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Neotropical Entomology


Next-Generation Sequencing and Its Impacts on Entomological

Research in Ecology and Evolution
Débora Pires Paula 1

Received: 17 September 2020 / Accepted: 6 July 2021

# Sociedade Entomológica do Brasil 2021

The advent of NGS-based methods has been profoundly transforming entomological research. Through continual development
and improvement of different methods and sequencing platforms, NGS has promoted mass elucidation of partial or whole genetic
materials associated with beneficial insects, pests (of agriculture, forestry and animal, and human health), and species of
conservation concern, helping to unravel ecological and evolutionary mechanisms and characterizing survival, trophic interac-
tions, and dispersal. It is shifting the scale of biodiversity and environmental analyses from individuals and biodiversity indicator
species to the large-scale study of communities and ecosystems using bulk samples of species or a mixed “soup” of environ-
mental DNA. As the NGS-based methods have become more affordable, complexity demystified, and specificity and sensitivity
proven, their use in entomological research has spread widely. This article presents several examples on how NGS-based
methods have been used in entomology to provide incentives to apply them when appropriate and to open our minds to the
expected advances in entomology that are yet to come.

Keywords Agroecosystems . conservative biological control . ecosystem services . food webs . insect-vectored diseases . NGS .

Introduction 1986, 1987; Smith et al. 1986), such as not requiring knowl-
edge of parts of the DNA sequence to design oligos to initiate
High-throughput next-generation sequencing (HT-NGS), of- the sequencing reaction, sequencing simultaneously several
ten referred to simply as NGS, is a DNA sequencing method regions of the DNA, multiplexing of dozens to hundreds of
launched in 2005 (Wheeler et al. 2008; Pareek et al. 2011), in samples in a run and generating hundreds of millions of se-
which multiple fragments are sequenced through a massively quenced DNA fragments (called reads), and producing “big
parallel sequencing process. It is based on cluster emulsion or data” (Shendure et al. 2017). Due to this advanced methodol-
bridge PCR amplification of DNA fragments (second gener- ogy, NGS-based methods allow the faster elucidation of ge-
ation) or single DNA molecule sequencing (SMS) (third gen- nomes and large-scale screening of molecular markers (loci)
eration), both with several commercial platforms available or in greater numbers of individuals from model or non-model
in development (see Pareek et al. 2011 and Kulski 2016 for organisms, with or without previous genomic information, as
development history, and Shokralla et al. 2012 for how they well as estimation of genome variation within and between
work and limitations). The second and third generations of populations of the same or different species. Consequently,
DNA sequencing differ in several respects from the first- faster and larger advances in physiological, developmental,
generation DNA sequencers (Sanger and Coulson 1975; ecological, and evolutionary studies are being achieved.
Sanger et al. 1977; Maxam and Gilbert 1977; Ansorge et al. Initially, the main application of NGS in entomology was
the elucidation of genomes of several insects of interest for
agriculture, urban environments, conservation, and public
Edited by Herbert AA Siqueira health. In March 2020, considering only insects, the public
databases GenBank/EMBL/DDBJ contained 552 nuclear ge-
* Débora Pires Paula nomes, 861 assemblies, and 9912 mitogenomes (Fig. 1), in-
cluding biological control agents, pollinators, agricultural
Embrapa Genetic Resources and Biotechnology, Brasília, DF, Brazil pests, and vectors of diseases (Table 1 and Supporting

Fig. 1 Timeline of the insect

genomes released in GenBank up
to March 2020. A Nuclear
genomes (search key
“insecta[organism] genome”),
552 total; B mitogenomes (partial
and complete; search details: key
mitochondrion,” custom
sequence length range from 7 k
and 35 k bp, and custom genome
filtering), 9912 total. Some
species have several releases of
mitogenome sequences. The
species and GenBank identifiers
are provided in Table S1
(Supplementary Material)

Information). More insect genomes are expected to be eluci- insect taxa, Allenza and Eldridge 2007) or genome editing.
dated at a faster rate in the future, as the costs of NGS have Detailed, high-resolution patterns of phylogeography in any
been decreasing consistently and the technologies and bioin- organism have become feasible, regardless of the previous
formatic pipelines are being periodically improved. existence of genomic data. More broadly, the identification
According to Li et al. (2019), 1219 insect genome- of incipient speciation and genome-wide variation in natural
sequencing projects were at that time in progress in populations is being revealed, enabling more accurate infer-
GenBank. The i5k Workspace Project by the National ence of patterns of population relatedness, adaptation to envi-
Agricultural Library – USDA/NAL (https://i5k.nal.usda. ronmental stresses, determination of species diversity, life his-
gov/) plans to elucidate and annotate (from 2018 to 2023) tory, and migration routes.
the genomes of 5000 arthropod species (Poelchau et al. 2015). This review illustrates how NGS has been contributing to
The unpreceded ease in obtaining insect genomic data has entomological research through the identification, manage-
generated new understandings in insect evolution, genome ment and conservation of insect species, populations, commu-
size, gene number, gene order (synteny), unique species- nities, and other processes related to the functioning of the
specific genes, genetic, and developmental mechanisms of ecosystems. The contributions are presented in five topics:
evolutionary diversification in the basic body plan biodiversity surveys and monitoring; population genomics,
(evolutionary developmental biology or evo-devo) (Cusson phylogenomics, phylogeography, and dispersal routes;
2008). As exemplified further, this knowledge has contributed deciphering adaptive evolution; untangling food webs; and
to the identification of pest-specific molecules that can be identification of insect symbionts. A number of NGS-based
targeted for monitoring, insecticide development (biorational methods are described in the extant literature, for example,
target sites, i.e., reduced risk insecticides due to the targeting whole-genome sequencing (WGS, Li et al. 2010), restriction
of genes that encode proteins unique to insects or to specific site-associated DNA sequencing (RAD-seq, Davey et al.
Table 1 Some insect biological control agents, pollinators, agricultural pests, and vectors of diseases with the genome elucidated by NGS

Species Common name Description Genome ID

Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus) (Diptera: Culicidae) Yellow fever mosquito Vector of dengue, chikungunya, Zika, yellow fever 44
Agrotis ipsilon (Hufnagel) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Dark sword-grass Pest of seedling crop plants 15346
Anopheles gambiae Giles (Diptera: Culicidae) African malaria mosquito Vector of malaria 46
Apis mellifera Linnaeus (Hymenoptera: Apidae) Honeybee Pollinator 48
Bombus terrestris (Linnaeus) (Hymenoptera: Apidae) Buff-tailed bumblebee Pollinator 2739
Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae) Medfly Pest of fruits 2738
Cimex hemipterus Linnaeus (Hemiptera: Cimicidae) Bed bug Global human ectoparasite 45190
Culex quinquefasciatus Say (Diptera: Culicidae) Southern house mosquito Vector of West Nile virus, St. Louis encephalitis 39
Diabrotica virgifera LeConte (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) Western corn rootworm Pest of corn 17855
Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Psyllida) Citrus psylla Pest of citrus 867
Drosophila suzukii Matsumura (Diptera: Drosophilidae) Spotted wing drosophila Pest of citrus 18317
Euschistus heros (Fabricius) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) Neotropical brown stink bug Pest of soybean 72975
Fopius arisanus (Sonan) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) - Egg parasitoid of fruit flies 35518
Harmonia axyridis Pallas (Coleoptera: Coccinellae) Multicolored Asian ladybeetle Aphidophagous predator 71559
Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Cotton bollworm Pest of wide range of host plants 13316
Next-Generation Sequencing and Its Impacts on Entomological Research in Ecology and Evolution

Melipona quadrifasciata Lepeletier (Hymenoptera: Apidae) Mandaçaia Pollinator 12726

Nasonia vitripennis (Walker) (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) Jewel wasps Pupal parasitoid of flies 760
Plutella xylostella Linnaeus (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) Diamondback moth Pest of crucifer crops 11570
Rhodnius prolixus Stål (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) Blood-sucking bug Vector of Chagas 447
Spodoptera frugiperda J. E. Smith (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Fall armyworm Pest of corn 10985
Tribolium castaneum Herbst (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) The red flour beetle Pest of grains 216
Trichoplusia ni (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Cabbage looper Pest of crucifer crops 18285
Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) Tomato pinworm Pest of tomato 79094

2011), genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS, Elshire et al. 2011), In addition to the taxonomic identification of mass collec-
multiplexed inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSR) genotyping- tions of organisms, NGS can also detect environmental DNA
by-sequencing (MIG-seq, Suyama and Matsuki 2015), target (eDNA) from several sources (feces, urine, epidermal cells,
sequence capture/hybrid enrichment (Gnirke et al. 2009), scales, pieces of pupae, etc.). In this review, the definition of
amplicon sequencing (amplicon-seq, Wachi et al. 2018), RNA- eDNA is based on Thomsen and Willerslev (2015): “genetic
Seq (Wang et al. 2008), metabarcoding (Taberlet et al. 2012; material obtained directly from environmental samples (soil,
Piper et al. 2019), metagenomics (Escobar-Zepeda et al. 2015), sediment, water, ice, etc.) without any obvious signs of bio-
and direct DNA shotgun sequencing (Paula et al. 2015, 2016; logical source material,” and on Taberlet et al. (2012) and
Srivathsan et al. 2015, 2016). Their mechanisms and examples Deiner et al. (2017): “DNA captured from an environmental
are summarized in Table 2. Unfortunately, other excellent re- sample without first isolating any target organisms.” The use
search examples and NGS-based methods were not included in of eDNA is possible because, depending on the environmental
this brief overview of this rapidly evolving area. Although this setting, DNA can persist in the environment beyond the
work is focused on insects, non-insect spiders and mites were lifespan of an organism (Dejean et al. 2011). Such environ-
also included. mental persistent DNA is referred to as “zombie DNA” and
enables the identification of species that belong to a commu-
nity even when the specimen was not present at the time of the
sampling. In aquatic ecosystems, it has been demonstrated that
Biodiversity surveys and monitoring eDNA has relatively rapid degradation (hours to days or
weeks, Dejean et al. 2011), suggesting that results are restrict-
Biodiversity surveys and monitoring initiatives have benefited ed in space and time. In soil, eDNA can persist significantly
significantly from NGS developments. Traditionally, they were longer, for decades or possibly even centuries (Thomsen and
based on the identification of species by acoustic and/or visual Willerslev 2015), and therefore may not necessarily represent
surveys or by sampling and counting of individuals using mor- the actual biodiversity of present communities/ecosystems or
phological characters (Häuser and Riede 2015). Morphological the presence of a species of conservation concern.
identification is time-consuming and requires taxonomic exper- There is an extensive literature that demonstrates the appli-
tise in specific taxonomic groups, which is often lacking and has cability of using metabarcoding and other NGS methods for
been declining (Basset et al. 2012). Therefore, morphological biodiversity surveys or monitoring, and only the pioneer
identification of all species for entire communities or ecosystems works are mentioned here. Hajibabaei et al. (2011) used
is considered onerous, even though it has been necessary to eDNA metabarcoding of large-scale, bulk samples of benthic
assess spatial and temporal biodiversity patterns. In addition, macroinvertebrate larvae from two Canadian rivers, to con-
insects often have several taxa with cryptic species, i.e., morpho- trast patterns of species occurrence in urbanized and
logical identification is not reliable (Sha et al. 2006), and have conservation habitats. The taxonomic identification of such
many taxa where identification is only feasible for a particular life immatures would not be possible beyond the family level
stage (e.g., only adult males of some insects), which is not nec- using morphological methods. In the terrestrial environment,
essarily sampled in field expeditions (Sinclair and Gresens 2008). Yu et al. (2012) were one of the first to demonstrate that
Since the year 2000, species identifications started to be support- metabarcoding can reliably estimate the community composi-
ed by DNA barcodes (Hebert et al. 2003; Hajibabaei et al. 2006) tion of hundreds of terrestrial arthropods. They identified 673
enabling the identification of cryptic species (Janzen et al. 2009). unique haplotypes (mostly flying insects) caught in Malaise
However, the vanguard DNA barcode method (i.e., based on traps from three locations in China and mixed the species into
individual Sanger sequencing) is labor-intensive for biodiversity seven mock communities to analyze them by metabarcoding.
surveys in terms of tissue sampling of each specimen. About 10 Through metabarcoding, 76% of the species were iden-
years later, the combination of DNA barcoding and NGS, re- tified, but metabarcoding failed to estimate species
ferred to as metabarcoding (Taberlet et al. 2012), shifted biodi- abundance, which could not be predicted by sequence
versity surveys from sampling individual organisms (biodiversity (i.e., reads) abundance, probably due to PCR amplifica-
indicators) towards sampling dozens to hundreds of insect spe- tion bias and reaction stochasticity.
cies in bulked (i.e., mass-collected, usually containing a mixture Ji et al. (2013) compared the species composition and rich-
of co-occurring taxa) environmental samples from terrestrial ness obtained by metabarcoding and three high-quality stan-
(e.g., soil meiofauna, Shokralla et al. 2015) and aquatic commu- dard data sets from 55813 terrestrial arthropod and bird spec-
nities (e.g., benthic samples, Hajibabaei et al. 2011). This enabled imens collected from a Malaysian rainforest, a forest in China,
faster and cost-effective taxonomic identification of any life stage and a woodland in the United Kingdom (UK). Both methods
and facilitated the detection of rare, endangered (Thomsen et al. exhibited statistically correlated alpha- and beta-diversities;
2012), elusive, secretive, and invasive species (Bohmann et al. however, the metabarcoding data were taxonomically more
2014). comprehensive, at least two times faster to obtain (1165
Next-Generation Sequencing and Its Impacts on Entomological Research in Ecology and Evolution

Table 2 Examples of NGS-based methods applied to entomological NGS, next-generation sequencing; RAD-seq, restriction site-associated
research. Amplicon-seq, amplicon sequencing; CCD, colony collapse dis- DNA sequencing; RE, restriction enzyme; RNA-seq, RNA sequencing;
order; DDSS, direct DNA shotgun sequencing; GBS, genotyping-by- SNPs, single-nucleotide polymorphisms; WGS, whole-genome
sequencing; IAPV, Israeli acute paralysis virus; ISSR, inter-simple se- sequencing
quence repeats; MIG-seq, multiplexed ISSR genotyping-by-sequencing;

Method(s) Mechanism Application(s) Example(s) Advantage(s) Limitation(s)

Amplicon-seq PCR of specific DNA Biodiversity survey; Identification of unique Cost-effective Time-consuming and
(Wachi et al. region followed by species monitoring; symbionts in 28 labor-intensive for
2018) NGS phylogeography; families and 8 orders large sampling size as
phylogenetics; of insect (Jones et al. separate PCR is re-
mutation 2013) quired for each target
identification and locus and sample.
frequency analysis
DDSS NGS sequencing Gut content analysis Identification of species No PCR bias; Not cost-effective for
(Paula et al. without enrichment of (food webs) or preyed upon by preservation of the large sample size as
2015, the DNA community identification of predatory ladybird original composition samples cannot be
Srivathsan followed by other highly beetles (Paula et al. and abundance of the multiplexed in a same
et al. 2015) taxonomic assignment degraded eDNA 2016) DNA community; library; dependent on a
of unassembled reads samples potential for good reference data-
quantitative analysis base
Metabarcoding DNA barcode Biodiversity surveys; Identification of insects Good cost-benefit; high Detection of false
(Taberlet et al. enrichment of monitoring of in: benthic capacity to process positives and/or false
2012, Piper multiple taxa followed species (including communities large-scale or bulk negatives; no estima-
et al. 2019) by NGS of conservation (Hajibabaei et al. samples; highly sensi- tion of species abun-
concern or 2011), soil meiofauna tive dance; may not pro-
invasive); study of (Shokralla et al. 2015), vide a species-level
species Malaise traps (Gibson taxonomic resolution;
interactions/food et al. 2014); identifica- dependent on a good
webs tion of host plants of reference database
hoverflies through
identification of the
carried pollen (Lucas
et al. 2018)
Metagenomics NGS of large fragments Biodiversity surveys; Identification of the Enable study of May not return good
(Escobar-Zepeda or complete genomes study of species IAPV as a diagnostic uncultivable taxonomic resolution
et al. 2015) (nuclear and or interactions marker for CCD in microorganisms
organellar) from a honeybees
community (usually (Cox-Foster et al.
microorganisms) 2007)
without previous
MIG-seq Multiplex PCR of ISSRs Population genomics; Phylogeny of 10–23 No need for prior genetic Lower identification of
(Suyama and followed by NGS phylogenomics; years old, dried muse- information; high SNPs compared to
Matsuki 2015) (genome-wide marker phylogeography; um specimens capacity to process RAD-seq
discovery) dispersal routes Pheidole ants (Eguchi large-scale samples;
et al. 2020) require lower DNA
quantity and quality
than RE-based NGS
methods; wide range
of species
RRL, RAD-seq, DNA digestion by Population genomics, Evolution of populations No need for prior genetic Missing data; restricted to
GBS restriction enzymes phylogenomics, of the pitcher plant information; high populations or closely
(Baird et al. combined with NGS phylogeography, mosquito (Emerson capacity to process related species; not
2008, Davey (genome-wide marker and dispersal routes et al. 2010) large-scale samples suitable for old (e.g.,
et al. 2011, discovery) museum) or very small
Elshire et al. specimens as requires
2011) high amount and
quality of DNA
RNA-seq RNA extraction and Adaptation studies; Study of adaptive No need for prior genetic Not suitable for studies
(Wang et al. conversion to cDNA gene expression; evolution of social information; more involving
2008) followed by NGS gene identification; complexity among direct correlation of non-functional genes
metabolism Polistes paper wasps, genotype with
analysis; phylogeny Bombus bumblebees phenotype; sensitive

Table 2 (continued)

Method(s) Mechanism Application(s) Example(s) Advantage(s) Limitation(s)

and honeybee, Apis

mellifera (Dogantzis
et al. 2018)
Target NGS of captured (e.g., Measurement of Study of insecticide No PCR bias Need of previous
enrichment by hybridization) adaptation; genetic resistance in Culex knowledge of genetic
(Gnirke et al. genomic regions of diversity; quinquefasciatus information to design
2009) functional or phylogeny (Kothera et al. 2019) probe(s); limited
phylogenetic applicable taxonomic
significance range
WGS Elucidation of a whole Several Determination of the Generates genetic Cost and high expertise
(Li et al. 2010) genome (nuclear and relation between wing information to required
or organellar) by polyphenism (affects develop markers,
fragmentation dispersal distance) probes, and primers
followed by NGS with insulin receptors
in the rice brown
Nilaparvata lugens
(Xue et al. 2014, Xu
et al. 2015)

person-hours for all taxa versus 2505 person-hours of taxo- plant-pollinator networks is highly relevant to safeguard the
nomic expertise), less reliant on taxonomic expertise, and dis- provision of the ecosystem service of pollination, particularly
pensed with the use of biodiversity indicator taxa (e.g., moths, in the presence of environmental stressors (climate change,
ants, spiders, carabid beetles, dung beetles). Gibson et al. invasive species, etc.). Pollen was washed off the bodies of
(2014) had more taxa identified from a bulk sample of 1066 192 hoverflies and they were identified as coming from 65
individuals captured in Malaise traps in a Costa Rican conser- plant taxa, a higher richness than anticipated. In addition, the
vation area from Guanacaste using metabarcoding (with 11 data revealed different degrees of plant-pollinator network
primer sets for the same barcode region of the cytochrome c specialization at the community, species, and individual
oxidase subunit 1 – COI gene) than through morphological levels, as well as temporal changes along the sampling season.
and Sanger-sequencing analysis combined (using one COI Barsoum et al. (2019) compared the use of metabarcoding
primer pair). They found several phyla (including arthropods), and taxa- and habitat-based surrogates (i.e., biodiversity indi-
12 orders, 47 families, 70 genera, and 41 species using cators) to assess the effects of tree composition and manage-
metabarcoding versus 12 orders, 37 families, 30 genera, and ment (mono- or polyculture) on the arthropod biodiversity in
11 species using the other methods. 15 plantation stands (five Scots pine-oak mixtures, four Scots
Piñol et al. (2014) assessed the biodiversity of prey con- pine, and six oak monocultures) in southeast England.
sumed by the generalist spider Oedothorax fuscus (Blackwall) Although the measures of biodiversity were highly congruent
(Aranea: Linyphiidae) in Wales (England) with only 6% of the between metabarcoding and the taxa-based surrogates,
total good quality metabarcoding reads of the predator gut metabarcoding was more taxonomically comprehensive,
content and identified five prey species plus five prey which facilitated the identification of 116 arthropod species
genera. Beng et al. (2016) used metabarcoding to conduct an highly associated with stand types.
impact assessment of land use (forest versus rubber and tea Other NGS methods, not based on barcode enrichment
plantations) on the community of the highly cryptic and rela- through PCR, have also been used for biodiversity surveys
tively small-sized litter arthropods in 35 matched forest plan- and monitoring. They were motivated by the criticisms on
tation sites from southwestern China. They found that the PCR bias (including varied “universal” primer efficiency
alpha-diversity of more insect groups declined significantly across taxa) that can lead to false positives and false negatives
from forests into adjacent rubber plantations than into tea and loss of the original DNA sample composition and richness
plantations; the diversity of Orthoptera was significantly (Clarke et al. 2014; Deagle et al. 2014). Zhou et al. (2013)
higher in tea; and forests had a higher species turnover. isolated the mitochondrial DNA of a community of 73 insects
Lucas et al. (2018) used metabarcoding to identify the from the Beishan Mountains in China and directly processed
range of plant species used as a source of pollen for the non- an ultra-high Illumina sequencing (15.5 Gb data) to recover
Hymenopteran pollinator Eristalis hoverflies in four grassland the first 648–658 bp of the COI gene, known as the Folmer
sites in the western UK. The knowledge of the structure of region (Folmer et al. 1994), which is commonly used for
Next-Generation Sequencing and Its Impacts on Entomological Research in Ecology and Evolution

animal species identification. They successfully identified 92– and multiplexing the amplicons in one single library without
97% of the insect species and suggested that the relative abun- indexing tags. After DNA shotgun sequencing, the taxonomy
dance of each taxon could be estimated by using its total was assigned using baits (sequences from the COI Folmer
number of nucleotides obtained (referred by them as “se- region of each beetle species). Later, Timmermans et al.
quencing volume”) to infer biomass and thus presumably (2016) studied the phylogenetics of 35 butterfly museum
number of individuals. In 2014, Tang et al. 2014 used a similar specimens stored dried for 9 to 35 years. They reconstructed
method, but without mitochondrial enrichment, to recover the the butterfly mitogenomes using DNA shotgun sequencing,
whole mitochondrial DNA as a multi-locus approach to iden- without a shearing step before library construction. Such re-
tify taxa (mostly at species level) from a pool of 49 known covery of genetic information from museum specimens using
taxa, mostly insects, sampled in 11 sites in China. They re- NGS has been called “museum genomics” (Rowe et al. 2011).
ferred to this method as “mitogenome metagenomics” (aka Using MIG-seq, Eguchi et al. (2020) were able to study the
mitogenomics or mitochondrial metagenomics or mito- phylogeny of 55 dry specimens of Neotropical ants from the
metagenomics) and used it (Tang et al. 2015) to assess the genus Pheidole (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from a 10- to 23-
composition of wild bees collected in pan traps in southern year-old museum collection by the successful identification of
England. From a pooled sample of 204 bee specimens, 36862 SNPs from 4849 polymorphic loci.
mitogenomics enabled the correct identification of 59 species Soria-Carrasco et al. (2014) analyzed the whole-genome
out of 63 identified morphologically (93.7% detection rate). divergence in walking sticks Timema cristinae Vickery
Andújar et al. (2015) combined mitogenomics and DNA (Phasmatodea: Timemidae) populations one generation after
barcoding to determine the community of arthropod soil they were transplanted from their preferred host plants to an
mesofauna (1494 specimens in 69 samples from three regions alternative host. This species has ecotypes adapted to different
in the Iberian Peninsula) and their phylogenetic relation from host plants. Instead of finding different gene frequencies of
three different locations in Spain. They found an amazing particular alleles, they found genomic divergence of whole
diversity of more than 300 species of soil beetles sections of the genome between populations (some of them
(Coleoptera) and a gradient of community differentiation unique to a population/host), many of which involved multi-
along with the soil depth. Using a similar methodology, ple genes with specific molecular functions. Walking stick
Gomez-Rodriguez et al. (2015) estimated the species richness genes diverged in parallel suggesting that speciation can in-
and community dissimilarity in over 2600 specimens (171 volve both repeatable and idiosyncratic divergence at the ge-
species) from 10 communities of leaf beetles netic level and that the repeatable component involves many
(Chrysomelidae) in the Iberian Peninsula. genomic regions affected by divergent selection.
NGS has facilitated the assessment and monitoring of ge-
netic variation in populations of biological control agents (Li
Population genomics, phylogenomics, et al. 2017b) that ultimately may reduce the biological control
phylogeography, and dispersal routes agent fitness or performance, for instance by diluting locally
adapted genomes or disrupting coadapted gene complexes
Many NGS-based methods have been developed for the im- built up in isolated populations (outbreeding depression), or
provement of the study of population genomics, enhance its capacity to adapt to new environments (Li et al.
phylogenomics, and phylogeography in model and non- 2018). In addition, recently NGS has been used to speed up
model species (see Davey and Blaxter 2010; Davey et al. selection for improved efficacy of biological control agents
2011, Rice et al. 2011, Lemmon and Lemmon 2013, (Lommen et al. 2017), in an effort called “next-generation
McCormack et al. 2013, Narum et al. 2013 and Wachi et al. biological control” (Le Hesran et al. 2019; Leung et al.
2018). For example, Emerson et al. (2010) used RAD-seq to 2019). The underlying idea is to use NGS-based tools and
resolve the postglacial phylogeography of a non-model organ- approaches (e.g., genotype-by-sequencing-GBS, Baird et al.
ism: the North American pitcher plant mosquito Wyeomyia 2008; genome-wide association studies-GWAS, Bastide et al.
smithii (Coquillett) (Diptera: Culicidae). They analyzed six 2013; large-scale SNP panels, Bruni et al. 2015) to character-
individuals from 21 populations and identified 3741 SNPs ize the genetic architecture of and select for desired traits (e.g.,
among 13627 loci in the genome, which were sufficient to climate adaptation, attack rate, offspring sex ratio, Wajnberg
demonstrate that following the recession of the Laurentide 2010). This may facilitate the screening and selection of de-
Ice Sheet, refugial populations of W. smithii dispersed sired traits, eliminating the need for laborious classical breed-
northward and then westward across North America. ing techniques based on artificial selection for a few optimal
Timmermans et al. (2010) reconstructed the phylogeny (at phenotypes.
the family level) of 30 beetle species (Coleoptera) from eight The knowledge about the dispersal or migration route of an
countries with no a priori genetic information. They first elu- invasive species, pest, beneficial insect (e.g., biological con-
cidated the mitogenomes using long-range PCR (LR-PCR) trol agents, pollinators), or species of conservation concern is

critical to developing efficient tactics for prevention or miti- pressures, as well as characterization of patterns of adaptive
gation, conservation and pest management. Genetic diversity evolution (Radwan and Babik 2012; Whitehead 2012). The
analysis through NGS-based methods can be used to more contributions of NGS to the understanding adaptation of or-
accurately determine the center of origin of species and recon- ganisms to changing environments has been called “adapta-
struct invasion histories, colonization routes, and regional dis- tion genomics” (Stapley et al. 2010), and the integration of
persal patterns to improve predictive models of mechanisms genomic techniques in species conservation has been called
of invasion or adaptation in new or changing environments “conservation genomics” (Angeloni et al. 2012).
(Kirk et al. 2013a). This is achieved by tracking insect move- A famous example of phenotypic innovation and adapta-
ment across landscapes and geographic regions and es- tion is the remarkable diversity in the wing color patterns of
timating population size and rates of admixture across the passion vine butterflies in the genus Heliconius
different management areas, thereby assessing the effect (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) (Brown 1981). A conjunction
of management practices. of different molecular methods, including NGS (e.g., de novo
The red imported fire ant Solenopsis invicta Buren assembly, targeted resequencing), demonstrated, surpris-
(Hymenoptera: Formicidae) had its route of global invasion ingly, that the diversity in the wing color patterns is due
reconstructed with the aid of NGS pyrosequencing to geno- to changes in cis-regulatory regions of one or a few loci
type 66 nuclear microsatellite loci in females collected from (Kronforst and Papa 2015).
2144 fire ant colonies from 75 geographic sites worldwide NGS has helped to clarify that many cases of polyphenism
(Ascunce et al. 2011). They discovered that the fire ants were in insects are due to two insulin receptors (InR1 and InR2)
introduced in nine different events: initially twice from South involved in the insulin/insulin-like growth signaling pathway
America to southern USA, where the fire ants were confined (IIS), including such diverse cases as caste differentiation in
for decades; from southern USA, it spread twice to California social insects (Corona et al. 2016) and wing polyphenism in
and once to Australia; from California, it spreads to China; planthoppers (Xu and Zhang 2017). One example is the dis-
and from southern USA and California to Taiwan. Analyses covery that, despite eusociality having evolved independently
of specimens from Trinidad and New Zealand suggested that in ants, bees, wasps, and termites, the control of caste
the fire ants came from the USA. Thus, NGS is allowing the polyphenism is similar, depending on differential regulation
study of what has been called the “invasive bridgehead effect” of lnR1 and lnR2 that leads to a cascade of regulation in other
(Lombaert et al. 2010), i.e., an invasive population acting as physiological pathways (Cristino et al. 2006; Terrapon et al.
the source of subsequent invasions to remote new territories. 2014; Berens et al. 2015). This results in the sociality gradient
The worldwide introductions of oriental fruit moth Grapholita from subsocial species (small nests, no caste system, well-
molesta Busck (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae, a pest of a wide developed parental care) to advanced eusocial species (large
range of fruits) were traced by genotyping 13 single sequence colonies, specialized castes) (Kent and Zayed 2015). Another
repeats (SSR) loci using NGS, demonstrating introductions example is wing polyphenism in the rice brown planthopper
from Asia to Australia, from North America to South Africa, Nilaparvata lugens Stål (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) determined
South America and the Azores, and from Brazil to Europe by the similar regulation of lnR1 and lnR2 (Xue et al. 2014;
(Kirk et al. 2013b). In Australia, Perry et al. (2020) used Xu et al. 2015). They observed that nymphal knockdown of
RAD-seq to map a large number of single-nucleotide poly- InR2 resulted in long-winged adults, while dysfunction of
morphisms (SNPs) in diamondback moth Plutella xylostella InR1 resulted in short-winged adults, which perfectly fit the
(L.) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) to estimate the structure of nine known species ecology to escape deteriorating environments
populations and, consequently, their dispersal patterns. As an and colonize new habitats. The long-winged morph is capable
unexpected outcome, they identified the endemic cryptic spe- of long-distance dispersal, and in East Asia, crowding during
cies P. australiana Landry and Hebert. nymphal development during Spring and Summer, intensified
by low-quality plant hosts (nutrition), stimulates the develop-
ment of long-winged morphs (Kisimoto 1956) and migration
Deciphering adaptive evolution from tropical/subtropical areas to temperate areas where rice
becomes available (Kisimoto 1976). Offspring of the migrants
NGS has unraveled many cases of phenotypic innovation and are at low density on high-quality plants and develop short-
phenotypic plasticity (also called “polyphenism,” i.e., a ge- wing forms, which have higher reproductive fitness than the
nome expresses different phenotypes in response to environ- long-winged morphs (Manjunath 1977). In autumn, when
mental cues). It has enabled the identification of genomic re- crowding occurs, they develop long wings and migrate back
gions with differential responses to selection (e.g., transcript to tropical/subtropical areas (Riley et al. 1991).
profiling), genes highly correlated with adaptive phenotypic In the agricultural and public health sectors, NGS has fa-
responses, and parallel (repeated) evolution in populations, cilitated the understanding of the mechanisms of adaptation to
ecotypes, or species with similar or different selection pesticides and selection pressures on pollinators, pests, and
Next-Generation Sequencing and Its Impacts on Entomological Research in Ecology and Evolution

insect disease vectors. The elucidation of the Ap. mellifera possibly enabled females to adapt to the traumatic copulation
genome (Honeybee Genome Sequencing Consortium-HGSC attempts by males; the multiple putative lateral gene transfer
2006) revealed that honeybees had two-thirds fewer proteins events from various bacteria, including Wolbachia and
implicated in innate immunity and 30–50% fewer genes relat- Arsenophonus; and the provision by Wolbachia of the vitamin
ed to detoxification of xenobiotics (cytochrome P450, B complex that is not available in blood meals, yet is critical
glutathione S-transferase, and carboxylesterase) compared to for reproduction and development of the bed bug. Kothera
Drosophila and Anopheles, but it has unique genes associated et al. (2019) studied seven populations (125 individuals) of
with nectar and pollen utilization. They suggested that honey- Culex quinquefasciatus (vector of the arboviruses causing
bee has a compromised ability to circumvent pathogens and West Nile virus disease and St. Louis encephalitis) from the
detoxify pesticides. Grbić et al. (2011), in elucidating the ge- USA and found several SNPs and genes with copy number
nome of the two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae variants (CNVs), potentially associated with pesticide resis-
Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae, a pest of a wide range of plants), tance. Comparative genomic analysis of 16 anopheline spe-
observed that despite a smaller genome size (ca 90 M bases) cies from nine geographical regions led Mitchell et al. (2015)
compared to 1342 arthropods with a genome size of 1099.2 ± to infer that a steroid hormone, sexually transferred in the
2045.8 Mb (Animal Genome Size, http://www.genomesize. “mating plug” by male Anopheles spp. to females, induced
com/, Table S2 Supplementary Material), it had a higher higher reproductive fitness and female longevity, concomi-
diversity of detoxification gene families. They suggested that tantly reducing the mosquito immune response against
the high polyphagy of this mite is related to the high diversity Plasmodium (malaria parasite causal agent), and consequently
of detoxification genes, enabling the species to feed on many increasing Anopheles spp. capacity to vector malaria. They
host plants and consequently to develop pesticide resistance also observed that in regions with higher malaria prevalence
more rapidly. Wang et al. (2013), using digital gene expres- (Africa and India), some mosquito species had a higher fre-
sion (DGE) and NGS, showed that two invasive highly po- quency of “mating plug” behavior with higher steroid hor-
lyphagous whitefly species from the Bemisia tabaci Genn mone concentration. Rinker et al. (2016) provide several other
species complex (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) had significantly examples of how NGS helped to better understand the biology
higher expression levels of detoxification genes compared to of insect-vectored diseases.
an indigenous whitefly species from the B. tabaci complex Jaffé et al. (2019) presented a rich example of what has
with a narrower host range. They suggested that this might been called “landscape genomics.” They investigated to
be related to the adaptability of the two invasive whitefly which extent habitat loss could affect population genetic di-
species to environmental stress. Through the elucidation of versity and gene flow in the stingless bee, Jandaíra, Melipona
the genome of the soybean aphid Aphis glycines Matsumura subnitida Ducke (Hymenoptera: Apidae), native to Brazil.
(Hemiptera: Aphididae, soybean pest) (Wenger et al. 2017), Using RAD-seq on 156 bees sampled from 31 locations cov-
Paula et al. (2020) identified a dozen detoxifying enzyme ering the full distribution range of Jandaíra in northeastern
genes potentially related to detoxification (resistance) of pyre- Brazil (ca 950 × 500 km), they identified 3454 loci that indi-
throid insecticides in three resistant clonal populations of the cated a clinal change in genetic structure across the distribu-
soybean aphid in northern USA. They observed a high corre- tion range, forming four genetic clusters. Amazingly, related
lation between the number of constitutively overexpressed colonies were found up to 300 km apart. Thermal stability was
detoxifying enzyme genes and the level of pesticide resistance the main factor explaining gene flow patterns and was highly
and that the overexpression profiles of the detoxifying enzyme correlated with forest cover. Together, thermal stability and
genes varied among populations. They suggested that the var- forest cover were the main mediators of genetic connectivity
iation among populations possibly reflects differences in the in Jandaíra, while the elevation was a dispersal barrier.
genetic background and pyrethroid selection pressures. Although the researchers detected genomic signatures of ad-
Based on the genome of the triatomine Rhodnius prolixus aptation to temperature, forest cover, and altitude, habitat frag-
Stål, 1859 (Heteroptera: Reduviidae), a vector of Chagas dis- mentation was not significantly associated with genetic diver-
ease, Mesquita et al. (2015) observed the uncommon absence sity. Nevertheless, they pointed out that it may take a longer
of several components of the immune-deficiency (IMD)-me- time for such an association to become detectable. They sug-
diated immune response pathway. They suggested this may be gested that forested areas are valuable dispersal corridors for
related to the ability of the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma Jandaíra and could facilitate its migration through higher ele-
cruzi to evade or tolerate the immune response of the host- vations. This is particularly important for this species because
vector. Benoit et al. (2016) elucidated the genome of the bed it is predicted that, due to climate change, the lowlands climate
bug Cimex lectularius and found several features that may will not support their survival by 2050. Franks and Hoffmann
have enabled the bed bug to become a successful urban pest. (2012), Stillman and Armstrong (2015), and Li et al. (2017a)
Three features are highlighted here: the recent expansion in present excellent reviews on the influence of climate change
pro-resilin genes compared to other blood feeders, which and landscape on genetic diversity and functional connectivity

and how to use NGS-based methods to identify adaptations to species, it is a fundamental goal to increase natural enemies
the local environment, which are directly applicable to ento- that can efficiently control a pest population with minimal
mological research. non-target effects. Molecular gut content analysis is a strong
ally as it provides information that a pest and a natural enemy
share a habitat and encounter each other, that the natural ene-
Untangling food webs my consumes the pest, and potential non-target hosts/prey,
such as species of conservation concern or other natural
The study of insect food webs and trophic interactions has enemies (intraguild predation). NGS-based methods can
become one of the most active areas at the interface of biolog- help determine the diet breath of predators and the host
ical control and molecular techniques. There is a long-term range of parasitoids, recognize cryptic species, and de-
consensus that predation studies cannot rely only on observa- tect undescribed species.
tions of direct feeding in the field, cage experiments, patterns Gut content analysis by NGS-based methods has uncov-
of co-occurring species, expert opinion, feeding trials, or vi- ered a higher occurrence of intraguild predation than previ-
sual inspection of prey remains in the predator’s guts. The ously presumed among generalist predators in agricultural
advent of NGS was revolutionary to identify the complex diet systems. Gomez-Polo et al. (2016) detected by metabarcoding
breath of polyphagous insects, uncovering simultaneously tro- intraguild predation by Orius majusculus Reuter (Hemiptera:
phic interactions of multiple species, new and unexpected Anthocoridae) on other Orius species, syrphids, spiders, and
trophic links, and levels of complexity not previously predatory ladybird beetles in lettuce (Spain). Paula et al.
possible. Consequently, it has improved the understanding (2016) detected by direct DNA shotgun sequencing (DDSS)
of food webs by the better characterization of the frequent intraguild predation in cole crops (Brazil) among
composition, structure, functioning, and niche partitioning of several species of predatory ladybird beetles (e.g.,
communities in multiple habitats along with seasonal changes. Cycloneda sanguinea L., Hippodamia convergens Guérin-
In the central French Alps, Ibanez et al. (2013) demonstrat- Méneville, Eriopis connexa Germar, Harmonia axyridis
ed trophic niche partitioning according to the nutritional re- Pallas), other predators (insidious flower bug Orius insidiosus
quirements of four species of grasshoppers (Orthoptera): large Say and earwig Doru luteipes Scudder (Dermaptera:
mountain grasshopper Chorthippus scalaris Fischer von Forficulidae)) and parasitoids of coccinellids (Dinocampus
Waldheim (Acrididae), large banded grasshopper Arcyptera coccinellae Schrank (Hymenoptera: Braconidae)),
fusca Pallas (Acrididae), small gold grasshopper Euthystira Homalotylus mirabilis Brethes (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae)),
brachyptera Ocskay (Acrididae), and stripe-winged grasshop- and coccinellid prey (Aphidius ervi Haliday (Hymenoptera:
per Stenobothrus lineatus Panzer (Acrididae). Through Braconidae)). DDSS is a recent barcode-free enrichment
metabarcoding analysis of the feces of the grasshoppers, method in which a DNA community is sequenced directly
known to be highly polyphagous, they showed that the spec- after its extraction (no barcode primer pair or probe needed)
trum of plants they each fed on were not strongly related to the and the generated reads are assigned to taxa, without previous
plant species abundance in the habitat, but that the grasshop- assembly, by alignment with a reference database using high
pers selected host plants for their optimal nutrition. similarity (> 95%) above a minimum overlap length (> 150
A basic aspect of food webs that DNA barcoding and NGS bp) (Paula et al. 2015, 2016; Srivathsan et al. 2015, 2016).
are helping to improve is the taxonomic resolution of the Palomo et al. (2016) determined the contribution of a com-
nodes (taxa represented) and more accurate structure of the munity of carabid beetles (14 species, gut content
links between nodes (representation of feeding interactions) metabarcoding analysis of 513 individuals) to the biological
(Roslin and Majaneva 2016). We focus here on the trophic control of pests in six arable landscapes in Britain and France.
interactions involved in two ecosystem services: biological They found intense niche overlap among the carabids for the
control of pests and pollination. consumption of arachnids, collembolans, insects, plants, and
earthworms (functionally categorized as natural enemies,
a) Biological control pests, plants, and detritivores). While the carabid community
preyed on several agricultural pests, contributing to the eco-
In conservation biological control, the landscape (e.g., di- system service of biological control, it also consumed other
versification of vegetation) and farming practices (e.g., estab- natural enemies of pests at a similar rate and, to a lesser extent,
lishing a strip of nectar plants in the border of a crop) are detritivores, providing dis-services to the ecosystem services
managed to conserve and increase a community (or popula- of biological control and nutrient recycling. However, the
tion) of local natural enemies of a pest or pests. The design of authors suggested that carabid beetles should not be
more environmentally “friendly” cropping systems requires a dismissed as good biological control agents, because the diet
better understanding of the food webs. As a given natural consumed by the community is not an intrinsic property of the
enemy (predator or parasitoid) may have multiple prey/host predator species. Instead, it is dynamically modulated by
Next-Generation Sequencing and Its Impacts on Entomological Research in Ecology and Evolution

extrinsic environmental factors, such as the cropping system microscopic inspection and classification according to mor-
or management intensity, so in some circumstances, the phological keys, which is difficult for some plant taxonomic
carabids might be effective biological control agents. groups, has a low taxonomic resolution (often only to the
Molott et al. (2014) used metabarcoding to characterize the family level), and requires a high level of expertise that is
gut contents of eight common ground-dwelling predators in not readily available (Rahl 2008). Metabarcoding allows the
banana plantations in Martinique (Bahamas): wolf spiders analysis of a larger number of pollen samples and gives a
(Araneae: Lycosidae), the earwig Euborellia caraibea higher taxonomic resolution of the plants from which the pol-
Hebard (Dermapthera: Anisolabididae), the carpenter ant len originated (Bell et al. 2016). Bell et al. (2016) presented
Camponotus sexguttatus F. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), the detailed information about barcodes/markers used to identify
trap-jaw ant Odontomachus baurii Emery (Hymenoptera: host plants and gave other methodological guidelines.
Formicidae), the tropical fire ant Solenopsis geminata F. Bruni et al. (2015) identified 38 host plant species in four
(Hymenoptera: Formicidae), the little fire ant Wasmannia commercial honey samples available in Italy during June-
auropunctata Roger (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), rove beetles July, 2012. Richardson et al. (2015b) collected pollen from
(Coleoptera: Staphylinidae), and centipedes honeybees entering hives (USA) using pollen traps during a
(Scolopendromorpha: Scolopendridae). They aimed to identi- 15-day period and identified the plant species more efficiently
fy the predators consuming the banana weevil Cosmopolites using metabarcoding (19 plant families) than microscopy
sordidus Germar (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) and evaluate if (eight plant families). Sickel et al. (2015) identified 650 plant
the predator diets would be affected by a cover crop of signal taxa with 95% at the species level from 384 pollen samples
grass, Brachiaria decumbens, in banana plantations. Cover from solitary bees, Osmia spp. (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae),
cropping is a tactic to control weeds and improve physical soil at various sites in Germany. Pornon et al. (2016) used
properties, reducing the use of agricultural herbicides and fer- metabarcoding (trnL and ITS1 barcodes) to analyze pollen
tilizers, while potentially increasing the community of alter- loads from 402 insect pollinators (e.g., honeybee, bumble-
native prey to attract generalist predators to control the banana bees, wild bees, Syrphidae, Empididae, other Diptera,
weevil. The gut analysis of 572 individuals revealed that Coleoptera, Lepidoptera) captured in the alpenrose shrub
E. caraibea, C. sexguttatus, and S. geminata consumed the community in the French Central Pyrenees. Metabarcoding
banana weevil and the frequency of consumption of the pest detected 2.5 times more plant-pollinator interactions than by
did not differ between bare soil and cover-crop plots. direct observation of pollinator visits to host plant flowers. In
However, the cover crop reduced the consumption of other 2017, Pornon et al. then presented the resulting plant-
pests because the predators switched to forage on alternative pollinator networks and the pros and cons of metabarcoding
non-pest prey. They demonstrated that plant diversification compared to visitation surveys. On the one hand,
(introduction of B. decumbens) in the banana cropping system metabarcoding might inflate the number of species and inter-
altered the arthropod food webs, which potentially could ad- actions due to its high sensitivity and therefore higher likeli-
versely affect the populations of two other secondary pests. hood of false positives. On the other hand, metabarcoding
They suggested that the cover crop provided food, improves visitation surveys and palynology diversity assess-
shade, and resting areas for the alternative non-pest ments by the detection of rare or uncommon interactions,
prey, increasing their abundance, inadvertently reducing thereby improving the accuracy of the floral constancy and
predation on the secondary pests. specialization and connectivity patterns of pollinator-plant
communities. In addition, it also enables the investigation of
b) Pollination the whole pollen load in individual insects and of evaluation
of interactions over larger areas. De Vere et al. (2017) used
NGS has been used to identify the plant species composi- metabarcoding to study honeybees foraging during spring in
tion of the pollen present in honey (Valentini et al. 2010; Wales and observed that despite the high availability of floral
Bruni et al. 2015; Hawkins et al. 2015; Richardson et al. resources (native and horticultural plants), honeybees only
2015a), bee host plant use from the analysis of the pollen loads foraged on a few of them and an even smaller number of plant
on pollinator bodies (Galimberti et al. 2014; Richardson et al. species were recorded from the pollen in the honey. They
2015b), and pollination networks over time and geographical suggested that honeybees during the spring had a staple
areas, i.e., plant-pollinator interactions (Wilson et al. 2010; diet of pollen from a small number of major host plants
Pornon et al. 2016, 2017; De Vere et al. 2017). The identifi- that are supplemented at low levels with pollen from
cation of plant pollen species in honey is important for horticultural plants.
assessing its nutritional value, safety (e.g., poisoning by In a reverse approach, Clare (2014) reported in a review
“mad honey,” Koca and Koca 2007), and the geographic or- that traces of salivary DNA left on chewed seeds or fruits
igin of the product, which affects the honey price (Bruni et al. could be used to identify the dispersing animal to construct
2015). Conventional taxonomy of the pollen is performed by unobserved trophic interactions. Ushio et al. (2015) used

metabarcoding to identify pollinators of a dominant plant spe- Li et al. (2011) found that a large number of the detoxification
cies in Japan, tall goldenrods (Solidago altissima), by the genes in lepidopteran genomes originated from lateral gene
identification of the microorganisms the pollinators left on transfer (LGT), mostly from pathogenic bacteria. They sug-
flowers and leaves. They found that species-specific insect gested that LGT may have contributed significantly to the
microbial communities can be transferred from the insect ability of lepidopteran herbivores to detoxify the secondary
body to a flower surface, and these microorganisms can serve defense metabolites produced by host plants, facilitating lep-
as a “fingerprint” of the visiting insect. In the same line of idopterans to become one of the most varied and dominant
thinking, Vamosi et al. (2017) suggested that this tactic could groups of agricultural pests worldwide. Metagenomic data
reduce sampling effort, construct individual and community- enabled Adams et al. (2013) to determine that gut symbiont
level metrics of pollinator specialization, and survey if a pop- communities (Pseudomonas, Rahnella, Serratia, and
ulation of a certain pollinator species is declining. Thomsen Burkholderia) enable the digestion of host pine tree polymers
and Sigsgaard (2019), through the use of metabarcoding (COI and detoxification of terpenes for the mountain pine beetle
and 16S barcodes), were also able to detect trace amounts of Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins (Coleoptera:
arthropod DNA on 56 flowers from seven wild plant species Curculionidae).
in 2017 in Denmark. They identified 135 arthropod species in Brucker and Bordenstein (2013), through metagenomics
67 families and 14 orders (for instance bumblebees, ground and transcriptome analyses, found that the species-specific
beetle, ladybirds, braconid wasps, thrips, aphids, plant bugs) gut microbiota in closely related species of the wasp genus
and observed arthropod community clusters associated with Nasonia caused lethality in interspecific hybrids. They pro-
plant species. Nonetheless, there are potential limitations to posed that the gut symbionts and the host wasps were a co-
the use of these NGS-based tools (e.g., metabarcoding, ge- adapted complex and that hybridization would break down
nome skimming) to study pollination networks that were this complex leading to lethality, possibly contributing to the
raised by Li et al. (2015) and Hollingsworth et al. (2016). speciation process. They found that hybrids between
N. vitripennis and N. giraulti disrupted the gut symbiont com-
munity. When this community was not allowed to establish by
Identification of insect symbionts rearing on a bacteria-free diet, hybrid survival increased
significantly, and when the hybrid diet was inoculated with
NGS, mainly through metagenomics, has contributed tremen- bacterial symbionts, lethality was restored.
dously to the discovery and study of insect symbionts, which Wang et al. (2017) using amplicon-seq found four bacterial
are most often uncultivable (Chandler et al. 2012; Yun et al. isolates (two from the genus Enterobacter and one each from
2014; Miller et al. 2016; Boccazzi et al. 2017; Deutscher et al. the genera Pantoea and Rahellathat) that increased glucose
2018; Mohammed et al. 2018; Ziganshina et al. 2018). The oxidase (GOX) activity in the labial glands of corn earworm
identification of symbionts in insects has revealed their impor- Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) feeding
tance to the provision of ecosystem services such as biological on tomato. GOX is an elicitor in herbivore saliva for the pro-
control and pollination through defense against abiotic and duction of jasmonic acid (JA), which regulates plant defenses.
biotic stressors (Oliver et al. 2005, Perlman et al. 2006, In addition, they observed that tomato plants damaged by
Kaltenpoth and Engl 2014, Käch et al. 2018, Gabriel 2018, H. zea larvae inoculated with Enterobacter ludwigii had sig-
Vorburger 2018, Postic et al. 2020) and reproductive regula- nificantly higher expression of three JA-responsive genes
tion (Pan et al. 2020). Using metagenomics, Cox-Foster et al. (Pin2, CysPI, and PPOF). JA is a volatile compound produced
(2007) determined that Israeli acute paralysis virus (IAPV) is by wounded or herbivore-injured plants that triggers several
prevalent in colony collapse disorder (CCD) in honeybees, plant defense mechanisms, such as induction of higher expres-
establishing it as a diagnostic marker for CCD. Also using sion of defensive proteinase inhibitors in the leaf tissue or
metagenomics, Engel et al. (2012) showed evidence of sym- attractants of natural enemies of the herbivore.
biont niche specialization in the hindgut of 150 honeybees Pascar and Chandler (2018) developed a bioinformatics
(adult workers). They found that the symbiont community, approach to detect Wolbachia in insect NGS data, enabling
although composed of only a few species, had high the detection of multiple Wolbachia species, and used se-
symbiont genetic diversity conferring to the honeybee quencing depth information to distinguish real infection from
distinct functional capabilities for pathogen defense, im- LGT to the host nuclear genome. Jones et al. (2019), using
munity, and nutrient utilization. amplicon-seq, determined that herbivores (fall armyworm and
The elucidation of whole symbiont genomes can reveal the corn earworm) feeding on the same host plant (e.g., corn) did
underlying mechanisms driving adaptation and evolution in not necessarily have similar midgut bacterial communities,
insects. Using available genomes of 994 prokaryotes, many of and individuals of the same species collected from different
them sequenced by NGS, and the predicted gene sets of 142 sites also had different bacterial communities. They also found
eukaryotes (insects, other animals, plants, fungi, and protista), that in the same insect, the composition of the bacterial
Next-Generation Sequencing and Its Impacts on Entomological Research in Ecology and Evolution

symbiont community varied in different parts of the digestive subsequent use of algorithms to control FDR at a certain level,
system (e.g., foregut, midgut) of the host, suggesting differen- for example, at 0.05 (or 5%). FDR is the proportion of false
tial spatial bacterial colonization (niche partitioning). Sugio positives in the total number of positives.
et al. (2015) and Giron et al. (2017) presented excellent re- Regarding the NGS cost, countries with low economic
views about the enhanced characterization of the insect micro- power and investment in science have only marginally partic-
bial diversity by NGS, as well as the modulation of plant- ipated in the progress provided by NGS. Molecular biology
insect interactions by symbionts. supplies/equipment and NGS services usually are provided by
developed countries in which the monetary conversion rates to
developing countries are significantly unbalanced. In a
Challenges and perspectives PubMed search for publications using “NGS AND (insect*
OR entomol*)” in the title or abstract from 2012 to 2020, 151
Three major challenges are considered here related to the use best matches were found. Considering the country of the last
of NGS in entomological research: the technical problem of author (or corresponding author when not available), 88 pub-
false-positive and false-negative detections, cost of NGS, and lications were from 21 developed countries (58% of all devel-
capacity building to enable its use in developing countries, oped countries, United Nations 2020), and 62 publications
especially in those with low investment in science. were from 20 developing countries (16% of all developing
Despite all the unprecedented advantages of NGS-based countries, United Nations 2020), of which 22 were from
methods, they all have the common methodological problem China and 10 were from Brazil, two countries with significant
of inaccurate detections with failures in both false positives investments in science. Although this search probably
(type I error) and false negatives (type II error), which can lead underestimated the number of existing NGS publications re-
to incorrect ecological conclusions or inconclusive results. lated to entomology, the disproportional amount of literature
False-positive detections can have several causes and the most from developed countries brands this technology as the priv-
usual are due to DNA contamination, PCR errors during am- ilege of an “elite.” In contrast, developing countries comprise
plification of DNA, sequencing errors, assembly errors (in- some of the biologically richest natural areas for entomologi-
cluding production of chimeras), insufficient species-level cal research. Their budgetary limitations lead also to the stag-
variation among sequences, and taxonomic overclassification nation of capacity-building efforts to train experts to use NGS
(i.e., erroneous detection of related species when the true spe- methods and to analyze the data. Although the library con-
cies is absent in the reference database) (Richardson et al. struction and sequencing services can be provided by third
2017). False-negative detection can arise from inhibition of parties, as long as research groups can pay for it, the subse-
PCR (e.g., by humic acids), lack of representative sampling, quent steps of data curation and bioinformatic analysis are
or incomplete DNA reference database. Several reports illus- usually and preferentially done by the researchers.
trate the occurrence of both false positives and false negatives. Hopefully, the difference in the access of the NGS technol-
Hajibabaei et al. (2011) reported a taxonomic bias for their ogies between developed and developing/least developed
COI primer set as well as biases due to varying abundances of countries will continually decrease in the future as the price
species in bulk samples. Yu et al. (2012) reported a low de- of the NGS services of library construction and sequencing
tection rate of hymenopterans and suggested that this bias is have continuously declined due to technological improve-
associated with COI “Folmer” barcoding primers (Folmer ments and higher competition among providers. In addition,
et al. 1994). Clarke et al. (2014) also suggested bias of COI cheaper and portable NGS platforms are proving efficient for
primers towards Lepidoptera and Diptera with certain orders use in several areas, for example, the lower-cost Oxford
failing to amplify. Although false positives and negatives re- Nanopore’s MinION technology (Laver et al. 2015;
main a problem, there is developing literature discussing how Mikheyev and Tin 2014), also called nanopore DNA sequenc-
they may be avoided or minimized (Liu et al. 2013; Ficetola ing (e.g., Castro-Wallace et al. 2017) or real-time (nanopore)
et al. 2015, 2016; Ruppert et al. 2019), for example, through DNA sequencing (e.g., Johnson et al. 2017) or portable ge-
the use of negative field controls, validation of results by nome sequencing (e.g., Quick et al. 2016). MinION is a por-
qPCR (Paula et al unpublished), and field sampling replicates table device of the size of a flash stick that connects to a
to allow the use of site occupancy models. Site occupancy computer through a single USB port. Srivathsan et al. (2019)
models are statistical models developed to estimate the prob- demonstrated the efficient use of the 1D MinION sequencing
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