Discurs - Cuptor Mara

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Cuptor Mara

Facts about cats

The topic I decided to talk about today is a topic

I love which is cats. Cats can make your day better
by simply sitting next to you and purring. You may
love them, but you may not be fully aware of just
how cool they are. Here is why everyone should
adopt a cat.
First of all, did you know cats have an extra organ
that allows them to taste scents in the air ? That’s
why your cat stares at you with her mouth open
from time to time. They love eating but grapes,
raisins, onions, garlic and chives are extremely
harmful for them. You can make your life last longer
by simply owning a cat because they reduce
depression. Cats feel when you are hurting, that’s
why when you have a stomach ache they hop right
on top of it because that’s their way of healing you.
They’ll blink slowly at you to tell you they love you
and will start kneading or “making biscuits” on you
which is a sign of affection.
Second of all, cats spend 70% of their lives sleeping
which is around 13 to 16 hours a day. You’ve heard of
monkeys and dogs in space but did you know that on
October 18th 1963, Astrocat was the first and only cat
to go to space ? Of all this information hasn’t blown
your mind yet, then you might want to know that a cat
was the mayor of an Alaskan small town for 20 years.
Of course it has to be an orange cat, these are the most
random things on earth and his name was Stubbs. And
yes, he was indeed a fat cat (I know you thought about
Another amazing fact about cats is that they can run
up to 30mph. They have very strong muscles in their legs
which helps them run fast and jump super high. Cats are
really good jumpers and they can jump up to 6 times their
height. You often see cats randomly sitting on a really tall
wall, a building, on top of a garden fence or any other
random tall things because they love jumping on them.
Fun fact: cats always land on their feet not depending
the height they fall from. Even if you might not believe
this, cats are actually really smart. They just don’t want
to show you that because they don’t want you to take
advantage of it and ask them to do multiple tasks. Cats
love hunting and if you were ever wondering why they
always bring you their prey is because they think you are
a bad hunter and they want to encourage you more by
gifting you what they hunted. Yes, a dead animal for them
is a gift.
In conclusion, cats are the most amazing things on this
earth and everyone should get one because they are pretty
interesting and they cand make your life 10 times beter.

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