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Senior High School Department

School Year 2021 – 2022

First Semester – Second Quarter

Grade 11
Personal Development – Core Subject
Date of Release: October 11-22, 2021

To our dear students/parents/guardians,

We are delighted to have come so far in dealing with the new normal of learning. For your family, and
especially for you, our dear students, flexible learning has created a variety of obstacles. You, on the other
hand, are as strong as the rock. Continue to chase and pursue your studies. The first semester is coming to an
end. Congratulations!

Furthermore, we recommend that you maintain academic integrity when answering to all module
activities. As a result, parents, we ask that you continue to guide the learner ahead of time and let your child
to answer his or her module on his or her own. In this way, we will be able to monitor performance and, if
necessary, make essential interventions.

We encourage everyone to stay safe and practice minimum health protocols.

To God be the glory!

Transforming the youth to become exemplars in their chosen careers, the King’s College of the
Philippines envisions each generation of globally competitive professionals to love God, lead the nation, and
light the world.

The Senior High School Department of King's College of the Philippines seeks to develop learners into
fully rounded individuals with ideals desirable for admiration.

1. Generate socially active students who are globally competent individuals;
2. Produce highly responsive and responsible graduates manifesting Christian character;
3. Provide students with competitive training and education to ensure employment opportunity;
4. Instill in students a sense of patriotism, culture, and environmental awareness; and
5. Ascertain students’ competence in academic research and innovation.

Core Values

Wisdom, Love, and Truth

School Motto
I love you, O lord, my strength. (Psalm 18:1)




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Week 1 to Week 2
Academic Break

Week 3
CONTENT/ TOPIC Personal Relationships
Learning Objectives At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
a. Define personal relationship; and
b. Identify ways to become responsible in a relationship.


A. Motivation
We are social creatures living in an interconnected ecosystem. As person’s, we need different
relationships around us including personal relationships. In this lesson will guide you to topics
regarding acceptable and unacceptable love relationship, and tips on how to become responsible in a
Before we start in our lesson, let’s try to answer the following questions:
1. Nasubukan mo na bang ma-inlove? Ano ang feeling?
2. Do you think personal relationship is important in shaping your identity? Why or Why not?
3. What are your reasons in engaging yourself to such relationships?
4. Are you ready to engage in personal relationships?

B. Content


The personal relationships refer to close connections between

people, formed by emotional bonds and interactions. These bonds
often grow from and are strengthened by mutual experiences.
Relationships are not static; they are continually evolving, and to
fully enjoy and benefit from them we need skills, information,
inspiration, practice, and social support.


The concept of "family" is an essential component in any discussion of relationships,
but this varies greatly from person to person. The Bureau of the Census defines
family as "two or more persons who are related by birth, marriage, or adoption and
who live together as one household." But many people have family they don't live
with or to whom they are not bonded by love, and the roles of family vary across
cultures as well as throughout your own lifetime. Some typical characteristics of a
family are support, mutual trust, regular interactions, shared beliefs and values,
security, and a sense of community.

A friendship can be thought of as a close tie between two people that is often built
upon mutual experiences, shared interests, proximity, and emotional bonding.
Friends are able to turn to each other in times of need. Nicholas Christakis and
James Fowler, social-network researchers and authors of the book Connected, find
that the average person has about six close ties—though some have more, and
many have only one or none.

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Partnership is close relationships formed between two people that are built upon
affection, trust, intimacy, and romantic love. We usually experience this kind of
relationship with only one person at a time.

Personal Relationship does not only involve your romantic relationship (boyfriend, girlfriend) but
it includes your family and friends. I would also like to add our relationship with God. This is very
important because all your relationships may fail but your relationship with God will always be there.
It can also save your other relationships. Always remember that you are not alone.

In your personal relationships, how many of you give importance so much on their romantic
relationship? How many of you feel pressure to have a romantic partner seeing that your friends have one?
How many of you are distracted because you need to give time to your partners especially that you are in
LDR because of this pandemic? Let us understand more concepts to further understand your feelings and
give you hope for you to be less pressured, and for you to think and reflect before entering in a

The Difference Between Love and Infatuation

There is a very big difference between infatuation and being in love:
Love Infatuation
1. Love is knowing the good and bad of someone 1. Infatuation is when you first see someone that
and still loving them all the same. you are attracted to and immediately feel there is
2. Is the condition in which the happiness of a connection based on that.
another person is essential to your own. 2. It is also commonly termed as “crush”.
3. It is a practice where you feel a permanent 3. It is temporary emotion which usually adolescents
sense of connection with someone else, feel during a short period of months like for
regardless of what happens (Heinlin, 1961). example 10 months.
4. In the scripture Love is defined in 1
Corinthians 13:4-7
Elements of Love:
• Care
• Responsibility
• Respect
• Knowledge

To further understand what is love is let us know what are the Languages of Love by Dr. Gary Chapman.
According to Dr. Chapman there are 5 different ways to show love and improve your relationship.

The Languages of Love

Words of When words of affirmation is your love language, words build you up. You thrive on
Affirmation spoken affection, praise, encouragement, and compliments. Harsh words and
criticism can bother you for a long time.

Acts of Service Anything that your partner does willingly to ease your workload is a sign of love to
you. You feel cared for when your partner vacuums before you get to it or makes
you breakfast as a surprise. On the other hand, broken promises or laziness can
make you feel unimportant.

Receiving Gifts When you speak this love language, a thoughtful gift shows to you that you are
special. In contrast, generic gifts and forgotten special events have the opposite
effect. This love language isn’t necessarily materialistic – it could be as simple as
receiving your favorite snack after a bad day.

Quality Time To you, nothing says you’re loved like undivided attention. When your partner is
truly present (and not looking at their phone), it makes you feel important. Failure to
actively listen or long periods without one-on-one time can make you feel unloved.

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Physical Touch Holding hands, kisses, hugs, and other touches are your preferred way to show and
receive love. Appropriate touches convey warmth and safety, while physical neglect
can drive a wedge between you and your partner.

Importance of Personal Relationship

Live longer. A review of 148 studies found that people with strong personal relationships are 50% less likely
to die prematurely. Similarly, Dan Buettner’s Blue Zones research calculates that committing to a life partner
can add 3 years to life expectancy (Researchers Nicholas Christakis and James Fowler have found that men’s
life expectancy benefits from marriage more than women’s do.)
Deal with stress. The support offered by a caring friend can provide a buffer against the effects of stress. In
a study of over 100 people, researchers found that people who completed a stressful task experienced a faster
recovery when they were reminded of people with whom they had strong relationships. (Those who were
reminded of stressful relationships, on the other hand, experienced even more stress and higher blood
Be healthier. According to research by psychologist Sheldon Cohen, college students who reported having
strong relationships were half as likely to catch a common cold when exposed to the virus. In addition, 2012
international Gallup poll found that people who feel they have friends and family to count on are generally
more satisfied with their personal health than people who feel isolated. And hanging out with healthy people
increases your own likelihood of health—in their book Connected, Christakis and Fowler show that non-obese
people are more likely to have non-obese friends because healthy habits spread through our social networks.
Feel richer. A survey by the National Bureau of Economic Research of 5,000 people found that doubling your
group of friends has the same effect on your wellbeing as a 50% increase in income!

IF Love is a Game, these are the Rules: 10 Rules for Finding Love and Creating Long-Lasting, Authentic
Relationships By: Carter-Scott, Cherie

1. YOU MUST LOVE YOURSELF FIRST Your relationship with yourself is the central template from which all
others are formed. Loving yourself is a prerequisite to creating a successful and authentic union with another.

be in a relationship is up to you. You have the ability to attract your beloved and cause the relationship you
desire to happen.

3. CREATING LOVE IS A PROCESS Moving from “I” to “we” requires a shift in perspective and energy. Being
an authentic couple is an evolution.

4. RELATIONSHIPS PROVIDE OPPORTUNITIES TO GROW Your relationship will serve as an unofficial “life
shop” in which you will learn about yourself and how you can grow on your personal path.

5. COMMUNICATION IS ESSENTIAL The open exchange of thoughts and feelings is the lifeblood of your

6. NEGOTIATION WILL BE REQUIRED There will be times when you and your partner must work through
impasses. If you do this consciously and with respect, you will learn to create win-win outcomes.

7. YOUR RELATIONSHIP WILL BE CHALLENGED BY CHANGE Life will present turns in the road. How you
maneuver those twists and turns determines the success of your relationship.

relationship will flourish.

9. RENEWAL IS THE KEY TO LONGEVITY Happily ever after means the ability to keep the relationship fresh
and vital.

10. YOU WILL FORGET ALL THIS THE MOMENT YOU FALL IN LOVE You know all these rules inherently.
The challenge is to remember them when you fall under the enchanting spell of love.


The stage you are in now makes you aggressive in many things, even in wanting to have sex. Thus, it resulted
to high rate of teenage pregnancy. To have sex, is up to you alone and you alone to decide. Therefore, don’t

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be afraid to say "no" if that’s how you feel. Having sex for the first time can be a huge emotional event. Before
you actually get "in the heat of the moment", you may want to sort out these questions and feelings first:

Am I really ready to have sex?

Ask How am I going to feel after I have sex?
yourself: Am I doing this for the right reasons?
How do I plan to protect myself/my partner from sexually transmitted infections or
How am I going to feel about my partner afterwards?

The way of showing someone you love them is not through sex, there are countless nonsexual ways to
show someone you love them. You can show a person you care for them by spending time with them. Go to
the malls, parks or eat in a restaurant, talk and hang out together. If you are with someone you really like,
then anything can be fun.

There are also ways to feel physically close without having sex. These include everything from kissing and
hugging to touching each other. Just remember that if you're not careful these activities can lead to sex. Plan
beforehand just how far you want to go, and stick to your limits. It can be difficult to say "No" and mean it
when things get hot and heavy. If he/she disagree with you and really pressure you, that person do not
respect you.

Talk to your parents and ask them about your concerns. Do not be shy and open up. The truth is that most
parents want to help their kids make smart decisions about sex. They know it's vital for teens to have accurate
information and sound advice to aid the decision-making process.

It's OK to want to enjoy your teen years and all the fun times that can be had. It's OK to respect
yourself enough to say, "No, I'm not ready to have sex." There is nothing wrong being in a relationship, have
a healthy and responsible relationship.

C. Learning Tasks
Please accomplish your Learning Tasks on the provided separate activity sheet found on page 2.

Week 4
CONTENT/ TOPIC Social Relationships in Middle and Late Adolescence
Learning Objectives At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
a. Define leadership and followership; and
b. Understand and explain the social relationships.


A. Motivation
Sedra Spano (2004) believes that adolescence is a time of great changes for young people when physical
changes are happening at an accelerated rate. As you mingle with different individuals especially people
you admire or look up to you may adopt of their traits and characteristics.
In this lesson, it will help discover your potentials and capabilities which may help assume your
responsibilities in your respective communities.

B. Content

Any relation or interaction between two or more individuals. It could be a relation that extends
beyond your original connection, such as being schoolmates, workmates, or churchmates.

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The willingness of an individual to cooperate in

Refers to the act of leading
working toward the achievement of the group goals,
mission, and vision.
- someone who is able to affect positive change for
the improvement of other individuals, the community
- one who make the leader believe in himself that he
and the society as a whole
is doing good to others.
- is not necessary someone who holds a formal
- one who do not only follow the footsteps of his
position of leadership or who is perceived leaders by
leader, but also supports and encourages him/her for
doing better

The qualities of a good leadership: The qualities of a good followership:

➢ Honesty – it is the greatest responsibility of ➢ Loyalty and Obedience – for a group or
leadership to practice honesty in whatever task organization to be dynamic, good followers must be
he/she is leading. loyal to their leader. Followers should abide by their
➢ Traits of inspiring others – when you’re the leader’s instructions in order to attain their objectives.
leader, you are the one your members look up to; you ➢ Diligence – followers have to be hardworking in
are their ultimate inspiration, their most important order to make the guidance and instructions of the
source of encouragement. So, be wise when you talk leader effective. A task can be performed successfully
to them. when directions are followed accurately.
➢ Ability to build a good relation - working together ➢ Collaboration – it is most vital quality of a good
gets easier when there is teamwork. The ultimate follower. The ability to work as a part of a group
strategy to make followers do as they are directed is makes leadership easier.
to conduct the team with friendliness. ➢ Ambitious - ambition boosts the chances of
➢ Appreciative - appreciation is important job. growth and success. A leader paves the path and
When a person is appreciated, his confidence followers walk on this path while keeping their
develops and will perform his/her task a lot better. ambitions in mind.

C. Learning Tasks
Please accomplish your Learning Tasks on the provided separate activity sheet found on page 3.

Week 5
CONTENT/ TOPIC Family Structures
Learning Objectives At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
a. Explain the impact of the family in an adolescent’s life; and
b. Describe the structures of a family.


A. Motivation

In our past lesson we discuss about our social relationships and we differ that we are sometimes a
leader and a follower. Before we proceed in our new lesson let us answer the following questions:

1. Who are the members of your family?

2. What is the structures of your family?
3. What is your role in your family?
4. How does your family differ from the other families?

B. Content
The smallest social institution with the unique function or producing and rearing the

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Consisting of a married man and woman and their biological children


- either a father or a mother who is singly responsible for the raising of the child
- child can be by birth or adoption
- maybe by choice or by life circumstances

where grandparents or aunts and uncles play major roles in the children’s

consists of members from two or more previous families

one or more of the children has been adopted. This usually happen upon the
discretion of the couples who cannot bear child. The completeness of the family
comes from the children who give laughter and life inside a certain home that is why
it is being called as “home”


A family member is separated from the rest of the family due to employment far
away, military service, incarceration, hospitalization. We can see this type
especially if the parents are abroad or whose work is far from the family’s
residency. It doesn’t mean that the function of a family has already been declined
but it can still function trough effective communication

One or more of the children is legally a temporary member of the household.


one or both of the parents’ sexual orientation is gay or lesbian
- may be a two-parent family, an adoptive family, a single parent family or an extended

An arrangement where separated parents both have legal responsibility for the
children. Nowadays, separated parents both agreed to give support to their children
despite of dysfunctionality of the role of the family.

Parents have immigrated to another country. Their children may or may not be
immigrants. Some family members may continue to live in the country of origin, but
still be significant figures in the life of the child.

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Family that moves regularly to places where they have employment. One factor of this family
structure is the job security and employment stability.

Families live in more than one country. This usually happens to people who have the capacity to spend
money and can travel overseas.

1. According to structure
a. Conjugal or nuclear family- this consist of the father, mother and children
b. Consanguine or extended family – consist of married couple, their children, parents and siblings, uncles,
aunts, cousins and grandparents.

2. According to place of residence

a. Patrilocal- when the newly married couple live with the parents of the husband
b. Matrilocal- when the newly married couple lives with the parents of the wife
c. Neolocal- when the newly married couple maintains a separate household and live by themselves.

3. According to the reference authority

a. Patriarchal- when the father is considered head and plays a dominant role
b. Matriarchal- when the mother is the head and makes the major decisions
c. Equalitarian- when both father and mother share in making decisions and are equal in authority.

C. Learning Tasks

Please accomplish your Learning Tasks on the provided separate activity sheet found on page 3.

Week 6
CONTENT/ TOPIC Family Legacies
Learning Objectives At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
a. Explain hereditary factor’s; and
b. Create one’s own genogram.


A. Motivation
In our past lesson, we learned about Family Structures wherein we identify what kind of
structures our family is. In this lesson we will continue to discover and understand what our Family
Legacies are.
B. Content

No matter who we are, where we live, or what our goals may be, we all have one
thing in common: a heritage. That is, a social, emotional and spiritual legacy passed
on from parent to child. Every one of us is passed a heritage, lives out a heritage, and
LEGACY gives a heritage to our family. It’s not an option. Parents always pass to their children
a legacy … good, bad or some of both.

The Emotional Legacy

→ In order to prosper, you need an enduring sense of security and stability nurtured in an environment
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of safety and love.
→ Sadly, many of you struggle to overcome a negative emotional legacy that hinders our ability to cope
with the inevitable struggles of life. But imagine yourself giving warm family memories to your child.
You can create an atmosphere that provides a child’s fragile spirit with the nourishment and support
needed for healthy emotional growth. It will require time and consistency to develop a sense of
emotional wholeness, but the rewards are great.

A strong emotional legacy:

✓ Provides a safe environment in which deep emotional roots can grow.
✓ Fosters confidence through stability.
✓ Conveys a tone of trusting support.
✓ Nurtures a strong sense of positive identity.
✓ Creates a “resting place” for the soul.
✓ Demonstrates unconditional love.

The Social Legacy

→ In order to prosper, our children need to gain the insights and social skills necessary to cultivate
healthy, stable relationships. As children mature, they must learn to relate to family members,
teachers, peers and friends. Eventually they must learn to relate to co-workers and many other types
of people such as salespeople, bankers, mechanics and bosses.
→ Nowhere can appropriate social interaction and relationships be demonstrated more effectively than in
the home. At home you learned — and your children will learn — lessons about respect, courtesy, love
and involvement. Our modelling as parents plays a key role in passing on a strong social legacy.

Key building blocks of children’s social legacy include:

✓ Respect, beginning with themselves and working out to other people.
✓ Responsibility, fostered by respect for themselves, that is cultivated by assigning children duties within
the family, making them accountable for their actions, and giving them room to make wrong choices
once in a while.
✓ Unconditional love and acceptance by their parents, combined with conditional acceptance when the
parents’ discipline for bad behavior or actions.
✓ The setting of social boundaries concerning how to relate to God, authority, peers, the environment
and siblings.
✓ Rules that are given within a loving relationship
The Spiritual Legacy

→ As spiritual beings, we adopt attitudes and beliefs about spiritual matters from one source or another.
As parents, we need to take the initiative and present our faith to our children.
→ Parents who successfully pass along a spiritual legacy to their children model and reinforce the unseen
realities of the godly life. We must recognize that passing a spiritual legacy means more than
encouraging our children to attend church, as important as that is. The church is there to support
parents in raising their children but it cannot do the raising; only parents can.

Here are five things you do that predict whether your children will receive the spiritual
legacy a Christian parent desires. Do you:

1. Acknowledge and reinforce spiritual realities? Do your children know, for example, that Jesus loves
everyone? That God is personal, loving and will forgive us?
2. View God as a personal, caring being who is to be loved and respected?
3. Make spiritual activities a routine part of life?
4. Clarify timeless truth — what’s right and wrong?
5. Incorporate spiritual principles into everyday living.

Is a graphic representation of a family tree that displays detailed data on relationships among individuals. It
goes beyond a traditional family tree by allowing the user to analyze hereditary patterns and psychological
factors that punctuate relationships.

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1. GENEOLOGY- genograms are used to record family history through the lives of each of its members. It
allows the genealogist to graphically portray complex family trees that show marriages and divorces,
reconstituted families, adoptions, strained relationships, family cohesion etc.
2. MEDICINE- medical genograms provide a quick and useful context in which to evaluate an individual’s
health risk
3. SOCIOLOGY- used by sociologist to gather objective and consistent information form the clients and their
family, helping them to view the client issue in the larger context of the marital relationship, family
relationships and culture of origin and underlying key issues to discuss in client counselling.
4. FAMILY THERAPY- used to study and record relationship patterns between family members and the
individual characteristic that makes up an appropriate assessment of the relationship patterns that occur.
5. RESEARCH- allow researchers to understand multi-generational processes among individuals. It can also
illustrate rates of renewal, mechanisms of survival, or processes involved in the regulation of tolerance, among
other things.

C. Learning Tasks
Please accomplish your Assessments on the provided separate activity sheet found on page 3-4.

Week 7
CONTENT/ TOPIC Career Development
Learning Objectives At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
a. Identify the different concepts of career and life goals and its implications in
career planning; and
b. Describe and match their personality with their career choices.


A. Motivation
As a teenager, you tend to plan ahead of your future career. Your choice or plan defines your future.
This lesson will help you to align your career to your skills and abilities. Before we continue, let us answer
the following questions:
1. Why are you here? What is your chosen career in life?
2. What do you want to become in the future?
3. What are you planning to do in order to carry that plan into completion?
4. Is it possible to make that plan realistic in the future? How?
5. What if, “I don’t have yet a complete plan of my future career?”

B. Content
- Is a lifelong process of mananging learning, work, leisure, and transitions in
order to move toward a personally determined and evolving preffered future.
- Provides students a focus for selecting a career or course to undertake in the
Career future.
Development - It is important to develop yourslef and your skills.
- You have to evaluate which skills are important to you for the career
development that you desire.

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Being happy and fulfilled in your career is very important. If you are happy with your career, it is
more than likely that you would be happy in other areas of your life, too.

A career goal helps focus on what

Choosing the right
you want to do for a living. It will
career requires a lot of guide you into doing what you want
soul searching. You with your life, rather than just
should spend to make randomly ending up in a job. When
sure that you are CAREER you have a clear goal for your
crystal clear about what GOALS AND career, you can start to focus your
you want in your time and energy to achieve that goal
and avoid wasting your time and
working life.
energy on activities that will take
you farther away from your goal.

A career goal is based on skills, education, experience, interests, and job trends. When setting a
career goal, you must identify your life purpose, determine your talents, skills, abilities, consider
your interest and passion and identify the valued that drives you.

Use the acronym SMART or SMARTER in setting your goals.

Specific - state your goals clearly. Define what is exactly that you want to do or achieve.
Measurable – you must be able to see and measure what you have achieved.
Achievable – your goals must be your source of motivation. They must be challenging enough but well-
defined so that you can achieve them.
Realistic – Keep your goals reasonable and reality-bound.
Time bound – connect each goal to a timeframe.
Empowering – your goals must feel right for you. They should give you a feeling of confidence that you can
make the changes you want, that you are in control of your life.
Reviewable – your goals should be flexible. You should be able to go over them and make some changes
when and if needed.


Personality is the source of a person’s attitude exhibited in the workplace over the years. Different
personality types differ in their relevance with the nature of job requirements and career success.

Career is the progress and actions taken by a person throughout a lifetime, especially those related to those
occupations. A person may get into a work because one found a good match with life his/her goals, skills,
personalities and interests.

If you are trying to decide on what career to pursue, then you should find out what your personality type is.
Certain jobs or occupation are more suitable for particular types than others are. However, personality should
not be the sole factor to consider when you’re choosing a career. A thorough self-assessment is needed to
identify your values, interests and aptitudes. Personality, values, interests, and aptitude all taken together
serve to find the right career, better than just any one of these factors alone.

C. Learning Tasks
Please accomplish your Assessments on the provided separate activity sheet found on page 5.

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Week 8
CONTENT/ TOPIC Career Pathways
Learning At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
Objectives a. Explain the importance of a career plan and career path to the attainment of one’s
career goals; and
b. Prepare a career plan based on his/her personal goal and external factors in
influencing career choices.


A. Motivation
Are you ready to explore all of your career options? Investigating all your potential career pathways in
your life? The previous lesson helped you identify your interests and aptitude which are your guide in
choosing your life career. Whether you’re looking for a better skill, follow your dreams or simply gain the
skills and confidence to excel. You have to have a career pathways!
Before we start, I want you to answer the following:
1. What Career would you like to have after graduation from senior highschool?
2. Who has the greatest influence on your career choice?

B. Content
Career Pathways
Small groups of occupations within a career cluster. Occupations within a pathway share common
skills, knowledge, and interests.
Earning a degree is a great step into jumpstarting your career goals and putting you on a path
towards success. Most careers require that the person has specific knowledge, education, or a specific
degree when it comes to furthering or advancing in their career. Once you are able to obtain proper
education, you can look to increasing your career goal options.

Factors Affecting Career Choices

1. Parental Influence There is no doubt to say, the parents play the strongest influence role on their
children’s choice of career. The nature of parental influence on career choice
and how parental influence on career choice may become an obstacle to
vocational choice of young people. This influence is felt explicitly when decision
such as course or choice of school entrance are being considered.
2. Peer Influence The type of age mates one associates oneself with can influence one’s career
choice. Peer influence themselves to choose the same course and the same
school to study.
3. Influence of Teachers who play an important role in the student choice of career can as well
Teacher influence the student to make wise or wrong decision. The teacher can
encourage a student who is trying well in personal development subject to go
for Guidance and Counselling or Psychologist.
4. Salary Package Economic consideration matters to most people when it comes to career choice,
and Condition of the size of the home pay, as well as the general condition of service must be
Service reasonable before an individual think of accepting some job offers. The salary
package is considered as an important factor one can utilize to make a choice in
an occupation. Apart from salary package, the condition of service such as the
security involvement is consider while choice a vocation job.
5. Employment Another important consideration nowadays in the choice of career is whether
Prospect there are good employment prospect for a particular career or profession. It is
splendid saying some graduates have been without jobs, either because of the
course they read or the entry requirements of the job they hope to pursue. All
the same, with the new technological advancement in computer, many have
chosen to read related course as to easily get employment.
6. Mass Media Some people today have chosen careers base on what they come across in the
print or electronic media. Advertisement taken through the internet could
reasonably influence someone into certain careers.
All career choices take places within the context of society and the economy.
7. Social and Events that take place in people’s lives may affect the choices available to them
Economic Conditions and even dictate choices to a certain degree. Changes in the economy and
resulting job market may also affect how ones careers development.

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CAREER PLANNING Career Planning is essential to achieve your
career goals. It requires an honest assessment
Career plan is essential for
of yourself, continuous development of your
you to manage the direction
skills, and implementation of your plan.
you want your career to
take, the job skills and
knowledge that you will
need, how can you achieve

1. Get to Know Yourself

Find out your interests, values,
personality, skills, assets and resources.

2. Explore 3. Make a Choice

Possibilities Career Develop a plan and
Research, try things Planning set career goals
that will take you
out, narrow down
your choices and find Cycle where you want to
the best.

4. Make it Happen
Put your plan into action. Learn along the
way and achieve your goals.

What to Avoid in Career Development Planning

Bear in mind that choosing a career is not a one-time decision – it is a series of decisions that
you must make as you progress through the different stages of life.
The following are the most common career-choice errors that you must avoid. Choosing the first
or easiest job you can get. Find a job in which you can use your strongest talents and abilities.

Choosing a job based on salaries.

Choosing a job because it provides a good title.
Taking a job because management offers it, even if isn’t fit for you.
Choosing a job because that is what your parents do.
Choosing a job to fulfil your parent’s unfulfilled dreams.
Choosing a job because you have the minimum ability to do it.

C. Performance Task
Please accomplish your Assessments on the provided separate activity sheet found on page 6-7.

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This learning module is exclusively for the KCP- Senior High learners. No part of this module be reproduced, transmitted or posted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including
photocopying, recording, mimeographing or by any information and retrieval system, without written permission.
Week 9 to Week 10
Second Quarter Summative Assessment
Completion Period


CLEOFE, M. 2019. DIWA Senior High School Sereis: Personal Development (Second Edition) Module. Diwa
Learning System Inc. 4/F SEDCCO 1 Bldg. 120 Thailand Corner Legaspi Streets, 1229 Makati City,

Department of Education 2016. Personal Development Reader. Sunshine Interlinks Publishing House, Inc. 3F
Maine City Tower, 236 Tomas Morato Avenue, Brgy. South Triangle, Quezon City

JUMAMIL, A. 2019. Personal Development for Senior High School. Golden Cronica Publishing, Inc. Blk. 3 Lot
37 Dandelion Street, Bloomfields Subd., Novaliches, Quexon City

REYES, C. 2019. Personal Development. Lomimar Publishing Inc. 10-B Boston Street, Brgy. Kaunlaran, Cubao,
Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines

SERRANO, A. 2016. Personal Development. Unlimited Books Library Services and Publishing Inc. Room 215
ICP Building, Cabildo St., Intramuros Manila

TICADA, C., Solano, G. 2018. Personal Development. St. Andrew Publishing House. 369 Culianin, Plaridel,

“And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking.
Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it.” – Steve Job

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This learning module is exclusively for the KCP- Senior High learners. No part of this module be reproduced, transmitted or posted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including
photocopying, recording, mimeographing or by any information and retrieval system, without written permission.

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