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Animal Tissues

1. Describe the functions of each type of tissues.

Epithelial Tissues
Epithelium forms boundaries between different environments, so nearly all
substances must pass through it. As an interface tissue, epithelium acts in many ways,
including: Protection against radiation, desiccation, toxins, and physical trauma. The
digestive tract lining absorbs substances in distinct ways. Control and excretion of chemicals
between underlying tissues and the body cavity. Glandular epithelium secretes hormones
into the bloodstream. Ducts deliver sweat, mucus, enzymes, and other products. The
detection of sensation.
Connective Tissue
The collagen fiber microfibrils and elastin bind bones and other tissues together. The
fat they store in their tissues is classified as adipose. They help in repairing tissues. They
prevent the organs from being damaged by mechanical shocks. The organs also help in
defense. Additionally, they allow organs to resist stretching and tearing forces.
Muscular Tissue
It helps in movement and locomotion. It supports the bones and other structures. It is
responsible for peristalsis and parturition.
Nervous Tissues
The transmission of electric signals across the tissue forms the nervous system’s
communication network. Gray matter, which contains the synapses, is essential for
processing information in the CNS. The white matter in the CNS, composed of myelinated
axons, facilitates and connects gray matter areas. The action potential nerve impulses are
carried by nerve tissue containing myelinated axon bundles.

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