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safety & Health News

Dangers in loading, unloading heavy equipment

oading bulldozers and other heavy Of all the types of heavy equipment being loaded
equipment on and off f latbed trucks and or unloaded, 40 percent involved bulldozers. Front-end
trailers is so common that it’s easy not to loaders were identified in 16 percent of deaths, as were
give it a second’s thought. But a recent backhoes and other excavating equipment.
report on the number of fatalities suffered in
performing these tasks should alert workers to give Taking precautionary safety measures
the job at the ver y least a second thought. 1. Have the flatbed truck or trailer parked on level,
According to data collected between 1992-2003 from stable ground.
the Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries Research File, 2. Make sure the trailer and ramp is wide enough for
a U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics database, an average of the mobile equipment being loaded.
nine construction workers were killed each year while
loading and unloading mobile equipment from flatbed 3. Make sure the trailer ramp is long enough to
trucks and trailers. Loading appears to be more dangerous avoid steep angles when loading or unloading the
than unloading, as 70 percent of the all deaths equipment.
occurred while loading mobile equipment.
Bulldozers were the piece of equipment 4. The mobile equipment operator should be
most often involved in a fatality. experienced in operating the equipment
being loaded or unloaded, and should
Of the 63 deaths examined in be trained in how to safely load or
the survey, the highest number of unload the equipment off trailers.
worker deaths occurred among
heavy equipment operators: nine 5. Workers on foot around
excavator and loader operators, equipment being loaded and
seven grader, dozer and scraper unloaded should be alert to the
operators, and five miscellaneous movement of both the equipment
equipment operators. This being loaded or unloaded.
group formed 35 percent of all 6. Have a spotter to provide directions
deaths. The remaining groups to the operator in positioning the
to suffer fatalities were managers/ equipment while loading/unloading.
administrators, construction laborers,
truck drivers, and construction supervisors, 7. The flatbed truck should have brakes set and
all in far less numbers than operators. motor turned off.
The main cause of death was overturns of the Figure 1. Causes of construction worker deaths
equipment while being driven on or off the trailer, which while loading and unloading mobile equipment,
accounted for 75 percent of all fatalities. Most of those 1992-2003.
deaths – 70 percent – occurred during
loading. Twenty percent of workers died
from being struck by the mobile equipment Overturns while
or trailer. Less than 10 percent of deaths
Cause of death

occurred from having a worker caught
Struck by moble
between the equipment and trailer. equipment/trailer
Total # Deaths: 63

The report identified several reasons Caught

that fatalities happened. Parking the trailer in/between
on a slope or unstable ground and using 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%
a trailer or ramp that was too small for
% of Deaths
the mobile equipment were contributing
factors to many of the deaths. Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics CFOI Research File

Winter 2006 11

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