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Artificial Intelligence

Unit 1.1 Excite

Intelligence Vs Artificial Intelligence
•Intelligence is defined as the ability to
acquire and apply knowledge and skills.

•The ability of machines to think and learn on
their own is called Artificial Intelligence.
AI (Artificial Intelligence) is the simulation of human
intelligence processes by machines, especially computer
systems. These processes include learning, reasoning, and
Its core idea is building machines and algorithms which are
capable of performing computational tasks that would
otherwise require human like brain functions.
History of AI
• The field of AI was founded in 1956, at a
conference at Dartmouth College, USA, where
the term “Artificial Intelligence” was coined by a
Stanford researcher John McCarthy. Computer
scientists have been working on AI for decades.
Domains of AI
•1. Data Science
•2. Computer Vision (CV)
•3. Natural Language Processing(NLP)
• Data – Facts and statistics collected together for reference
or analysis . Higher the bulk of data, more accurate is the
• Computer Vision - Computer vision is a field of computer
science that works on enabling computers to see, identify
and process images in the same way that human vision
does, and then provide appropriate output.
• Natural Language Processing (NLP) - Natural Language
Processing (NLP) is a field of artificial intelligence that
enables computers to analyse and understand human
language and also communicate with us using similar,
natural language.
Applications of AI
• Commuting – Google Maps, Ola, Uber
• Commercial Flights use an Autopilot
• Spam Filter in Gmail
• Social Networking – Tagging in Facebook, Snap Chat
• Online Shopping Recommendations
• Self Driven Cars
• Sales Prediction
• Google Search
• Smart Virtual Assistants
Limitations of AI
• Although AI has progressed a lot in recent
years, it is still not able to accurately identify
human behaviour like emotions and identify
and handle objects as smoothly as humans.
Languages used in AI
Act 1- Game Time
• Resources:
• Link for Game 1 (Rock, Paper and Scissors):
• Link for Game 2 (Mystery Animal):
• Link for Game 3 (Emoji Scavenger Hunt):
Rock, Paper, scissor
Rock, Paper & Scissors: A game based on Data for AI
where the machine tries to predict the next move of
the participant. It is a replica of basic rock, paper
and scissors game where the machine tries to win
ahead by learning from the participant’s previous
• 1. Make moves in a specific pattern,
• 2. Make moves randomly.
Rock, Paper, scissor
Write three things you learnt from the
Mystery Animal
A game based on Natural Language Processing
where the participant has
to guess the animal by asking maximum 20
questions to AI. The animal randomly gets selected
for each game by AI and the machine replies in
either yes or no.
• Students can ask basic characteristics of the animal by asking
questions like “Can you swim?”, “Are you a carnivore?”, “Are you
a mammal”, etc.
Mystery Animal
Mention three things you understood about
the game?
Emoji Scavanger Hunt
A game based on Computer Vision where the
machine initiates the game by showing an emoji.
The participant is expected to show a similar object
in-front of the camera while the machine keeps on
guessing what is being shown to it.

• Try new things like drawing the emoji on paper and

showing it to the machine.
Emoji Scavanger Hunt
• Did you face any difficulty while playing this
• How did you overcome this?
On the basis of Complexity, there are two types of


Machines that exhibit a limited extent of intelligence to accomplish a single or
certain simple tasks are said to have weak intelligence.
Such machines are goal oriented and deployed to perform single and repeated tasks.
• Google Search
• Recognising face among several single or group images
• Self Driven Vehicles
• Voice Assistants
• Any Logic Based Games
• A Robot collecting food trays from the tables of restaurant
• A website suggesting similar products depending on the item bought by the user
Machines with strong intelligence are capable of not only “think” like
humans but also to retain the learning developed by the task
accomplished. Such learned intelligence is used to solve the same
problem in different scenarios.
Such machines can be thought of having intelligence in the beginning
like that of a child and later they learn and grow their intelligence like
that of an adult.
Key features of Strong AI
• Perform variety of task in changing context like responding to a
question in different ways.
• Smart like humans. Think and respond like humans do.
• Capable of applying retained knowledge to solve new problems
Examples of Strong AI
• An airplane training system that functions without
the help of a trainer
• An intelligent chat-bot that understands
customer’s need and suggest solutions by its
learned intelligence
• A teaching robot that learns by answering
students’ queries and thereby enhancing teaching
Try this AI based game


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