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Customer Project Unit LASMO OIL PAKISTAN LTD (LOPL) | J33010 00 Plant Location ‘Specification No. BHIT PAKISTAN 00-ZA-E-09530 BHIT FIELD DEVELOPMENT ‘Sheet 7 of PROJECT PHASE 1 1 a fae FIRE AND GAS DETECTION PHILOSOPHY Ae 7 | fesved tor Dosign 35 Sea Tssusd for Comment as ‘ARB ‘ARB 711.00 Rev Description —_ Prepared| Checked] Approved] Client | Dato “his docuentis th propeny of Shampreget Engineering BV wo wi sologuerais rahi accoraing to he evi and peal provsions of he aw SFE/ENPDIE1S0 Rev 0 Project Unit J33010 00 [EASM OF Speciation Wo (00-2A-E-09530 Engineering BV ‘Sheet / of Rev. 2 21 oft CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 2, BASIS OF DESIGN 3. FIRE DETECTION SYSTEM 4. GAS DETECTION SYSTEM 5. FIRE & GAS DETECTION CONTROL AND ALARMS: 6. REFERENCES ATTACHMENTS 1 FIRE & GAS DETECTION DISTRIBUTION SCHEDULE 2. ‘FIRE & GAS BLOCK DIAGRAM. “This document is the property of Snamprogett Engineering BV who wil safeguard its rights according to civil and penal provisions of the law SFEENDP/A1G1 Rev Project Unit J33010 00 a Sposa Wa Snamprogetti 00-2A-E-09530 Engineering BV ‘Sheet 7 of Rev. 3 2 ott 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 General 1.1.1 This specification defines the requirements and basis of design of the fire and gas detection system for the principal sites of the Bhit Field development and is a development of the outline philosophy presented in the Project HSE Design Philosophy [1]. The main constituents of the development are: + the wellheads; + the main processing plant; and * the accommodation and industrial areas outside the main plant. The tie-in to the Indus Right Bank Line of the Sui Southern Gas Company is outside Snamprogetti Engineering BV (SPBV) scope of work and is therefore excluded. 1.1.2 The Bhit Field was discovered in early 1997 and is located approximately 180 kilometres north east of Karachi, within the Kirthar concession Block. The field is estimated to contain 1.4tcf of hydrocarbon gas with the potential for producing at rates up to 400MMSCFP. At the Bhit Process Plant produced water will be removed from the gas stream and treated. The gas will require CO removal and dehydration prior to passing to the Nitrogen Rejection Unit (NRU). Also significant gas compression will be required due to the low pressure of operation of the NRU. 1.1.3 The accommodation and industrial area buildings will be designed by an Associated Scope Contractor (ASC). The specification and detailed design of the fire alarm systems within those buildings will by the Associated Scope Contractor, however, this document defines the philosophy for the provision of common alarms from standalone fire alarm systems 1.2 Definitions and Abbreviations ASC Associated Scope Contractor css Control and Safety System DCs Distributed Control System ESD Emergency Shutdown IR Infra-Red LoS Line of Sight MAC Manual Alarm Callpoint MCR Main Control Room NRU Nitrogen Rejection Unit RTU Remote Telemetry Unit ‘This documents the property of Snamprogett Engineering BY who will safeguard its rights according to cil and penal provisions of tho law SFEIENDP/4191 Rov 0 Project Unit J33010 00 [EASMO) Specification No, Snamprogetti 00-ZA-E-09530 Engineering Sheet / of Rev. BV 4 21 ott SPBV Snamprogetti Engineering BV UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply uv Ultra-Violet “This document i the proporty of Snamprogot Enginoorng BV who wal safeguard is rights according to oii and penal provisions ofthe law 'SFEJENDP/4191 Rov 0 Project Unit 433010 00 “aie Specification No Snamprogett! 00-ZA-E-09530 Sheet / of Rev. Engineering BV . a ot 2. BASIS OF DESIGN 21 General 2.1.1 The purpose of the fire and gas detection systems at each site shall be to detect a fire or gas release and initiate alarms and executive actions, where applicable, to achieve maximum safeguarding of personnel, capital investment and the environment. 2.1.2 Each building/unit shall be divided into uniquely numbered fire zones which are bounded by fire or blast-rated divisions, walls, roadways, pipetracks and/or determined by the extent of the fixed fire protection system, where provided. 22 Selection of Detectors 2.2.1 Each area shall be evaluated from the results of hazard assessment studies to determine the predominant risk and based on this, appropriate detection devices, fire extinguishing and control measures shall be selected. The likelihood and consequences of any leak or fire scenario shall be considered when establishing the requirement for the fire and/or gas detection systems in any area of the plant. 2.2.2 The selection of detectors, principle of operation, quantity and location shall consider the predominant combustible/flammable materials present, the type of fire which may occur and the possible presence of flammable gases, together with the following: a) The ambient conditions and likely causes of impaired performance. b) Dispersion behaviour of smoke and gas and the potential beneficial locations for fire and/or gas detectors such as HVAC air intake duets (for early warning of possible smoke or gas ingress into enclosed areas) and identified areas where there may be insufficient air changes. ©) Ventilation air flow patterns, 4) _ Shielding by beams, equipment or piping. e) Possible failure modes including risk of accidental damage, consequences of failure and the likelihood of false alarms. ) Maintenance requirements including access, frequency and duration. “This document i the property of Snamprogot| Engineering BV who wil safeguard ks rights accorcing to civil and penal provisions ofthe law ‘SFE/ENDP/4191 Rev 0 Project Unit aie Seestieres ‘Specification No. Snamprogettl 00-ZA-E-09530 Engineering BV Sheet / of Rew 6 at [ota @) Performance requirements including performance standards and the speed of response to a developing hazard. 2.2.3 In addition, elements that can influence the effectiveness and efficiency of the detection and alarm systems shall be taken into consideration. This shall include, but not be limited to, the following: * Maximum and minimum temperatures * Wind direction and velocity + Low elevation sun conditions + Obscuration by mists, dusts and other causes of poor visibility + Excessive rain * Presence of pollutants + Expansion and contraction of support arrangements due to ambient temperatures and sunlight + Explosion hazards * Mechanical stress and vibrations + Noise levels + Electromagnetic influences * Mechanical damage * Plant obstructions 2.3 Documentation This document outlines the basic philosophy for the specification of the requirements for fire and gas detection and alarm at each of the sites in the development, and the principal criteria to be employed in the selection and location of detection devices. It also outlines the manner in which the main plant CSS will interface with fire and gas systems of standalone equipment packages and buildings. The detailed design of the fire and gas detection ‘Tsystems will be documented separately: ‘This document i the property of Snamprogett Enginesring BV who will safeguard its rights according to civil and penal provisions ofthe law SFEVENDP/4191 Rov 0 Project Unit 333010 00 Mare Spocticaion No Si yeti 00-2A-E-09530 Engineering BV Sheet / of Rey, 7 2 ots + The fire and gas control system functional logic, together with alarm and shutdown requirements for the identified fire zones, will be identified on fire and gas detection cause and effect charts. Separate documents will be produced for the wellheads (typical) and main processing plant; + The layout of detectors and siting requirements will be illustrated on fire and gas detector layout drawings. The proposed types of fire and/or gas detectors for each type of risk area are listed in Attachment 1 to this document. Not all detection indicated will always be required. A risk-based approach will ensure the optimum provision of detection in each case. This document is the property of Snamproget Enghneering BY who wil safeguard is rights according to civil and penal provsions of the law ‘SFE/ENDP/4101 Rov 0 Project Unit 333010 00 ene Speciation Wa Snamprogetti 00-ZA-E-09530 Engineering BV Sheet / of on 8 2 3. FIRE DETECTION SYSTEM 3.1 General 3.1.1 Based on the considerations for detector selection indicated in Attachment 1, each of the unit areas and buildings shall be evaluated to provide the most suitable type of detecting device and location. This shall be based on the predominant fire risk and the prime indication of a fire, ie. smoke, heat or flame and the relevant environmental conditions, The fire detection system shall be designed to: * Provide the earliest reliable detection of a fire Alert personnel to the hazard 3.1.2 Early detection of a fire minimises the consequences and potential loss, hence this is the basis for the specification of the detection devices. Confirmed fire detection alarms shall be designed to: + Initiate alarms in the MCR of the main processing plant and other identified areas; * Initiate fire protection systems, where provided, and fire pump start as applicable; and * Initiate preventative/control actions at an early stage to mitigate the consequences of a fire and prevent escalation. For definition of the confirmed fire detection criteria refer to Section 3.3 to 3.6 for the specific type of detectors. 3.1.3. The requirements for fire detection systems, particularly in open process areas, shall be based on a review of the process fluids in any fire zone, the likelihood of ignition, based on available statistical data [2] and the consequences of any leak which might occur. 3.2 Types of Fire Detection Sensors ‘The type of fire detection sensors to be installed in the various units/areas of the plants shall be selected from the following: + Fusible plug heat detectors * Frangible bulb heat detectors This document ie he property of Snamproget| Engheenng BY who will Safeguard Is rights according to vl and penal provisions of the la SFEVENOP/4191 Rav 0 Project Unit 433010 09 Cao Specification No, Snamprogett! 00-ZA-E-09530 Engineering BY Sheet 7 of [hey 9 21 + Linear heat detection cable + Pneumatic heat detection tubing + Rate compensated heat detectors * Rate of rise heat detectors «Fixed temperature heat detectors * Smoke detectors - optical point * Smoke detectors - optical beam + Smoke detectors - high sensitivity (HSSD) ‘+ Flame detectors - infra-red (IR) + Flame detectors - ultraviolet (UV) Apart from the fusible plug, frangible bulb and linear heat detectors, all fire detectors shall be of a type that can be reset such that after activation they can be restored to normal surveillance without the replacement of any components. 3.3 Heat Detection Location Criteria 3.3.1 General Heat detectors shall be installed in areas where flammable and combustible materials are handled or stored or where local normal operating conditions are not considered suitable for installing the faster-acting flame and smoke detectors, due to environmental factors. Detectors shall be provided for all equipment where a release of flammable/ combustible fuel could occur and hence potential for a fire. The detectors shall be positioned adjacent to flanged connections, valves, instrument connections, seals etc. Where a number of potential leakage points are present, detector installation shall be based on general area coverage or around the periphery of the risk areas. The temperature settings of the heat detectors shall be selected to suit prevailing conditions. The alarm temperature shall generally be 85°F (30°C) above the maximum ambient temperature of the protected area. 1 of Snamprogett Enginowring BY who wl safeguards ngs according to iv and ponal provisions ofthe law Project ‘Unit 433010 00 aie Speciieaion Na. Snamprogett! 00-ZA-E-09530 Engineering BV ‘Sheet / of aT 10 24 3.3.2 Fusible Plug Detectors Fusible plugs shall be employed to provide a mechanical indication of a fire in areas protected by deluge systems, in order to provide a secondary means of initiation of firewater deluge systems via loss of control air pressure to the deluge valve. 3.3.3 Frangible Bulb Detectors Frangible bulb heat detectors will only be used in the form of sprinkler heads in fixed sprinkler systems if they are used to protect buildings containing ordinary combustibles, as indicated in Attachment 1. Operation of a frangible bulb sprinkler head will be detected and initiate alarms by operation of the sprinkler system pressure switch. 3.3.4 Linear Heat Detection Linear heat detection cable shall be provided for atmospheric tanks containing large volumes of flammable or combustible liquids which are vented to atmosphere directly without inert gas blanketing systems. It shall also be provided for external oil-filled transformers. To allow for a level of redundancy, two linear heat detection cables will be routed in parallel, these shall be installed in each of the respective fire risk areas. The routing of cabling shall be optimal so as to minimise /O requirements whilst avoiding unnecessarily complex runs of cable. Due to the possibility of mechanical damage, two linear heat detectors in alarm shall be required to constitute a confirmed alarm. 3.3.5 Rat ated Heat De 8 Rate compensated type heat detectors shall be installed within selected buildings and enclosures. Typically, point type heat detectors shall be selectively located in process/utility buildings of low fire hazards, engine and turbine enclosures and selected areas to provide back-up for flame detectors, if required. The temperature settings of the heat detectors shall be selected to suit the prevailing conditions and incorporate a fixed temperature limit. In all cases, a qualitative assessment of the fire risks in the area shall determine the requirement for fire detection, particularly in low hazard utility/process areas. “This document i¢ the prooerty of Snamprogoll Engineering BV who wil eafoguard He rights anconting ta SHuENDEINUT Hove Project Unit 433010 00 ae Spectcaon Ne Snamprogett! 00-ZA-E-09530 Engineering BV Sheet 7 of Fev. 1" a (eT Where this type of detector is deemed necessary, the minimum number of detectors in any one fire zone shall be two, wired on separate circuits (not required for addressable detection systems). This will allow for single detector failure or fault. Due to the high reliability of heat detectors, activation of a single detector shall constitute a confirmed alarm. 3.3.6 Rate of Rise Heat Detectors Rate of rise heat detectors shall be installed within workshops and areas where smoke can be present during normal operations, e.g. welding workshops, and thereby would preclude the use of smoke detectors. The detectors shall incorporate a fixed temperature limit selected to suit the prevailing conditions. To allow for redundancy, the minimum number of detectors in any one fire zone shall be two, wired on separate circuits (except where addressable control systems are used). This will allow for single detector failure or fault. Due to the high reliability of heat detectors, activation of a single detector shall constitute a confirmed alarm. 3.3.7 Fixed Temperature Heat Detectors Fixed temperature heat detectors shall be installed in areas where sudden large changes in temperature are considered normal, such as kitchen areas. To allow for redundancy, the minimum number of detectors in any one fire zone shall be two, wired on separate circuits (except where addressable control systems are used). This will allow for single detector failure or fault. Due to the high reliability of heat detectors, activation of a single detector shall constitute a confirmed alarm, 3.4 Smoke Detection Location Criteria 3.4.1 Smoke detector selection shall be based on different principles of detection and shall be either optical point, optical open path or high sensitivity type. Smoke detectors shall be installed in enclosed areas, not in the open environment, where the fuel source generates smouldering fires and where visible or invisible products of combustion may be present. This includes control buildings, substations, instrument local equipment rooms, HVAC plant rooms, electrical enclosures/voids and general administrative buildings. 3.4.2 The requirement for smoke detectors to be installed to monitor the ventilation air inlet of ‘normally manned’ buildings for ingress of smoke shall be considered. Where required, this shall be achieved by “This document is the property of Snamproget Engineering BV who wil safeguard its rights according to chil an penal provisions ofthe law Project Unit 433010 00 Mao ‘Specification No. Snamprogett! 00-ZA-E-09530 Engineering BV Sheet / of | -__ fev 12 a4 the use of aspirator cabinets which by their location will provide a stable sampling environment, thereby providing fast response from the detector. However, where practicable, ‘normally manned’ buildings shall be located distant from high fire risk areas to obviate this requirement. Accommodation and industrial areas shall likewise be located remote from high fire risk (process) areas. For these reasons, it is not proposed, in general, to provide smoke detection/monitoring of HVAC intakes to manned buildings in the development. If necessary, manual shutdown of HVAC systems will be performed. 3.4.3. Siting of smoke detectors in buildings shall consider the room height, mounting surface contours and obstructions. They shall also, where possible, take account of stratification of the products of combustion during the early stages of a fire and the effects of forced ventilation on flow patterns within the protected area. 3.4.4 To allow a level of redundancy, a minimum of two detectors shall be installed in any one fire zone, wired on separate circuits (except where addressable control systems are used). Activation of two detectors shall constitute a confirmed fire. 3.4.5 Smoke detectors for use within substation/control buildings shall be mounted on ceilings. 3.4.6 Optical open path type smoke detectors, consisting of a transmitter and receiver and utilising an infra-red source, shall be considered for large ‘open construction’ type areas such as warehouses where the installation of point detectors would be unsuitable and where the use of heat detection might require a well-developed fire to activate the device. 3.5 Flame Detection Location Criteria 3.5.1 Flame detection device selection shall be based on different principles of detection and shall be either infra-red or ultraviolet. The type of detection shall be dependent on the specific application. Flame detection shall be the principal means of fire detection in the hydrocarbon processing areas. Flame detection shall be provided in all areas where significant volumes of hydrocarbon liquids are handled, such as condensate, propane refrigerant or liquefied methane in the NRUs. No fire detection will be provided in the open process areas where only high pressure gas is processed, such as gas dehydration or mercury removal, as the fire risk from these sources is considered to be much lower than for liquid processing equipment and any fire will in any case be preceded by a leak of flammable gas. Flame detection shall, however, be provided wherever fixed firewater deluge systems are installed (see Fire Protection Philosophy [3]). This document is the property of Snamproget Engineering BV wo wil safeguard its rights accoraing to ol and penal provisions of the law Project Unit J33010 00 een Speciation No Snamprogett! (00-ZA-E-09530 Engineering BV Sheet 7 of Rev, 13 ra ae 3.5.2 Alternative flame detector types are specified to enable package vendors to provide equipment in accordance with standard practice and guarantees and hence minimise costs. * Infra-red type flame detectors shall incorporate a 90° minimum field of view, an optical test facility, a high immunity to false alarms and be resistant to solar radiation, whether direct, reflected or modulating. They shall principally be installed in semi-sheltered process areas containing or handling hydrocarbons or other flammable liquids or gas inventories. * Ultraviolet type flame detectors shall incorporate a 90° minimum field of view, an optical test facility and offer a high speed response. They shall be employed in areas where they are considered the most suitable form of detection, e.g. turbine enclosures. 3.5.3 Flame detectors shall generally be located in semi-sheltered or enclosed areas in selected fire zones. They shall be directed inward and located at an elevation where they have an effective field of view and positioned to minimise the possibility of false alarms from. detection of a flame in an adjacent fire zone or from flare stacks. In locating flame detectors in congested areas, obscuration of the field of vision shall be considered. 3.5.4 Where flame detectors initiate executive actions the detectors shall be positioned such that the field of vision of one detector covers the field of vision of the detector diametrically opposite. 3.5.5 To allow a level of redundancy, the minimum number of detectors in one fire zone shall be two, wired in separate circuits. This will allow for a single detector failure, fault or obscuration. Activation of two detectors shall constitute a confirmed fire. Activation of a single detector will generate an alarm only. 3.6 Manual Alarm Callpoints Manual alarm callpoints shall be strategically located throughout each facility and building to provide alarm points in emergency situations and to supplement the automatic fixed fire detection systems. Callpoints shall be grouped on a fire zone basis. They shall be positioned at the exits from buildings and adjacent to all escape routes from both process and utility areas, The manual alarm callpoints shall be spaced such that a person needs to travel no more than 100 feet (30m) in any direction in any fire zone. Operation of a manual alarm callpoint shall initiate an alarm both at the monitoring facility and throughout the affected site (operation of a MAC shall constitute a confirmed fire alarm - see Attachment 2). “This document is the property of Snamorogetti Enainaering BV who will eafoguard ts rights acsondina ta cil and ponal provieions of the tae SPESENOP/IDT AY 8 4. 433010 00 aie Speciation No. Snamprogett 00-2A-E-09530 Engineering BV ‘Sheet 7 of Rev, Project Unit 14 a1 [ott GAS DETECTION SYSTEM General 41 4.2 4.11 The Bhit gas treatment plant processes flammable hydrocarbons and liquids with no toxic components, such as hydrogen sulphide. Indication of loss of containment will therefore be achieved by detection of flammable hydrocarbons around the process plant. Each area of the main plant, and also the wellheads, shall be evaluated to provide the most suitable type of gas detection, if any, where the accidental release or subsequent ignition of such constitutes a significant or realistic threat to the installation and personnel. 4.1.2 Flammable gas accumulations could also occur in battery rooms under 4.21 certain charging conditions. The detection requirements for hydrogen evolution shall also be examined. Alarms Detection of flammable gas, whether hydrocarbon or hydrogen, shall result in an alarm, the nature of which shall depend on the concentration at which detection occurs, either low level (specified low concentration) or high level (specified high concentration). 4.2.2 Low level gas alarms shall be designed to: 4.2.3 * Indicate the release of flammable or other gas as early as possible; and + Initiate alarms in the respective control centres. Confirmed high level gas alarms shall be designed to: * Initiate alarms in the respective control centres; ‘+ Alert personnel of impending danger via plant general alarm systems; * Shut down HVAC systems as applicable (for detection of flammable material within process buildings or battery rooms, ventilation will remain running); and * Initiate preventative/control actions at an early stage in order to reduce leakage and isolate ignition sources. 4.24 For definition of the confirmed gas detection criteria, refer to Sections 4.3 and 4.4 for the specific type of detector. “This document is the property of Snamprogett Engineering BV who wil safeguard its igh according to chil and penal provisions of tha fw Project Unit J33010 00 are Specification No. Snamprogett! 00-ZA-E-09530 Engineerin Sheet 7 of Fe a BV 15 a [ota 4.3 Hydrocarbon. able er 4.3.1 Gas detectors shall primarily be installed to monitor areas of the plant where flammable gas may escape and/or accumulate. ‘Two types of gas detector shall be considered: + infra-red open path (IR LoS); and * infra-red point. Each detector will respond to a specified level of accumulation and be designed to alarm at two preset levels. The alarm levels shall be set according to the predominant hydrocarbon to be detected in the monitored area. Line-of-sight detectors shall be arranged such that they are not operating at the limit of their range. 4.3.2 Flammable hydrocarbon gas detectors of either type identified shalll be considered for hydrocarbon processing and storage areas. The assessment of the requirement for gas detection shalll be based on the results of hazard assessment studies and shall consider: + Number of leakage sources within the areas (and hence the likelihood of a leak); Dispersion profiles for credible leak scenarios; The buoyancy or otherwise of the leaking material; ‘The operating pressure and likely magnitude of any leak; The likelihood of the leak being detected under normal environmental conditions; + The consequences of any leak remaining undetected; and * Access for maintenance. Point detection shall supplement line-of-sight detection where material properties, process conditions and/or dispersion profiles justify this. 4.3.3, Dependent on the size and location of ventilation air intakes relative to flammable hydrocarbon sources, the requirement for detectors in HVAC systems shall be determined from the results of the hazard assessment. ‘Safe’ areas shall generally be located distant from risk areas to minimise this requirement. 4.3.4 Infra-red point gas detectors shall also be located in selected areas where essential equipment is required to remain operational when a gas alert exists. Equipment within these zones will remain energised until gas is detected in the area. [Tis document isthe prover of Snamproget! Enoinsering BV who wil ealaquard ite ohteaocordina ta eh and penal provistons of the law SPEIENDPIATBT Rov. Project Unit J33010 oo aie Speciation Wo Snamprogett! 00-ZA-E-09530 Engineering BV ‘Sheet 7 of Rev, 16 a) ott 4.3.5 To allow a level of redundancy, the minimum number of detectors in any one fire zone shall be two, wired on separate circuits. This will allow for a single detector failure or fault. 4.3.6 Alarm levels shall be as follows: i) _ IR Point Detectors: + Low level - 20% LEL * High level - 60% LEL ii) _ IR LoS Detectors: * Low level - 1.0 LELm * High level - 3.0 LELm. (6 LELm typically corresponds to 100% LEL, i.e full scale deflection). Detectors shall vote 1ooN at low level to raise an alarm in the control room only; 2ooN detectors at high level shall be required for executive actions (i.e. shutdown) to occur. Where point detectors protect manned buildings or other safe areas, detection levels (low, high) shall be 10% LEL and 20% LEL. 44 Hydrogen Gas Detection 4.4.1 Electro-chemical point detectors for hydrogen detection shall be considered for rooms that contain batteries where, during a recharge condition, high levels of hydrogen might accumulate. However, preference shall be given to free venting of any evolved gases following ventilation failure in order to preclude the possibility of accumulation and hence the requirement for any detection. 4.4.2 In battery rooms where potential for significant hydrogen evolution exists when natural ventilation is not feasible, the minimum number of detectors in the respective fire zone shall generally be two. As electro- chemical type detectors are considered to be less reliable than detectors that utilise infra-red technology, activation of any two detectors at 20% LEL shall be required to initiate a confirmed gas. alarm and subsequent executive actions. Operation of detector(s) at 10% LEL or a single detector at 20% LEL, shall initiate an alarm only. Detection of hydrogen shall result in stopping of any battery charging operations. “This document is the propery of Snamoroget Enginacring BV who wil enfaguard ie righte aacording to civil and penal eruenurrsiyt nev 0 Project Unit 333010 00 aie Speciiaion Wo Snamprogett! 00-ZA-E-09530 Engineering BV Sheet 7 of [few 7 at 5. FIREAND 'ECTION CONTROL AND is 5.1 Fire and Gas Detection Control 5.1.1 Fire and gas detectors located within process areas and process equipment shelters shall be monitored directly by the fire and gas system at the relevant site in the development. The fire and gas systems will interface with the DCS and ESD systems as appropriate. Fire and gas detection at the remote wellheads will be monitored and alarms processed locally, with alarms transmitted for display at the MCR of the main processing plant, which will be a permanently manned facility. Fire and gas alarms at the main plant will also be monitored from this point. 5.1.2 Detection within non-process buildings both on the main plant and in the camp compound, i.e. administration buildings, gatehouses, fire station, etc shall be monitored by local panels communicating with the fire and gas system of the main processing plant. Output signals from mimic panels in these non-process buildings to the fire and gas system shall typically consist of fire and fault (other alarms as appropriate), hence such buildings will be standalone for fire and gas detection purposes. 5.1.3 In addition to the non-process buildings indicated above, there will be a number of package equipment items that will be standalone for fire and gas detection purposes. These will include: + The prefabricated buildings housing the CSS equipment (local equipment rooms and main control room); ¢ Electrical substations; Gas-turbine driven electrical generators; and « Emergency diesel generator. These will be provided, by the package vendor, with their own fire (and where appropriate, gas) panels, with the capability to communicate with the main plant fire and gas system. Each system shall have the following features: * Dedicated fire and gas panel(s) to provide detection, protection (where appropriate), control, alarm and shutdown and be complete with detectors, input, output and alarm devices; + The ability to accept signals from the main plant fire and gas system and utilise them to operate fire and gas warning/alarm devices; [Tis document is the property of Snamorogatt Enainaering BV who wil safeguard ite rghte according toch and peal othe tae Project Unit 433010 00 aie ‘Specification No, Snamprogetti 00-ZA-E-09530 Engineering BV Sheet 7 of [Rew 18 at + The capability to generate separate output signals based on the alarm condition, in the form of volt-free contacts to the CSS; and + Each system shall have a self-test facility, which shall automatically test all input and output circuits for fault conditions. No facility for remote operation of package fire extinguishing systems shall be possible where these are provided and controlled by the package fire and gas panel. 5.14 The number of volt-free contact outputs shall be sufficient to provide adequate information in the MCR of the alarm condition and development of the incident. The requirements for each package shall be developed on a case-by-case basis but shall comprise, as necessary: Fire detected; Extinguishant released (where fixed fire protection systems are provided as part of the package item); Flammable gas detected (hydrocarbon or hydrogen); and System fault 5.2 Fire and Gas System Outputs 5.2.1 All outputs shall be normally-open contacts. Line monitoring shall be provided for selected applications. On detection of a fire or gas release, outputs shall be provided for: a) Visual and audible alarms in the control room and plant wide alarms to alert personnel; b) Automatically control HVAC fans and dampers to minimise risk to personnel; ©) Initiate appropriate shutdown signals to the ESD system based on ESD philosophy implemented; and a) _ Initiate firewater pump start and actuation of the respective fire protection systems on confirmed fire detection. The interface between the Fire and Gas system and the ESD system, also the actions to be taken on confirmed fire or gas detection in specified plant areas, are illustrated in the Fire and Gas Block Diagram, presented as Attachment 2. 5.2.2. Where areas are monitored by standalone fire and gas systems, for example, package buildings and equipment items, the control actions shall be initiated from that system. However, ESD actions and SPEIENDP/«101 Rev 0 [8 who wl safeguard is rights according fo ov and pena! provisions of he WY Project Unit © J33010 00 Ene Specification No Snamprogett! 00-ZA-E-09530 Engineering BV Sheet / of Bey 19 2 ott firewater system interfaces will be via the CSS, with executive actions developed on a case by case basis, dependent on fire risks in the protected area. 5.2.8: The fire and gas logic implemented is detailed in the fire and gas cause and effect charts. The emergency shutdown philosophy adopted for the development is documented separately [4] 5.3 Fire and Gas Alarms 5.3.1 A fire or gas signal from fire or gas detection within areas of the main plant, wellhead or accommodation areas shall result in audible and visual alarms in the main control room. Gas alarms at low level or fire detection by one device only shall result in alarms in the MCR only. 5.3.2 Detection of gas at high level in accordance with the criteria in Paragraphs 4.3.6 and 4.4.2 or fire in accordance with criteria set out in Sections 3.3 to 3.6 shall result in alarms in multiple locations: * Audible and visual alarms at the MCR on the CSS operator console; * Audible alarm across the affected site, via local sounders driven by the Fire and Gas System, 5.3.3 As indicated above, audible alarms initiated from a confirmed fire or confirmed gas signal at the main processing plant shall be annunciated through local sounders both on the open process plant and in buildings at the plant and camp compound. A discreet confirmed fire alarm signal and a discreet confirmed gas alarm signal shall be initiated from the fire and gas system which will initiate plant wide alarm tones via the local sounders, supplemented by yellow flashing beacons in areas of high ambient noise. A gas alarm shall take priority over a fire alarm. The alarm tones shall be as follows: General (Fire) - ‘SLOW WOOP’ (500-1200 Hz) Gas Alarm - ‘YELP’ (600-1200 Hz) It shall also be possible to initiate a general alarm (fire alarm tone) via a pushbutton located on the common services panel, Visual alarms only will be provided at the remote wellheads to alert personnel approaching the affected area. 5.3.4 Where gaseous extinguishing systems are installed, all entrance points to the protected areas shall be provided with status lamps. The lamps shall comprise three different coloured lenses - red, yellow, green - and shall indicate the following extinguishing system status: Tvs document we property of snamproget Engineering BY’ Who Wl Salequard its rghts according to cil and penal provisions of ha law SFEIENDPIAISH Rev Project Unit J33010 00 [EASMO; Speciation No. Snamprogetti 00-ZA-E-09530 Engineering BV Sheet 7 of Fev, 20 a ont * Red lamp - Flashing indicates discharge imminent, steady indicates system discharged; ‘Yellow lamp - System status is automatic discharge mode; and Green lamp - System is inhibited - no automatic discharge. Operation of the lamps will be via the fire and gas system of the main plant or that of the protected equipment package, if the gaseous system is provided as part of the equipment package, as applicable. Audible alarms shall annunciate a pulsed predischarge audible alarm tone and a steady audible alarm tone following system discharge. 5.4 Power Supplies 5.4.1 The power supply to the fire and gas control system will be dual 240 VAC 50 Hz supplies. The fully redundant system power supplies shall be sized to support the system in the event of complete failure of one Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) and/or one system power supply. 5.4.2 A battery back-up and charger system shall therefore be installed to allow the shudown of the fire and gas control system in a controlled manner. The battery back-up shall be sized as follows: * Main plant fire and gas system: 6 hours’ operation in quiescent condition plus 3 hours’ operation in alarm condition (3 hours is the firewater storage capacity at maximum flowrate). ‘The emergency generator will provide standby power; battery and standby generation together will fulfill the requirement for 24 hours’ operation in quiescent condition, per BS 5839, * Package buildings and equipment: 24 hours’ operation in quiescent condition and 3 hours’ operation in alarm condition (no account is taken of standby generation as battery capacity will not be significant) * Wellhead RTU: for fire and gas monitoring, battery backup shall be provided equivalent to 72 hours’ operation in quiescent condition and 3 hours’ operation in alarm condition. "hia aacument tw property of Snamprogel Engineering BY who wal saleguard ts ght aegording te land penal provisions of the law ‘SFEVENDP/4191 Fev 0 Project Unit J33010 00 [LASMO) Specification No, ‘Snamprogett! 00-ZA-E-09530 Engineering BV Sheet 7 of Bi 24 24 ott 6. REFERENCES 1. ‘HSE Design Philosophy’, Project Specification No. 00-ZA-B-09529 2 ‘Classification of Hazardous Locations,’ by A. Cox, F.P. Lees and M.L. Ang, published by the Institution of Chemical Engineers (1990) 3. Fire Protection Philosophy’, Project Specification No. 00-ZA-E-09531. 4. ‘Process Requirements for the Emergency Shutdown and Depressuring System’, Project Specification No. 00-ZA-E-04009. ‘This document is the propery o Snamprogott Engineoring BV who will safeguard is rights according to chil and penel provisions ofthe law ‘SFEJENDP/4I91 Rev 0 Legend Gas Detector Types for Flammable Gases: INFRARED GAS DETECTOR (POINT) INFRARED GAS DETECTOR (OPEN PATH) ELECTRO-CHEMICAL GAS DETECTOR (POINT) - SEE NOTE 8 Fire Detector Types: INFRARED FLAME DETECTOR (LINE OF SIGHT) ULTRAVIOLET FLAME DETECTOR (LINE OF SIGHT) - OPTICAL SMOKE DETECTOR (POINT) OPTICAL BEAM SMOKE DETECTOR HIGH SENSITIVITY SMOKE DETECTOR (PARTICLE COUNT) LINEAR HEAT DETECTOR (HEAT SENSISTIVE CABLE) RATE COMPENSATED HEAT DETECTOR (POINT) FIXED TEMPERATURE HEAT DETECTOR (POINT) RATE OF RISE HEAT DETECTOR (POINT) FUSIBLE PLUG HEAT DETECTOR (POINT) FRANGIBLE BULB HEAT DETECTOR (POINT) Miscellaneous Equipment: MANUAL ALARM CALL POINT WATER SPRAY CONTROL STATION GASEOUS EXTINGUISHANT CONTROL STATION GASEOUS EXTINGUISHANT STATUS LIGHT GASEOUS EXTINGUISHANT PRE-DISCHARGE AUDIBLE ALARM AUDIBLE ALARM. VISUAL ALARM. DETECTOR REMOTE LAMP ASPIRATOR CABINET FOR VENTILATION MONITORING ASPIRATOR CABINET LOW FLOW ALARM ATTACHMENT | FIRE AND GAS DETECTION DISTRIBUTION SCHEDULE ‘Tag Identi DGC DGC DGH DFI SEENOTE9 DFU DSO DSO DSE DHE DHC DHF DHR NIA NIA DMC DEM DEM DEL. DES DAS DAL. DL. NIA DFSL Notes 1, Gas detector selection and calibration in process areas and ventilation inlets is based on the predominate stream component, 2. Catalytic flammable (hydrocarbon) gas detectors have not been considered. For reasons of reliability and maintenance, infrared type devices (point or open path) will be employed for the detection of flammable gases 3. All proposed fire and gas detection equipment is subject to suitability for the environmental conditions that exist on site 4, Manual alarm callpoints shall be located in accordance with the requirements of Section 3.6 and BS 5839 with respect to separation and location. 5, Audible and visual alarms are via sounders and/or beacons at wellheads and the main plant, and as part of equipment packages, 6, Addressable fire detection systems shall be considered for the accommodation and industrial buildings in the camp compound, also other non-process buildings. 7. Deleted 8, Flammable gas electro-chemical type detectors to be installed in battery rooms only when free venting of evolved gases during battery charging cannct be assured. 9, UV detectors to be employed in gas turbine enclosures, 10. For process systems containing flammable gas only (no signifiewnt quan tities af hydrocarbon liquids), the philosophy is to provide only gas detection to provide indication of a leak - no fire fire detection, as likelihood of ignition considered to be low, due to efficient mixing, also a review of statistics, 11, Fire detection to be provided only where large volumes of hydrocarbon liquids might be spilt (considered 10 present greatest fire risk due to high likelilood of ignition, based on a reviow of statistics). Includes condes propane refrigerant and liquids in NRU. Fire detection to be provide around gas plant only where fixed fire protection systems also provided 12, Requirement for fie detection for bulk hydrocarbon liquid storage tanks to be based on the provision of inert fas blanketing systems, Sheet | ATTACHMENT 1 FIRE AND GAS DETECTION DISTRIBUTION SCHEDULE [Flares and Vents _ Hydrate Inhibitor Packages [Corrosion Inhibitor Packages |Gas Compressors _ Air Inlets [Gas Turbine Enclosure Fuel Gas Systems Process Vessels and Exchangers Process Columns Process Pumps Process Air Coolers Metering Skids [Condensate Storage Tanks Diesel Storage Tanks Oily Water Treatment Produced Water Injection Condensate Loading Bays Loading / Unloading Pumps JOily Water Catch Basins Laboratories [Mechanical Warehouse |Gas Turbine/Engine Ventilation/Combustion iammable | Flame] Smoke ieiemeshay | Brave zeae Heat Detectors Miscellaneous Equipment z i i i eae i ' a6 g zie 22 é gas Fire Zone Description le 3 . z 2 é E] 23d Comments eae sPPHguae: 2 BTEagEs eee gee aeeges 23 ease BE2 |EBE ele g@#lecse&s 2 a gg = ga fig [£282 28/222 ¢ Fe Pipes ga Se £58 Sls ge 3 a Ss S25 2 2 |Wellheads | cle a x [See Note 1 |Pig Launchers / Receivers xls x [See Note 1, At main plant only : : See Note 1 Fire detection dependent on location and stored inventory [Fire detection dependent on location and stored inventory. _ [Gas detection dependent on size of protected area [Dependent on size and location, philosophy is to employ adequate separation from hazard sources. Requirement for aspirator cabinet dependent on air lintake details. Gas detectors located in ventilation exhaust, Gas detection employed dependent on proximity to other sources. Philosophy lis to provide gas detection only (see Note 10). Fire detection and waterspray provision dependent on contents and inventory| see Note 10). Gas detection dependent on buavaney of released hydrocarbons (see Note 11). Fusible plugs for mechanical activation of deluge valve via low air pressure - Fire detection and waterspray provision dependent on contents and inventory (eee Note 10). Gas detection dependent on buoyancy of released hydrocarbons (see Note 11). Fusible plugs for mechanical activation of deluge valve via low air pressure. Fire detection and waterspray provision dependent on contents and inventory (see Note 10). Gas detection dependent on buoyancy of released hydrocarbons (see Note 11). Fusible plugs for mechanical activation of deluge valve via low air pressure. See note 10. e note 10. Analyser houses to be provided with standalone fire and gas ldetection aystems, [Cable located around roof. See Note 12 Cable located around roof, Bulk storage tanks only. See Note 12 How fire risk from recovered oil Ppm oil in water only - no fire risk [Area will normally be manned during loading when leading operations lundertaken [Area will normally be manned during loading when loading operations jundertaken, Fusible plugs and pressure switches dependent on fire protection philosophy ladopted Sheet 2 ATTACHMENT 1 FIRE AND GAS DETECTION DISTRIBUTION SCHEDULE VAC Plant Rooms Ventilation Air Inlets Emergency Generator Room Firewater Pumps and Storage HH V and LV Substations ‘Transformers - Oil Filled (external area) ‘Transformers - Dry (within building) Contro/Local Equipment Rooms Floor and Ceiling Voids @lectrical Areas) |Air Compressors Gate House / Security Post Vehicle Stores and Garages [Storage Warehouse Refueling Stations _ \Car Parking Areas fen eee nee Heat Detectors Miscellaneous Equipment i 2 5 z : 58 2 |Fea2 ale 2 Sei] g 1835282215 Fire Zone Description = 3 EE? é [pbs 32233 Comments : 4/2 # 2]2 2 8 ¢ 2 |eobi285 23 é gee goez2 £3 [22362224 t BE glee 3/e6 85 Bi |g elzizgiz. 2ig.g 2 £ Pigigaise? @F JPieypgs gz = & si$ Szl5 22 8 ef zig didigcids ¢ Mechanical Workshoy \d Stores r “ : Fusible plugs and pressure switches dependent on fire protection philosophy 7 eee - Jadopted. eee ee : « x : . /Fusible plugs and pressure switches dependent on fire protection philosophy = a i [adopted. : Accommodation Areas al a : a x x x |Ansul-type dry chemical system in galley area (fire panel to provide common pues eee aca : sift alarm for 'extinguishant released’ where dry chemical system installed). [Kitchen Areas _ | 5 iia cs L x = - |Battery Room: x « “ |Gas detection required only when natural ventilation following failure of _|for flammable gas detection to be established via hazard assessment mechanical ventilation cannot be assured. [Philosophy is to provide adequate separation from risk areas. Smoke ldetection is for manned areas only, where considered required, Requirement [Selection of fire detection dependent on size of protected area, Low fire risk area Gaseous extinguishing systems required for protection of critical contol areas| only Requirement for gaseous extinguishing systems to be established (dependent lon importance to plant safety of protecied area). intakes to be distant from hydrocarbon process areas Fusibie piugs and pressure switches dependent on fire protection philosophy: | adopted, [Detection and protection dependent on materials stored and size of protected Sheet 2 Levels Shutdown (Pam Shatsoun and ‘lowdown Cone Fe Hazardous ATTACHMENT 2 FIRE AND GAS BLOCK DIAGRAM eee Nate 8 Process Ares Manual [rr rare sows eon | “shies ‘Contre Fare ‘Gas Detection ‘open Process Areas Automate Release of renater Daigo ‘ecod Aree (Sooetes 7&9) eae ye ww oer ty ae in et ee | SRN eat Lovel2 Sutsown Pant el Tabio 1- Hazardous (Process) Areas Start uty Feowater Pum (See Nate 3) hy Dlatlon Ventiaton Srutsoun, HVAC Sysiom Arcus Fans ‘and Dampers) [Trae nese Nonraaaraoue — Nor Hazarsous area (S00 Tadls 234, Notes 5,6) | t Automatic Release of ‘Gatooue aingising System (See Nees 7,9) “Table 3- Critical Function Areas T Stutsoue HVAC system (incase Fons and Campers) Canfemad Fe or ‘Gas nent ‘Ayreon Pant ‘Sug Catchers and Pp Reconer ‘Amine (CO, Removal Unis {Gas Detyraton Units Relngeraton Unt ana Retrgerant Storage Mercury Removal Unts trogen Rejection Units Export Ges Compression ‘29or Gas Metering and ig Launching Man Generator Gas Turbine Enclosees ain contol Room EasuWest Local Equipment Reams Easvvest Sunstatons Emergency Generator ‘Main Contot Room Otfces,Amenies ard Lab Fre Venice Buting Wreeuse Werstop |_| aie once suing Secunty Vehice Repair Building KchemDinig Bock Seni Junior Accommodation Bangs ‘iP accommodation Gatehouse ores persion of fetsrountes detuge release puanbutons srpeted as contre re (Opertion of proves area manual rm ‘alporsregrged as conteroa We dtecion {or sar purposes ony. Operation of ealponts Inca carpour ukdngs pce en buts resus in ocaleantet oom alarm ony. Low fewaternngrain pressure nittes ‘ulomate sar of stand jockey ump (v2 DOCS) Low tw erga posse tars Cy Frewlerpunp (a ead gas syste) Frowat: pumps ae cated ina safe area ‘eae to azardous proces areas = 90 ‘ropa sar bes dw to arable gas roused Nonstel uncon areas ae safe areas ‘Acton by bung re and gus pane (nt ‘recy mntored or contted by C5S). Level2 shun by detecton of ammabic ‘gs pen process areas Exinguishatsysioms can be activated automaticaly, cca, oF rereay (wth ‘xcepton of gly hod sytem na geseous ‘ntnguishing syst). CConfad detection cf female ges nares whore iquetie gases are lores or recessed ‘hat resutmoperaon of ceuge sytem those areas io promote persion ‘arable vapour Extinguishing systems tobe provide in _sccordance wih fre protection pilosopy ‘Al elect ecupmentinstaed in hazardous ‘re sal be subi or operation in 2 Zoge 2 Hazardous Area minimum No uci ‘Soatensn process areas on detection flammable gas Fe or gas ar one wil be generate, spplesbe ‘veo posabity of mechanical damage aot ‘Caused by fre, Kovlow alr pessurenSelge ‘ave contol air syst wil ot esto plat ‘huttown

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