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on the same river and on the former (1867) boundary line

languages, e.g. Sanskrit, such abbreviations are carried to

Hochgebirge von Grindelwald (1865); W. A. Baillie-Grohmann,

for black are carried by separate gametes from those carrying

incorrect. Their territory thus included the greater part

confusion. The constable himself headed the leading line

time. Piperine, conine, atropine, belladonine, cocaine,

of the people, for dead meat continues to arrive at British

Monte Zebru. . . . . . . . . . 12,254 Tuckettspitze. . . . . . . . . . 11,346

Meissen. Albert, who was a man of great strength and considerable

Aiguille de Peclot (W). . . 11,700 Pointe du Pousset (E). . . . . . .9,994

between the modern philosophy of natural sciences and

connects Uganda with Mombasa. At the principal seaports the

Le Despenser, into whose family the lordship had come on an

lique'' 195 35 130,000 3,100 .. .. 80 30

the Danubian principalities, and held that office till early

Bill, the nearest point of England. The length of the

in a comprehensive sense. It is subject to the influence

of alloxan and dialuric acid, probably possessing the constitution

the sea below Gravelines, and navigable as far as St Omer;

fact that no obvious harm has been done to the health of the

large scale in Crete at any rate. Chariots were in use in the

interest as well, they are dealt with in a separate section.

For bibliography see de Backer and Sommervogel,

the Greek States, ii. p. 646; W. Robertson Smith (Religion

consisted mainly of a militia, furnished by the chiefs of

prejudice. A vehement statement of the Canadian side will be

exemplary. His charity knew no bounds. He was devoted to his

or by pressure, and experiments by G. Ansdell show that if

ALTOONA, a city of Blair county, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.,

were in consequence in a comparatively flourishing state.

the state who acted for the state with reference to the making

magnitude and variety of form of the chlorophyll-bodies. In

at the top alone: (c) at the tops of the characters the

was recalled by Constantius, and accompanied him on the

considered a sufficient and final penalty, except in the

the British and French spheres, north of the Congo Free

Antigonus Doson, but lost control of Boeotia and Phocis.

of Africa (1899); F. C. Selous, African Nature Notes and

traditional and vaguely defined boundaries of an ancient Indian

the expected support of Germany, and the discovery made

grown in the highlands of Harrar, and cultivated with extreme

See the ``Memoir'' by S. D. M`Connell, an address delivered before

own. This collection, which was chiefly Latin, remained

principal stronghold, and enlisted many of the chiefs and

Period of Native Rule.---After the death of Dushan and the

with the nature of his mind, which was a contemporary mind.

prox. (Proximo [mense]), Next month.

higher education befitted to the sons of noblemen and the

sleeping. The communal houses of the Pacific coast had

frontier. But in 876 part of the Danes managed to slip past

and Wittebery Series in }

supervenes. In addition, caisson workers suffer from a series

its invention being ascribed without authority to the Jews,

interred. When the work was finished the river was turned

Aluminium is a white metal with a characteristic tint

acre by distributing the culture, fertilizers, &c., over more

Scientific Basis (Chicago, 1888); The Chicago Martyrs:

and was head of the intelligence branch of the war office

Land Tenure.--The colonization of Algeria by the French has

of the Andes; and joined, afterwards, by several important

D.G. (Dei gratia), By the grace of God.

the extreme north and south (Egypt, Algeria, Cape Colony and

accident is thus merely an unexplained attribute. Accidents

paid, it must, in the absence of some special provision to the

flattery, found small difficulty in betraying the trustful

the Brazilian coast, is spoken of as a good seaworthy craft.

which distinguished the first decade of his reign, and had no

flesh, lightness of offal, age and early maturity, with no

2NaOH. The calcium carbonate, being insoluble, is easily

consisting of a medley of European, Eastern and African

classified list, with references, of all names employed in

with interruptions under Servian rule till 1360. In 861 the

surface, and the number of rods in the anode is such that

of technique, and is historically important as a reformer. A

exhaust its author's means, and that he died penniless and

century, but was re-stored in 1882 from a copy made in the 17th

secretary, and a decision arrived at then and there. Such

(1904); A. Furtwangler and G. Loschke, Mykenische

pycnantha, golden wattle, A. decurrens, tan wattle, and A.

the arrival of the captives. The latter reached Kwarata

its claim of priority over another Scaligerana, which,

in gross. An advowson may also be partly appendant, and

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