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This belongs to:

Justine Casmir N. Yadao

Name of Student - Trainee

STEM – St. Francisco Marto


Our Lady of the Pillar College-Cauayan


SY: 2021 -2022

School Year


This Work Immersion Portfolio will serve as a workbook for the students
who will take up the course/subject Work Immersion in Senior High School. The
framework is based on DepEd Order No. 30 s. 2017, entitled Guidelines for Work
This workbook will essentially foster in-depth learning of the world of work
and assessment of student's performance during work immersion.
Furthermore, the purpose of this portfolio includes but is not limited to the

For Student-Trainees:
 The portfolio will be used as a source of motivation and guide for Work
 This will serve as a documentation and approval of lessons learned.
 This will provide feedback of their performance level.
 This will pave the way in preparation for real job application.


 This contains regulations and conditions regarding contract between school

and student.
 This is an information about curriculum and record of lessons learned
 This is a record of student-trainees performance for assessment.

PREFACE .....................................................................................................................................................
TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................................................................
STUDENT INFORMATION SHEET ....................................................................................................
WORK ETIQUETTE ORIENTATION .................................................................................................
REFLECTION ..........................................................................................................................................
RESUME ...................................................................................................................................................
APPLICATION LETTER .......................................................................................................................
JOB INTERVIEW ....................................................................................................................................
MOCK INTERVIEW ...............................................................................................................................
MOCK INTERVIEW DOCUMENTATION .........................................................................................
REPORT ON ACTIVITIES PERFORMED .........................................................................................
JOURNAL ENTRIES ..............................................................................................................................
POST-IMMERSION ................................................................................................................................
ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT ...........................................................................................................
REFLECTION ..........................................................................................................................................
REFLECTION ABOUT THE PANDEMIC: .........................................................................................


Name: Justine Casmir N. Yadao

Date of Birth: June 04, 2004
Parent’s/Guardian’s Name: Ismael P. Yadao jr.

Postal Address: 3321

Cellphone Number: 09682758936
Religion: christian
Health Issues/Allergies: none
Hobbies/Past Time Activities: Volleyball
Skills/Talents: Volleyball, Arts and singing
Extra-curricular Activities in School: Quiz Team and Poster Making Contestant
Support group/Home companions: none
List your favorites:
One word or object that describes yourself: Moody
How do you feel about school? It is very tiring and stressful, but nonetheless it is
generally fun and diverse.
What is your strand? STEM Why do you choose this strand? Nothing in particular, I
picked it because of personal reasons.
What is your career path? Study Medicine and after earning money, I want to live life to
the fullest.
What are the most memorable subject/class, why? All of my High school Classes, it is
fun and memorable.
What are your plans after Senior High School? To study college and to find happiness.
What is your philosophy in life? Live a life worth living
Do you have plans to go abroad? If yes, where and why? Yes, in China because I have
dreamt of going to the a mysterious yet modern place where I can be myself . I want to
explore the greatness and diverse cultures of China and all that it can offer. I also want to
go to Japan for the same reasons of wanting to go to China.
What are your ambitions? To finish my studies and to use it to help our earth and the

How do you plan to achieve your ambitions and goals in life? Just study and do
everything I can to achieve it no matter what problems come in my way.
What are your expectations and apprehensions for work immersion? I expect to learn and
help others like other people do.

1. Always be professional 1. Disrespecting Authority

2. Follow dress code 2. Spread Confidential information

3. Focus on your work 3. Interrupt people during calls

4. Be punctual 4. Spread false rumors

5. Show kindness and respect 5. Procrastinate Works

6. Respect all your members 6. Complain to much about work

7. Respect personal space 7. Dress inappropriately

8. Have a good relationship with everyone 8. Spend too much time with personal


9. Be alert at all times 9. Be late at everything

10. Keep your organized space clean 10. Disturb other workers

11. Limit personal calls 11. Take advantage of your position

12. Keep information confidential 12. Use inappropriate and offensive


13. Be formal when talking 13. Hurt others inside the office

14. Be considerate at all times 14. Abuse employer resources

15. Cooperate with others 15. Manage change badly

1. Each company has their own policy guidelines, rules and agreement. Do you think
it is important to know this information? Explain.
Yes, definitely. It is mandatory for every member of a company to know the
company’s guidelines rules and regulations. Rules are set to make something legal and
just and it is very necessary for everyone to know the dos and dont’s of a certain
company for the betterment of everyone and for the company. Rules are set to mandate
unnecessary actions inside a company and also used to prevent offensive actions.

2. What is the benefit of following the rules and regulations of a certain organization?

It is very beneficial in numerous ways. First of all knowing and following the
rules can give you a free way. It will prevent disagreements and misunderstanding. Being
knowledgeable of any organizations rules is very important and necessary, for the
workplace to be just and organized.


San Isidro, Qurino, Isabela


Business savvy, smart, and chill person seeking a job. I am Justine and goes by the
nickname “ tine” I am a detailed and organized person. I achieved a lot in life mostly in
my academic life. I graduated Bachelor of Science in Medical technology in Far Eastern
University. I am very eager at all things I do and I hope to find a company which I can
grow and where I can learn more. I plan to work before studying again, and what I see on
my future is to have a competitive but chill working ambience and also for me to grow as
a human being at all aspects.

 Intelligent
 creative
 Collaborative
 Sporty

 Trustworthy and Honest
 Flexible
 Cheerful
 Kind
 Competent and Persistent
 Resourceful
 Adaptive


Gender: Male
Birthday: June 4, 2004
Birthplace: Luna, Quirino, Isabela
Age: 17 years old
Religion: Born Again Christian
Civil Status: In a Relationship
Citizen ship: Filipino
Language Spoken: Tagalog, Ilocano, English

Father: Ismael P. Yadao Jr.
Birthday: August 7, 1983
Religion: Roman Catholic
Occupation: Police officer

Mother: Emielee N. Yadao

Birthday: June 12, 1985
Religion: Roman Catholic
Occupation: Self-Employed


Elementary: Wonderful Grace Learning Center

Luna, Quirino, Isabela
S.Y. 2015-2016

Junior High School Wonderful Grace Learning Center
Luna, Quirino, Isabela
S.Y. 2019-2020

Senior High School: Our Lady of the Pillar College-Cauayan

San Fermin, Cauayan City, Isabela
S. Y. 2021-2022


JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL : Academic Excellence Award With High

Wonderful Grace Learning Center
:School Based BGB Company Leader
:Loyalty Award
:SSG Vice-Governor
:Best in MAPEH
:Best in Arts
:Best in Music
:Best in Physical Education

Wonderful Grace Learning Center

S. Y.2016-2017
: Academic Excellence Award With High Honors
Wonderful Grace Learning Center
: Academic Excellence Award With High Honors
Wonderful Grace Learning Center
:SSG Governor

ELEMENTARY : Class Salutatorian

Wonderful Grace Learning Center
S .Y. 2015-2016


 School-Based Campus Journalist
Wonderful Grace Learning Center
Grade 7-10

 BGB National Camp

Grade 6,10
 District Journalism
Grade 8,9
 School-Based Leadership Training and camp

Grade 9,10



Cabaruan, Cauayan City, Isabela
(0987 654 3210)


Naguilian, Cauayan City, Isabela

This is to clarify that all of the information given above are true and correct based on my
knowledge and belief.

Justine Casmir N. Yadao


Justine Casmir N. Yadao

Sta.Lucia, Quirino, Isabela, Philippines

March 5, 2022

Mr. Anthony Edward Stark Volleyball Coach,

Far Eastern University Nicanor Reyes

St, Sampaloc, Manila, 1008 Metro Manila

Dear Mr. Stark:

What does it feel like studying on the school of your dreams, since I was a kid I have
dreamt of being admitted to an Elite school, and FEU is the one for me. This School is
the alma mater of my parents and to also have the chance to study here is an honor. This
school is perfect for students who are looking for something new and challenging. The
Academic program is amazing since it both focuses on the students potential and also the
students academics and career. I am ready for a new challenge and bring out the best that
I can do, and in this school I am willing to show my full capabilities and promise to be
my best version.

5 years ago, In a normal day, which isn’t. There is a noise about a volleyball
championship. Though I am not interested, I watched it. As I watched the live telecast. I
got intrigued on doing sports. I am a sports person since I was a kid, but I never thought
that volleyball would be my soulmate, In the span of 1 year, I improved a lot by
watching videos and practicing with my friends. This will be one of my focuses on my
college life. But this will not be a hindrance on my Academics since I graduated high
school with flying colors and a lot on my back. I am a consistent school officer and I
experienced being the School’s President, Vice president, Secretary and I also became a
part of Science and Sports club. And I know I can use my talents to balance both my
responsibilities and passion. I am very competitive in both academics and sports, and
though these two things contradict each other but I make sure that there is a time for me
to focus on both academics and sports.And since I want to somehow participate in sports,
I want to enter the volleyball team. I surely believe that with my skills, I can be a great
addition to team, I can be a great use to both academic and sports aspect. And I don’t
have any doubt on that. I will do well on this academy and promise to surpass the
achievements that I acquired. I am sure that FEU can be a great field where I can show
my potential and I am excited to enclose my application to this University.

I am very thankful for your time reading my admission letter, I look forward to speak
with you regarding the school and my future ahead it. I can be reached at 09682758936
or you can email me,


Justine Casmir N. Yadao


A job interview is an interview consisting of a conversation between a job

applicant and a representative of an employer which is conducted to assess
whether the applicant should be hired. How you answer questions during job
interview can have a big impact on you being hired or accepted as a work
immerse. What do you think are the possible questions that you may encounter?
Jot down your answers Discuss also your possible preparations before going to a
job interview.

Possible questions:

 Why do you want this job Why should we hire you?

 What are your greatest professional strengths? What do you consider to be
your weaknesses?
 What is your greatest professional achievement? Where do you see
yourself in five years?
 What type of work environment do you prefer? • How do you deal with
pressure from stressful situations?
 What would your first 30, 60 or 90 days look like in this role?
 Do you have questions for us?

Possible preparations before going to a job interview

• Print out the directions to the interview and be on time:
• Find out the type of interview you will be going on
• Research the company and the job position you are applying for
• Practice your answers to the most common interview questions
• Study your resume and know everything about it Pick your outfit for
your interview
• Practice greeting your interviewer

There are some questions that you may encounter during an interview. Try answering
Interpersonal Skills
1. What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses?
As a person and as a student I am persevering and hardworking. I give my best at
everything I do, and I will apply that to my time working. I am also a jolly person and I
am caring, this is my asset that will surely liven up the ambience of my working place, as
for my weaknesses I am moody and also I am problematic but I promise that that will not
be a hindrance on my work.
2. What do you do when you know you are right and your boss disagrees with you? Give
me an example.
All problems can be resolved with simple communication, all disagreements no matter
where you place, whether you are correct or incorrect can be resolved as long as both
parties understands and forgives.
3. If your colleagues had an opportunity to tell us your primary weaknesses-what would
that be?
As I have said earlier, I am moody and problematic, I inherited these weaknesses because
of everything that surrounds but I am very much working my way on improving myself
and everything that weakens me.
4. As a component of this positions, you may have to work on a team on certain projects.
Describe when you’ve worked on a team before and what, in your opinion constitutes and
effective team?
I am very much friendly and I don’t mind a few company. I can be my best whether there
are people surrounding me or I am alone. For a team to be effective, there should be
equality and empathy. If all members in a team know how to listen and talk, then there
will be no problem. And If all members know how to respect each other by then it can be
5. What do you expect from others on the team and what do you need from others on the
I expect for them to be mindful and also for them to be respectful and responsible, but
mainly what I need from them is to have a good relationship with me and the company.

6. What do you do when others resist or reject your ideas or actions?
First I would want to ask for an explanation why did they reject my ideas, so that there
will be no unclear questions to leave. And If I think that my idea will really lift up the
team, I will fight for my way with respect and humility, with all my strength and heart.
1. Suppose you are in a situation where deadlines and priorities change frequently and
First, I would ask myself which of these things can lift me as a person. Which of these
things makes me happy? Then there will be a series of questioning and bargaining and by
then I aim to have the answers on what should I prioritize first.
2. How do you know when you are stressed? What do you do to de-stress?
I recently experienced stress, and I know that I am stressed when I feel nervous, when I
feel nauseous and when I feel pain around my chest. I’d say that de-stressing can be done
when we face those things that gives us stress. If you are stressed on a certain thing then
face those things, by that only you can remove stress inside you completely.
3. Tell me about a time when you were a part of a great team.
I was a High school Student when I joined the Volleyball team of my school. I never felt
happier, being inside a court playing can never be surpassed by any moments in my life.
Every time I am inside a court no matter who I play with I consider that I am in a great
4. Suppose your supervisor asked you to get information for them that you know is
confidential and he/she should not have access to. What would you do?
I would look at things first, If I can do the task that was given to me and how necessary is
it. If an information is really needed I would obtain it. But I would also look on who I
trust more, since there will always be a consequence on being secretive.
5. Describe a time when you performed a task outside your perceived responsibilities.
What was the task? Why did you perceive it to be outside your responsibilities? What
was the outcome?
There is nothing wrong on trying new things, there is a word that we call Initiative,
sometimes we need to step up and move forward without having orders from others, we
should not be restraining ourselves on things that we can do. No matter what the outcome
is we should be trying and trying. Don’t fear the results, but fear on being a standard.

Creative Thinking
1. What’s the best book you’ve read in the last year? Please take a minute and tell us
what you liked about it.
Personally, I don’t read that much. As far as I remember I haven’t finished a book in
almost 3 years. But I would rephrase the question and ask myself, what novel is the best
for me. A novel that really fascinated me is a novel titled “your name engraved herein” it
is a story that portrays a love story in historic Taiwan. This novel really made a hole in
my heart, and everything about it makes me feel uneasy but in a good way.
2. What was the most creative thing you did in your last job?
In everything I do, I do the best of it. Every thing that I did was created with all my heart
and mind, so I consider all of my work to be creative and great.
3. What is your interpretation of “success?”
I have asked this question myself numerous time. And my answer would be, success is
not about winning neither losing. It is about learning. Whether we lose or we win, if we
did not learn anything then we cannot consider it successful. I will say that every time
we learn, we succeed.
4. Describe an ideal work environment or “the perfect job.”
For me an ideal environment is when everyone is passionate about their jobs, if all
members of a team loves what they do, then that is the perfect spot to be in.
5. In what way(s) do you express your personality in the workplace?
Being friendly shows a lot of courage and personality towards others, you can show the
true you, what is inside you when you feel free and when you feel trust on the people that
surrounds you.
1. How would you describe an ideal supervisor?
An ideal leader, is someone who can be trusted, someone who has empathy and has a
genuine approach on helping others. My ideal leader is someone who can be addressed
easily and someone who gives respect a person who is competent and someone who can
lift his members morale, also a leader who can be brave and kind at the same time.
2. What strengths did you rely on in your last position to make you successful in your
Being both creative and passionate is very important on any endeavor we face, these are
my traits which I don’t remove from myself. I put my overall effort on everything I do

and every time I work. Whether I plan to be successful or not, I always give my best and
that is something I want to hold on forever.
3. As a supervisor, it is essential to motivate employees in your area. Sometimes this
must be done using non-monetary means. Please describe some creative ways you have
motivated and recognize employees in the past non-monetarily.
Just be respectful on everyone you encounter, no matter who they are or where they stand
in the society. Being a respectful person can morally boost others confidence and by this
being said, they can be motivated emotionally and physically if relevant.
4. Explain, step by step, how you have coached an employee who had performance
I am a person who simply provides happiness towards others, I show empathy and care to
them. As someone who has experienced being left behind, I want others to feel known
and feel loved. I will do anything to encourage and to help others who ask for my help
and people who I know needs it.
5. If you had to describe your own leadership style as directive, delegating, or coaching,
which would you choose? Please explain why by giving examples.
I’d say coaching, as I have experienced little in this world, I would want to learn from my
peers and myself also, that is why I am the communicative style- coaching. This I think is
better from the other styles since this shows that we want to speak and listen.
Optional situational Questions: Please explain how you would handle the following
1. You observe two of your employees arguing in a central location in the office.
Firstly, I would report it to the higher ups. And after that I would ask fro help from my
peers since I do not do well with fights and argument. But still I would use my words to
stop them from fighting.
2. One of your employees comes to you complaining about another employee and
insulting they should no longer work together.
I would respect the privacy of that information, but I would dig deeper on why they
complain and by then if I have enough information I will move and help them both get
together, If that is not enough and by then I should ask each other how they feel and by
then I shall know if they should stay together or if it is necessary for them to be apart.
3. One of your employees comes to you to complain that he/she has a more demanding
workload than another employee and wants the workload to be shifted.
I would explain to that person, that what given to us is simply our capacity. Each work
that we do is corresponding on our competence. And I’ll say to that person that if he
cannot finish any heavy workload how can he face the hardships of life, and that

everything that comes to us has its goods and bad. That this problem is given to us
because we are worthy of that problem and it is not given to us if we cannot do it.
1. Could you share with us a recent accomplishment of which you are most proud?
Recently I have been heartbroken, I expected from someone who I liked so much. We
were really good from the start but as the days go by we fell apart. These past weeks I
have been devastated and broken, at night I wish I could let my feelings out, I wish I
could cry but I can’t. I don’t have something to hold on because there were never an us. I
wish I could turn back time and rewind all the things I did. But after that I let him go,
That is something that I am very proud of, I gave my all and I didn’t receive that love that
I gave. I was only hurting myself and letting go was the best part that I did, all those
happy memories came to a bitter ending. I was so proud of that accomplishment since it
made me fix my path and it made me somehow free.
2. Tell us a bit about your work background, and then give us a description of how you
think it relates to our current opening.
I have done a lot of leadership training and I have an experience on nearly everything. If
your company finds someone who is flexible and talented then I am the one you have
been waiting for. If you are looking for someone who is respectful and kind then hire me
3. Why have you applied for this position?
I want to experience more on this life, I am passionate about it and I want to do it
wholeheartedly, It is something I want to do, It is something I want to experience so why
would I not apply, if it something I know I can do.
4. What skill set do you think you would bring to this position?
I would bring my creativity and passion these personal traits never leave me and I
promise that every time I face hardships I would combat it with head held high and chin
raised to the sky.
5. Tell me about your present or last job. Why did you choose it? Why did you/do you
want to leave?
My present job still has that same spark when I first worked, It is just that I want to
experience more and want to grow as a human, and I couldn’t do that by staying in the
same workplace forever.
6. What was your primary contribution/achievement? Biggest challenge?
My biggest challenge for me is myself, I somehow have a lot of insecurities, in my
confident personality I hide demons which kills me every night. All my life I have
experienced different types of hardships, different spectrum and different aspects. I am

not any different to other people but I’d say that I am lonelier. And I blame it on myself,
that is the biggest challenge I face as a human being.
7. What are your short-term and long-term goals?
I don’t have specific plans about my life, because I hold on to the saying that we should
live freely and accordingly. So I live without plans and goals. I live as I want and as I do.
8. In what areas would you like to develop further?
There are so many things to mention, but right now I want to develop my Physical
Attributes. Beauty is something that I have never experienced. And as I grow up, I long
for love and I cannot be loved if I am not attractive. Being lonely can be devastating and
right now, I am on my way on developing myself.
9. What are some positive aspects of your last employment/employer? What are some
negative aspects?
Every workplace has its ups and downs. My last employer is more on the good side for
me because it is equal and it is a respectful working place. The negative sides to it is that
it only picks people who they see are competent, I wish they should hire people who
don’t to, so that others an have a chance to learn and improve.
10. What do you know about our company?
I know much about our company since I ask a lot of questions, I am keeping any
company information and secret because it is protected by law. And I do not have the
right to spread any information if I am not tasked to.
11. Why should we hire YOU?
From my past credentials you can say that I am passionate and competent, I am creative
and lively, and I deserve every inch of honored work that you give to me.
12. After learning about this opportunity, what made you take the step and apply for the
As I have said earlier, I want to experience life, and that I should not limit myself from
things that I can do.
13. If you are successful applicant, how would you expect to be different after a year in
this position?
Of course I would look for an improvement on my position, If I deserve to be promoted,
why should I be shy to accept and receive the honor that will be given to me.
14. Now that you have learned about our company and the position you are applying for,
what hesitation or reluctance would you have in accepting this job if we offer it to you?

Nothing much, but I expect so many things about this. I don’t want to judge my work
before working inside it, so I don’t have any hesitation upon entering here.


During the conduct of the mock job interview, do you think you did well?
I believe I did a nice job during the pretend job interview, not the best but certainly not
the worst. I was also able to answer all of the questions honestly and with facts. Because
it was my first time, I believe my speech is not very excellent; the words used are too
simple, and I stutter occasionally, but for a first time, it was a job well done.
What are the areas that you think you are good at and areas that needed to be improved?
My overall presence and intensity when responding. I am good with language and can
come up with responses quickly, but I believe I need to work on my delivery and act
more formally during interviews.
Are you more confident now to answer during a job interview?
I still need to work on my delivery and questioning skills. Nonetheless, this interview
provided an opportunity for progress. I identified my strengths and limitations, as well as
areas where I need to develop. This will serve as a lesson for me in the upcoming
interviews, allowing me to build confidence and perform better.



Capstone project report


March 2, 10:00 to Decided my Set 2 of titles and made a background

2022 11:00 check on each one.
March 6, I researched about my topic and finished my
2:00 to 3:00
2022 Introduction.

I continued my chapter I, surfed through the internet

March 7, 6:00 to 9:00 and found some topic which I inserted some into my
2022 pm chapter I, and after hours of researching and writing I
finished my Chapter I.

March 13, 6:00 to 10:00 I checked the format of chapter II from messenger
2022 pm and also on our last research, I followed the format
and did it one by one. I finished My whole chapter
March 17, 2:45 to 3:50 I started doing the half of my chapter III.
2022 am
March 18, 9:00 to 11:00 Researched some sketch of my project and also
2022 am calculated the amount of the materials I needed.
After that I studied people who I can use or become
my respondents after that I finished Chapter III.


February 28, 2022

At the end of the month of February, I have started Formulating capstone project ideas
and titles, I have made 2 total and after that the teachers learned about the topics and
three days after they have approved a topic.
March 2, 2022
After passing 2 titles, Rainwater Collector is approved by the teachers, the teacher asked
some questions regarding my topic and some intros and they have approved of the
Rainwater collector, which is to be used for my research.
March 6, 2022
I researched about my topic Rainwater Collecting, I have searched through the Internet its
effectiveness, usage and some stuff. I have also read articles and same projects from
online sites so that I can learn more about my topic. After reading and surfing through the
internet I have collected enough knowledge and articles, I started my Chapter 1. Step by
Step I made my whole Chapter 1 introduction in a day, and that is how I finished my
Chapter 1 introduction.
March 7, 2022
This day, I continued doing my chapter 1, I started where I left of the last time, and
checked my Chapter 1 and I ended on the Paradigm of The Study, after that I have surfed
through the internet again and found some topic, certain topics like How does rainwater
collector work and how does this help my scope, which I inserted some into my chapter 1,
all other parts of my chapter 1 is made after I have read and surfed through the internet.
And after hours of researching and writing I finished my Chapter 1.
March 13, 2022
This day, I checked the format of chapter 2 that was sen to us by our teachers
through messenger and I also checked some other research projects I have made. I
studied and followed the format and I did my Chapter 2 one by one. I have checked
viable RRLs to add into my Chapter 2 and read less or more than 2 cites, and after that I
finished My whole chapter II.
March 14, 2022
This day, I have finished my Chapter 2 and I have Submitted Chapter 2 through
the portal on schoology.

March 17, 2022
At this day, I started doing the half of my chapter III. Which is the Materials and
Methods. I have searched the Internet to check the price of some items, and I have
thought of every materials I will use and buy.
March 18, 2022
This time I have researched some sketches of my project and I put something that
really looks like my sketch, I also calculated the amount of the materials I needed, prices
of the materials, its size and how may should I buy. After that I studied and speculated
some people who can become my respondents and chose 4 of them and after that I
finished my Chapter III.
March 18, 2022
This day, I have finished my Chapter 3 and I have Submitted Chapter 3 through
the portal on schoology.
March 24, 2022
This time I did an unofficial listing of what Materials I can use, I have also
researched some new new ways of building rainwater collector. I have watched some
videos in Youtube and some of it were more complex and some was Easier, this time I
knew what to do and what Items should I use in doing my project.
March 30, 2022
After 6 days of listing materials I have finalized the materials that I can use, I also
did listing which I consulted my friend with, we met online via MS teams and in that way
we studied some items, we budgeted and pick some things like screws, wood, sakolin
trapal, sieve and pipes that is cheap and still effective but very usable.
April 9, 2022
We went to a mechanic store and purchased my starting materials, firstly I brought
wood to become the frame of my project after that I bought some screws and nails. I also
bought a water gallon which is to be the filler and lastly some Black Canvas for the
Capstone Project.
April 15, 2022
This day, I have Finished buying all the needed materials in making the project. The first
half of my project is done and some finishing was done. I am not happy and contented on
Project 1.0 and I did some other sketches and and done some advancements on my

April 29, 2022
Project 1.0 is finished, but further enhancement will be applied. Since project 1.0
did not satisfy me, I have consulted some of the workers of that helped me to do some
things which I intend to put on my project and after that I have made my Project 2.0,
which for me is perfect and very effective.
May 5, 2022
This day, I have Tested my project for manual use. There is a rain and I tested my
project for effectiveness, strength and usability. And by what I have seen my project is
very good in all aspects and by that I conclude that my Project is Finished.
May 12, 2022
Finalized project is finished.
Dear students you are now on the final stretch of your work immersion course.
At this juncture you need to revisit the things that have been done in the past few
days What are the events that are memorable to you, what are the key learning that you
have achieved
Make a collage of your work experience

Five months of preparation have been very successful for this project. From the
start to end everything had a successful and organized flow, with only little problems, it
took time but it is very successful nonetheless.
These are the steps done from completing the project:
Planning: Proposing the rainwater collector and accepted, surfed through the
internet for some different ways of conducting and preparing a rainwater collector. In
planning. budgeting, listing and mastering all necessary information and things for the
project is included.
Documentation: Documentation of the progress of the project, having a journal is
also part of the documentation, all step by step progress is documented and posted.
Prototype Testing: Only one project is done and made, it is always successful but
further adjustments are made to make it better.
Final Run: Testing the project and rerunning it. It is successful.
Handing of the Project: Giving the project to the selected respondents and
getting their feedback on our project and how it helped them.
The only problem that I encountered in doing this project is time management. It
went smoothly from the start to end, but it took a long time to finish. The project haven’t
failed and certain adjustments were made not to fix it but to enhance it. It is is successful
and it is effective. Over all it is fun making this project.

This Senior Year was a lot of fun and adventure, from 1st year and 2nd year was a
great blast. Every subject provided such wisdom to all of us. But what gave me the real
challenge is this subject. Greatly I applaud for every subjects there are, but WI is
different. Seems like yesterday I started this subject but right now I am about to end it. It
is like a blink, like a bubble.
This particular project taught me so much about life, personally speaking. Being the only
member of a team, it is very hard on my stand. But I have learned to not depend on others
that much. This project taught me in terms of organization, time management,
independence and diligence. Work Immersion has so much in there and it is very sad to
end it this fast. My senior year is ending, its like a blink of an eye. I did not expect that
from greetings to passing of final requirements, it would move so fast and by that
happening I happen to have mix feelings. Work Immersion and Capstone research has
given me so much new knowledge and teachings. Mentally, Physically and academically.
All this aspects and the new things that I have learned will be a great starter for me for
my college year.
Personally saying, I have been stressed from this project, this subject. It is particularly
hard and time consuming, I have set aside some of my personal hobbies to focus on this
subject. I put my overall effort in this subject and specially on this chosen project. This
subject Work Immersion, is both fun, hard and stressing. Having to revise so much of my
work, I have been always in front of my computer. Sometimes I have extreme headaches,
I get fevers, sometimes I even forget to eat at the right time. Putting my special effort and
skills on this project showed me how versatile I am as a person.
Through sleepless nights and skipping meals, I am now very proud that I am nearing to
end this school year, it is ironic that even though I am happy, I feel sad and teary.
Particularly on this subject, I have made friendships I did not thought I could get like
being friend with my teacher and on my other classmates. I truly did not expect this
things for me to experience and it I am very happy that I got to see this kind of
experiences. I will surely treasure every moments I have spent doing this project.
From the start of this semester to up to its end, there is so much ups and downs, stress and
fun times. From every class to every activities. All of it is like a roller coaster ride. By
finishing my project it seems like I have felt now that we are nearing to an end, an end
with so much of new knowledge and teachings. If I would study again, I would pick to be
here again at this same spot. I have no regrets and a thankful for everything.
Work immersion is truly one of the best experiences a student can get. It is fun very fun.

This pandemic really did a great damage to every people around the world. Being one of
the first students to study senior high school online, it is so much of an adjustment. It
changed so much and it is visible by how our country grew. But it is also a blessings in
disguise. As we move on we learn new things, as we grow older we realized that true
happiness doesn’t depend on what is around but what is inside our minds.
Personally, I have learned much about myself and those who are close to me. Being
around to those who you love makes you grow more, mentally and emotionally. This
pandemic is rather one of the ways that brought out the best in me, it made me push
harder on life, it made me struggle more on survival and it became my booster on
experiencing new things. Being a struggling person in this pandemic I have learned so
much. I have learned some secrets in life, some new tricks about myself and somethings I
want to keep to myself. This pandemic gave me time to spend time with my family,
friends and loved ones. Some might say this pandemic is bad knowing that we do not
have the same problems, but for me this pandemic is a perfect experience for me. Life is
not all about candies and rainbows and this pandemic just proves it, but even after every
rain we can see rainbows, and this is my take on the pandemic.
I would want to share my personal life in this reflection, in the past three years, I have
been happy, I have been sad, I have been depressed, heartbroken, I have experienced a lot
of things like normal people do. But the thing that traumatized me most is my first
heartbreak. Being a teenager I know that Love doesn’t come at this time around but I
would say that so far that is the most painful thing that I have experienced. But even
though that happened to me, I thought of the experiences that people around me get. I
know that I am a shallow person and I know that more people are experiencing more
complex problems that I have and by that, I have realized that I am one of those who are
Becoming a person who knows what is outside, knowing the struggles of other people, I
made a pact on myself to look for the beauty on what I am experiencing. I know that I
have faced so much but others might experience more struggles than what I have. In this
time around, I have realized that I am lucky having to eat three meals a day, having a bed
to sleep on, Having gadgets and getting to study. This pandemic had made me a person
who cares, who empathizes on others.
Having fun is also not absent. I would say that I have learned more in this 3 years than
most of my lifetime. I have experienced so much and that made me who I am today, I am
grateful for every second that I have lived and am very much thankful. This pandemic for
me is my pushing drive and that all the things that I have done within this pandemic is
very much worth it.


Our climate has been slowly deteriorating since the past years due to global warming,
pollution and over population. Worse droughts have been experienced by our the
Philippines. In a tropical country we experience only 2 seasons which is the wet and dry
seasons. In summer I have seen lack of water supply by our poor farmers and in during
the wet season overflowing water is received. Which is very unhelpful for our farmers
mostly in provinces. [MANILA] Rainfall patterns are changing so much that farming
schedules in the Philippines may no longer hold true, a public awareness campaign this
month (August) heard. Timely rainfall is considered vital for the growth and production
of food crops. With the world’s climate changing, temperatures are influencing rainfall so
that it is in excess in some areas and deficient in others, upsetting
traditional farming cycles. Warming is also causing sea-level to rise and turn soils in
coastal areas saline.“The weather is no longer stable,” said Anthony Payonga, dean, Bicol
University Graduate School, during the 8—10 August campaign organized by
the Department of Science and Technology. “This has deep implications for
Philippine agriculture.”The changing trends were observed three years ago using rain
gauges and validated by interviews and historical climate records. “Previously, the
rainfall pattern was the same in areas extending 50—100 square kilometres, but now
rainfall patterns are different in areas barely 3—4 kilometers away from each
other.”Payonga is lead researcher of the Bicol Agri-Water Project (BAWP), a five-year
initiative to increase the knowledge and skills of farmers to adapt to climate change and
improve harvests in the watersheds in Camarines Sur and Albay provinces. “Cropping
patterns must change and not just for rice but also for other crops. We can no longer rely
on traditional farming knowledge and practices, but farmers continue to plant rice
varieties that are susceptible to flooding during the June—July rainy season,” Payonga
said.“Farmers will now know what to do during flood and drought conditions,” says
Marissa Estrella, director of the Bicol Consortium for Agriculture and Resources
Research and Development, a BAWP research partner. “It brings complicated science
down to the level of farmers’ understanding.”(P.I. (2018, August 27).
rain/. SciDev.Net. Retrieved March 6, 2022, from
pacific/news/filipino-farmers-advised-to-adapt-to-erratic-rain/) And my solution to help
out our dear farmers is to introduce to them rainwater harvester/collector. Because of the
unbalanced seasons our farmers experience hardship towards farming and as the
pandemic goes on, Water generator that uses gasoline to power and is one of the main
substitutes for rain is slowly getting expensive. The Rainwater Harvester will surely help
our community of farmers. But, What is a rain Harvester? rainwater harvesting system,
also called rainwater collection system or rainwater catchment system, technology that
collects and stores rainwater for human use. Rainwater harvesting systems range from

simple rain barrels to more elaborate structures with pumps, tanks, and purification
systems. The non-potable water can be used to irrigate landscaping, flush toilets, wash
cars, or launder clothes, and it can even be purified for human consumption. With water
scarcity a pressing problem for many densely populated regions, rainwater harvesting
systems can supply households and businesses with water for use in dry seasons and
lessen the demand on municipal systems.

Given that rainfall is sporadic and that only a small proportion of global precipitation is
easily available for human use, rainwater harvesting can be an efficient means of
capturing that precious resource. In cities, much of the rain that falls on buildings, roofs,
roads, and other hard landscaping does not percolate into the soil and is instead directed
into storm sewers for disposal. Impermeable surfaces cause urban flooding in many areas
and generate contaminated unusable water that is directed away from potable water
resources. During dry months, local groundwater can be depleted, and many localities
struggle to consistently provide enough potable water to meet demand. Rainwater
harvesting for non-potable functions, such as gardening and washing clothes,
significantly reduces both the demanded amount of the total fresh water and the strain on
storm water infrastructure. That saving in the demand and supply of potable fresh water
is significant in large cities. Although many localities encourage and even subsidize rain
barrels and other rainwater harvesting systems, some areas, particularly those in the
southwestern United States, view rainwater harvesting as a water rights issue and place
restrictions on such collections.(Ogale, S. (2019, February 15). rainwater harvesting
system. Encyclopedia Britannica.

Objectives of the Study

This project aims to take advantage to the ever changing seasonality of our country. This
project helps our community mainly our farmers to use the excess and unused rain for the
dry season. But also to those who has scarcity of drinkable water, the rainwater
harvester/collector also can be filtered and used to for drinking and other stuffs.

Conceptual Framework

Rice farmers are among the most affected because their crops are vulnerable to extreme
weather and changes in rainfall. Too little or too much water can reduce the yield of rice,
which is among the country’s primary crops, and a staple food of most Filipinos. This
study is mainly focused on the farmers of our community and their struggles on farming.
Farming is inherently risky. One needs to keep crops safe from pests, compete with
cheaper imports, deal with typhoons, and carry most of the financial risk.But despite the
high risk, agriculture was the star among sectors amid the pandemic-induced recession.
Farm output posted growth, while services and industries tanked by double digits.But
with climate change brewing up more typhoons and raising temperatures at a more erratic
pace, poor Filipino farmers find it harder to produce food for the nation. This year alone,
typhoons have wiped out P14.25 billion in agricultural goods, according to data from the
Department of Agriculture (DA).The figure is already higher by at least P4 billion

compared to the P8.1 billion in agricultural damage due to typhoons for the entire
2019.With the El Niño impact, agricultural losses mounted to over P16 billion in
2019.The recent onslaught of Typhoon Ulysses (Vamco) has damaged at least P400
million worth of rice in Cagayan and around P300 million in Isabela, preliminary data
from the DA showed. In total, Ulysses wiped out at least P4.2 billion in agricultural
goods, nearing the P4.7 billion damage by Super Typhoon Rolly (Goni). On average,
around 20 cyclones enter the Philippine area of responsibility, of which 5 to 7 are
destructive, according to the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical
Services Administration.From 2010 to 2019, agricultural damage incurred due to natural
disasters has mounted to P290 billion, data from the Office of Civil Defense collated by
the Philippine Statistics Authority showed. Damage to agriculture is 62.7% of the P463
billion total losses due to natural disasters. Damage to infrastructure amounted to P106
billion (23%), while communications lost P66 billion (14%).Compared to the previous
decade or between 2000 to 2010, agricultural losses amounted to P106.9 billion. This
means that on a decade to decade basis, agricultural losses jumped by at least 171.3%,
excluding figures from 2020.Unfortunately, the problems does not end with natural
disasters.The financial losses would have to be shouldered by the poor Filipino farmer.
Worse, the farmer has taken out a loan and has nothing to sow. (R.R. (2020, November
24). How climate change, lack of insurance, push farmers out of agribusiness.
Farmers-out-Agribusiness/. Retrieved March 7, 2022, from

Paradigm Of the Study

This project aims to provide or Researchers will provide a Farmers and community
introduce the water survey for community members can have more
collector/harvester to farmers. members but majority of the access to water for their
participants would be farming when the dry season
Specifically this project aims farmers. Rainwater collector/ comes, or when it is needed.
to harvester will be introduced
to farmers. And help those
A.Better the farmers who are in need.
farming of of farmers.
B. Take advantage to the
seasonal change of the
C. Introduce new
technology to poor farmers.
D. allows farmers to have
access to larger amount of
water when dry season comes.

Significance of the study
This study is beneficial to the following:
To the researcher: this project will help the researchers to have a in depth knowledge to
the farming society. And this research also helps them enhance their skills mainly in
To the farmers: this will be very beneficial to the farmers since they are the main focus
of the this project, they will have a better farming system, and also the farmers can take
advantage on the Philippines seasons.
To the future researcher: this study can serve as their reference or guide for their
research activities, this will help them have insights on their study and this will also help
to better understand their research.
To the community: the community will have a knowledge to new technology which
they can use at their homes.
Scope and Delimitation
This project is only limited to the community of San Isidro, Quirino, Isabela. The
community members and its leader are the one who administrates this entire project.
The data will keep track of the created water harvester/collector so that it can only be
used by those in need and for those who are inside the community.
Definition of terms
Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. These
shifts may be natural, but since the 1800s, human activities have been the main driver of
climate change, primarily due to the burning of fossil fuels (like coal, oil and gas), which
produces heat-trapping gases.
Coastal areas Plural: Coastal areas. Short definition: Coastal areas are local
administrative units (LAUs) that are bordering or close to a coastline. A coastline is
defined as the line where land and water surfaces meet (border each other)
Droughts A prolonged dry period in the natural climate cycle that can occur anywhere in
the world. It is a slow-onset disaster characterized by the lack of precipitation, resulting
in a water shortage. Drought can have a serious impact on health, agriculture, economies,
energy and the environment.
Flooding An overflowing of water onto land that is normally dry. Floods can happen
during heavy rains, when ocean waves come on shore, when snow melts quickly, or when
dams or levees break. Damaging flooding may happen with only a few inches of water,
or it may cover a house to the rooftop.

Global warming long-term heating of Earth's climate system observed since the pre-
industrial period (between 1850 and 1900) due to human activities, primarily fossil fuel
burning, which increases heat-trapping greenhouse gas levels in Earth's atmosphere.

Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration. Is

the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHS) agency of
the Philippines mandated to provide protection against natural calamities and to insure
the safety, well-being and economic security of all the people, and for the promotion of
national progress by undertaking scientific and technological services
in meteorology, hydrology, climatology, astronomy and other geophysical sciences.
Created on December 8, 1972, by reorganizing the Weather Bureau
Pollution introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that cause adverse
change. Pollution can take the form of any substance or energy. Pollutants, the
components of pollution, can be either foreign substances/energies or naturally occurring
Sea-level the base level for measuring elevation and depth on Earth. Because the ocean is
one continuous body of water, its surface tends to seek the same level throughout the
world. However, winds, currents, river discharges, and variations in gravity and
temperature prevent the sea surface from being truly level.

Chapter II
Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter contains the study and literature that is related to the proposed topic.
Both foreign and local. This data is focused on The seasonal changes and its effects on
our local farmers and community. And also to provide data on the chosen topic.
Foreign Literature
Rainwater harvesting is enjoying a renaissance of sorts in the world, but it traces its
history to biblical times. Rainwater harvesting is the accumulation and storage of
rainwater for reuse on-site, rather than allowing it to run off. Rainwater can be collected
from rivers or roofs, and in many places, the water collected is redirected to a deep pit a
reservoir with percolation. Its uses include water for gardens, livestock, irrigation,
domestic use with proper treatment, indoor heating for houses, etc. The harvested water
can also be used as drinking water, longer-term storage, and for other purposes such as
groundwater recharge. What is Rain Water Harvesting?
Rainwater harvesting is one of the simplest and oldest
methods of self-supply of water for households. Rainwater harvesting is the collection
and storage of rainwater for reuse on-site, rather than allowing it to run off. These stored

waters are used for various purposes such as gardening, irrigation etc. The water can be
collected from various surfaces andand stored for later use. In most cases, the water is
usually collected from rooftops and other hard surfaces (fig.1).
“Rain water harvesting is collection and storage of rain water that runs off from roof tops,
parks, roads, open grounds, etc. This water runoff can be either stored or recharged into
the ground water. harvesting is a technique of collection and storage of rain water in
surface (storage tanks) or sub surface aquifer before it is lost as surface runoff.Fig. 1
Rainwater Harvesting System. Why Adopt Rain Water Harvesting System? Today,
scarcity of good quality water has become a major cause of concern. However rain water
which is pure and of good quality is lost as run off is a precious resource due to
from our ever growing population.harvesting can provide around 50 per cent of a family's
water needs. This not only saves water, but saves money and reduces our impact on the
environment. Reduces the runoff volume and the p
flow, hence mitigate floods. Recharges ground water thus is a solution to water shortage
problem in winters. Reduces the cost per litre of water since a large amount of power that
is consumed while pumping water from subsurface aquifers can be saved. There are nine
basic reason of a Rain Water Harvesting system includes:
1. Conserves Water:
Rainwater harvesting provides an alternative water source to well water and public water
supplies. About 50 to 70 % of all household water is used for landscape irrigation and
other outdoor activities.
2. Conserves Energy:
Because rainwater harvesting bypasses the centralized water system, it conserves energy.
Many household systems require only a small pump to create water pressure in the pipes,
and many non-potable systems operate by gravity.
3. Prevents Flooding And Erosion:
Part of the local rainfall is diverted into collection tanks or passive harvesting methods,
leaving less storm water to manage. Storm water problems are turned into water supply
assets by slowing runoff and allowing it to soak into the ground.
4. Decreases Water Contamination:
Captured rainwater does not cause immediate runoff. Limiting runoff helps decrease the
contamination of surface water by sediments, fertilizers, and pesticides in rainfall runoff.
5. Reduces Personal Water Bills:
Rainwater can be used in landscaping, for toilets, and for washing laundry. With more
filtration and treatment, it can be used for cooking and drinking as well.
6. Supplies Nutrients to Plants:
Rainwater often contains nitrogen which provides a slight fertilizing effect for plants.

7. Provides Naturally Soft Water:
The use of rainwater can significantly reduce the amounts of detergents and soaps needed.
It also prevents soap scum, hardness deposits, and the need for water softeners.
Rainwater May Be Utilized For…
1. Drinking, cooking, bathing (potable quality)
2. Toilet flushing
3. Washing clothes
4. Irrigation
5. Livestock requirements
How Rainwater Harvesting Solves Water
Shortage? Harvesting and collection of rainwater is a proper way that can be used to
address the problem of the water crisis in various parts of the world. This simple water
conservation method can be used to put forward a remarkable solution in areas where
there is enough rainfall but not enough supply of groundwater. Bangalore is an excellent
example where rainwater harvesting can become very beneficial. Bangalore is an area
with a very high population and an area that also has to deal with water shortages. With
these in mind, practicing water conservation methods such as rainwater harvesting is an
ideal way to ensure increased supply of water. Bangalore experiences quite an immense
amount of rainfall almost throughout the year. Hence, rainwater harvesting will play a
huge role in providing additional sources of water. During the dry season, people will be
able to have water sources if they have implemented the necessary kind of harvesting
techniques. With increased demand for water, rainwater collection can be able to meet
the requirements. When builders and architects are designing a new home or building, it
is important that they think of implementing rainwater harvesting methods. It will be able
to reduce reliability on other natural resources for groundwater. In the long run, there will
be energy savings, water savings, and resource savings.(Singh, Dr & Singh, Mahendra &
Kumawat, Narendra. (2018). International Research Rainwater Harvesting: Aneco
Local Studies
Excessive precipitation, drought, heat waves, strong typhoons and rising sea levels are
just some of the common indicators of climate change. In the Philippines, excessive
precipitation never failed to devastate and drown the streets of Metro Manila, a highly
urbanized and flood-prone area; such problems are expected to occur frequently.
Moreover, the water supply of Metro Manila is dependent only to Angat Reservoir.
Rainwater harvesting can serve as an alternative source of raw water and it can mitigate
the effects of flooding. The harvested rainwater can be used for: potable consumption if
filtered and disinfected; and non-potable consumptions (e.g., irrigation, flushing toilets,
carwash, gardening, etc.) if used untreated. The rainfall data were gathered from all 5
rainfall stations located in Metro Manila namely: Science Garden, Port Area, Polo,
Nangka and Napindan rain gauge stations. To be able to determine the potential volume

of rainwater harvested and the potentiality of rainwater harvesting system as an alternate
source of raw water; in this study, three different climatic conditions were considered, the
dry, median and wet rainfall years. The frequent occurrence of cyclonic events in the
Philippines brought significant amount of rainwater that causes flooding in the highly
urbanized region of Metro Manila. Based from the results of this study, the utilization of
rainwater harvesting system can serve as an alternative source of non-potable water for
the community; and could also reduce the amount of surface runoff that could result to
extreme flooding.(Necesito, Imee & Felix, Micah Lourdes & Kim, Lee-Hyung & Cheong,
Tae Sung & Jeong, Sangman. (2013). Analysis on Rainwater Harvesting System as a
Source of Non-Potable Water for Flood Mitigation in Metro Manila 마닐라의 홍수저감
을 위한 잡용수 대체자원으로서의 가정용우수저류시설 분석 Analysis on Rainwater
Harvesting System as a Source of Non-Potable Water for Flood Mitigation in Metro.
Journal of Wetlands Research. 15. 223-231. 10.17663/JWR.2013.15.2.223. )
Local Literature
The prospects and challenges facing eight small water impounding projects (SWIPs) in
Talugtog, Nueva Ecija, an upland municipality located in Central Luzon, Philippines
were evaluated using rapid appraisal and documentation of projects, interview of farmers
and local officials, and a review of related studies undertaken on the same project sites.
The challenges include the deterioration of structural facilities, inactive farmers
associations, watershed degradation, and climate change. It also aims to evaluate
improvement and innovation in the future implementation of SWIPs as rainwater
harvesting facilities. The site was selected because it has the largest number of SWIPs
established as one of the coping strategies during the 1997 1998 severe El Nino. Because
of its location, it has no major irrigation systems and relies only on local rainwater
storage facilities. The study involves 8 SWIPs established in two clusters (i. e., 5 and 3
SWIPs in a watershed) as rainwater conservation and management facilities. Results
indicated these clusters of SWIPs offer multiple benefits in terms of supplemental
irrigation, inland fish production, and water for domestic purposes and livestock
production. They also serve as strategic small-scale upland structures that enhance
recharging of groundwater, prevent flooding, and provide value-adding activities such as
recreation, soil and water conservation, and environmental benefits. Previous studies also
identified their benefits at the farm and community levels as conserved rainwater through
storage in SWIPs is translated into more economic uses. However, some SWIPs are
confronted with various challenges; deterioration of structural facilities, inactive farmer
associations, unabated watershed degradation, and threats of climate change. These are
seriously affecting the overall performance of SWIPs. Immediate actions should include
the strengthening of small water impounding system associations (SWISA), repair and
climate-proofing of structural facilities through the (SWISA) themselves, and watershed
protection and management through the adoption of appropriate soil and water
conservation measures. (Samuel M. Contreras, Teresita S. Sandoval, Silvino Q.
Tejada,Rainwater Harvesting, its Prospects and Challenges in the Uplands of Talugtog,
Nueva Ecija, Philippines,International Soil and Water Conservation Research,Volume 1,
Issue 3,2013,Pages 56-67,ISSN 2095-6339,

Foreign Studies
Water is considered an everlasting free source that can be acquired naturally. Demand
for processed supply water is growing higher due to an increasing population. Sustainable
use of water could maintain a balance between its demand and supply. Rainwater
harvesting (RWH) is the most traditional and sustainable method, which could be easily
used for potable and nonpotable purposes both in residential and commercial buildings.
This could reduce the pressure on processed supply water which enhances the green
living. This paper ensures the sustainability of this system through assessing several
water-quality parameters of collected rainwater with respect to allowable limits. A
number of parameters were included in the analysis: pH, fecal coliform, total coliform,
total dissolved solids, turbidity, NH3–N, lead, BOD5, and so forth. The study reveals that
the overall quality of water is quite satisfactory as per Bangladesh standards. RWH
system offers sufficient amount of water and energy savings through lower consumption.
Moreover, considering the cost for installation and maintenance expenses, the system is
effective and economical. (Sadia Rahman, M. T. R. Khan, Shatirah Akib, Nazli Bin Che
Din, S. K. Biswas, S. M. Shirazi, "Sustainability of Rainwater Harvesting System in
terms of Water Quality", The Scientific World Journal, vol. 2014, Article
ID 721357, 10 pages, 2014.

Chapter III
Materials and Methods

Research Design
This study is a type of qualitative research that uses the phenomenological
approach. Qualitative data sources include observation and participation observation
(fieldwork), interviews and questionnaires, documents and texts, and the researcher’s
impressions and reactions. Since the phenomenological approach is being used, the data
resources to be conducted are the interviews and questionnaires type. The methods that
the researcher uses will be the problem solver that attains answers to the questions being
asked in the topic.
Pre-Experimental Phase
Step 1: The researchers will manufacture the design of the machine.
Step 2: The researchers will list down the materials that are needed in making their
Step 3: The researchers will canvass and buy the materials that are needed in constructing
the machine.

Step 4: The researchers will prepare all the materials/tools, equipment and the persons
involved in constructing the machine.
Step 5: The researchers will start to manufacture the said machine.
Experimental Phase
Step 1: The researchers will check the component of the machine if it is functioning and
Step 2: The researchers will set the machine in a non public place where it can collect
rain without any residues that surrounds it.
Step 3: The researchers will put protective barriers around the machine so that it cannot
be touched or destroyed.
Step 4: The researchers will check if the machine can collect enough water for a one time
downfall of rain.
Step 5: The researchers will determine if the water is viable and if the machine is
damaged or is normal.
- Design of the project
Rooftop rainwater harvesting (RTRWH) is the most common
technique of rainwater harvesting (RWH) for domestic
consumption. In rural areas, this is most often done at small-
scale. It is a simple, low-cost technique that requires minimum
specific expertise or knowledge and offers many benefits.
Rainwater is collected on the roof and transported with gutters to
a storage reservoir, where it provides water at the point of
consumption or can be used for recharging a well or the aquifer.
Rainwater harvesting can supplement water sources when they become scarce or are of
low quality like brackish groundwater or polluted surface water in the rainy season.
However, rainwater quality may be affected by air pollution, animal or bird droppings,
insects, dirt and organic matter. Therefore regular maintenance (cleaning, repairs, etc.) as
well as a treatment before water consumption (e.g. filtration or/and disinfection) are very
important.( E.G, D.S
Materials Price
Plastic or Metal Container 500 php
Plastic Tube 500 php
Roofing 500 php

Ropes 200 php
Wooden Sticks free

Locale of the study

(San Isidro, Quirino, Isabela)
Participants of the study
The participant for this research was selected through non-probability sampling.
This type of sampling is a method in which participants are selected based on the
researcher's subjective judgment rather than the random selection. This sampling method
depends heavily on the expertise of the researchers. It is carried out by observation, and
researchers use it widely for qualitative research.
Non-probability sampling is a sampling method in which not all members of the
population have an equal chance of participating in the study, unlike probability sampling.
Each member of the population has a known chance of being selected. Despite concerns,
research has shown that non-probability samples have yielded results that are as good as,
or even better than, probability-based samples when the appropriate techniques are
employed to overcome its limitations. The non-probability method is a sampling method
that involves a collection of feedback based on a researcher or statistician’s sample
selection capabilities and not on a fixed selection process. (“Types of Sampling:
Sampling Methods | QuestionPro,” 2018). The respondents for this research are farmers
in our community

Research Instrument
The research instrument to be used will be a written survey, which consists of 10 yes or
no Questions, 10 open questions, 10 5-point likert scale and a feedback question. Since
the respondents are close to me. I will be using surveys. But also covid prevention will be
applied. This is one of the most effective ways to conduct a survey in a rural area, since
online interviews can be hard to manage and it can cause delays within the use of non
technologically advanced people.
We will use the survey questionnaire of Romeo G. Seguban, Ph.D, a director, research
and development of Isabela State University-Ilagan Campus, City of Ilagan, Isabela as
our basis in conducting the our survey and evaluation to our study.
Data Gathering Procedure
The data gathering procedure will take place in a week prior. The surveys will be
delivered to the participants and will be received after being finished. The participants
have been notified earlier about the said survey and they have agreed to it. The data
gathered will be organized and analyzed within the week of obtaining the results.

Data Analysis Procedure
The data in this research is analyzed via reading and overlooking through the
summary, reading the recorded survey in order to pick-up new information. The data that
is presented are collected by a survey. The interviews were structured and formal. The
length of the surveys varied depending on the respondent and it is gathered by receiving
the answered surveys from specifically picked respondents. The surveys were transcribed
and thematic analysis was conducted, involving the decoding of surveys and identifying
it. It was examined to gain understanding of the participants' perceptions.



Section 1. Effectiveness of the Project along the Parameters

A. Project Design

The table below shows the mean and standard deviation results about the

effectiveness of the project in terms of its design.

Table 1. Effectiveness of the Project in terms of Design

INDICATORS Standard Qualitative

Mean Deviation Description
1. The overall appearance of the project 6.00 0 Excellent

2. The design of the apparatus assembly and its component 6.00 0 Excellent
parts are appropriate
3. The design of the project and its component parts are 6.00 0 Excellent
easy to assemble
4. The design of the apparatus is easy to maintain 6.00 0 Excellent

5. The design of the apparatus easy to operate 6.00 0 Excellent

OVERALL 6.00 0 Excellent

Legend: 5.50-6.00 = Excellent; 4.50-5.49 = Very Good; 3.50-4.49 = Good; 2.50-3.49 =

Fair; 1.50-2.49 = Poor; 1.00-1.49 = Very Poor

As can be gleaned in the table, the effectiveness of the project in terms of its

design is qualitatively described as Excellent with an overall mean rating of 6.0. This

goes to show that the overall design and appearance of the machine as a project met the

standard of the evaluators.

Elaborating the results, the overall design of the project is easy to maintain and


B. Security and Safety of the Project

The table below presents the mean and standard deviation results about the

effectiveness of the project in terms of its security and safety

Table 2. Effectiveness of the Project in terms of Security and Safety

Standard Qualitative
Deviation Description

1. The machine is safe to use 6.00 0 Excellent

2. The condition of the apparatus is secured 6.00 0 Excellent
3. The condition of the project is safe 6.00 0 Excellent
4. The whole project is safe to maintain 6.00 0 Excellent
5. The situation and stability of the attachments of the 6.00 0 Excellent
project are appropriate
OVERALL 6.00 0 Excellent
Legend: 5.50-6.00 = Excellent; 4.50-5.49 = Very Good; 3.50-4.49 = Good; 2.50-3.49 =

Fair; 1.50-2.49 = Poor; 1.00-1.49 = Very Poor

As can be gleaned in the table, the effectiveness of the project in terms of its

security and safety is qualitatively described as Excellent with an overall mean rating of

6.0. This goes to show that the machine is secured and safe when it is manipulated.

Elaborating the results, the project is safe and viable is manageable.

C. Assembly of the Project

The table below displays the mean and standard deviation results about the

effectiveness of the project in terms of its assembly.

Table 3. Effectiveness of the Project in terms of Assembly

Standard Qualitative
Deviation Description
1. The structure of the project is appropriate to use 6.00 0 Excellent

2. The construction of the apparatus is properly Excellent

6.00 0
3. The assembly of the project is practical to use 6.00 0 Excellent

4. The construction of the project is reasonable 6.00 0 Excellent

5. The construction of the apparatus is easy to Excellent

6.00 0
OVERALL 6.00 0 Excellent

Legend: 5.50-6.00 = Excellent; 4.50-5.49 = Very Good; 3.50-4.49 = Good; 2.50-3.49 =

Fair; 1.50-2.49 = Poor; 1.00-1.49 = Very Poor

As can be gleaned in the table, the effectiveness of the project in terms of its

assembly is qualitatively described as Excellent with an overall mean rating of 6.0. This

goes to show that the project is effective in terms of assembly.

Elaborating the results, the project is not problematic and it is easy to maintain.

D. Resistance to Stress of the Project

The table below presents the mean and standard deviation results about the

effectiveness of the project in terms of its resistance to stress.

Table 4. Effectiveness of the Project in terms of Resistance to Stress

Standard Qualitative
Deviation Description
1. The total strength and resistance of the machine 6.00 0 Excellent
to pressure is suitable
2. The strength and resistance of the project to 6.00 0 Excellent
tension is applicable
3. The strength and resistance of the apparatus 6.00 0 Excellent
assembly and its components to tension are proper
4. The strength and resistance of the project to 6.00 0 Excellent
rigidity is suitable
5. The strength and resistance of the project to 6.00 0 Excellent
pressure is appropriate
OVERALL 6.00 0 Excellent
Legend: 5.50-6.00 = Excellent; 4.50-5.49 = Very Good; 3.50-4.49 = Good; 2.50-3.49 =

Fair; 1.50-2.49 = Poor; 1.00-1.49 = Very Poor

As can be gleaned in the table, the effectiveness of the project in terms of its

resistance to stress is qualitatively described as excellent with an overall mean rating of

6.0. This goes to show that the effectiveness of the project in terms of resistance to stress

met the indicated criteria.

Elaborating the results, the project is tested by heavy rain and it is strong and it is

very resistant to hard bound situations.

E. Workability of the Project

The table below shows the mean and standard deviation results about the

effectiveness of the project in terms of its workability.

Table 5. Effectiveness of the Project in terms of Workability

Standard Qualitative
Deviation Description
1. The manipulation condition of the project is workable 6.00 0 Excellent

2. The operation mechanism of the apparatus and its 6.00 0 Excellent

components is suitable
3. The operation mechanism of the apparatus is practical 6.00 0 Excellent

4. The operation mechanism of the project is easy to 6.00 0 Excellent

5. The operation mechanism of the apparatus is effective 6.00 0 Excellent

OVERALL 6.00 0 Excellent

Legend: 5.50-6.00 = Excellent; 4.50-5.49 = Very Good; 3.50-4.49 = Good; 2.50-3.49 =

Fair; 1.50-2.49 = Poor; 1.00-1.49 = Very Poor

As can be gleaned in the table, the effectiveness of the project in terms of its

workability is qualitatively described as Excellent with an overall mean rating of 6.0.

This goes to show that the product effectiveness if the project in terms of its workability

meets the satisfaction.

Elaborating the results, the project’s operation is very easy and it is not

complicated to use.

F. Strength and Consistency of the Project

The table below presents the mean and standard deviation results about the

effectiveness of the project in terms of its strength and consistency.

Table 6. Effectiveness of the Project in terms of Strength and Consistency

Standard Qualitative
Deviation Description
1. The total strength and consistency of the apparatus are 6.00 0 Excellent
2. The strength and reliability of the project and its 6.00 0 Excellent
components to tension are realistic
3. The strength and reliability of the apparatus are 6.00 0 Excellent
effective to tension
4. The strength and reliability of the project are 6.00 0 Excellent
5. The strength and reliability of the apparatus are 6.00 0 Excellent
OVERALL 6.00 0 Excellent
Legend: 5.50-6.00 = Excellent; 4.50-5.49 = Very Good; 3.50-4.49 = Good; 2.50-3.49 =

Fair; 1.50-2.49 = Poor; 1.00-1.49 = Very Poor

As can be gleaned in the table, the effectiveness of the project in terms of its

strength and consistency is qualitatively described as Excellent with an overall mean

rating of 6.0. This goes to show that the strength and consistency of the project is


Elaborating the results, the project is functional and manageable, it is also very

effective when used in heavy and pressured rains.

G. Portability of the Project

The table below presents the mean and standard deviation results about the

effectiveness of the project in terms of its portability.

Table 7. Effectiveness of the Project in terms of Portability

Standard Qualitative
Deviation Description
1. The manageability of the apparatus to space is Excellent
6.00 0
2. The portability of the apparatus to transport is Excellent
6.00 0
3. The portability of the project is suitable 6.00 0 Excellent

4. The portability of the project to space is appropriate 6.00 0 Excellent

5. The compactness of the apparatus to area is practical 6.00 0 Excellent

OVERALL 6.00 0 Excellent

Legend: 5.50-6.00 = Excellent; 4.50-5.49 = Very Good; 3.50-4.49 = Good; 2.50-3.49 =

Fair; 1.50-2.49 = Poor; 1.00-1.49 = Very Poor

As can be gleaned in the table, the effectiveness of the project in terms of its

portability is qualitatively described as Excellent with an overall mean rating of 6.0. This

goes to show that the total strength and consistency of the apparatus are feasible.

Elaborating the results, this shows that the project is very manageable in any

space needed and it can be used in most areas possible for it to be used.

H. Packaging Technique

The table below presents the mean and standard deviation results about the

effectiveness of the project in terms of its packaging technique.

Table 8. Effectiveness of the Project in terms of Packaging Technique

Standard Qualitative
Deviation Description
1. The design and overall appearance of the project are 6.00 0 Excellent
2. The construction and assembly of the project related 6.00 0 Excellent
packaging are proper
3. The packaging technique applied is appropriate 6.00 0 Excellent

4. The color and neatness of the project are attractive 6.00 0 Excellent

5. The packaging technique applied to the apparatus is 6.00 0 Excellent

OVERALL 6.00 0 Excellent

Legend: 5.50-6.00 = Excellent; 4.50-5.49 = Very Good; 3.50-4.49 = Good; 2.50-3.49 =

Fair; 1.50-2.49 = Poor; 1.00-1.49 = Very Poor

As can be gleaned in the table, the effectiveness of the project in terms of its

packaging technique is qualitatively described as Excellent with an overall mean rating

of 6.0. This goes to show that the Effectiveness of the Project in terms of Packaging

Technique is enough to meet the expectations of the evaluators.

Elaborating the results, the aesthetic of the project is good, it is neat and it is appropriate

in terms of color,design and packaging.

I. Marketability of the Project

The table below presents the mean and standard deviation results about the

effectiveness of the project in terms of its marketability.

Table 9. Effectiveness of the Project in terms of Marketability

Standard Qualitative
Deviation Description
1. The cost efficiency of the apparatus to users is Excellent
6.00 0
2. The market value of the project is practical 6.00 0 Excellent

3. The marketability of the project is practical for Excellent

6.00 0
4. The commercial price is attainable 6.00 0 Excellent

5. The price of the project is minimal 6.00 0 Excellent

OVERALL 6.00 0 Excellent

Legend: 5.50-6.00 = Excellent; 4.50-5.49 = Very Good; 3.50-4.49 = Good; 2.50-3.49 =

Fair; 1.50-2.49 = Poor; 1.00-1.49 = Very Poor

As can be gleaned in the table, the effectiveness of the project in terms of its

marketability is qualitatively described as Excellent with an overall mean rating of 6.0.

This goes to show that the machine has a possibility to be introduced to the market but

only few of a person will purchase because it is unaffordable..

Elaborating the results, the priceability of the project is average it is perfect for

every buyer, its price is equal to its quality.

J. Summary

The table below presents the summary of the overall mean and standard deviation

results about the effectiveness of the project in terms of the nine parameters.

Table 10. Overall Effectiveness of the Project

Standard Qualitative
Deviation Description
1. Design 6.00 0 Excellent
2. Security and Safety 6.00 0 Excellent
3. Assembly 6.00 0 Excellent
4. Resistance to Stress 6.00 0 Excellent
5. Workability 6.00 0 Excellent
6. Strength and Consistency 6.00 0 Excellent
7. Portability 6.00 0 Excellent
8. Packaging Technique 6.00 0 Excellent
9. Marketability 6.00 0 Excellent
OVERALL 6.00 0 Excellent
Legend: 5.50-6.00 = Excellent; 4.50-5.49 = Very Good; 3.50-4.49 = Good;

2.50-3.49 = Fair; 1.50-2.49 = Poor; 1.00-1.49 = Very Poor

As can be gleaned in the table, the overall effectiveness of the project is

qualitatively described as Excellent with an overall mean rating of 6.0. This goes to show

that the overall physical appearance of the project almost met the standards of the

evaluators based from the given parameters

Elaborating the results Packaging Technique received the highest mean rating.

This implies that the product is over all excellent and it is perfect for its model.





Based on the data gathered from the evaluation, the researcher therefore conclude

the following: The researcher therefore conclude that the overall project is very excellent.

By all of it’s aspects. It is easy, cheap, manageable and effective.


Based on the conclusion arrived, the following are recommended for the

improvement of this study: no recommendations are acquired.

Recommendation from the Researchers to the Future Researchers

For the future researchers, the researchers recommended that to take time making

this project and use every bit of time to do it with love and care.


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