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Hello teacher,my name is Ha.

Live green is the topic that is interested

nowadays.Today I’m going to give some advices to live green.As you know,most
of our important appliances are using electricity.It comsumes a large amount of
natural resourses,so it is harmful for the environment.We should turn off these
appliances when they are not in used and when you don’t really need to use it.For
example,when it is day,we can use the sunshine and you don’t need to use
lights.Thus,plactics are very harmful,they need more than 10 years to decompose.If
it is not handled and goes straight to the ocean,some sea creatures will accidentally
eat these plactics.The worst situation is they will die.So we can use paper bags or
reusable bags instead.It reduce the amount of plactics and we can’t stop pollute the
environment.Third,we shoudn’t drop litter in the street,it makes the street dirty and
polluted.We need to plant more tree as it emits a large amount of oxygen,gives us
shade and fresh air and it also reduce the amount of carbon dioxide,it makes the
view more beautiful,we can also use public transport as it can reudces the harmful
gas.Fourth,we should use organic food since it is not contains the herbicide and
harmful chemicals.And we need to take exercises,it helps us improve our
health.Finally,we need to act more to reduce the environmental problems such as
water pollution,deforestation,…because these pollutions affect deeply to our
life,we need to raise humans awarness of environmental problems,organise more
program to save the Earth from pollutions.I hope these advices are useful.Thank
you for listening.

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