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Chapter 1-Uses Of (Computer

ACTIVITY 1: Sück pietüres of all the different places given in the

chapter where computers are used.
Q1. Choose and write the correct ansvwer.

1)We use computers at home to do

2) In
homework [ classwork/ homework]
schools, computers are used to learn different
3)Inoffices. we use computers to type and print subjects. | subjects/ objects]
4) In railway stations and documents.I monuments/ documents]
airports, computers are used to book and cancel
wickets/ tickets] tickets
5) In hospitals. computers carry out medical test. [ test / nest]
Q2. Complete the following sentences-

Computer in banks are used to put in and 1ake out

2 In the weather office, money
computers are used to launch
rocket space
3. In the offices,
computers are helpful in designing things such as books. clothes and
Q3. Name the following places correctly -

1. A place where computers are useful to children to look for information.

2 A place where Ans- At home.
computers keep a record of the books.
A place where
computers keep information about students.
Ans-In library
4 Places where computer keep records of Ans-In schools
5 A
patients. Ans-Inthe spital
place where computers keep record of their customers.
6. A place where computers are used to tell us about the weather. Ans-Inbanks
Ans- In a weather
7 Placcs which give information about the arrival and office
departure of trains and planes.
Ans-At railway station and airports
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Q1. Read the given clues and name the following computer devices correcetly.

I look like a Monitor
I have many keys.
I work like your brain.
I can record your voice. Microphone
Ishare the name of an animal. Mouse
6 I supply electricity to the computer UPS
7 I can read and can show the contents of a CD/ DVD CD/DVD Drive
Q2. Answer the following question.
1. Name the parts that make up a
computer system.
Ans- The CPU. the monitor, the mouse and the keyboard makes upa computer system.
2. Write the two ways in which UPS are
helpful to us when sometimes the electricity goes out suddeniy.
Ans- 1. It helps us to save our work.
2. It helps us to shut down the computer
3. Hew do we connect the other
computer devices?
Ans. We connect the other
computer devices to the CPU box.
Q3. Give two examples for each of the following-
1Devices that can produce sound from a computer. |(1) Speaker (2)Headphones
2 Devices that are circular or round in shape.
Two things that can be stored on a (1)CD (2)DVD
CD /DVD._ (1Films/Music (2)Games /

4 A headset is a combination of these two devices. photographs

()Microphone 2) headphone

Q4.Give the full forms of the following computer devices.

2. UPS
Central Processing Unit
Uninterrupted Power Supply
3. CD Compact Disk
4. DVD
Digital Versatile Disk

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Chapter 3-How a computer works?

Q1. Answer these questions-

1. How does a computer machine work?

Ans-A computer machine works in an IPO cycle.

2. Write the full form of IPO.

Ans- The full form of1PO is I- Input, P - Process O-Output

3. Name the
1. Parts which
give input to the computer. Keyboard and Mouse
2. The
part that processes the input. CPU
3. The part that shows the
output. Monitor

Q2. Write the input, process and output for the following steps correctly
1. 10 and 50 Input add- Process 60-
| 2. Clean clothes -

Output Dirty clothes Input Washing machine- Process

3. Juicer- Process Orange juice Output Oranges- Input
4. Corn seeds Input Popcorn- Output Oven Process
5. Milk and sugar- Input Blender Milk shake-
Process Output

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Q1. Complete the following steps to start a computer in the correct manner:
1. Switch ON the power supply.
2 Switch ON the UPS.

3. Switch ON the CPU,

4. Switch ON the monitor.

Q1. Fill in the blanks to complete the steps to shut down a computer system properly:
1. Move the mouse pointer to the start button.

2 Left click the start button.

3. Wait for the CPU to turn ofi.

Switch OFF the Monitor.

5. Switch OFF the UPS

Switch OFF the powersupply.

Q1. Complete the
following sentences:
We should never touch wire and
We should press the
keys on the keyboard gently.
Do not make the
untidy and dirty.

We should never eat or

drink near the computer.
While working on a computer, we should not bend
over the computer table
6. Never fight for a
kevboard or a mouse
Whenever we are inside a
computer lab, we must always maintain silence.

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