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Caribbean Issues and Perspectives

Name: Patrina Perreira

Institution: Clarence Fritzroy Bryant College

Division: TECVOC

Programme: Information Technology (A.A.S)

Course: Caribbean Issues and Perspectives

Lecturer: Cameron Gill

Course Code: CBST1001

Due Date: February 24th 2022


Applied Arts, Associate Degree in Information Technology

CBST 1001: Caribbean Issues and Perspectives

Tutorial Essay Assignment (Topics 5 and 6)

1. Describe TWO strategies you would recommend to the government that could BOTH
alleviate poverty and reduce unemployment.

The Caribbean economy is now beset by two of its most serious challenges:
unemployment and poverty, particularly in light of the epidemic. Poverty is caused by a
number of variables, one of which being unemployment. As a result, governments and people
devise strategies to help in the alleviation of poverty and the reduction of unemployment in
Caribbean countries. The creation of jobs and the provision of access to social and public
goods are two effective measures that may be used to address these concerns.

To begin, governments should strive to enhance and expand job opportunities. It

might be the encouragement of entrepreneurship, with grants or subsidies available to those
who are interested. Investing in self-employment methods gives people the opportunity to
earn more than the minimum wage. There are also government partnerships, in which a firm
that is not headquartered in your area branches off and pledges to offer training and jobs for
persons in exchange for the ability to operate within your territory. Significant jobs can be
created for residents utilising one of the following ways, resulting in economic growth for a
country, and a major decrease in poverty and unemployment.

The provision of social and public benefits is another measure that may be
undertaken. Health care, housing, and education are examples of these services. Substantial
healthcare can help to ensure that people of working age are able to operate productively in
the workplace. While improvements in the provision of educational services and scholarship
opportunities can improve young people's capacity to attain skills and degrees, allowing them
to work more successfully and even migrate to earn money that can in return be paid back to
family members in our economy.The effective provision of these services can contribute in
preventing poverty from being passed down through generations.

To summarise, despite the fact that there are many more approaches to combat
poverty and unemployment, these are some of the most successful tactics that may be used. It
is critical that the government and citizens collaborate to adopt these and other policies to
relieve poverty and reduce unemployment.

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