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Rubie Ann D.

San Nicolas BSED SCIENCE 2

Activity 5: Atomic Structures
1. What is an Atom, Proton, Neutron?
Atom – the basic building blocks of matter.
Proton – a positively charged particle inside the nucleus.
Electron – a negatively charged particle that orbits the nucleus.
Neutron – a neutral particle also inside the nucleus.
2. What is an Atomic Structure?
An atomic structure refers to the structure of an atom comprising an electron
cloud and a nucleus. The particles called electrons, or the negative charge are found
in the electron cloud while the proton, or the positive charge, and the neutron, or no
charge, are found or present in the nucleus.
3. What are the different types of atomic models?
There are five atomic models discovered by different scientists, but there is this one
model that many scientists discovered. The following are:
1. John Dalton’s atomic model: Dalton’s Billiard Ball (Solid Sphere) Model
It states that matter is made-up of small indivisible particles called atoms.
According to this theory, all substances are made-up of atoms which are indivisible
and indestructible. While atoms of the same element have the same size and mass,
atoms of different elements have different sizes and masses.
2. J.J Thomson’s model of atom: Plum Pudding Model
This model explains the inner structure of an atom theoretically. According to
Thomson, an atom resembles a sphere of positive charges with electrons distributed
inside it. Here, positive, and negative charges are equal in magnitude, and therefore
an atom is electrically neutral.
3. Ernest Rutherford’s atomic model: Nuclear Model
Discovered the nucleus of an atom and named the positive particles in the
nucleus "protons". It has been concluded that electrons are scattered in empty
space around the nucleus. The model by Thompson was not able to explain certain
results associated with the atomic structure of elements, so this model came into
existence. This model described the atom as a tiny, dense, positively charged core
called the nucleus, in which nearly all the mass is concentrated and around which
the negatively charged electrons circulate like planets moving around the sun.
4. Neils Bohr atomic model: Planetary Model
It is concluded that electrons are in planet-like orbits around the nucleus at
certain energy levels. It is like the Rutherford model. It is a planetary model in which
negatively charged particles orbit positively charged nuclear elements, like planets
orbiting the sun. A coherent force exists between these positive and negative
5. Erwin Schrodinger’s model: Electron Cloud Model / Quantum Model
It states that the behavior of atoms can be explained more clearly by treating
them mathematically as matter waves. This model is called the quantum mechanical
or wave mechanical model.

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