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Greenfield Chennai International School


Subject: Physics
Chapter. 10 ,11,12
Revision questions

1. With increase in temperature, the viscosity of

a) gases decreases
b) liquids increases
c) gases increases
d) liquids decreases
The correct answer is
c) gases increases
d) liquids decreases
2. The angle of contact at the interface of water-glass is 0o, ethyl alcohol-
glass is 0o, mercury-glass is 140o, and methyl iodide-glass is 30o. A glass
capillary is put in a trough containing one of these four liquids. It is
observed that the meniscus is convex. The liquid in the trough is
a) water
b) ethyl alcohol
c) mercury
d) methyl iodide
Ans: mercury

3. Assertion: In isothermal process whole of the heat energy supplied to the

body is converted into internal energy. Reason : According to the first law of
thermodynamics ,ΔQ=ΔU+pΔV
A)If both assertion and reason are true and the reason is the correct explanation
of the assertion.
B) If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation
of the assertion.
C )If assertion is true but reason is false.
D) If the assertion and reason both are false.
E) If assertion is false but reason is true.
4. When a gas undergoes adiabatic expansion, it gets cooled due to
A) Loos of kinetic energy
B) Fall in temperature
C) Decrease in velocity
D) Energy used in doing work
5. A body floats in a liquid contained in a beaker. The whole system as
shown falls freely under gravity. The up thrust on the body due to the
liquid is

a) Zero
b) Equal to the weight of the liquid displaced
c) Equal to the weight of the body in air
d) Equal to the weight of the immersed position of the bod
6. Pressure decreases as one ascends the atmosphere. If the density of air is
ρ, what is the change in pressure dp over a differential height dh?
As we move above, the pressure decreases because the thickness of the gas
above us decreases. Let A be the cross-section of the horizontal layer of the air
and height be dh.
Then P is the pressure on the top layer and p + dp is the pressure at the bottom.
Since the layer of the air is in equilibrium, the net upward force is balanced
That is net upward force = net downward force
Which is given as:
dp = -ρgdh
The negative sign indicates the decrease in pressure with height.
7. Explain why
(a) The blood pressure in humans is greater at the feet than at the brain
(b) Atmospheric pressure at a height of about 6 km decreases to nearly half
of its value at the sea level, though the height of the atmosphere is more
than 100 km
(c) Hydrostatic pressure is a scalar quantity even though the pressure is
force divided by area
(i). The blood column to the feet is at a greater height than the head, thus the
blood pressure in the feet is greater than that in the brain.
(ii). The density of the atmosphere does not decrease linearly with the increase
in altitude, in fact, most of the air molecules are close to the surface. Thus, there
is this nonlinear variation of atmospheric pressure.
(iii). In hydrostatic pressure the force is transmitted equally in all direction in
the liquid, thus there is no fixed direction of pressure making it a scalar
8. The angle of contact of mercury with glass is obtuse, while that of water
with glass is acute.
Water molecules have weak intermolecular forces and a strong force of
attraction towards solids. Thus, they spill out. Whereas mercury molecules have
a stronger intermolecular force of attraction and a weak attraction force towards
solids, thus they form droplets.

9. A 50 kg girl wearing high heel shoes balances on a single heel. The heel
is circular with a diameter of 1.0 cm. What is the pressure exerted by the
heel on the horizontal floor?
10. A hydraulic automobile lift is designed to lift cars with a maximum
mass of 3000 kg. The area of cross-section of the piston carrying the load is
425 cm2. What maximum pressure would the smaller piston have to bear ?

11. Derive Bernoulli’s equation for a fluid moving in a pipe of varying cross
sectional area.
Ans: Refer class work

12. Explain blood flow and heart attack using Bernoulli’s principle.
Ans: Refer page 261.

13. Explain magnus effect and dynamic lift.

Ans: Refer page 261.

14. What is latent heat. Give the expression for the same.
Ans: Refer class work or book page 288.

15. Give the expression for the energy emitted per unit time by a perfect
heat radiator.
Ans : Page 295 ( Stefan Boltzmann law)

16. Draw the cooling curve of hot water with time. Explain and derive the
time of cooling of a body through a particular range of temperature.
Ans: Refer pahe 296.

17. Define Zeroth law of thermodynamics

Ans: Refer Page no. 305
18. Derive an expression to calculate the work done by the gas during an
isothermal process.
Ans: Refer class work

19. Explain P-V curve of an ideal gas showing adiabatic and isothermal
Ans: Refer page 312

20. Write a short note on convection.

Ans: Refer page 293.

Note: Practice all the numerical that are discussed in the class and solved in
class work note.

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