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1. BA – Bachelor of Arts 21.

Apparatus - equipment
2. Snide jibes – to make jokes, mock 22. Paraphernalia – miscellaneous articles
3. Undertaking – a course, pledge, task 23. Rationale – reasoning, thinking
4. To Scorn – to mock 24. Span – duration, length
5. Tremendous – huge, immense 25. Omen – symbol (usually bad one)
6. Bastion – stronghold, fortification 26. Insight – understanding, information
7. To mock – to mock 27. Catch on – to realise, understand
8. Tuition fee – cost of univer education 28. Come by – call as a visitor, to find
9. Scholarly – academic, educational 29. Come round – visit someones house
10. Assignment – homework 30. Count towards – to be included
11. Intimate knowledge – very good 31. Drift off – to gaze off, fall asleep
knowledge 32. Keep at sth - persist
12. Assessor - evaluator 33. Mount up – pile up
13. Line of reasoning – structure of an 34. In line with – in accordance with
argument 35. On the face of it – on the surface
14. Retentive memory – memory that 36. In a nutshell – basically, in short
retains information easily 37. On the threshold of sth – at the
15. To posit – to state something with beginning of something
evidence 38. On course – on par, on track
16. To surmise – to state something with no 39. Know(learn) the ropes – know/learn
clear evidence how something works
17. Intelligible – comprehensible 40. Drop the subject – stop talking abt smth
18. Assign – give, allocate 41. Saved by the bell – bell ringing when
19. Syllabus – the subjects in a course you are asked at a lesson
20. Curriculum – syllabus, the chapters in 42. Learn the hard way – learn something
teaching through failure

43. Hit the books – to study hard

44. Do sth by the book – do smth following
46. Beat hands down – to win for sure, to
the usual rules
win without doubt
45. Get your act together – gather yourself
47. Authority on – to have power on smth
48. In theory – on paper
49. On campus - in the yard of universities
Bookworm – a person who reads a lot
cover a lot of ground – to go through a lot of information
count noses – to count how many students are present
eager beaver – someone who works very hard and with enthusiasm
play hooky/truant – to skip classes
to walk in a single file/Indian file/line – to walk in a line
to rack one’s brain – to try very hard to think of smth
daydream – to be focused on something else rather than what you are doing
class clown – the one who makes jokes instead of learning
pass with flying colors – to pass a test easily with a good score
sail through something – breeze through something, to do something easily
cheat-sheet – copiute
to bomb a test – to write a test horribly
cakewalk – very easy, a piece of cake
copycat – a person who copies someone else
show of hands – a vote carried by raising hands
teacher’s pet – a teacher’s favourite student
to kiss up to someone – to be good to someone in an attempt to obtain a favor
(He isn’t going to let you retake the test no matter how much you kiss up to him)
(My best friend was always such a kiss up to his teachers)
Types of learners :

-Visual, learn better with drawings, charts, images

-Verbal, like reciting information out loud
-Aural, remember more easily what they listen
-Physical, learn by doing, touching, moving “hands-on”
-Logical, learn by finding patterns and relationships in the subject
-Social, they like brainstorming with other people in a group
-Solitary, like learning independently.
Verb + infinitive

Verb + object + infinitive


Verb +ing
-admit (to)

Verb ( + object) + prep + ing

-apologize (to..) for
-insist on
-congratulate + obj + on
-blame + obj + for
-thank + obj + for
-accuse + obj + of

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