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Gender & Society

Sex vs Gender
Gender Roles

Sex • Some maybe rigid

• Some are more flexible
Biological Dimension
• Stereotypes of roles of women
- chromosomes and men
- hormones These roles are prescribed as ideal
or appropriate behavior for a person
- reproductive parts of that specific gender.
- physical - gender roles are social construct.
Relatively fixed at birth When we attempt to assign strengths
and weaknesses to either gender, we
Universal literally cut our potential as the
human race in half.
Heeled shoes
Socio-cultural construction
Learned • High heeled shoes,
unanimously considered
- gender of rearing feminine in western society.
- gender identity • But this was initially designed
for upper class men to use
- gender role when hunting or horseback.
Variable across age and time • Through the years the high
heeled shoes of men became
Variable across culture shorter and fatter while it
became thinner and higher
Shifting and fluid and is now associated with
being “feminine”
- Refers to the socially constructed • There is nothing intrinsically
feminine about the high heeled
characteristics of women and men –
shoes. Social norms have
such as norms, roles and made it so.
relationships of and between groups
of women and men. It varies from Rate of incidence of Rape in Phil.
society to society and can be
• In 2013, PNP’s annual report
based on Directorate for
Investigation and Detective
Management (DIDM) data
tallied as much as 7,409 • Women and men sort into
reported rape incidents, or different types of economic
one every 72 minutes. activity, including different
• In the past 15 years, three occupations, sectors, industries
out of four rape incidents and types of firms.
reported to the PNP WCPC • Women consistently earn less
involved child victims. than men
• Women’s labor for
- women victims = 14,296
participation globally has
- children victims = 44,034
Abusive cultural practices
• Child brides Engendering Jobs
• Circumcision – both male
and female (FGM) Key messages
• Breast ironing • Government can play a critical
• Acid throwing, eve teasing role in leveling the playing field
• Stoning to death for women’s economic
• Defense of honor opportunities.
Engendering Jobs • Sound job strategies to reduce
gender inequality in the world
Key messages of work star with careful
country-level diagnostics to
• Gender inequality is a major understand local priorities and
part of global jobs challenge. key constraints to women’s
Appropriate responses require work.
levelling the playing field and • To private sector is the largest
creating the types of jibs that source of jobs and therefore
can empower women. essential to engage for equality
• Reducing gender gaps in the in the world of work.
world of work can yield big • Significant data and
development pay offs. These knowledge gaps pose major
extend beyond benefits to the challenges to evidence-based
women themselves, including policy-making and need to be
spillover effects on children, addressed
enhanced poverty reduction,
catalyzing business productivity Why study gender?
and broader social cohesion. • Gender is an important human
Facts about Gender at work variable
• Women and men show a wide
Key messages range of variations within and
between genders
• Gender gaps in the world of • People react differently to men
work arise in multiple forms, and women
including types of jobs, firms
and farming; earnings and • Women are less visible than
rates of participation men in many important areas
Gender Analysis • Are we still fired into life by a
madness which lets us
We need to conceptualize gender as understand insatiability of our
a social structure, to better analyze hearts as a call to infinite love?
the ways In which gender is • Do we still see ourselves as
embedded in the individual, pursuing each other,
interactional and institutional embracing each other, and
dimensions of our society. loving each other aginst the
horizon of the infinite?
Context and Social Location
• Human beings are historical Fire – metaphor
agents located in time, place,
and culture. All ideas are • We come into this world with
geographically located insatiable desires, huge talents,
boundless energy and
• Our interpretations are marked grandiose dreams.
by our social locations:
• Like a god or goddess, we’d
• Class – based – through
like to drink up the planet, taste
male/woman’s eyes every wine and know every
• Gender -based – indigenous experience; but in all this
perspectives desire and potential, we, all of
• Ethnic – based – indigenous us eventually find ourselves in
perspectives a very limited, circumscribed
place and situation.
• Sexual orientation – based –
heterosexual, LGBTQ and more
• Faith – or humanistic based – Sex is power - Foucault
islam, buddhist, Christian and • Sexuality, then isn’t something
other faiths/atheist, pagan, that power represses, but a
scientology, new age great conduit of power.
movements • We think of sexuality as our
• Note: honesty with our universal essence as the thing that
claims (validity and limits) makes us what we are, when
• Danger: exclusivistic, in fact it is just a social
hegemonic, judgemental, construct that makes us easier
single meta narrative to control
Traditional Gender Stereotypes
Existential Restlessness Feminine Masculine
Not Aggressive
• Augustine’s interpretation of aggressive Independent
this eros was seen as the Dependent Not easily
proper one: “you have made Easily influenced
us for yourself, lord and our influenced Dominant
hearts are restless until they Submissive Active
rest in you” Passive Wordly
Home- Not easily
• And so we should ask oriented hurt
ourselves the question: what Easily hurt emotionally
kind of lovers are we? emotionally Decisive
Not at all
Gender as a Social Construct
Gentle Tough Gender roles are deep-seated in the
Sensitive to Less culture as well as belief and value
others sensitive to systems of the society. Pervasive
feelings others
Very feelings social control further reinforce,
desirous of Not very maintain and sanction the gender
security desirous of roles.
Cries a lot security All of us need to be conscious of our
Emotional rarely cries
Verbal Logical beliefs and assumptions as these
Kind Analytical often impede the attainment of our full
Tactful Cruel potential as human beings and of
Nurturing Blunt those for which are responsible.
Not nurturing
Then, what is GAD?
Gender Role Socialization • GAD is about recognizing that
gender biases impede
Learning of gender roles begin in the development because:
early stages of childhood, They prevent people from
attaining their full potentials
As an outcome:
(which will enable them to
Male gender-roles become effective contributors
to development)
But why focus more on women?
Female gender-roles develop
First, women are half of country’s
Traditional gender Roles Divide Men and population. As such, they
Women • are half of the producers of
economic goods and services
Deny women to public world of:
Achievement • they are in the invisible and
marginalized sector or the so-
Power called non money economy
❖ bearing and rising
Independence children
Deny men access to: ❖ domestic and unpaid
economic labor
The nurturant – other oriented world ❖ subsistence agriculture
of domestic life.
second, they are already in the
Emotive money economy
• Informal sector
Therefore, traditional gender roles • Wage employment
limit the psychological social • Trading
potentials of human beings.
But, in being so, they experience a lot are considered, valued and
of hardships favored equally.
• Their rights, responsibilities and
• Multiple roles opportunities will not defend on
• Violence and sexual whether they were born female
harassment o male
• Lack of protection Gender equality implies that
• Exploitation the interests, needs and
• Poor skills priorities of both women and
men are taken into
• Discrimination consideration – recognizing the
Third, women have unique stakes diversity of different groups of
roles and insights to share in order to women and men. Equality
attain development objectives such between women and men is
as in: seen both as a human rights
issue and as a precondition for
• Sustaining the environment and indicator of sustainable
• Managing population growth people-centered development.
Imparting values that have profound
progress and economic development. To be Gender responsive
• To realize that social
Gender Awareness norms have led to
differences in the roles
Is the ability to identify and respond and expectations of
to problems arising from gender women and men,
inequality and discrimination. resulting in
discriminatory practices
Gender equity against women and
men, especially women.
• Fairness of treatment for • To believe that human
women and men to their relationships should be
respective needs. guided by the principles
• May include equal treatment or of equality, equity and
treatment that is different but active non-discrimination
considered equivalent in terms in all spheres of
of rights, benefits, obligations interaction.
and opportunities. • To work for the eventual
elimination of these
Gender Equality sources of discrimination
• Both women and men are free in the home. The
to develop their personal workplace, the
abilities and make choices community and society
without the limitations set by as a whole
stereotypes rigid gender roles Basic Principle of gender
and prejudices
• Different behavior, aspirations
and needs of women and men • Belief in the full dignity of
human beings
-nI am proud of myself. I Choice of a child
am not an object.
- a preference for sons in some
• Belief in human freedom Asian countries has been well
(informed consent) documented for centuries
-nI am a subject. I
choose, I decide what is Chinese culture – One child policy
best for me
- No one possesses me • The bloodline passes through the
• Belief in the giftedness of male side.
human life • Women also "marry out", joining
- My life is a gift, I am not
their husband's families and looking
an accident.
after their in-laws, not their own
• Belief in the uniqueness parents.
of the human person
- I am unique. I am • For a long time, a son was the
different from others pension. Having a girl was wasteful..
• Respect for personal - for some cultures, males are
conscience preferred because of the issue of
- I follow my conscience dowry
- No one can force me to
act against my Times are changing
• More women are employable in
Core messages factories. They are more careful and
less troublesome
Stop – gender stereotypes in
behavior and expectations • Couples are transferring to city
centers where there is an opening of
Look – out for the real needs and the
new ideas and less pressure from
security from violence of girls/boys
extended families
and women/men
• Parents are now depending on
Listen – to what girls/boys,
their daughters and prefer daughters
women/men have to say
because they now take care of their
Respect – children’s rights and parents.
women rights according to law On 29 October 2015, Xinhua
Recognize – equally the contribution reported the change in the
of women and men to social change
existing law to a two-child
Value – all human beings fairly and
in the same way policy citing a statement from

Love – all human beings the Communist Party of China.

The new policy allowing
Effects of gender construction on women and
Chinese couples to have two
children was proposed in order
to help address the aging issue
in China. Media
Preference for a male child is
manifested in several aspects in • Usually shows sons in
subtle ways: family setting
• If more than one child is
Privileging of male. presented usually the
Visibility of male eldest child is male

On woman Leadership
Good food are reserved for the men. Stereotypical roles of women prevent
society from training and trusting
In fact in some cultures, women only them to handle leadership positions
eat what men left behind.
• Emotional
Privileging of men was evident in
• Weak
Education. It is one of the leading
institutions that teaches and bolsters • Indecisive
gender inequalities • Soft
• Only for the home
• Since the 18th century, education
was reserved for the upper-class • Lack authority
boys and men How are stereotypes perpetuated
• Many of the Victorian opponents of • Limited activities of girls
women’s education believed that games played by girld prevent
women could not withstand and them from exploring and
would not wish to subject themselves taking risk
to the rigors of higher education. • Over protection of girls
• Before the 1970s very few women • Higher leadership position are
had the opportunity to obtain good given to boys in schools
education. They were likely to be • Exposures and out of school
admitted in law and medical schools. activities are more open to
They were also not allowed to boys (no need fot chaperones,
participate in school athletics. prevents sexual harassments
In Religion, men are highly visible • Textbook materials reflect the
and women were invisible. dominance of the male

• Daughter 560 times Son 3,420 times

• Mother 345 times Father 1,685 times
Historical events – criteria for
• She 760 times He 7,500 times chronicling events based on war
• Her 1,260 times Him/His 9,900 times Heros are usually men
• There are 1,426 names mentioned Gender issues
in the Bible
1,315 Male names & 111 Female names Problems that women and men
experience as a result of societies
definitions and expectations about Sexuality
feminine and masculine roles, rights
and capacities. Sexuality includes our gender identity
(the core sense that we are female or
• Problems that stem from the male) sexuality includes gender roles
way women and men have (the idea of how we should behave
been Socially constructed. as a man or woman) 4. Sexuality
• commonly shared experiences includes our sexual orientation
brought about by structural or (heterosexual homosexual or
societal causes bisexual)
• recognized as undesirable
and unjust Childhood
• Have to do with gender
inequality with practices that • Body parts are not named
marginalized discriminate and correctly
violate womens rights. - start to teach kids not to
know and understand the body
Gender issues pertain to - start to put malice on
beliefs, ideas, behavior, sexuality
systems and other factors that • Little girls, pinching the vagina
block people’s capacity to do • For little boys, comparing size
and to be. of the penis
• Songs that have sexual
Gender issues affect meanings
everybody, men or women,
• Behaviours of modesty are
rich or poor, young or old, etc.
in all spheres of life.
- sitting properly
- smiling instead of laughing
They affect men
• Modeling starts
Gender biases against men - little girls who would want to
be ms. Universe and little boys
• Inherently aggressive and who want to mr. universe
violent - Little girls and boys who
would like to be sexy dancers
• Don’t feel pain or incapable of and macho dancers
experiencing human emotions – Little girls who dress up like
• Inherently compulsive in their adults wearing sexy clothes
sexuality and heeled shoes, wearing
• Don’t need closeness, make-up and nail polish
reassurance and attention – Sexual harassment practices
of older people
But they affect women more • Whistling at women and
calling women “sexy” or “Ms.
• Start getting pre occupied with
attracting boys
• Start playing “House” Implications of Media
Representations of Gender
School • Fostering unrealistic and limited
• Consciousness on sexuality is gender ideals
heightened especially during – Most men are not as strong, bold,
adolescent stage and successful as males on the
• Experimentation is done screen.
especially if the changes in the
body is not explained well by Few women are as slender,
family or parents gorgeous, and well dressed as stars
– Might end up in unwanted and models (whose photographs are
pregnancies airbrushed and retouched to create
– HIV – AIDS contraction their artificial beauty).
If one is not sexy, she becomes the
butt of jokes
Male Gaze Theory
• Pathologizing the Human Body
• audience is forced to regard the
action and characters of a text – Because sex sells products, sexual
through the perspective of a & erotic images are the most
heterosexual man prominent characteristic presented in
• the camera lingers on the
curves of the female body, and – Advertising is increasingly
events which occur to women are objectifying men (w/c accounts for
presented largely in the context of the rise in men’s weight training &
a man's reaction to these events cosmetic surgery).

• the male gaze relegates women Commodification of Women’s Bodies

to the status of objects -- • abuse, use and dispose of women
objectification of women
as objects
• this is the male gaze in
• unrealistic and presentation of
capitalist advertising
images of women and men
• Women learn to see themselves
• violence is glorified
(& other women) as men see
them - through male gaze • media can be very titillating
– sexually objectify themselves
Media Content
– can only get pleasure by
identifying with the male point of Depictions of relationships between
view (see self as desirable) men and women emphasize
traditional roles and normalize
– ‘feminine’ means being violence against women.
beautiful, sexually available, and Sexism
caring for self should be focused
on bodily appearance • sexualizing women’s bodies
• vulnerable to sexual violence •Courses to be non-sexist
•Involve parents and citizens from
the diversity on the communit
Another Problem
•Develop equitable curriculum,
• When women too are reluctant to
extracurricular activities and student
speak out and they carry on a social
stigma, they participate in the cycle of
discrimination •Join schools, employers and
• They later on raise the children with communities that provide
opportunities for prejudice reduction,
the same paradigm
celebrating diversity
• This results in the distorted images
of men and women.
Reconstructing Media
Strategies for Gender Fair Education
It’s All About Womanity A female
• Gender equity – set of behaviors
Empowerment Campaign from
and knowledge that permits Summit Media and Kalakasan
educators to recognize inequality in
educational opportunities, to carry out • Released in 2003-04
specific interventions that constitute
equal education treatment, and to • Made up of 13 print ads printed in 8
ensure equal educational outcomes publications of Summit Media
(Sanders 1997)
Objectives of the Campaign
• Recreate women’s images
Some steps to take
– uplift women’s dignity and self
• Policies and programs maybe in esteem
place in aiding young women’s self
esteem, encouraging the to explore – help them fight for their rights
non traditional fields and confronting BRAIN
old stereotypes.
If you want to get the real feel of a
• Future teachers must be taught woman, get intimate with this organ
how to teach gender equity.
• Materials such as books, research
Gender sensitivity
projects and student coursework on SEEING – women and men, what
gender equity need to be accessible. they actually do, rather than relying
• Equal share of resources onassumptions

•Textbooks, displays and assessment HEARING – women and men, their
papers be scrutinized for sexist needs, priorities and perspectives
COUNTING – the value of women’s to them, fathers have a difficult time
work disclosing themselves emotionally
and vulnerably to their sons.
RESPECTING – full dignity of women
• That men use humor as a guise for
and men intimacy and often as a defense
CARING – about women and men against it.
and what happen to them • And that our culture gives men little
• Not a war of the sexes guidance and few models
concerning adult intimacy without
• Not an anti-male stance genital sexual involvement.

• Both women and men are victims, Underneath all explanations for
although women are affected more men's difficulty in friendship I
than men. believe there lies one pervasive
and haunting theme: Fear
• In practically all cultures women
have a lower status than men. ➢Fear of vulnerability.

• renaming and reimaging wo/men ➢Fear of our emotions.

relationships to bring about mutuality
and partnership ➢ Fear of being uncovered, found
out. So my fear leads to my desire to
control—to be in control of situations,
to be in control of my feelings, to be
Constructed Masculinity in control of my relationships.
Men's relationships are characterized
by at least these things: ➢No one will really know my
weakness and my vulnerability.
• That men's friendships with other
men tend to revolve around particular ➢ No one will really know my doubts.
tasks, so they have qualifying labels:
"a work friend," "drinking friend," and ➢No one will really know that I am
so forth. Work as one of the pillars of not the producer and achiever I seem
male identity. to be. Therein lies my real terror.

• That men are more self-disclosing The fragility of constructed

to women than to other men, and masculinity
that they tend to rely upon women to • Masculinity is power. Not as
be interpreters of their relationships biological but ideological- it exists
and interior lives. within gendered relationships.
• That for men sex seems the Maleness is equated with masculinity.
supreme intimacy, and the notion of • There is no struggle to be male.
loving someone as an adult peer The presence of a penis and testicles
seems to imply a sexual relationship. is all it takes.
Sex as another pillar of male identity.
• But there is so much insecurity
• That because they relate about masculinity. male social
competitively construction.pptx
Man’s violence against himself • dualism – men’s violence are a
dynamic affirmation of a masculinity
• Continual conscious and that can only exists as distinguished
unconscious blocking and denial of from femininity – power exercised to
passivity and all the emotions and cope with one’s negative self-image
feelings men associate with passivity-
and feelings of powerlessness.
fear, pain, sadness, embarrassment is
a denial of who we are. Four ways of seeing our body-
sexual system
• Men become pressure cookers.
1. Essentialistic: My body or my
• This whole range of emotions is biology is my destiny. ie. sex,
directed at oneself in the form of procreation, motherhood,
guilt, self-hate and various negative men’s body-instrument.
behaviors. 2. Historical: My body is historical-
Violence against other men evolving. I am a work-in-
• Relations between men whether at 3. Constructed: My body is
the individual or state level are “always-already” a socio-
relations of power. Power as the third cultural constructed text.
pillar of male identity.
- Queer is by definition whatever is
• Most men feel the presence of at odds with the normal, the
violence in their lives (i.e.. brutal legitimate, the dominant. There is
fathers, boys fighting). All other men nothing in particular to which it
are my potential humiliators, enemies necessarily refers.
and competitors.
- It is an identity without an
• Male institutions and clubs meant essence.
to mediate activity and passivity.
- 'Queer' then, demarcates not a
• This is exclusively heterosexual – positivity but a positionality vis-à-
boys internalized the culture’s vis the normative.
definition of “normal.” The possessor Queer View
of a penis, therefore strong and hard,
not soft, not weak, not passive. • The logic of the sexual
order is so deeply
• To deviate is to arouse “castration
embedded the most
anxiety.” standard accounts of
Men violence against women sexuality and morality
• Queer aims not just at
• Violence as an expression of the toleration or equal status
fragility of masculinity combined with but at challenging those
men’s power. institutions and accounts. ie.
homophobia and
• Activity as aggression is part of the heterosexism
masculine gender definition.(ie.male
domination of the household )
Gender relations are fundamentally
structural relations of the social
order and symbolic meanings of
discourses (religious, traditions,

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