EnE Portfolio 1

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UMCDMT-15-1 19045534

Module Code: UMCDMT-15-1

Module Title: Enterprise and Entrepreneurship
Submission Date: April 27, 2pm Tuesday
Word Count: 1500

UMCDMT-15-1 19045534

Portfolio 1....................................................................................................................................................3
Portfolio 2....................................................................................................................................................4
Portfolio 3....................................................................................................................................................7
Portfolio 4....................................................................................................................................................9
Portfolio 5..................................................................................................................................................10

UMCDMT-15-1 19045534

Portfolio 1
When I watched the NatWest session, I learnt important ideas, such as visioning which
describes the company’s purposes, what the company is striving for, and what it wants
to achieve. Thus far, in this module I learned what the difference between Enterprise
and Entrepreneurship, Furthermore, I learned about the 3 skills that helps us to become
more entrepreneurial: theory knowledge and understanding and sustainability, and
employability skills; and about the EntreComp It is a gap which is breaking into 3
different color-coding ideas and opportunities. There are 3 notes of practice-turn which
says that “successful entrepreneurs spend more time on both concrete action & vision
than on planning “Johannisson (2011) “An increasingly larger share of the time budget
is spent on concrete action, presumably also interaction, than on planning and visioning.
Owners- managers are able to keep their concern for vision more viable than
professional leaders. The practice-turn explain how practices are replicated and how
you are producing difference. Moreover, there are 3 skills to improve our critical thinking
and problem solving which are re-thinking assumptions, observing and listening to
others, and as a part of doing research on the problem, and in evaluating this
information in your attempts to address the situation. There are the 5 important skills to
the practice of entrepreneurship which helps to freeze your imagination and you can
understand from trial and error. These 3 skills are related to consideration it should be
essential to re-think so you can reevaluate the beliefs. This is important to me to
understand because later in my future I would face many things that I should fix. (City to
Sea | Connecting our actions to our oceans, 2021)

UMCDMT-15-1 19045534

Portfolio 2

When I read about this activity and started to draw the empathy map. I observed that
“Empathy is the experience of understanding another person’s condition from their
perspective. You place yourself in their shoes and feel what they feel. Watching what
people do and how they interact with their environment gives you clues about what they
think and feel. It helps you to learn about what they need. (D.Mindsets) By seeing them
you can capture physical expressions of their skills, what they do and speak (Medium,
2017). Additionally, it allows us to understand what needs our customers, family
members, or friends have. Moreover, drawing an empathy map it does have benefits to
my future business which will help me to learn how to see things “with a fresh set of
eyes” – tools for empathy, along with a human-centered mindset, is what gives us those
new eyes. There is no need to make “nice to have” products when you have the chance
to sell “must-have products,” become more profitable and win a higher market share.
Furthermore, to learn this it will help me to understand my needs However, the insights
that I had was that people could help the environment and how they persuade other
people to follow up the instructions easily.)

Who are we What he needs to do? What he sees? What he hears?

emphasizing with?
Peter’s deep understanding of clients’ with heading up to They are very pleased to
Peter the head of needs combined with his proven Robeco’s business have peter heading up their
Robeco experience and skills will give It will lead the overall business,
Robeco an excellent opportunity to sales
further grow in this market”

UMCDMT-15-1 19045534

What he does? What he says? What he feels and

I am delighted to be leading Robeco’s think
Heading up Robeco’s presence in the UK market. Together (Peter Walsh appointed as
UK business with the team we will continue to work o Impact in their Head of Robeco UK, 2017)
with UK clients and identify where waterways
Robeco’s world-class capabilities and o Having
high-level expertise can be of
responsibility for
the operational
management of
the UK office.

UMCDMT-15-1 19045534

Who are we What he needs to do? What he sees? What he hears

emphasizing with? “that ultimately Natalie says, “we a
to reduce single-use plastics manufacturers are starting to to extend our part
Robeco electric cars and place more Robeco and contin
emphasis on renewable change across the
transport systems.”

What he does? What he says? What does he think

He helped CTS to raise “we are very pleased to join and feels?
awareness of the City to Sea in their fight to
importance of reduce and prevent marine plastic pollution o He is glad that they
reuse behaviors amongst at sources. Together we have found a solution.
their employees and the power to drive change and o “He was afraid that
clients. ensure our oceans, beaches, he won’t be able to
and waterways are protected achieve his goals in
for generations to come.” impact damage

UMCDMT-15-1 19045534

Portfolio 3

While I was reading about Robeco and City to Sea, I found out that they had important
problem about the plastic pollution, someone who is interested in the environment
would like to fix that problem so as Natalie fee was talking about how they manage to
find a solution. As you know, people are just finding plastic everywhere which can cause
problems to our environment. When coffee shops started to open City to Sea realized
that problem and they found a solution for avoiding plastic pollution they started to put
the plastic cups on a tray so no one would touch the cup for “refill”, and they create
another solution which is called “refill” which is another way to help people start using
single use plastic. They also made an app for to drink free water that you can take
wherever you go to refill your cup easily. After finding the response of doing it in coffee
shops they set-up an industry-wide task force called “repeat”, which was kind of higher-
level industry so they have got sort of Starbucks cost keepers and tidy business in the
community having monthly meetings talking how they can make sure that they do not
revert back to the same levels of individually we were before Covid. Their solution is
really helpful for people to follow up, even though for tourists who would learn easily
what that city does. As for UWE staff students would be a challenge to have that
attention about that problem so they would follow up using single-use plastic cups for
their coffee instead of buying a new cup, and they can use that application for refilling
their drinks and so it would be easily to avoid plastic pollution. (City to Sea | Connecting
our actions to our oceans, 2021)

User needs Surprising


Natalie Fee To make So, people (us)

sure that would avoid
their plastic pollution
will last

UMCDMT-15-1 19045534

Portfolio 4

How might we?

How might we save the environment from plastic pollution?
The Questions “how might we “that you will find them later are more efficient because it
could help to think about the solution for plastic pollution easily. When I wrote the first
How might we? I had many ideas which solutions for protecting our environment and we
can use UWE students to let them be interested in helping us to stop the plastic solution
by performing in a presentation to talk about the problem and its solution or to do a
survey question on how we can solve that problem which is the plastic pollution. (Welter
et al. 2017)

o How might we motivate UWE students not to stop following the instructions?
o How might we protect our environment from the plastic pollution?
o How might we find easy and helpful solutions for everyone?

Changing societies and economies encourage us to be more enterprising and challenge

us to be more innovative and to think about the challenges I might have in my life and
creating the future” the ability to visualize what does not exist today. Also, to challenge
my expectations about pressures in sorting out for solutions to the problem. Storytelling
& Story making it gives the meaning of Imagination the ability to inspire others. To work
with other people having creative storytelling helped me to defy my beliefs.

UMCDMT-15-1 19045534

Portfolio 5

Students at UWE having tax when using their

own metal cups Dislikes:

 Students are more likely to use re-  They said that they wouldn’t walk
usable coffee cups if they see others from their home holding a cup
doing it coming to UWE to drink a coffee


Users are often feeling uncertain about how

and where to dispose them. One of the users say it is not solely a matter
of ensuring that the cups end up in any bins,
they must end up in the correct bin… in
order for compostable cups to be recycled,
they must be placed in a bin dedicated to
organic waste or, alternatively, rinsed and
placed in a recycling.

Idea Dislikes

Questions Their POV

UMCDMT-15-1 19045534

After testing and receiving feedback helped me to understand the

difference perspectives in challenges. Furthermore, this taught me how
each person has different ideas and not everyone would follow the rules or
even pay attention on how our environment can be unprotected from plastic
pollution, so they would be happy to use again the recycling cups than
paying for a new one. Even though they would not mind if these is a helpful
solution to protect the environment. Making a prototype helps an
entrepreneurship develop, test various aspects of a design, and refine our
ideas quickly. from gathering feedback from others, it helps me to measure
student’s satisfaction, it shows me the value their opinions. (What makes
people switch to reusable cups? ,2020). As you can see that prototyping is essential)
also Seeling 2015 said that imagination requires engagement and the ability to envision
alternatives, creativity requires motivation and experimentation to address challenges,
also innovation requires focusing and reframing to generate unique solutions, and
entrepreneurship requires persistence and the ability to inspire others. I also learned
that entrepreneurial imagination (creating) requires engagement, it is about imagining if
the idea might work rather than evaluating something that has already happened.
Moreover, Seeling 2015 said that “creativity can be enhanced by honing your ability to
observe” and I learned that reflecting by drawing the prototypes is essential and it helps
to organize my ideas. Furthermore, I learned that working with others it has advantages
to realize that it helps me to see how the think and to listen to their feedback so you can
change the way you think to a better way.

UMCDMT-15-1 19045534

UMCDMT-15-1 19045534

Reference List

1. City to Sea. 2021. City to Sea | Connecting our actions to our oceans. [online] Available
at: (https://www.citytosea.org.uk/) [Accessed 18 April 2021].

2. Pure play asset management | Robeco.com. 2017. Peter Walsh appointed as Head of
Robeco UK. [online] Available at https://www.robeco.com/en/media/press-
releases/2017/peter-walsh-appointed-as-head-of-robeco-uk.html)[Accessed 24 April


4. Theconversation.com. 2020. What makes people switch to reusable cups? It's not
discounts, it's what others do. [online] Available at:
discounts-its-what-others-do-142254 ) [Accessed 24 April 2021].


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