Test 4-B1 2019

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Test 4 READING (45 minutes) Part 1 ‘Questions 1-5 For each question, choose the correct answer. d| ‘Excstudents from our ‘cours are coming here ‘ext wook to talk to you ‘about how to do well ‘in your tat ob, Space fora maximum ofthity | students, 80 sign up now. |! $ [© Recycting centre Users © | cies, lat nc tl erat be ‘cleared before young the recying ar Pese place rn nthe conwet eyeing bin he ecycing cre Satter tae theo. Why is Anne texting? ‘A to ask Eric if he can do her a favour B to.emind Eric about what they have ‘agreed to give Eric an update regarding their arrangement ‘A Students of any year group are able to ‘come to the careers talk. BB Students should go to the tak if they ‘need help applying for job. © Students must register quickly because places at the event are limited, ‘A Recycling centre staf wil clean items forrecyciing 8B Certain items need to be washed before they are recycled. All items can be placed in the same recyeling bin information about the ingredients in any of our dishes, please tell your waiter when you are choosing food from our menu. Reading ‘A Gabriel has gota ticket for Nora to go to the special dance event B Gabriel is informing Nora that she needs to remember to bring headphones. © Gabriel wants Nora to suggest who may be interested in going to the isco. ‘A Ourstaf can let you know about what we've used to make our dishes. 'B Read the information on our menu Hf you need to avoid eating certain Ingredients. Tall your waiter it you'd preter something different from what's on the menu, 63 Test 4 Part2 Questions 6-10 For each question, choose the correct answer. “The people below all went to see a musical show at the theatre. (On the opposite page there are eight reviews of shows, Decide which show would be the most suitable forthe people below. Erka wants to eee a show with music and which has famous actors inthe lead roles, She'd ike it to be based on a book and contain many dltferent types of musi. Guillermo would tke to goto a show that’s funny and is about areal person. He's looking for one with some music int, but with more speaking than singing [Neelam wants to see a musical show which contains lots of special effects and would ike to watch it in an unusual place. She'd like to see a love story ‘Oumar wants to go to a show that's a bit frightening, He'd like to ‘800 a story set in the past and realistic costumes from the period Mira wants a show with dancing, as well as songs by well-known musicians. She'd lke the music tobe ina range of styles from ‘around the world. Reading The best musical shows in town A Glad! Glad tls the story ofa teenage git whose dreams of becoming a famous ‘musician come true with the help of ‘some special (and amusing) friends. ‘The costumes and songs are amazing, and although its fiction, it has the feel ‘of areal-ife story. I's on for one week only, on a temporary stage in the football stadium. (© The Amazing Me Mason ‘This unusual musicals based on a famous story writen over 400 years ago. The hero {all in love with a princess who's forced to move to another country. Theres quite alot of speaking for a musical, bt the ending’s 8 surprising pleasure E Keeping Time -Kuping Time's bases on the real-life story ‘ofthe popular group Mavellu, and includes their best work, Wess how having members from three diferent continent allowed them to create songs using music fom each place ‘Unusually there’ bale in this show bu it goes surprisingly well with their music @ Tiger Prince The Tiger Prince leaves hs jungle home and comes tothe city ths fabulous musica The tory isnt particularly original tthe computer-controlled ight show goes perfectly ‘with the amazing dance routines to make th a must-see show. B Mary Wright ‘Theo wellknown led actors inthis 16centuy drama ae surprisingly good dancers, and the music ccates quite a scary atmosphere. The clothes by top designer Jean- Luc Filbert ae histoaly accurate and lok sbioltely wonderful D_ The End of Summer ‘You've probably read the novel which this rusia comedy takes it story from, but you won't recognce the song. as they ‘were special wrttn forthe show. Several Songwricars were needed due tothe wide ‘variety of music the producers wanted. The stars, who youll probably recognise fromTV, sre fncastie. F Nogxit With its use of fim and advanced technology to make it seem lke the Characters appear in two places at once, this spectacular musical starts off as an ‘old-fashioned ghost story but quickly tums into a highly entertaining romantic ‘comedy. The fact that the show Is Performed in an old factory building only ‘adds tothe enjoyment. H_ TheFinal Whistle Iryoure tredof serous dramas and dl lave ‘storeo, why nota ths laugh-a-minute shew 211? The cre story of basketball player ‘Andy Hammons cleverly cold Despte being advertced ae amusicl chow, te actualy has very few songs Youlove all he brian jokes and entertaining cowersatons. 65 Test 4 Part 3 Questions 11-15 For each question, choose the correct answer. My Canadian trip bby Louise Walton Last year | went on an amazing trip - traveling by boat on a guided group tour along ‘the wast coast of Canada. It was my brother Harry's idea. He's a journalist, like me, and he wanted to write articles about the trip. He's also a great fan of boats, although that's one interest we definitely don't share. But 'd dreamt of visiting the area ever since seeing it on TV as a child, especially as | knew it was where our

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