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Scripture Engaged Americans Gave

Over $100B to charity in 2021:

 December 14, 2022 


The more people read the Bible, the more they give to charity

A man reading the Bible. | Getty images

A recent survey confirmed what Christians already knew – Americans who are engaged with
scripture are more generous. Members of this group donated more than $100 billion
to charity last year, according to the annual “State of the Bible” report form the American
Bible Society.

“Year after year, our research shows there is a strong correlation between charitable giving
and human flourishing, suggesting that people find a sense of meaning when they give to a
cause they believe in,” said John Farquhar Plake, director of ministry intelligence for the
organization. “Engaging with the Bible and actively living out our faith doesn’t simply mean
reading the words in the pages of scripture. Rather, it is a transformation of the heart that
inspires us to love and live well.”

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