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Topics for the oral.

SPEAKING, PAGE 101. Ex. 9 Discuss IN PAIRS 3 or 4 quesitons.
9. Today we are talking about how dependent are on the internet in our everyday life.
1. How many email or social media accounts do you have?
Actually I have 4 social networking accounts. I have Facebook, gmail Whatsapp and LinkedIn.
But I always use Facebook because I can reach all my family, most friends and I can grow my circles on Facebook.
If another platform should serve me better in the future, I will use that one. For now, it's Facebook.
Second place goes to LinkedIn
2. How long after you wake up do you check your email or social media accounts?
Well, In the morning I'm much more interested in my breakfast at that time of day. Plus I rarely look at social
media during the day. Usually only once or twice per week in the evening.
3. How many of the conversations you had yesterday were online?
Well, yesterday I had a lot of communication online, I like to talk face-to-face with people, but I did say hello to
some friends online.
4. If the internet went down, how efficiently would you be able to continue working or studying?
Currently, my computer is painfully slow ha ha, but the internet has become a fundamental piece in our lives, but if
the internet were to go down there are some tools that would replace it, such as the library or the newspaper, these
being very efficient for studying or working.
5. What and how many things do you buy via the internet each week?
I don't buy anything online, I prefer to go buy directly in the store market.
6. What proportion of your entertainment (film, music, tv) comes via the internet?
Most of the music I listen to is provided to me by the internet, I go there a lot because I can find the music I want
with just one click. Many people do not fully appreciate the benefits of digital communications.
7. If you have a problem (work, practical, personal, health, etc) how likely are you to search for advice
Well, if I had a work or health problem, a person would go directly to a specialist.
8. When you go on holiday, do you prefer to be with or without an internet connection, why?
When I go on holiday, I prefer to be without an internet connection because that way I relax from stress and enjoy
the scenery better.
SPEAKING, PAGE 79. Ex. 9 Discuss 3 questions.
1. How do you prefer to be addressed by someone you don´t know?
Well, I prefer someone who doesn't know me to treat me with respect and kindness.
2. How do you prefer to relax in the evening - going out or staying in?
I prefer to stay at home watching my favorite movie without noise or anyone to bother, ha ha.
3. If you have a lot of work, do you prefer to work late into the night or get up early the following day?
If I have a lot of work I prefer to work until late at night and do all the homework the same day, I don't like to put
things off.
4. Do you prefer to get to appointments very early or at the last moment?
I prefer to arrive at the indicated time for the appointment, I consider it disrespectful to be late and that is because I
arrive on time so that everything goes well.
5. When do you find the best time to exercise?
I consider that the best time to exercise is in the morning, so I start my day relaxed.
6. What is your preferred method of getting around in a big city?
My preferred method to get around in a big city is informing me well about its tourist places or buying a guided
tour to help me with the route.
María Gracia
FOOD TALK, PAGE 92, 93. Have a conversation about your customs and preferences on food, also You can
talk about your habits in the past. Use th-e vocabulary on pages 92, 93

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