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Web Technology

Total = 25
Group A
Answer any 5 questions 5x1=5
1. Which method of the Component class is used to set the position and size of a
component in JSP?
1. setSize()
2. setBounds() method
3. setPosition()
4. setPositionSize()
2. Which of the following statement is not true regarding JavaScript?
1. A JavaScript embedded in an HTML document is compiled and executed by the client
2. JavaScript is an object-based language
3. JavaScript is a loosely typed language
4. JavaScript is event driven
3. Which of the following options is correct with regard to HTML?
1. It is a DTP language
2. It is a modeling language
3. It is used to structure documents
4. It is a partial programming language
4. Correct HTML tag for the largest heading is_______________
1. <h6>
2. <heading>
3. <head>
4. <h1>
5. What i s the correct HTML for adding a background color?
1. <body color = “Green”>
2. <body bg color = “Green”>
3. <background>green<Background>
4. <body bg =“green”>
6. What value does readLine() return when it has reached the end of a file in JSP?
1. False
2. Null
3. EOF
4. Last character in the file
Group B 2 x 5 = 10
Answer any 2 questions
7. Explain XSL and XSLT with example.
8. Explain AJAX briefly.
9. Write a short note on Architecture of webserver.

Group C 1 x 10 = 10
Answer any 1 question

10. What is XML? Explain how to write an XML document? What are the goals of XML?
Clearly explain the XML Schema and XML parsing in detail.
11. Write and explain tags to create following HTML form elements with their attributes.
(i). textbox (ii). Dropdown list (iii). Password filed (iv). Checkbox (v). radio button

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