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 Disambigua compass.svg this article about the environment. Browse for similar addresses,
see the natural environment.
An example of the social environment
An example of the natural environment
Environment language: the house and the case which is the term commonly used is linked to
mention the relationship between them and the pattern of her employer, we say: -
agricultural environment, industry and the environment, health and the environment, social
and cultural environment and the environment, and political. This means that the
relationship of human activities related to these areas.
altarev linguistic environment
Environment in the language derived from the verb (BOA) and (assumed) any hostel and
stayed. And Altbu: mastery and stability and the environment: home (). And the
environment linguistic sense broad mean position, which is due to human, has taken center
stage in which his home and his livelihood, and perhaps the environment correlation home
or house has obvious significance as mean one side attached to the heart of the creature in
Casablanca and inhabited them, and then would have to be the environment in its
comprehensive concept individual attention as obtaining home and his keen interest.
Predominantly when you hear the word environment that is intended the natural
environment, as in the picture.
Scientific altarev environment
Due the credit for defining the concept of scientific environment, to workers in the field of
biotechnology and natural sciences, scientists, some believes that the environment concepts
complement each other, the first «ecological» which is all respect not only for human life
itself from the breeding and heredity, but also include human relationship organisms Living,
Animal and Plant, who lives in one hand. The second is a «natural environment or physical»
These include soil and land, air and purity of water resources, contamination, and other
natural features of the center.
Others believe that the environment means the center in which the organism or other of
God's creatures live in a form to pronounce the total circumstances and factors that help an
organism survive and the time of his life. And tries another direction to focus on the human
being as a components of the environment actors, realizes the environment as each center,
which interacts with human influential and influenced by, or components is the framework
in which human lives and gets him on the elements of his life, food, clothing, medicine and
shelter, and exercise in which his relations with his fellow human beings. It seems closer
scientific fact to say that the environment is the sum of physical and biological factors,
social, cultural and economic factors that adjacent in balance, and affect human and other
organisms directly or indirectly. This definition sighting that the environment is the content
of a compound convention: There is the natural environment of ingredients that God
deposited in, and include water, air, soil, sunlight, and live on those elements and
components of human and plant and animal. There are artificial environment which includes
all created by human intervention and dealing with natural ingredients to the environment,
such as cities and factories, humanities and social relations that run these facilities.
In general, the environment, refer to the ocean object about something. This thing may be a
human being or an animal or a computer program or the same rights. Scientists agree at the
present time that the concept of environment includes all circumstances and external factors

which living organisms and affect the operations carried out. The environment for Ansan-
"framework in which they live and which contains soil, water and air and the promise of
each element of these three elements of Jmadah components, and objects come to life. What
prevails this framework of various manifestations of weather and climate and the wind and
rain and attractive and Magnatisah..alkh and relationships exchanged between these
Environment may refer to
Built environment, constructed surroundings that provide the setting for human activity,
ranging from the surrounding areas on a large scale in the personal civil places
Environment (biophysical) physical and biological factors with the chemical interactions
that affect the organism
Environment (systems) surroundings physical system that may interact with the system
through comprehensive exchange, energy, or other property
Environmental Art
Environmental determinism
Environmental Policy
Environmental Psychology
Quality of the environment
Environmental Sciences study of the interactions between physical, chemical and biological
components of the environment
Environment (series) series of tapes, CDs depicting natural life
The natural environment are all living and non-living objects that interact with Pinhaottoagd
in a particular geographic area
Social environment and culture that in a person's life, and the people and institutions who
The political environment is the political environment emerging as a result of government
policy or administration.
Historic environment are events and culture lived Fahaalchks or thousands of people, beliefs
and actions that depend on the environment.
§alnzam environmental and ecological balance
The former environment concept, ruled by the so-called ecosystem, and the ecological
balance and the two go together two ideas from the scientific point of view. The human part
of a complex system interact with and affect the community through and through.
Environmental phenomena resulting from human-induced changes in the Earth's
environment through various activities carried out, can only be understood in the context of
a triangular relationship is reciprocal between human society and the environment.
Accordingly, the ecosystem, as some knew him is a «unit or a particular sector of the nature
and containing elements alive and resources plant and animal, and the elements and
resources of non-living, a vital compromise the elements and resources to live in an
integrated system, and going on a natural approach, consistent and balanced, governed by
the divine power alone, without any human or humanitarian intervention ». Others knew
saying «The ecosystem is an integrated environmental unit consists of living organisms and
the components of non-living present in a particular place, interact with each other,
according to an accurate and balanced system, in a self dynamic, to continue in their role
performance in the continuity of life». We note that the common denominator between these
two definitions revolves around the relationship of organisms in a given area, and central
Pacific, based on the mutual influence. So you could know the ecosystem is simplified as «a
series of interactions between micro-organisms that are endemic to a certain segment of
nature, and the surrounding medium.» And the ecosystem in this sense is based on two types
of elements:
Live elements: the many human include, and plant and animal, and lives of these elements
in any form, in an integrated dynamic system, each element is influenced by other elements,
and affects them, and leads his own role, and integrates with the roles of the other elements,
human and comes on top of these elements Vinsag brings to them and for his service.
Elements is live: most notably air, water and soil, and every element which constitutes its
own ocean, there is a watery ocean and includes everything on the floor of the Water terms
(A- Onhar- Mahitat- lakes) and there the atmosphere or the antenna and includes gases and
particles and vapors and particles of metal. Finally, there is the dry ground or ocean and
includes mountains and hills and soil. It is noted that these circles or oceans are linked to
each other, and the components of the living world, or former live elements mentioned,
relations integrated balanced and disruption caused to the ecological balance comes from
the increase or decrease, abnormal, the element of the environmental elements of the
system, which governs all the environment of those environments , due to external
influence, pollution of water, or air, or soil, or the extinction of some plants, animals or
other rights and represents a significant in this ecosystem factors, it is considered one of the
most important elements of consumption that live on land, so if a person involved in This
natural balance or unconsciously thinking, it spoil this balance perfectly.
fa computing
Desktop environment in the field of information technology, and graphical user interface for
your computer
And a set of specific environments in the process environment variable
Integrated development environment, a type of computer software that helps programmers
in the development of computer programs
Virtual operating environment state that provides software for the operations or services
programs while the computer is running machine
The virtual environment of the distinctive techniques that enable the user to, for example, to
run two operating systems at the same time in the same computer
anasr environment
Environment can be divided, according to the recommendations of the Stockholm
Conference, to three elements:
The natural environment: It consists of four systems are interrelated and closely are: the
atmosphere, hydrosphere, the land, the atmosphere, including covered by these systems of
water, air, soil and minerals, and energy sources, as well as plants and animals, and all of
these represent resources afforded to Almighty God for man to get them on the elements of
his life from food, clothing, shelter and medicine.
Biological environment: these include human "individual" and his family and community,
as well as the organisms in the biosphere biological environment is part of the natural
Social environment: the intended social environment that framework of relations which
defines the relationship of human life with others, that framework of relations which is the
basis for the organization of any group of groups, both among its members to each other in
what, or between different or similar groups together and civilization in the environment
spaced environments, combining patterns of those relationships is known as social systems,
and introduced a human journey through his long cultural environment in order to help him
in his life, Omar land and broke the climate for the conquest of space.

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