sol. Australia's Claire Polosak has become िै ?
the first female umpire to stand in a A. मसररल अलिेर्ा B. खद जा इस्िाइलोिा
men's one-day international (ODI). C. िेज़रन दरविश D. अििद ज़ीदाबाद
Polosak has already stood in 15 women's
ODIs, the first one in November 2016 E. िामलनी सुििण्यि
between Australia and South Africa. Ans. A


Sol. Pakistan’s journalist Cyril Almeida Etihad Airways has pledged to reduce
(Dawn editor and columnist in Pakistan) single-use plastic usage by 80% across
has won the 2019 IPI’s World Press the entire organization by the end of
Freedom Hero award. 2022.
The institute lauded Almeida for his
‘tenacious coverage of the Pakistani 20. तनम्नमलखखत िें से ककस दे श ने दतु नया के पिले
state’s patronage of militant groups’.
फ्लोहटींग न्यूस्क्लयर पािर प्लाींट (NPP), अकादमिक
The World Press Freedom Hero award
honours journalists who have made लोिोनोसोिा का सफलतापूिक
ा पर क्षण ककया िै ?
significant contributions to the promotion A. भारत B. रूस
of press freedom.
The awards will be presented in a C. चीन D. जापान
ceremony in Geneva, Switzerland on 5th E. जिानी
June 2019. Ans. B
Sol. Russia has successfully tested the
18. िास्टर द नानाथ िींगेशकर पुरस्कार 2019 के world’s first floating nuclear power plant
लाइफटाइि अचीििें ट से ककसे सम्िातनत ककया गया (NPP),Akademik Lomonosov.
The nuclear plant is operated by
िै ? Rosatom, state-run atomic energy
A. सायरा बानो B. हदल प कुिार corporation in Russia.
C. सल ि खान D. स्जतें द्र
21. भारतीय सेना द्िारा तनम्न िें से कौन सा िषा
E. शत्रुघ्न मसन्िा
'ईयर ऑफ नेक्सस्स
ट ऑफ ककन' के रूप िें स्िरण ककए
Ans. C
Sol. Salim Khan (the father of superstar जाने के मलए सिवपात िै ?
Salman Khan) was honoured with Master A. 2021 B. 2020
Deenanath Mangeshkar Lifetime Award C. 2019 D. 2025
2019. E. इनिें से कोई नि ीं
The event was organized by Master
Ans. C
Deenanath Mangeshkar Smruti
Sol. The Indian Army has announced to
Pratishthan charitable trust, Pune.
commemorate the year 2019 as the ‘Year
of Next of Kin’.
19. खाडी क्षेत्र िें बोर्ा पर ककसी भी एकल-उपयोग
प्लास्स्टक के ब्रबना उडान सींचामलत करने िाल कौन सी 22. तनम्न िें से ककस ऑस्रे मलयाई उडान िािक ने
एयरलाइन इस तरि की पिल प्रिुख एयरलाइन बन मसर्नी से एडर्लेर् तक दतु नया की पिल शून्य-अपमशटट
गयी िै ? िाखणस्ययक उडान सींचामलत की िै ?
A. एयर अरे ब्रबया एयरलाइींस A. क्सिाींटास B. एलायींस एयरलाइींस
B. इततिाद एयरिेज C. िारूम्सबा एयरलाइींस D. स्स
C. फ़्लाइदब
ु ई एयरिेज E. पेल-एयर
D. रॉयल जॉर्ान Ans. A
Sol. The Australian flight carrier ‘Qantas’
E. अिीरात
has operated the world’s first zero-waste
Ans. B commercial flight from Sydney to
Sol. UAE based flag carrier ’Etihad Adelaide.
Airways’ has become the first major ‘Qantas’ disposed of all waste through
airline in the Gulf region to operate a compost, reuse or recycle.
flight without any single-use plastics on The Australian airline Qantas has planned
board. to eliminate 100 million single-use
The first flight named ‘EY484’ (without plastics by the end of 2020 and reduce
use of plastics) landed in Brisbane, 75% of airline’s waste by the end of 2021.


23. प्रमसद्ध उपन्यासकार, साहित्य अकादिी के Sol. India’s first global, Mega-Science
Exhibition ‘Vigyan Samagam’ was held in
पुरस्कार विजेता थोवपल िोिम्िद िीरान का तनधन िो Mumbai at the Nehru Science Centre,
गया। िि तनम्न िें से ककस रायय से सींबींधधत थे? Worli.
Dr Vijay Kumar Saraswat, India’s
A. केरल B. तमिलनार्ु
renowned defence scientist and Member,
C. पींजाब D. ओडर्शा NITI Aayog inaugurated the first edition
E. पस्श्चि बींगाल of Vigyan Samagam.
In the span of 11 months, the exhibition
Ans. B
will also be held in Bengaluru, Kolkata
Sol. Noted novelist and Sahitya Akademi and New Delhi.
awardee Thoppil Mohamed Meeran (74-
years) passed away at his residence at
26. हदग्गज कफल्ि और ट .िी अमभनेता िण
ृ ाल िुखजी
Veerabahu Nagar in Pettai. Tiruneveli,
Tamil Nadu का कैंसर और ल िर की सिस्याओीं के कारण तनधन िो
He received 8 awards including the गया। िि तनम्न िें से ककस रायय से सींबींधधत थीीं?
Sahitya Akademi Award (1997) and Tamil
A. केरल B. तमिलनार्ु
Nadu Kalai Ilakkiya Perumantram Award
(1992). C. पींजाब D. पस्श्चि बींगाल
E. ओडर्शा
24. तनम्न िें से कौन सी भारतीय कींपनी विश्ि कप Ans. D
2019 के मलए अफगातनस्तान किकेट ट ि की प्रिुख Sol. The Veteran film and TV actor of
Bengali Cinema, Mrinal Mukherjee (74-
प्रायोजक िोगी? years) passed away due to cancer and
A. इींडर्यन ऑयल कापोरे शन मल. liver problems.
Mukherjee had worked for over five
B. हिींदस्
ु सतान पेरोमलयि कोपोरे शन मल. decades in the Bengali film industry as
C. भारत पेरोमलयि कोपोरे शन मल. well as Bengali TV serials and theatres.
D. टाटा िोटसा मल.
27. तनम्न िें से ककस रायय पुमलस ने स्जला ररजिा
E. आनींद मिल्सक यूतनयन मलमिटे र्
Ans. E गार्ा िें िहिला किाींर्ो को अपने अधग्रि पींस्क्त के
Sol. Indian giant ‘Amul’ (Anand Milk नक्सल विरोधी बल िें शामिल ककया िै ?
Union Limited) has been announced as A. छत्सतीसगढ़ B. ब्रबिार
the principal sponsor of the Afghanistan
cricket team for the 2019 World Cup in C. झारखींर् D. ओडर्शा
England and Wales. E. इनिें से कोई नि ीं
The logo of brand Amul will appear on the Ans. A
leading arm of the Afghanistan team Sol. The Chhattisgarh police for the first
playing jerseys as well as on the training time has inducted women commandos in
kits throughout the showpiece event. the District Reserve Guard in its frontline
Anand Milk Union Limited (Amul) is an anti-Naxal force.
Indian dairy company (formed in 1948), These women commandos were part of
based at Anand in the state of Gujarat. the security forces' "short action teams"
that eliminated three Naxal
25. पिल िैस्श्िक िेगा-विज्ञान प्रदशानी 'विज्ञान "commanders" in the past one month.

सिागि' _______ िें आयोस्जत की गई थी।

28. तनम्न िें से ककसिषा को एमशया के पिले नोबेल
A. भोपाल B. िै दराबाद
पुरस्कार विजेता, रिीींद्रनाथ टै गोर की 158िीीं जयींती के
C. पुणे D. िुम्सबई रूप िें िनाया गया िै ?
E. नई हदल्स
ल A. 2019 B. 2018
Ans. D C. 2017 D. 2016
E. इनिें से कोई नि ीं


Ans. A D. Access to Safe & Effective Drugs in

Sol. The 158th birth anniversary of Asia’s Thalassaemia
first Nobel laureate, Rabindranath E. Universal access to quality
Tagore, was celebrated across the thalassaemia healthcare services:
country on 7th May 2019. Building bridges with and for patients
Ans. E
29. पाींचिें सींयुक्त राटर (UN) ग्लोबल रोड सेफ्ट िीक Sol. The theme for International
Thalassaemia Day 2019 is “Universal
2019 का विषय क्या िै ? access to quality thalassaemia healthcare
A. Leadership for road safety services: Building bridges with and for
B. Together for Humanity patients.”
C. Leadership in Safety and Health The International Thalassaemia Day,
enhances business sustainability celebrated on May 8 every year is a
D. Reinforce positive behaviour at the commemoration day in honour of all
workplace to achieve safety and health patients with thalassaemia and their
goals wards who never gave up despite all
E. इनिें से कोई नि ीं odds.
Ans. A
Sol. The theme of 2019 UN Global Road 32. पनािा के राटरपतत चुनाि 2019 िें कौन जीता
Safety Week is Leadership for Road िै ?
Safety. A. जुआन लोपेज B. र्ेिेहरयो एच. ब्रिर्
The 5th edition of the United Nations
Global Road Safety Week has been C. लॉरें हटनो कॉहटा ज़ो D. टॉिस एररयस
organised from 6-12 May 2019. E. रोिुलो रूक्स

Ans. C
30. तनम्न िें से ककस दे श ने इींडर्यन धचल िील के Sol. Businessman & politician Laurentino
तनयाात िे तु भारत के साथ एक प्रोटोकॉल पर िस्ताक्षर Cortizo (66-year) has won Panama's
presidential election with 33.27% of the
ककए िैं? vote in support.
A. जापान B. दक्षक्षण कोररया Rómulo Roux lost a close race, polling just
around 31% of the vote.
C. चीन D. नेपाल
As the presidential election in Panama
E. इनिें से कोई नि ीं does not have run-off criteria, so the
Ans. C candidate with the maximum number of
Sol. India and China have signed a votes wins the election even he does not
protocol for export of Indian chilli meal have 50% of the vote.
from India to China.
The two countries have also agreed to 33. तनम्न िें से कौन सी भारतीय फिा भारत िें बाजार
resolve market access issues पूींजीकरण के िािले िें सबसे िूल्यिान फिा िै ?
expeditiously in order to promote a more
A. पतींजमल आयुिेद B. ररलायींस इींर्स्र ज
balanced trade.
C. ट .सी.एस D. इींफोमसस
31. 2019 विश्ि थैलेसीमिया हदिस (WTD) का E. इनिें से कोई नि ीं
विषय क्या िै ? Ans. C
A. Economic Recession: Observe – Joint Sol. India's IT conglomerate Tata
Forces – Safeguard Health Consultancy Services (TCS) has become
B. Enhancing partnership towards India’s most valued firm in terms of
patient-centred health systems market capitalization (market-cap) by
C. Thalassaemia past, present and displacing Reliance Industries Limited
future: Documenting progress and (RIL) to number two position.
patients’ needs worldwide TCS (market-cap of Rs 8.13 lakh crore)
followed by RIL (Rs 7.95 lakh crore),


HDFC Bank (Rs 6,24,362.11 crore), 37. पुस्तक 'गेि चें जर' तनम्न िें से ककस किकेटर की
Hindustan Unilever (Rs 3,67,880.69
आत्िकथा िै ?
crore) and ITC (Rs 3,67,513.78 crore).
A. शोएब िमलक B. शाहिद अफर द
34. पूिा खखलाडी, कोच और प्रशासक र्ेरेक मसप्पी का C. सौरि गाींगुल D. िसीि अकरि
तनधन िो गया। िि ककस खेल से जुडे थे? E. सधचन तें र्ुलकर
A. टे तनस B. िॉकी Ans. B
C. फुटबॉल D. बैर्मिींटन Sol. पाककस्तान के ऑलराउीं र्र और पूिा कप्तान शाहिद
E. ब्रबमलयर्ा अफर द (लोकवप्रय रूप से ‘बूि बूि’ के नाि से जाने
Ans. E जाते िैं) ने, अपनी वििादास्पद आत्िकथा ‘गेि चें जर’
Sol. Former billiards player, coach and शीषाक से जार की।
administrator Derek Sippy passed away
in Mumbai. इस पस्
ु तक का सि-लेखन अफर द और पत्रकार
He was the Indian team's coach at िजाित एस खान द्िारा ककया गया िै और िापार
recently concluded Asian Under-21 Boys
कॉमलन्स इींडर्या द्िारा छापा गया िै ।
Snooker and Asian Women Snooker
tournament in Chandigarh. अफर द ने 2017 िें 27 टे स्ट, 398 िनर्े और 99
T20I खेले और अींतरराटर य किकेट से सींन्यास ले
35. इनिें से ककस बीिा कींपनी ने िर िि ने की 6
तार ख को सींरक्षण हदिस के रूप िें सिवपात करने की
घोषणा की िै ? 38. तनम्न िें से ककस ई-कॉिसा प्लेटफॉिा ने सेमलब्रिट
A. लाइफ इींश्सयोरें स कोपोरे शन (LIC) कपल विराट कोिल और अनुटका शिाा को अपना पिला
B. ब्रबडला सन लाइफ इींश्सयोरें स िाींर् एींबेसर्र तनयुक्त ककया िै ?
C. एच.र्ी.एफ.सी लाइफ इींश्सयोरें स A. Myntra B. IndiaMART
C. eBay D. Amazon
D. एगोन लाइफ इींश्सयोरें स कम्सपनी
E. इनिें से कोई नि ीं
E. िैक्सस लाइफ इींश्सयोरें स कींपनी मल
Ans. A
Ans. E Sol. Flipkart-owned fashion e-commerce
Sol. Max Life Insurance Company Limited platform ‘Myntra’ announced that it had
has announced that it will observe 6th appointed celebrity couple Virat Kohli and
day of every calendar month as Anushka Sharma as its first brand
‘Protection Day’ to spread awareness ambassadors.
about the concept of financial protection. Myntra has launched ‘Go Myntra-la-la’, a
brand campaign that brings alive the
36. िई 2019 िें , हदग्गज किकेट खखलाडी सेिुर नसा joyful experience of shopping for fashion
का तनधन िो गया। िि ककस दे श से सींबींधधत थे? on the brand’s platform.

A. िेस्स
ट इींर्ीज B. दक्षक्षण अफ्रीका
39. प्रत्स
येक िषा 8 िई को ‘विश्ि रे र् िॉस हदिस’
C. न्सयूजीलैंर् D. ऑस्सरेमलया
िनाया जाता िै । िषा 2019 के मलए विषय क्या िै ?
E. इींगलैंर् A. Memorable smiles from around the
Ans. A world
Sol. Former West Indies batsman B. Live Together and Help Everyone
Seymour Nurse (85-years) passed away C. Together for Humanity
following a prolonged illness. D. love
He played 29 Tests between 1960 and E. Everywhere for everyone
1969 and scored 2523 runs at an average Ans. D
of 47.60. Sol. The theme of the 2019 World Red
He was named Wisden Cricketer of the Cross Day is “#love” or simply "love”.
Year in 1967.


The ‘World Red Cross Day’ is observed on Ans. A

8th May every year. Sol. Central Board of Indirect Taxes and
The day is observed to commemorate the Customs (CBIC) organised a meeting of
birth anniversary of 'Henry Dunant', the the Regional Heads of Customs
founder of the Red Cross as well as the Administration of Asia Pacific Region of
founder of International Committee of the the World Customs Organisation (WCO)
Red Cross (ICRC). in Kochi.
The meeting takes stock of the progress
40. 2019 िेसीर्ोतनयन राटरपतत चुनाि ककसने जीता being made in carrying forward the
िै ? programmes and initiatives of WCO.
This meeting is being chaired by Mr
A. स्स
टेिो पें र्ारोव्‍सस्सकी B. िाींको ििें कोिस्सकी Pranab Kumar Das, Chairman, CBIC.
C. बोररस रै जकोिस्सकी D. ककरो स्ग्लगोरोि
E. इनिें से कोई नि ीं 43. तनम्न िें से ककस किकेट ट ि ने आई.पी.एल
(इींडर्यन प्रीमियर ल ग) 2019 िें 'फेयर प्ले अिार्ा'
Ans. A
जीता िै ?
Sol. Stevo Pendarovski (56 years) has
won the 2019 Macedonian presidential A. िुम्स
बई इींडर्यींस B. रॉयल चैलेंजसा बैंगलोर
elections with 51.66% vote to become C. ककीं ग्स
स XI पींजाब D. सनराइज़सा िै दराबाद
the President-elect of North Macedonia.
The President of the Republic of North E. कोलकाता नाइट राइर्सा
Macedonia is the head of state of North Ans. D
Macedonia. Sol. Sunrises Hyderabad has won the fair
play award in Indian Primer League 2019.ीय ककसान उिारक सिकार मलमिटे र् (इफ्को) The 2019 season of the Indian Premier
League (IPL 12) was the 12th-edition of
के नए अध्यक्ष के रूप िें ककसे चुना गया िै ?
the IPL, a professional Twenty20 cricket
A. सकल दे ि मसींि league established by the BCCI in 2007.
B. पिन अिस्स
C. बलविींदर मसींि नकई 44. िहिलाओीं के एक हदिसीय अींतरााटर य (ODI)
D. प्रेि चन्स
द्र मिश्रा इततिास िें सबसे अधधक विकेट लेने िाल स्स्पन
E. इनिें से कोई नि ीं गें दबाज कौन बनी िैं?
Ans. C A. िरिनप्रीत कौर B. िोल कोस्ल्िन
Sol. Cooperative major IFFCO has
C. साना िीर D. जिेररया खान
elected Balvinder Singh Nakai as its
Chairman and Dileep Sanghani as Vice E. इनिें से कोई नि ीं
Chairman. Ans. C
Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative Sol. Pakistan’s off-spinner Sana Mir has
Limited (IFFCO) is a Multi-state become the highest wicket-taking spinner
cooperative society engaged in the in women’s One-day International (ODI)
business of manufacturing and marketing history.
of fertilisers headquartered in New Delhi, She claimed her 147th ODI wicket in her
India. 118th appearance.
Currently, Mir is placed on the third
42. तनम्न िें से ककस शिर ने विश्ि सीिा शुल्क position in the ICC’s ODI bowling ranking,
सींगठन (WCO) के एमशया प्रशाींत क्षेत्र के सीिा शुल्क which is topped by Indian pacer Jhulan
Goswami (218).
प्रशासन के क्षेत्रीय प्रिुखों की बैठक की िेजबानी की?
A. कोस्चच B. पुणे 45. एफ.आई.ए फॉिल
ूा ा 3 चैस्म्पयनमशप 2019 का
C. राींची D. पटना इनॉग्रल राउीं र् ककसने जीता िै ?
E. भोपाल


A. जेिान दारुिाला B. रॉबटा शिाटा जिैन The 2019 season of the Indian Premier
League (IPL 12) was the 12th-edition of
C. पेड्रो वपकेट D. एलेक्सस पेरोनी
the IPL, a professional Twenty20 cricket
E. इनिें से कोई नि ीं league established by the BCCI in 2007.
Ans. A
Sol. Indian racer Jehan Daruvala (20- 48. तनम्न िें से ककस शिर ने विकासशील दे शों की
years) has won the inaugural round of the
FIA Formula 3 Championship, one of the विश्ि व्‍यापार सींगठन (र्धल्यू.ट .ओ) िींत्री स्तर य बैठक
support events to Formula One in की िेजबानी की?
The all-new FIA F3 Championship was A. िम्
ु सबई B. चेन्न
created by merging the erstwhile GP3 C. नई हदल्स
ल D. भोपाल
Championship and FIA F3 European
E. पुणे
Championship, resulting in an ultra-
competitive 30 car grid. Ans. C
Sol. The World Trade Organisation (WTO)
46. 2019 अींतरााटर य नसा हदिस (IND) का विषय ministerial meeting of developing
countries held in New Delhi.
क्या िै ? The Two-day meeting will provide an
A. Live Together and Help Everyone opportunity for the Ministers to discuss
B. Nurses – A Voice to Lead – Health for various issues and the way forward.
All The meeting is an effort to bring together
C. Less Known Red Cross Stories the developing and the Least Developed
D. Together for Humanity Countries on one platform to share
E. Nurses A Voice to Lead – Health is a
common concerns on various issues
Human right
affecting the WTO and work together to
Ans. B
address the issues.
Sol. The theme of International Nurses
Day (IND) 2019 is “Nurses – A Voice to
Lead – Health for All." 49. तनम्न िें से ककस टे तनस खखलाडी ने िैडड्रर्, स्पेन
International Nurses Day (IND) is an िें 2019 का िैडड्रर् ओपन खखताब जीता िै ?
international day celebrated around the
world on 12th of May every year to mark A. राफेल नर्ाल B. र्ोमितनक धथएि
the birth anniversary of Florence C. नोिाक जोकोविच D. राफेल नर्ाल
Florence Nightingale (the foundational E. उपरोक्सत िें से कोई नि ीं
philosopher of the modern nursing) was Ans. C
born on 12th of May in 1820. Sol. Novak Djokovic of Serbia has won
the 2019 Madrid Open title at the Park
47. 2019 इींडर्यन प्रीमियर ल ग (IPL) का खखताब Manzanares in Madrid, Spain.
He defeated Tsitsipas (Greece) 6–3, 6–4
ककसने जीता िै ?
in the final.
A. सनराइज़सा िै दराबाद The 2019 Madrid Open is a professional
B. रॉयल चैलेंजसा बैंगलोर tennis tournament (sponsored by Mutua)
played on outdoor clay courts at the Park
C. िुम्स
बई इींडर्यींस
Manzanares in Madrid, Spain.
D. चेन्न
स ई सुपर ककीं ग्सस
E. हदल्स
ल कैवपटल्सस 50. तनम्न िें से ककसे इींडर्यन प्रीमियर ल ग (IPL)
2019 िें सीजन के सबसे िूल्यिान खखलाडी के रूप िें
Ans. C
Sol. Mumbai Indians (MI) became IPL सम्िातनत ककया गया िै ?
champions (2019) for the fourth time A. आींद्रे रसेल B. ग्सलेन िैक्ससिेल
after defeating Chennai Super Kings
(CSK) by one run in a thrilling final in C. र्ेविर् िानार D. बेन स्स
Hyderabad. E. विराट कोिल


Ans. A Ans. D
Sol. Andre Russell (KKR) has been Sol. Indian actress Dia Mirza (38-years)
awarded with the most Valuable Player of has been named as one of the 17
the season award in Indian Premier advocates for the ambitious Sustainable
League (IPL) 2019. Development Goals (SDGs) by United
51. अिेररकी खाद्य एिीं औषधध प्रशासन (एफ.र्ी.ए) The new group of ‘SDG Advocates’
ने .................र्ेंगू के मलए पिला ट का लगाने की appointed by UN Secretary-General
घोषणा की िै । Antonio Guterres.
It will be committed to raising awareness,
A. र्ेंगिास्क्सया B. िैक्ससचोरा inspiring greater ambition and pushing
C. िैनबी D. एडर्नोिायरस for faster action on the SDGs, which were
E. इनिें से कोई नि ीं adopted by world leaders on September
Ans. A 25, 2015.
Sol. The U.S. Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) has announced to 54. पि
ू ोत्तर अफ्रीकी दे श इररहरया िें भारत के अगले
approve the first vaccine for dengue,
ू के रूप िें ककसे तनयुक्त ककया गया िै ?
Dengvaxia is produced by the French A. सभ
ु ाष चींद B. सद
ु शान सेन
pharmaceutical firm Sanofi Pasteur. C. अनाि गोथि D. राजन ततिार
FDA has also placed significant
restrictions on its use because the E. इनिें से कोई नि ीं
vaccine has been shown to put some Ans. A
people at heightened risk. Sol. Shri Subhash Chand has been
appointed as the next Ambassador of
52. सींयक्
ु त राटर ििासभा (UNGA) के नए अध्यक्ष India to the northeast African country
के रूप िें ककसे चुना गया िै ? Eritrea.
Currently, Mr. Subhash Chand is the
A. मिरसोस्स
लेि लाजकाक
Deputy High Commissioner in the High
B. ततजजानी िोिम्सिद बींदे Commission of India, Abuja.
C. िोगें स लाइकेटॉफ्ट Ambassador an important official who
D. एर्िर्ा सेकाींर्ी works in a foreign country representing
his or her own country there, and who is
E. एींटोतनयो गुटेरेस
officially accepted in this position by that
Ans. B country.
Sol. Nigerian Professor Tijjani Mohammad
Bande has been appointed as the new
President of the United Nations General 55. CEAT किकेट रे हटींग इींटरनेशनल अिार्ा 2019 िें
Assembly (UNGA). अींतरााटर य किकेटर और बेर्टसिैन ऑफ द ईयर से ककसे
He was the Vice-Chancellor of Usman
Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, between सम्िातनत ककया गया िै ?
2004 and 2009. A. विराट कोिल B. रामशद खान
C. रोहित शिाा D. आरोन कफीं च
53. तनम्न िें से ककस भारतीय अमभनेत्री को सींयुक्त
E. इनिें से कोई नि ीं
राटर द्िारा सतत विकास लक्ष्यों (एस.र्ी.जी) के
Ans. A
अधधिक्ता के रूप िें तनयुक्त ककया गया िै ?
Sol. Indian captain Virat Kohli bagged the
A. सोनि कपूर B. आमलया भर्टट International Cricketer and Batsman of
C. श्रद्धा कपूर D. द या मिजाा the Year award during the CEAT Cricket
Rating (CCR) International awards 2019
E. इनिें से कोई नि ीं


56. विश्ि की पिल अनन्य िहिला किकेट पब्रत्रका को The two-week residential summer
vacation programme spread over four
भारतीय ट ि की उप-कप्तान स्ितृ त िींधाना ने किर ISRO centres in Bengaluru,
स्टोर के रूप िें जार ककया। किकेट पब्रत्रका का नाि Thiruvananthapuram, Ahmedabad and
Shillong are attended by 110 students.
क्या िै ?
The participants will be visiting the
A. Criczone B. CricBuzz spaceport of India, Satish Dhawan Space
C. Dream11 D. CricCity Centre in Shri harikota during this
E. इनिें से कोई नि ीं programme.
Ans. A
Sol. The world’s first exclusive women’s 59. तनम्न िें से ककस दे श ने कान कफल्ि ििोत्सि के
cricket magazine ‘Criczone’ was released
72िें सींस्करण की िेजबानी की?
with Indian team vice-captain Smriti
Mandhana featuring as the cover story. A. फ्राींस B. य.ू एस.ए
It is a one-stop solution, exclusively C. जिानी D. चीन
dedicated to providing updates, articles,
E. इनिें से कोई नि ीं
news, interviews, etc. from the world of
women’s cricket. Ans. A
Publisher of the magazine ‘Criczone’ is Sol. The international event of the world
Yash Lahoti. of cinema Cannes Film Festival (72nd
edition) has begun in France (14 to 25
May 2019).
57. प्रीमियर ल ग टाइटल (फुटबॉल) 2019 ककसने American film director Jim Jarmusch's
जीता िै ? ensemble zombie comedy film The Dead
A. Leicester City Don't Die serve as the opening film of the
B. Manchester City festival.
C. Chelsea
D. Manchester United 60. आई.ट .सी मलमिटे र् का अध्यक्ष ककसे तनयक्
ु त
E. इनिें से कोई नि ीं ककया गया िै ?
Ans. B A. ििे न्द्र
स मसींि B. सींजीि पुर
Sol. On 12 May 2019, Manchester City
C. प्रणब कुिार दास D. राजेन्द्र
स शिाा
won their final league game of the season
4-1 away at Brighton to retain the E. इनिें से कोई नि ीं
Premier League title. Ans. B
Sol. ITC Ltd. has appointed Managing
58. तनम्न िें से ककस यि
ु ा िैज्ञातनक कायािि का Director (MD) Sanjiv Puri (56-years) as
the Chairman of the company with
उद्घाटन बेंगलुरु िें भारतीय अींतररक्ष अनुसींधान
immediate effect.
सींगठन (इसरो) द्िारा ककया गया िै ? ITC Limited is an Indian multinational
A. नेशनल िायरल िै पेटाइहटस कींरोल प्रोग्राि conglomerate company headquartered in
Kolkata, West Bengal.
B. एस्स्स
परे शनल डर्स्स्रक्सट प्रोग्राि It employs over 30,000 people at more
C. युविका2019 than 60 locations across India and is part
of the Forbes 2000 list.
D. जय हिींद
E. इनिें से कोई नि ीं 61. इतालिी ओपन पुरुष टे तनस टूनाािेंट 2019
Ans. C ककसने जीता िै ?
Sol. The Young Scientist Programme
‘Yuvika2019’ was inaugurated by Indian A. र्ोमितनक धथएि B. केविन एींर्रसन
Space Research Organisation (ISRO) C. राफेल नर्ाल D. नोिाक जोकोविच
Chairman Dr K Sivan, through video E. अलेक्जेंर्र यिेरेि
mode in Bengaluru.
Ans. C


Sol. Spain’s Rafael Nadal has clinched the A. Bigshuttle B. Shootshuttle

Italian Open 2019 Tennis title after C. Goshuttle D. Airshuttle
beating Serbian Novak Djokovic 6-0, 4-6, E. इनिें से कोई नि ीं
6-1 in the final in Rome.
Ans. D
Nadal also broke a tie with Djokovic by
Sol. The world body governing Badminton
claiming a record 34th ATP Masters 1000
(BFA) has launched two new formats of
The 2019 Italian Open (76th edition) was the game ‘AirBadminton’ and ‘Triples’
a professional tennis tournament played with new dimensions of the court and an
on outdoor clay courts at the Foro Italico innovative shuttlecock called 'Airshuttle'.
in Rome, Italy. Infrastructure won't be a hindrance for
people interested in Airbadminton as it
can be played in different environments
62. इींडर्या ओपन इींटरनेशनल बॉस्क्सींग टूनाािेंट के
like grass in parks, on sands in beaches
ू रे सींस्करण की िेजबानी कौन सा शिर कर रिा िै ? and the streets and bylanes.
A. गुिािाट B. भोपाल
C. चेन्न
सई D. राींची 65. ियोिद्
ृ ध अमभनेता रल्लापल्ल िें कट नरमसम्िा
E. इनिें से कोई नि ीं राि का तनधन िो गया। िि ____ से सींबींधधत थे।
Ans. A A. ििाराटसर B. केरल
Sol. The India Open International Boxing
C. ओडर्शा D. पींजाब
Tournament (2nd edition) has begun at
Sarusajai stadium in Guwahati, Assam E. आींध्र प्रदे श
(20-24th May 2019). Ans. E
India will field a strong contingent of 38 Sol. Veteran Telugu actor Rallapalli
men and 37 women in the tournament Venkata Narasimha Rao (74-years)
including Mary Kom in 51-kilogram passed away in Hyderabad.
category. Ralapalli acted in more than 800 films and
The gold medallist will get 2500 US dollar was popular as a comedian and character
and Silver medallist will earn 1000 US artiste.
dollar. He was a five-time winner of the
prestigious Nandi award in undivided
63. ककस दे श ने िाल ि िें विककपीडर्या के सभी भाषा Andhra Pradesh.
सींस्करणों को अिरुद्ध ककया िै ?
A. चीन B. जापान 66. विश्ि िधुिक्खी हदिस कब िनाया जाता िै ।

C. पाककस्स
तान D. ईरान A. 18 िई B. 19 िई

E. इनिें से कोई नि ीं C. 20 िई D. 21 िई
Ans. A E. इनिें से कोई नि ीं
Sol. China started blocking all language Ans. C
editions of Wikipedia. Previously, most Sol. World Bee Day is celebrated every
editions of Wikipedia — besides the year on 20th May to acknowledge the role
Chinese language version, which was of bees and other pollinators for the
reportedly blocked in 2015 — were ecosystem.
available, OONI said in their report. AFP
could not open any of Wikipedia’s
67. भारतीय और मसींगापुर नौसेनाएीं दक्षक्षण चीन सागर
versions in China.
िें िावषाक सिुद्र द्विपक्षीय अभ्यास िें भाग ले रि िैं।
64. िल्स
र्ा बॉर्ी गितनिंग बैर्मिींटन (BFA) ने कोटा के द्विपक्षीय अभ्यास का नाि क्या िै ?
नए आयािों के साथ खेल के दो नए प्रारूप A. INDSING-19 B. SING-2019
‘एयरबैर्मिींटन’ तथा ‘हरप्सलस’ लॉन्च ककए िैं और इस C. SIMBEX-19 D. Indo-Singa2019
E. इनिें से कोई नि ीं
इनोिेहटि शटलकॉक का नाि ................. िै ।
Ans. C


Sol. The Navies of India and Singapore A. मशि कीतता मसींि B. वपनाकी चींद्र घोष
are participating in the annual maritime
C. अमिताि रॉय D. िदन बी लोकुर
bilateral exercise ‘SIMBEX-19’ in the
South China Sea. E. आदशा कुिार गोयल
Naval ships INS Kolkata and INS Shakti Ans. D
taking part in the bilateral naval exercise, Sol. Justice Madan B Lokur (Retired
along with long-range maritime patrol Indian Judge) has been appointed to the
aircraft Poseidon-8I. Supreme Court of Fiji as a judge of its
The Singapore side is being represented non-resident panel.
by RSN ships Steadfast and Valiant, He will join the office from August 15,
maritime patrol aircraft Fokker-50 and F- 2019 and has been appointed for a term
16 fighter aircraft. of 3 years.
He was appointed as judge of Supreme
Court of India on 4 June 2012 and retired
68. तनम्न िें से ककसे ऑस्रे मलया के प्रधानिींत्री के रूप
as Supreme Court judge on 31 December
िें चुना गया िै ? 2018.
A. केविन रुर् B. िैल्कि टनाबल

71. 2019 विश्ि दरू सींचार और सूचना सिाज हदिस
C. पीटर कॉसग्रोि D. जूमलया धगलार्ा
का विषय क्या िै ?
E. स्कॉट िॉररसन
A. ICT: Drivers of innovation
Ans. E B. ICT: Entrepreneurship for social
Sol. In Australia, Prime Minister Scott impact
Morrison's Liberal-National Coalition has C. ICTs and improving road safety
won the 2019 Australian federal election. D. Women and Girls in ICT
Mr Morrison became Leader of the Liberal E. Bridging the standardization gap
Party and Prime Minister in August 2018, Ans. E
winning the party’s leadership vote Sol. The World Telecommunication and
following Malcolm Turnbull’s resignation. Information Society Day (WTISD) is
observed every year on 17th May to mark
69. आपदा जोखखि न्यूनीकरण के मलए सासाकािा the anniversary of the signing of the first
International Telegraph Convention (ITC)
परु स्कार 2019 ककसने जीता िै ? and the creation of the International
A. अशोक िाजपेयी B. उत्सति पचने Telecommunication Union (ITU).
The WTISD raise awareness of the
C. प्रिोद कुिार मिश्रा D. बालन नास्म्बयार possibilities that the use of the Internet
E. सुधा बालाकृटसणन and other information and
Ans. C communication technologies (ICT) can
bring to societies and economies, as well
Sol. United Nations Office for Disaster
as of ways to bridge the digital divide.
Risk Reduction (UNDRR) conferred
The 2019 theme of World
Sasakawa Award 2019 for Disaster Risk
Telecommunication and Information
Reduction to Dr Pramod Kumar Mishra
Society Day (WTISD) is “Bridging the
(Additional Principal Secretary to Prime standardization gap”.
Minister of India).
The United Nations Sasakawa Award is
72. व्‍यापार सेिा और UPI भुगतान ऐप ‘BharatPe’
the most prestigious international award
in the area of Disaster Risk Management. का िाींर् एींबेसर्र कौन िोगा?
A. सलिान खान B. एि. एस. धोनी
70. तनम्नमलखखत िें से ककस भारतीय न्यायाधीश को C. अक्षय कुिार D. विराट कोिल
कफजी के सिोचच न्यायालय िें अपने अतनिासी पैनल E. ऋततक रोशन
के न्यायाधीश के रूप िें तनयुक्त ककया गया िै ? Ans. A


Sol. Merchant service and UPI payments Rakuten Aquafadas and Tech Mahindra
app ‘BharatPe’ has roped in Bollywood aim to build a Customer Experience
actor Salman Khan as its brand Offering leveraging the suite of software
ambassador. that Rakuten Aquafadas provides for
Mr. Khan will be focused towards digital publishing.
educating merchants and users about UPI
payments along with driving adoption of 75. तनम्नमलखखत िें से कौन सा शिर 2020 िें
BharatPe app for all their business needs.
BharatPe offers merchants a single सींयुक्त राटर ििासागर सम्िेलन के दस
ू रे सींस्करण की
interface for all UPI apps like Paytm, िेजबानी करे गा?
PhonePe, Google Pay, BHIM, Mobikwik,
A. नई हदल्ल , भारत
Freecharge and others.
B. धयूनस आयसा, अजेंट ना
73. तनम्नमलखखत िें से बॉल िुर् से सींबस्न्धत ककस C. मलस्बन, पुतग
ा ाल
व्‍यस्क्त को बाल अधधकारों को बढ़ािा दे ने के मलए D. क्योटो, जापान
भारतीय यूरोपीय चैंबसा ऑफ कॉिसा (CEUCC) द्िारा E. जोिान्सबगा, दक्षक्षण अफ्रीका
सम्िातनत ककया गया िै ? Ans. C
A. ऋततक रोशन B. अक्षय कुिार Sol. The second edition of the United
Nations Ocean Conference will be held in
C. सलिान खान D. अतनल कपूर Lisbon, Portugal in early June 2020.
E. इनिें से कोई नि ीं The theme of the 2020 conference will
Ans. D be- Scaling up ocean action based on
Sol. Bollywood Actor Anil Kapoor has science and innovation for the
been felicitated by the Council of implementation of Goal 14: stocktaking,
European Chambers of Commerce partnerships and solutions.
(CEUCC) in India for promoting Children The first edition was held in the United
Rights States in 2017.
The actor honoured for his decade-long
support to promoting the cause of 76. तनम्नमलखखत िें से ककस एमशयाई दे श ने
children’s rights and his collaboration
with the EU and Plan India in their girls’ सिलैंधगक वििाि को िैध बनाया िै ?
rights endeavours. A. जापान B. दक्षक्षण कोर
C. ताइिान D. ईरान
74. तनम्नमलखखत भारतीय आईट सेिा फिों िें से
E. भारत
ककसने फ्राींसीसी डर्स्जटल कींटैं ट पस्धलमशींग फिा ‘राकुटे न
Ans. C
एक्िाफैर्स ’के साथ एक सिझौता ज्ञापन (MoU) पर Sol. Taiwan has approved a bill legalizing
िस्ताक्षर ककए िैं, जो ग्रािक अनुभि बढ़ाने पर सियोग same-sex marriage, a landmark decision
that makes the self-ruled island the first
कर सकता िै ?
place in Asia to pass gay marriage
A. विप्रो B. टाटा कींसल्टें सी सविासेज legislation.
C. टे क िहिींद्रा D. इींफोमसस The successful bill includes limited
adoption rights for same-sex couples.
E. एचसीएल टे क्नोलॉजीज
इनिें से कोई नि ीं 77. एिबी बालाकृटणन का चेन्नई िें सडक दघ
ु ट
ा ना िें
Ans. C
तनधन िो गया िै । िि ककस खेल से जड
ु े थे?
Sol. IT services firm Tech Mahindra and
Rakuten Aquafadas (French digital A. टे तनस B. िॉकी
content publishing firm) have signed a C. फुटबॉल D. बैर्मिींटन
memorandum of understanding (MoU) to
collaborate on building enhanced E. तैरना
customer experience. Ans. E


Sol. Former Swimming Champion MB 79. यरुशलि कफल्ि ििोत्सि 2020 िें िुख्य दे श
Balakrishnan (29-years) passed away in
कौन सा िोगा?
road accident in Chennai, Tamil Nadu.
He won the 100m and 200m backstroke A. जापान B. चीन
events at the South Asian Games. C. भारत D. दक्षक्षण कोररया
E. इनिें से कोई नि ीं
78. तनम्नमलखखत िें से कौन सा दे श 2019 के Ans. C
अींतरााटर य सेना खेलों का हिस्सा बनेगा? Sol. Israel proposes India to be the focus
country in Jerusalem Film Festival, 2020
A. बाींग्लादे श B. पाककस्तान at Cannes Film Festival.
C. जापान D. नेपाल Israel also proposed the idea of making
concept-based films in India, with a focus
E. भारत on regional and small budget films.
Ans. E India has been positioned prominently on
Sol. India will host a part of an the Pocket Guide of Marche Du Film,
international military sports event in Cannes Film Market, which celebrates
Rajasthan's Jaisalmer over nine days in Indian cinema as the world’s largest film
August. industry.
The 2019 event will be held in 32
disciplines and hosted by 10 countries 80. प्रत्सयेक िषा आतींकिाद रोधी हदिस कब िनाया
including Russia, India, China, जाता िै ।
Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Iran, A. 21 िई B. 20 जल
ु ाई
Mongolia, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.
C. 15 अप्रैल D. 28 िई
It is also for the first time that an Indian
team will participate in this competition. E. 10 जून
The event will witness the participation of Ans. A
the Mechanised Infantry Scout Teams of Sol. The Anti -Terrorism Day is observed
eight countries including Russia who is on 21 May every year in our country to
the founding member of this format of make the people aware of an anti-social
International Army Games. act of terrorism and its impact on human
suffering and lives.



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