0 - Student Companion Unit-5

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Hello Dear students,

Greetings to all!

This companion is your own in the journey of exploration .We are sure that you must have
enjoyed the entire journey of Individuals & Society, last year.

This year, we are going to make this journey even more exciting by engaging you in various
activities in a systematic manner through this manual.

The Student Companion for each unit starts with a pre -test which checks the previous
knowledge of the students and their readiness to understand the unit.

The student gets to know the essence of the Unit Plan and will understand the chapter by
doing the different types of activities as per the teacher’s instructions.

You will be able to keep a record of your activities and your teacher will keep giving you
feedback on your progression.

Not only this; at the end of every week; you can do your self-reflection by answering simple
questions like

-What did I learn?

-What have I not understood?

-Where do I need help with?

Learning Objectives: - You will be able to

1. Get acquainted with Nazi ideology

2. Analyze the context in which Nazi ideology became popular in Germany
3. Describe the Great Economic Depression of 1929
4. Analyze the reason for the establishment of racial state.
5. Give reasons for the birth of the Weimar Republic.
6. Analyze the effects of the first World War on Germany.

Statement of Inquiry: - Ideologies and perspectives can lead societies to struggle for the
establishment of identity and self-esteem.


Dear Learners, You might have read the news of brutality prevailing in the society, what is
your prima facie reaction to the news given,
Activity-1 Here we have some sort of news in the leading newspapers in India and across
the world. A clip of the movie “ The Boy in Striped Pajamas” is being given, you have to
watch the movie at home.

1. Washington Post
2. Hindustan Hindi Newspaper

Link of The Boy in Striped Pajamas


If it is not possible to watch the full movie you may watch the following link to

Aim: It will lead you to think about the brutality, unjust, and empathize with them with
historical incidents.

You may reflect upon the news and video link given above and hold a discussion about the
atrocities inflicted upon the subject. Once the nature of atrocities have been discussed in the class
you may conclude that such incidents are prevailing in the society in one form or the other. Can
we imagine ourselves or our parents doing or participating in such atrocities on other


Activity-2:Divide yourselves into three groups. Coordinate this activity as each of them be
assigned to read in class which depicts the stages of extermination of Jews i.e.

1- Exclusion,

2- Ghettoisation,

3- Annihilation.

After reading you have to research further at home/library and explore more relevant
information/ the stage you have read and find out more about that stage and present it to the
class. You may visit the following link from NCERT page no 63-64.


Activity-3: Divide yourself into 4 groups. Each group will be assigned to make a
strategy for negative propaganda against one group. The propaganda is meant to
defame the other group. One group can be defamed only once. The representation of
propaganda can be speech, poster, etc. that groups find effective. In each presentation
of propaganda the remaining two groups (which are neither involved in making
propaganda nor they are the group against which the propaganda is made) will judge
the effectiveness of propaganda.

What was effective about the propaganda made by you?

What was effective about the propaganda made against you?


What was effective about the propaganda made against rest?


You will give proper reason as to which element of propaganda you found effective
and which you did not.


The discussion should highlight that propaganda requires some common identity, built
around some real situations, etc. Such situations, identities should also be documented.



You may make a collage which was used as propaganda against Jews community.


Reflect and write your beliefs about other communities which you hold very strongly
but never verified (have any substantial evidence)


Why do you hold those beliefs so strongly?

Aim: You will be able to

1. Investigate the propagandas which is going round the corners nowadays and
try to find the reasons behind these.
2. Describe the nature of Nazi propaganda against Jews.

Activity-5: As you know that the first world war impacted the whole world even our
country bore the brunt of the war. Think about those countries which were the
battleground. Germany was in a defeated camp and held responsible for the war and
was being penalized to accept the conditions of Allies. The repercussions of these was
the rise of Hitler and Nazism. To know the details go through the following
source(NCERT,Class IX page no 50-54) in groups.

You have 15 minutes to read and think. Each group will present their findings and
views. (3-4 minutes each group) and document them as well.


Describe the following

1. Birth of the Weimar Republic


2. The Effects of the War

3. Political Radicalism and Economic Crisis


4. The Years of Depression


Triggered Question: Have you ever heard that someone is referred as Hitler? Calling
someone Nazi/ Hitler is taboo in present society, what do you think?(Individual Task)



Dear students, here are some examples of thought provoking short answer questions which may
lead you to stimulate your thought for discussion in class and also to develop a rational approach.
Attempt the following question to reflect upon and document your responses.

1. How did Nazi propaganda stir hopes of a better future for Germany?


2. In what way did the theories of natural scientists help in shaping the Nazi ideology?


3. How did Nazi propaganda stir hopes of a better future for Germany?


4. In what way did the theories of natural scientists help in shaping the Nazi ideology?


ACTIVITY 6 : Study of world map (Information literacy skills)

1. On the outline map of the world, locate and label the countries that were Axis Powers
and Allied Powers in the Second World War.

2. On the outline map of Europe, certain features are marked. These are the countries that
were once territories under German expansion. Identify them.

3. On the outline map of the world, locate and label the countries that in the Second
World War were and compare with the present scenario.

1.Greater Germany.(Compare with contemporary Germany)

2. Powers Co-operating with Axis

3. Territories under German control.

4. Italy and its territories

5. Neutral countries

Many countries allied at the time of World War I & II . What do you think, do they have
the same platform or same forum to share their common interests at present also?
Identify the changing dynamics and enlist them.(Suggestive Activity)


Research: How the different resources would affect the economy and identity of the
different countries due to world war I ?


Go through the page no 56 to 63 on the given link above and complete the following


i. I am a German economist responsible for launching programmes for building

Germany's superways and the Volkswagen…………….

ii. I am the German President who offered the chancellorship to Hitler in

iii. My idea of survival of the fittest was used by Nazis to justify the dominance of
the Aryan race…………….

iv. Born in 1889 in Austria, I spent my youth in poverty but finally rose to become
the Chancellor of Germany. I also founded the Nationalist Socialist German
Workers Party …………….

V. Powers were initially led by the UK and France. In 1941 they were joined by the
USSR and USA. They fought against the Axis Powers, namely Germany, Italy and

VI I am used to denote killing on a large scale leading to destruction of large

sections of people……………

VII I am the world's biggest stock exchange located in the


VIII.I am used as a specific type of message directly aimed at influencing the

opinion of people (through the use of posters, films, speeches, etc.)………………..

IX. I am in a camp where people were isolated and detained without due process
of law. Typically, it was surrounded by electrified barbed wire

X. I am one branch of those classified as Aryans. They lived in north European

countries and had German or related origins known as………………………….

xi. The groups that were classified as …………. had their own community identity.
Sinti and Roma were two such communities.

xii. I am the place of worship for people of Jewish faith…………………..

xiii. I am a Youth organization made responsible for educating German youth in

the spirit of National Socialism Ten-year-olds had to enter………..
xiv. I secretly recorded people’s dreams in her diary and later published them in a
highly disconcerting book called the Third Reich of Dreams. Describes how Jews
themselves began believing in the Nazi stereotypes about them. They dreamt of
their hooked noses, black hair and eyes, Jewish looks and body

xv. I am used to deporting Jews to the death chambers…………….

You can add many more questions/thought provoking situations to enrich your own





Activity 8: Complete the timeline: (NCERT page 70) with flow chart.

August 1, 1914., November 9, 1918. Treaty of Versailles. January 30, 1933,Germany

invades Poland. Beginning of the Second World War, June 22, 1941 , June 23,1941 ,
Germany capitulates, ending the war,

After completing the timeline you may write in 30 words on each.

Activity 9: Observe these pics and write your thoughts.

Read the letter written to Hitler by M.K. Gandhi, think over it and what
would you have written to Adolf Hitler?


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