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COMSATS University Islamabad

Pakistan Studies
Terminal Examinations SP21
Hybrid Course

Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 35

Student Name: Arqum Aftab Mirza

Registration Number: FA20-BBA-142 Campus: Islamabad_
Date: 01\07\2021 Moderator Name: Sir Waqas Ahsan

Instructions to Students

■ Write your Name, Registration Number, Campus, Date and Moderator’s Name.
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■ Type your answers on the same document provided as question paper.
■ Submit the answer sheet via CU Online Console in the given time. No submissions are allowed via email.
■ Attempt all questions.

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For Faculty Use Only

Questions Q1 Q. 2 Q. 3 Q. 4 Q. 5 Q. 6
COMSATS University
Registration#: FA20-BBA-142

Short Question

Question 2 (5marks, CLO2-A3)

How environmental issues like water scarcity and deforestation are linked with each other? Also
suggest solution for it.

Question 3(5 marks, CLO1-A1)

State any five factors which resulted in delayed constitution making in Pakistan.

Question 4 (5 marks, CLO2-A3)

Briefly describe your project on “Current Social, Economic and Political Challenges related to
Industrial Sector of Pakistan”. State the particular challenge you chose and describe your findings
and your proposed solution.

Long Question

Question 5 (10 marks, CLO1-A1)

Discuss in detail the issue of integration of princely states, faced by Pakistan in its initial years.

Question 6 (10 marks, CLO3-A1)

Make comparison between Nehru report and Jinnah’s 14 points. Discuss their importance in your own

Good Luck

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Registration#: FA20-BBA-142

Short Question

Question 2 (5marks, CLO2-A3)

How environmental issues like water scarcity and deforestation are linked with each other? Also
suggest solution for it.


Water Scarcity:
It is the lack of fresh water resources to meet the water demand. Water scarcity and clean drinking
water is all the rage nowadays. Pakistan is a water scant country. The primary driver are
environmental change, absence of enough supplies to store water,
water issues with India, and old water system framework and water wastages in homegrown
utilization and absence of mindfulness. Air contamination, helpless waste administration and
populace bomb are significant obstacles behind the accessibility of clean drinking water for
everybody in Pakistan.

Deforestation, clearance, clearcutting, or clearing is the removal of a forest or stand of trees from
land that is then converted to non-forest use. probably the greatest issue is the expanding
deforestation in the country. Pakistan couldn't accomplish the UN's set objective of 25% of
backwoods cover on its complete region, other than two manors drives yearly. The explanation for
deforestation is energy emergencies, business advantages and homegrown use. In spite of the fact
that specific plans have been dispatched to build timberland cover, which incorporates Green
Pakistan Program, Billion Tree Tsunami and REDD Plus, yet it will require a few years for these
plants to develop and supplant effectively cut enormous trees.

Deforestation and Water Scarcity are linked with each other:

Deforestation means cutting down of trees. Water lack suggests the shortfall of water resources for
satisfy the interest for water usage in a region. It is associated with deforestation and desertification
on account of its outcome, which is the reduction in moistness. "The issue of water need impacts
around 2.8 billion people on all landmasses of the world for no short of what one month
consistently. More than 1.3 billion people don't move toward safe drinking water",

Solution for the problem:

The best solution to deforestation is to curb the felling of trees by enforcing a series of rules and
laws to govern it. 
Land skinned of its tree cover for urban settlements should be urged to plant trees in the vicinity
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Registration#: FA20-BBA-142

and replace the cut trees. Also, the cutting must be replaced by planting young trees to replace the
older ones that were cut.
This issue could be resolved if we stop ourselves from cutting down of trees. If we realize this fact
that it’s the most necessary part of our environment. It’s extremely awful for not only other species
but for human as well. The people and as well as the government of Pakistan will has to take some
serious interests to control the environmental problems in Pakistan for living better and healthy
lives. The government should take responsibility of making environment good for its people by
making such laws that prohibited the environmental problems and pollutions. Print media and as
well as electronic media of Pakistan should create awareness among the people about harms of
environmental problems.

Question 3(5 marks, CLO1-A1)

State any five factors which resulted in delayed constitution making in Pakistan.

Followings are the five factors which resulted in delayed constitution making in Pakistan. These

 Inexperienced Politicians
 Federal State System
 Cultural and linguistic differences
 Lack of Homogeneity between two Wings
 Language Issue
 Administrative Problems
 Influx of refugees
 Politicians personal clashes and differences
 Lack of quality leadership
 Illiteracy

Question 4 (5 marks, CLO2-A3)

Briefly describe your project on “Current Social, Economic and Political Challenges related to
Industrial Sector of Pakistan”. State the particular challenge you chose and describe your findings
and your proposed solution.


Current industrial challenges:

Fundamental driver of the disappointment of the ventures are:
 Lack of Capital
 Energy Crisis
 Lack of Industrial Research
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Registration#: FA20-BBA-142

 Lack of Modern technology

The detail conversations of every one of the reasons for the disappointment of the enterprises are
given beneath.
1: Lack of Capital:
Lack of capital is a significant obstacle in the method of industrialization of substantial
ventures in Pakistan. The measure of capital needed in enterprises like synthetic, auto, iron,
steel, material, sugar,
2: Energy Crisis:
An energy crisis is any huge bottleneck in the inventory of energy assets to an economy. In
writing, it regularly alludes to one of the fuel sources utilized at a specific time and spot,
specifically, those that inventory public power lattices or those utilized as fuel in modern
turn of events and populace development have prompted a flood in the worldwide interest
for energy as of late.
3: Lack of Industrial Research:
Lack of industrial research is additionally an issue. This is answerable for high creation cost.
Modern research finds new strategies of creation and presents new assortments of items. •
Due to absence of industrial exploration, improvement underway procedures has not been
made conceivable and as such creation expenses of our modern items are high and we can't
contend with makers from different nations.
4: lack of Modern Technology:
Another issue in the method of quick industrialization is the lack of modern technology.
Current apparatus needs prepared specialized men and workers. Our work is ignorant and
undeveloped and doesn't buckle down.

 Right off the bat, security issue in Pakistan should be controlled. Interlopers coming from
Afghanistan must be stopped. Government should make genuine moves with respect to the
issues and objections of Baloch and Pushtoon populace of Pakistan.
 Basically unfamiliar insight organizations persuade our young populace against Pakistan and
Pakistan's law and order and they begin playing in awful hands. To counter this
administration should offer serious concern to give schooling to the youngsters and
furthermore there should be mindfulness development in remote area to alarm them from the
outlook of foes.
 Our international strategy should be too solid that it can depict positive picture of Pakistan
to the world to counter worldwide media which is occupied in getting out bogus word about
individuals of Pakistan
 The fencing on lines of Afghanistan and Iran should be done as quickly as time permits to
stop enemies and spies interfering in our country.
 Our administration should hold gatherings with unfamiliar financial backers and ought to
persuade them to invest in Pakistan and this would assist us with blasting our mechanical
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Registration#: FA20-BBA-142

 Pakistan has extraordinary freedom to persuade unfamiliar financial backers as CPEC has
given consideration to Pakistan to make mechanical zones at better places.

Long Question

Question 5 (10 marks, CLO1-A1)

Discuss in detail the issue of integration of princely states, faced by Pakistan in its initial years.

Integration of the Princely States:

There were 560 royal states in the subcontinent before autonomy. Right around 500 joined India
before 15thAugust 1947. The rulers were slanted to respect each token of the British agent, so they
surrendered to what the individual from the Royal family (Mountbatten) wished. There were some
specific instances of the states


At the time of partition of India , the ruler of Junagadh state Nawab Muhammad Mahabat khan announces
its accession to Pakistan. This accession was also approved by Government of Pakistan but the Indian forces
invaded the state of Junagadh in 1947 and occupied it .

It's anything but a little state with admittance to the ocean having around 7 lakh populace and 3377-mile
region. The ruler was Muslim while most of its populace was Hindu. The ruler chose to consent to Pakistan
and Pakistan additionally acknowledged the increase. It's anything but an august state. There was a Muslim
ruler, and most of the populace was Hindu. In November 1947, the Indian soldiers entered the state and took
its control. The submission supported India. Indian powers entered and attached it with India.


Hyderabad is common capital state of now a day southern India. At the time of partition the ruler of the
state is called Nizam. The majority of population was was a separate state in British india and had
an area of 86 thousand square miles. The Nizam wanted to keep his state autonomous but in 1948, Indian
forces removed his Government and occupied the state. This state is famous for rich history and culture.

It was geologically huge and monetarily a rich state. Its ruler was Muslim named Nizam and greater part
populace was Hindu. It was encircled by India from all sides. The Nizam needed to remain free.
Mountbatten debilitate him and consented to Standstill Arrangement. However, India constructed tension
on the Nizam by sending its soldiers in September 1948 guaranteeing that genuine lawfulness
circumstance had created. The state was coordinated in India. He needed to keep Hyderabad free from
India and Pakistan. Nonetheless, India again attached it with India,
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Registration#: FA20-BBA-142


The main state was Kashmir normally associated with Pakistan. Its ruler was Hindu Maharaja while
populace was Muslim. It was the most urgent state. The populace slanted towards Pakistan, yet the
Hindu ruler pronounced to join India. The Kashmiri public rebelled against the ruler in Poonch
region and soon it got broad. The ruler looked for Indian help. India requested increase. On October
27, 1947 Indian soldiers arrived in Srinagar. Individuals proceeded with their battle for autonomy
and India vowed to at last settle the matter regarding individuals under the UN Resolutions. After
the conflict in 1948, India has half of the Kashmir which is called Indian involved Kashmir and the
other half is under Pakistan was known as Azad Jammu Kashmir.

The state of Jammu and Kashmir is situated in north of the subcontinent which is considered to be
the center of continent of Asia. At the time of the establishment of Pakistan in 1947, the ruler of the
state were given the right to affiliate with India or Pakistan. Muslims in Kashmir who were in large
majority in Kashmir wanted accession with Pakistan but Raja Hari Singh the Hindu ruler of
Kashmir fled to India and announce accession with India without the wish of Kashmiri people.

In 1948 India sent his troops to Kashmir and tried to capture it illegally but the Kashmiri
Mujahedeen liberated the area of Azad Jammu and Kashmir from India. India took the issue to the
united Nation. The UN arranged a ceasefire between India and Pakistan. The UN approved in his
resolution with majority vote that the issue of Kashmir will be resolved with the will of Kashmiris

Question 6 (10 marks, CLO3-A1)

Make comparison between Nehru report and Jinnah’s 14 points. Discuss their importance in your own
Nehru Report:
The vast majority of the Indian ideological groups chose to blacklist the Simon Commission on the
request that it needed Indian portrayal. The British chose to toss the ball in the court of Indian
Government officials. Master Birkenhead, Secretary of State for Indian Affairs, tested the Indians,
"If they have any political capacity and capability then they should shape a consistent constitution
and present it to us, and we will carry out it." Indian ideological groups acknowledged the test and
called an All Parties Conference at Delhi in January 1928. The meeting was gone to by around
hundred representatives from every one of the significant gatherings including Indian Public
Congress, All India Muslim League, National Liberal Federation, Hindu Mahasabha, Central Sikh
League and so forth The meeting neglected to finish up the issue of the rights of minorities.

The second round of the All Parties Conference was held in March something very similar year.
Nehru Report requested that India ought to be given Dominion Status with the Parliamentary
type of Government. There ought to be a bicameral governing body comprising of Senate and
House of Representatives. The Senate will involve 200 individuals chose for seven
a long time, while the House of Representatives should comprise of 500 individuals chose for
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Registration#: FA20-BBA-142

five years. Lead representative General will follow up on the guidance of chief gathering. It was to
be altogether capable to the parliament. There ought to be a Federal type of Government in
India with Residuary forces to be vested in Center, Nehru report requested. There will be no
separate electorate for minorities. It's anything but, "a different electorate stirs common
notions, thusly, it ought to be rejected, and the joint electorate ought to be presented."

Jinnah’s 14 points:

To counter the proposition made in the Nehru Report, Jinnah introduced his proposition in
the type of Fourteen Points, demanding that no plan for the future constitution of the
administration of India will be acceptable to the Muslims until and except if specifications were
made to safe gatekeeper their inclinations.
1. The type of things to come constitution ought to be government, with the residuary forces to be
vested in the areas.
2. A uniform proportion of self-governance will be allowed to all territories.
3. All lawmaking bodies in the country and other chosen bodies will be comprised on the
distinct rule of sufficient
4. In the Central Legislature, Muslim portrayal will not be short of what 33%.
5. Portrayal of shared gatherings will keep on being by isolated electorates:
6. Any regional reallocation that may whenever be important will not in any case
influence the Muslim larger part in the Punjab, Bengal and the NWFP.
7. Full strict freedom, for example freedom of conviction, love, and recognition, purposeful
publicity, affiliation, and instruction.
8. No bill or goal or any part thereof will be passed in any assembly or some other chosen body if
three fourths of the individuals from any local area in that specific body go against such a bill, goal
or part thereof on the
9. Sind ought to be isolated from the Bombay Presidency.
10. Changes ought to be presented in the NWFP and Balochistan on a similar balance as in
different areas.
11. Arrangement ought to be made in the Constitution giving Muslims a sufficient offer along
with different Indians in every one of the administrations of the State
12. The Constitution should typify satisfactory shields for the insurance of Muslim culture and the
insurance and advancement of Muslim training, language,
13. No bureau, either Central or Provincial, ought to be framed without there being a extent of
somewhere around 33% Muslim pastors.
14. No change will be made in the Constitution by the Central Legislature besides with the
simultaneousness of the States comprising the Indian Federation

The dismissal of independent electorates by the Nehru Committee was the most noticeably awful
blow, anyway Quaid-e-Azam was on the side of discrete Muslim electorates.

Weightage for minorities was looked for in 14 focuses by Muhammad Ali Jinnah, however Nehru
didn't consent to our Quaid in his report.
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Registration#: FA20-BBA-142

As indicated by the Nehru report, a solid focal government is requested. Quaid-e-Azam, then again,
was a firm devotee to common self-sufficiency.

Consideration of Muslims in the public authority was upheld by Jinnah, however it was gone
against by Nehru.

In his report, Nehru makes reference to 1/fourth portrayal for Muslims in the focal government, not
withstanding Quaid-e-Azam's craving for 1/third portrayal for Muslims in the focal government.

The interest for Sindh's autonomy from Bombay was considered in the Nehru Report, as Jinnah
makes reference to in his 14 focuses, yet the state of self-economy was additionally raised

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