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4Common Insects

Hard words

1) Insects
2) Protected
3) Chitin
4) Thorax
5) Abdomen
6) Antenna
7) Feelers
8) Larva
9) Pupa
10) Adult
11) Cockroaches
12) Houseflies
13) Mosquitoes
14) Dragonflies
15) Honey bees
16) Colony
17) Reproduce
18) Malaria
19) Dengue
20) Chikungunya

Short question and answers

1) What protects the soft body of insects? What is it made of?

A: The soft body of an insect is protected by a hard outer covering. It is made up of chitin.

2) What do insects use their feelers for?

A: insects use their feelers to smell ,hear, taste and feel.

3) Name the four stages in the life cycle of a honey bee.

A: the four stages in the life cycle of a honey bee are egg, larva, pupa and adult.

4) How does a praying mantis help us?

A: The praying mantis help us by eating harmful insects.

Long question and answers.

1)Name three insects that we find inside our houses and three that we find outside .
A:We find cockroaches, ants and flies inside the house and butterflies, honey bees and dragonflies
outside the house.

2) Describe the life cycle of a butterfly.

A:A butterfly has four stages in its lifecycle.

I)Egg: An adult butterfly lays eggs on leaves.

II) Larva: An egg hatches into a larva or a Caterpillar which looks worm.

III)Pupa: Next ,it forms a shell around itself called pupa.

IV)Adult: When the Pupa finally breaks open, the adult butterfly comes out.

3) What are the functions of the different types of ants in a colony?

A:i),The colony has a queen ant, few male ants, and many female worker ants.

ii) The function of the queen ant and the male ants is to reproduce.

Iii ) The female worker ants build, protect the ant hill, search for food and even look after the young

5) Describe three things you can do to stop being bitten by mosquitoes.

i. Keep the surroundings clean.
ii. Not to allow water to collect anywhere in and around the house
iii. Sleep inside the mosquito net.

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