Anastasia Burenina, Tao Han, Et Al. 2020. Photomorphogenesis of Wheat Sprouts Wi

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Photomorphogenesis of wheat sprouts with LED irradiation of different


Article  in  Lighting Research and Technology · December 2019

DOI: 10.1177/1477153519894716


3 249

7 authors, including:

Tao Han Sergey B Turanov

Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences Tomsk Polytechnic University


Anastasia Burenina Elena Surnina

Тomsk State University Tomsk State University


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Lighting Res. Technol. 2020; 52: 583–594

Photomorphogenesis of wheat sprouts

with LED irradiation of different
T Han PhDa,b, T Astafurova DScc, S Turanov PhDa , A Burenina MScc, A Butenkova MScc,
E Surnina MScc and D Valiev PhDa,b
National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia
Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences, Chongqing, China
National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia

Received 26 September 2019; Revised 15 November 2019; Accepted 23 November 2019

Definition of the growth and development characteristics of plants in varied light

conditions is a key factor for the creation of highly efficient light facilities for plant
cultivation. Experimental research was conducted using an LED irradiation facility
with photosynthetic photon flux densities ranging from 0 to 261 lmol m2 s1 and
a continuous spectrum with maxima at 445 and 600 nm. Under the maximum
photosynthetic photon flux density (261 lmol m2 s1) wheat germs demonstrated
diminishing leaf surface with high values of specific leaf area, enhanced
pubescence of ground tissues, increases in the number of stomata on the upper
epidermis and palisade, and an increase in the thickness of the leaves as well as an
increase in carotenoids but a decrease in the chlorophyll aþb/carotenoids relation.
It was revealed that the optimum level of photosynthetic photon flux density for
the referred spectrum was in the range from 82 to 100 mmol m2 s1, which may
enable a reduction of irradiance under specific conditions during early develop-
ment with no harm to the plants while minimizing energy consumption during

1. Introduction parameters, may be the most promising for

use in green planting.5–10
The modernization of irradiation facilities In recent years, the interest of researchers
and the creation of new highly efficient light in this scientific field has increased signifi-
sources are decisive conditions for the devel- cantly. Numerous reports provide a large
opment of photoculture.1–4 They will ensure array of data on a variety of LED sources,
the necessary intensity and optimal ratio of different spectral characteristics, luminous
photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) for flux intensities, lighting modes, taking into
individual spectral regions. In addition, they account the species, varietal and age charac-
will correspond to the operational, technical teristics of plants, as well as their energy
and economic conditions of production and efficiency, durability, high manufacturability
will not require a radical reconstruction of and profitability. The effect of photon flux on
the premises. As the lighting devices of the structural and functional parameters of
the new generation, LEDs, for a number of plants depending on their developmental
stage is discussed. It is noted that the different
Address for correspondence: S Turanov, National Research lighting conditions can regulate the chemical
Tomsk Polytechnic University, Lenin Avenue 30, 634050 composition, nutritional value, production
Tomsk, Russia.
E-mail: of regeneration material in vitro culture,

ß The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers 2019 10.1177/1477153519894716

584 T Han et al.

transplant survival, timing and duration of It is difficult to define general irradiation

flowering, crop productivity, as well as post- patterns for various types of microgreens,
harvest storage of fruits and removal of seeds since plants with different life strategies may
from dormancy.1,5 Despite the large amount have special requirements for lighting even at
of data on the use of LED lighting in crop early stages of development. It is worth
production, many questions remain unan- noting that most researchers study the effects
swered. This makes it difficult to develop a of the spectral composition of radiation on
unified concept and create a common model the growth, quality, and presentation of
for application. Thus, research results that are microgreens.15–18 It is known that the spectral
optimal for growing plants in closed life- composition of light most effectively performs
support systems with full artificial light (e.g., a regulatory function in the range of low
in phytotrons or in orbital stations) differ irradiance levels.19 Therefore, a comparative
from the lighting conditions of the same study of the effect of light of different
plants in natural light, which, in turn, are intensities on the anatomical, morphological
subject to both climatic and seasonal and physiological parameters of various types
changes.9 In the regulation of lighting condi- of microgreen is of considerable interest. The
tions, it is necessary to take into account the aim of the present work is to determine the
nature of the economic conditions necessary optimal level of LED irradiation for wheat
for photoculture to significantly expand. The seedlings using various parameters of
idea of vertical farming is actively developing, morphogenesis.
where, along with traditional green crops,
berry, essential oil, medicinal and other non-
traditional crops are cultivated. The growing
of microgreens, the range of which is con- 2. Materials and methods
stantly expanding, is becoming increasingly
popular for functional nutrition. Microgreens 2.1 Plant material and growth conditions
are young edible sprouts from seeds of The spring soft wheat (Triticum aestivum
various types of vegetable, grain, aromatic L.) cultivar ‘‘Iren’’ was chosen as a model
and wild edible plants.11,12 Depending on the plant. The plants were purchased from
species, they can be harvested 7–21 days after Siberian Research Institute of Agriculture
germination, when the cotyledon leaves are and Peat, Tomsk, Russia. Seed germination
fully formed and the first leaves appear.13 The was not less than 95%. Experimental samples
response of these specialized early crops to of spring soft wheat were previously sprouted
lighting parameters differs from the response for two days before the seedling emergence.
of the same species grown for other economic The samples were evenly separated into vege-
purposes.10 Wheat is one of the most common tation pots with peat (15 g per pot). The size
microgreen species. The young green sprouts of the pot was 685.5 cm. The pots were
of wheat are used as primary produce for the placed in cells with a microclimate and
manufacture of healthy foods, usually in the irradiation control – phytotrons (Figure 1(a)
form of juice (wheatgrass) and powder from and (b)). A control was performed with a
dried sprouts. Wheatgrass juice contains most darkened cell of the climate chamber.
of the vitamins, macronutrients, enzymes and Throughout the experiment (10 days), the
amino acids. It is well known that wheat temperature of 23  2 8C and humidity 70%
sprouts contribute to the normalization of were kept constant in all cells. The plants
metabolism, increase immunity and eliminate were watered manually every day with similar
toxins from the body.14 amount of distilled water for each pot.

Lighting Res. Technol. 2020; 52: 583–594

Photomorphogenesis of wheat sprouts 585

(a) (b)

Power supply Electrical current (A),

Driver voltage (V)

Lights control

RD 485 Communication

Power supply
Temperature Humidity

CO2 Watering
Climate control

Temperature Humidity CO2 PPFD


(c) (d)
Irradiance, mW/m2



400 500 600 700 800
Wavelengh, nm
0 49 128 192 260

Figure 1. (a) Block diagram of the control system; (b) picture of the ‘‘Phytotron’’ greenhouse; (c) specialized irradiation
unit; (d) spectrum of the LED irradiation system

Lighting Res. Technol. 2020; 52: 583–594

586 T Han et al.
Table 1 The parameters of the phytotron irradiation unit

Sample Sample Sample Sample Sample Sample

number 1 number 2 number 3 number 4 number 5 number 6

Power consumption of the IU, (W) 0 5 10 15 25 50

Irradiance, (W/m2) – 11.3 17.3 20.6 37.7 54.9
Photosynthetic photon flux – 53.4 82.4 97.4 178.6 261.0
density (lmol  m2  s1)

2.2 Intelligent lighting system The operating modes of irradiation were

The light flux was provided by a specialized selected in such a way that the total flux of
irradiation unit (IU) (Figure 1(b) and (c)), light in the PAR region was the same in
which allows for the manual and automatic all cells of the phytotron (continuous spectra
control of the spectral composition and with maxima at 445 and 600 nm) (Figure 1(d)).
irradiation intensity (through three independ- This choice of the spectrum is due to the
ent channels). A control system for the presence of all components of light in the PAR
phytotron was developed for the technical region. The total flux of light in the PAR
implementation of automatic lighting. region for each cell was selected differently
The IU is a plate with circuit boards (Table 1). The photoperiod was fixed at 16
located on one side and cooling radiators on hours. The adjustment of irradiation modes
the other. Each cell of the phytotron contains was carried out by changing the current to the
20 circuit boards, each of which has nine LEDs. This was the most convenient and
LEDs of three colours (blue, (Cree easily controlled method for controlling the
XTEARY), red (Cree XPEPHR) and white intensity of the LED’s radiation (Figure 2).
(Cree XTEAWT). The adjustment of irradi-
ation modes was carried out by changing the 2.3 Morphometric parameter estimation
current through the LEDs from 0 to 700 mA. Morphometric parameters such as the
The photon flux of red LEDs can vary from length of the root system sprouts, the mass
0 to 264 mmol/s, for white LEDs from 0 of the root and aboveground parts of plants
to 201 mmol/s, for blue LEDs from 0 to were evaluated to assess the effect of the
263 mmol/s. In this way, it is possible irradiation parameters on the vegetation pro-
to form practically any spectral composition cesses of plants in all the tested plant samples.
in the PAR region and vary the photosyn- For leaf area the leaves were scanned, using
thetic photon flux density (PPFD) in both the program AxioVision (Carl Zeiss). The
automatic and manual control mode. The number of pixels measured sheet area and the
design of the phytotron ensures uniform measurements were translated into square
irradiance on the plant’s surface (Figure 1(c)). centimetres. Specific leaf weight (SLW) was
The main elements of the IU are the RS- defined as the total dry weight of leaves per
485 level converter, an 8-bit AVR microcon- unit of leaf area (with units of mg/cm2).
troller (ATtiny2313-20S), a pulse current The anatomical structure of the leaves was
driver LDD-700H, and an electrolytic cap- studied in accordance with generally accepted
acitor battery to form a direct current output. methods,20,21 the stomatal index (SI) was
Software control of load current is carried out calculated by SI (%) ¼ (S/SþE)100, where
via RS-485 interface (Figure 1(a)). S and E are the number of stomata and
Lighting Res. Technol. 2020; 52: 583–594
Photomorphogenesis of wheat sprouts 587

epidermal cells, respectively, per mm2.22 Fresh sample, at least 25 sections were analysed.
leaves were prepared by cutting on an MZ – 2 Photographs of microscopic specimens of
freezing microtomes (slice thickness leaves and microscopic measurements were
90–160 mm) in the middle part of the leaf. estimated on a Carl Zeiss Axio Lab A1 optical
The slices were made fivefold on leaves microscope with an AxioCam ERc 5s digital
collected from five plant samples. For each camera using Axio Vision 4.8 Software.
The amount of the pigments was deter-
mined in ethanol (96 %) extracts.
2.4 Absorbances at 665, 645 and 440.5 nm were
Irradiation intensity, [a.u.]

2.0 read (spectrophotometer UV-1601PC,
1.6 White
‘‘Shimadzu Corp.’’, Japan). The concentra-
tion of chlorophylls was then calculated as
1.2 described by Wintermans and de Mots,23 and
0.8 that of carotenoids according to Wettstein.24
0 150 300 150 600 3. Results
Current, mA
3.1 Morphometric parameters of wheat plants
Figure 2. The dependence of the irradiation intensity on
the current through the LEDs These studies conducted with wheat
sprouts grown under different intensities

0 53.4 82.4 97.4 178.6 261

mmol*s–1*m–2 mmol*s–1*m–2 mmol*s–1*m–2 mmol*s–1*m–2 mmol*s–1*m–2 mmol*s–1*m–2

Figure 3. The effect of light treatment with different photosynthetic photon flux densities on wheat sprouts

Lighting Res. Technol. 2020; 52: 583–594

588 T Han et al.

(a) 25 (b) 35
30 b b b

Shoot length, cm
Root length, cm

a a a a 25 c c,d
15 20
0 0

(c) 12 (d) 25
a a

Dry weight of sprout, mg

a a a a
Dry weight of root, mg

10 a 20
8 b
b 15 b

2 5

0 0

(e) 8 (f) 2.5

7 a a
a a 2 b
6 b
SLW, mg cm–2
Leaf area, cm2

c c c
5 1.5
4 c
3 1
0 0
0 53 82 97 179 261 0 53 82 97 179 261
PPFD, µmol m–2 S–1 PPFD, µmol m–2 s–1

Figure 4. The effect of photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) on (a) root length, (b) shoot length, (c) dry weight of
root, (d) dry weight of sprout, (e) leaf area and (f) specific leaf weight (SLW) of wheat sprouts. Different letters indicate
differences with p  0.05

showed effects on a number of morphological 261 lmol  m2  s1, the difference from the
parameters. The length of the seedlings’ roots control test sample was 30% (Figures 3 and
grown without irradiation (0 lmol  m2  s1 4(b)).
– control test sample) were 31–36% shorter The PPFD also had an impact on the
than the plant samples grown under higher accumulation of wheat sprout biomass which
levels of irradiation (Figure 4(a)). At the same increased relative to the control in experimental
time, the shoot length decreased with increas- samples at PPFDs of 82–261 lmol  m2  s1
ing PPFD, and the wheat plants were (Figure 4(c) and (d)). Figure 4(e) shows how
more compact. With a maximum PPFD of the PPFD influenced leaf area. The area
Lighting Res. Technol. 2020; 52: 583–594
Photomorphogenesis of wheat sprouts 589
Table 2 Anatomical characteristics of wheat leaves when grown in lighting conditions of different photosynthetic
photon flux density (PPDF)

Characteristic PPDF (lmol m2s1)

0 82 261
Upper epidermis The number of cells per 1 mm 193.78  10.81c 227.20  5.62b 302.08  5.49a
Stomatal density per 1 mm2 41.78  4.12b 49.28  3.05b 59.52  3.00a
Stomatal index, % 17.36  1.24a 17.61  0.80a 16.34  0.67a
Indument density per 1 mm2 36.44  4.44a 17.28  2.43b 28.16  3.10a
Lower epidermis The number of cells per 1 mm2 254.08  10.79a 225.92  3.50b 226.56  4.40b
Stomatal density per 1 mm2 34.56  3.77b 49.28  4.23a 34.56  2.72b
Stomatal index, % 11.62  0.78b 17.51  1.31a 13.05  0.92b
Indument density per 1 mm2 47.36  4.38a 27.52  3.00b 40.32  3.47a
Leaf slice Lamina thickness in vascular 213.53  4.04b 228.22  1.50a 212.85  9.29a, b
bundles (lm)
Lamina thickness (leaf blade) (lm) 130.19  3.64b 152.54  1.83a 124.68  5.08b
Upper epidermis thickness (lm) 17.71  0.45b 18.32  0.28b 24.94  0.72a
Lower epidermis thickness (lm) 18.84  0.39a 20.62  0.81a 21.26  1.15a
Mesophyll thickness (lm) 61.96  4.02c 121.70  2.47a 87.46  2.38b
Palisade mesophyll thickness (lm) 39.65  1.49c 63.98  1.10a 52.22  2.09b
Spongy mesophyll thickness (lm) 45.42  1.49c 69.77  2.14a 55.00  1.43b
Palisade/spongy ratio 0.90  0.05a 0.94  0.04a 1.03  0.09a
Height of upper mesophyll layer 26.74  0.70b 36.62  1.07a 36.98  0.77a
cells (lm)
Width of the upper mesophyll 22.87  0.67a 18.70  0.73b 21.60  0.45a
layer cells (lm)
Chloroplast diameter (lm) – 5.94  0.17a 4.71  0.12b
Vascular bundle cross-sectional 2774.26  183.50b 3886.77  416.74a 3464.03  250.49a
area (lm2)

Different letters indicate differences with p  0.05.

increases by 63% and reached a maximum for structure of the leaves of wheat grown under
the plant sample at a PPFD of the lighting conditions of varying intensity.
82 lmol  m2  s1 – 77% more than the con- A significant part of these indicators
trol. With a further increase of PPFD, the area had maximum values in wheat leaves
of formed leaves gradually decreased to a grown at a PPFD of 82 lmol  m2  s1: The
PPFD of 261 lmol  m2  s1. thickness of the leaves, mesophyll and its
An important parameter of the leaf, components, as well as the diameter of
characterizing the vital activity of plants, is chloroplasts, the cross-sectional area of the
the SLW. The SLW is significantly lower than vascular bundle, the number of stomata and
the control condition at a PPFD of 261 lmol the stomatal index of the lower epidermis
m2  s1. It is also, in general, significantly (Table 2).
different from the other experimental variants Wheat leaves at a PPFD of 261 lmol
(Figure 4(f)). A high value of SLW with the m2  s1 were characterized by the greatest
highest intensity of radiation reflects the number of cells and stomata of the upper
accumulation of a larger amount of dry epidermis, as well as the greatest thickness of
mass per unit leaf area. the upper and lower epidermis (Table 2,
Figure 5) when the lamella thinned. This
3.2 Anatomical characteristics reflects their adaptation to the conditions of
A number of key indicators were deter- intense lighting. It should be noted that the
mined when studying the anatomical stomatal indices of the upper epidermis do
Lighting Res. Technol. 2020; 52: 583–594
590 T Han et al.

(a) (b) (c)

0 µmol·m–2·s–1 82 µmol·m–2·s–1 261 µmol·m–2·s–1

500 µm
500 µm 500 µm

Figure 5. Cross-sections of wheat when grown under different photosynthetic photon flux density (PPDF) conditions.
(a) 0 mmol m2 s1; (b) 82 mmol m2 s1; (c) 261 mmol m2 s1

not have significant differences at PPFDs of photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) in
0, 82 and 261 lmol m2  s1. the spectral range of photosynthetically active
range, the photoperiod, the spectral compos-
3.3 The content of photosynthetic pigments ition of radiation and the mode of illumin-
The main acceptor of light is the pigment ation (constant or variable). The range of
system of plants, which reacts to the amount PPFD values that stimulate plant growth
and spectral composition of the incident light, is usually from 200–250 lmol  m2  s1 to
that later has a great influence on photosyn- 500–800 lmol  m2  s1.9 In greenhouses,
thetic productivity.25 It was found that in the leafy vegetables are usually grown with PPFD
control condition (PPDF of 0 lmol  m2  s1, levels of 200–300 lmol  m2  s1,23 but there
without light), the lowest photosynthetic pig- are data indicating that lettuce is grown
ment concentration in the leaves was at PPFD levels of 300–400 lmol  m2  s1.24
observed, and the maximum amount of For Chinese cabbage, a PPFD of
chlorophyll a and b per leaf area was observed 672 lmol  m2  s1 is considered saturating.25
at a PPFD of 82 lmol  m2  s1. It should be When grown at a PPDF of more than
noted that the content of chlorophyll a and 600 lmol  m2  s1, in some cases, the photo-
carotenoids do not significantly differ synthetic apparatus of the upper leaves and the
between PPFDs of 82–179 lmol  m2  s1 total yield biomass decrease as compared to
(Table 3). plants grown at lower levels of PPFD.26
The amount of carotenoids increases at the In recent years, there has been considerable
maximum PPFD (261 lmol  m2  s1) by interest in the production of microgreens,
8–14% compared with the other light vari- which constitutes a growing market segment
ants. There was a tendency to increase the in the crop production sector. A number of
chlorophyll a/b ratio and a significant studies have shown that different levels of
decrease in the chlorophyll a þ b/carotenoids PPDF have been used for growing micro-
relation when exposed to high PPFD. greens of different crops: for cabbage –
50 lmol  m2  s1, basil – 170 lmol  m2  s1,
lettuce – 135 lmol  m2  s1, white mustard,
4. Discussion spinach, parsley and green onions –
300 lmol  m2  s1.10,30 Thus, it is difficult to
The most important characteristics of the establish a single optimal level of PPFD – both
LED illumination mode for plants are the in terms of the needs of plants, and the
Lighting Res. Technol. 2020; 52: 583–594
Photomorphogenesis of wheat sprouts 591
Table 3 Effect of photosynthetic photon flux density on the photosynthetic pigments content of the first wheat leaf,

Photosynthetic photon Chl a Chl b Chl a / Chl b Carotenoids Chl aþb/

flux density (lmol m2s1) carotenoids

0 (reference material) 0.03  0.003c 0.01  0.001c 5.3c 0.11  0.01d 0.3c
53 1.38  0.05b 0.44  0.02b 3.1b 0.34  0.01c 5.3b
82 1.52  0.07a 0.51  0.03a 3.0b 0.39  0.01b 5.3b
97 1.46  0.03a 0.46  0.01b 3.2b 0.37  0.01b 5.3b
179 1.44  0.03a 0.46  0.01b 3.1b 0.37  0.01b 5.2b
261 1.44  0.04a 0.43  0.01b 3.4a 0.42  0.01a 4.5a

Different letters indicate differences with p  0.05.

Chl a: chlorophyll a, Chl b: chlorophyll b, Chl a/Chl b: chlorophyll a/chlorophyll b, Chl a þ b/carotenoids: (chlorophyll
a þ chlorophyll b)/carotenoids.

profitability of their production. photosynthetically active tissues in relation

Recommended levels of PPFD depend on the to the volume of cell walls in the dry mass of
type of plant, planting density, growth condi- leaves,34 which was noted in the samples with
tions, and on the specific cultivation target. a PPFD of 82 lmol  m2  s1. The increase
This may be the maximum productivity of the of SLW at the maximum PPDF of
shoot (biomass) for leafy vegetables, maximum 261 lmol  m2  s1 was due to an increase in
seed productivity for grain crops, rapid or the upper and lower epidermis thickness with
simultaneous flowering of flower crops, etc. a decrease in the leaf plate thickness.
For most agricultural plants, even a small It is well known that with a higher PPFD,
increase or decrease in light intensity leads to both the leaf thickness and the palisade
significant changes in morphology and anat- and spongy mesophyll increase.35–37 In
omy,31 as well as the rate of photosynthesis, our experiment, an increase in these charac-
transpiration and stomatal conductance of teristics was observed at a PPFD of
leaves.32,33 According to our investigations, 82 lmol  m2  s1, and at higher levels
the highest biomass indices were observed of exposure (261 lmol  m2  s1), a decrease
in experimental samples with PPFD of in these parameters was observed, which is
82–261 lmol  m2  s1. We did not detect consistent with the results of studies con-
any differences in the given indicator in this ducted for other plant species.35–38
irradiation range. The leaf area practically Analysis of the content of photosynthetic
do not change over a PPFD range of pigments in the leaves of the experimental
53–179 lmol  m2  s1 and decreased at a samples revealed their minimum concentra-
PPFD of 261 lmol  m2  s1. The SLW tion in a low PPFD (53 lmol  m2  s1). As
values have an inverse pattern with a decrease the PPFD increased (up to
in the average range and an increase at 261 lmol  m2  s1), an increase in the con-
maximum PPFD. It is believed that in centration of chlorophylls and carotenoids
plants with low SLW i.e., with a thinner was observed, without significant differences
leaf, the photosynthesis is carried out more between the experimental samples. With a
efficiently due to lower costs for the leaf high PPFD (261 lmol  m2  s1), a decrease
formation and loss of light energy. At the in the chlorophyll content was observed,
same time, a decrease in SLW value may which is apparently associated with an
reflect an increase in the share of increased degeneration of these pigments.39–41
Lighting Res. Technol. 2020; 52: 583–594
592 T Han et al.

5. Conclusion University competitiveness improvement pro-

gram grant (no.
The experimental data show that at a PPFD
of 82 lmol  m2  s1 wheat sprouts show the
maximum leaf parameters such as the leaf and ORCID iD
mesophyll thickness, the size of chloroplasts,
photosynthetic pigment content, and leaf S Turanov
area. In plants grown in the PPFD range 9518-0598
from 82 to 179 lmol  m2  s1 there are no
differences in such indicators as weight and
length of root, aerial parts weight, SLW, and References
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