State of The Mobile Landscape

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Presented by &
The Marketer’s Guide to Mobile

Section 1:
State of the
Mobile Landscape

75 %
of users prefer a mobile-friendly site
“Think With Google”

52% of users say a bad mobile experience

made them less likely to engage
with a company
“Think With Google”

What’s a marketer to do?

Ensure you have a solid mobile strategy in place that
includes mobile optimization of your website

The Marketer’s Guide to Mobile

Time Spent on Mobile Devices

66 %
of people check their phones
approximately 46x a day

65 %
of all digital media time is spent
on mobile. Desktop is secondary

85 % What’s a marketer to do?

• Actively engage with users on their preferred platform. If you have
an app, send push notifications when relevant. If not, tap into text
of mobile time messages or email
is spent in apps • Consider investing in an app if it makes sense for your business
“moovweb“ (we will explore this later on)
• Make sure all of your digital assets are responsive to mobile
• Shift focus away from desktop and towards mobile

Power of 82% of smartphone users 67% of mobile users say they're
Mobile turn to their phones inside a store when
making purchase decisions “moovweb“
more likely to buy from a mobile-friendly
site.“Think With Google“

What’s a marketer to do?

Focus on optimizing your buyer journey for mobile
• For B2B: Make sure your content, product features, and digital assets are
mobile responsive and easily shareable
• For B2C: Create a streamlined purchase flow for mobile so that it’s
quick and easy for users on the go

The Marketer’s Guide to Mobile

Mobile Search

the amount of B2B

purchasing searches 72%

conducted via mobile
have grown since 2012
“ThinkWithGoogle” 50%
72 %
of people worldwide
who access the
internet do so from
a phone “eMarketer”



50 + % 2016

of Google searches
come from mobile
“Expanded Ramblings”
What’s a marketer to do?
• Develop a mobile strategy--even if you’re
B2B. It’s not just for B2C: Major B2B purchasing
decisions happen over mobile
• Optimize your site’s content for mobile. Don’t
take a hit in the SERP’s! Consider SEO
optimization for mobile, too


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