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Math in the Modern World

Determine which kind of sampling was used in each of the

following scenarios:
1. To evaluate employee compensation, choose a random sample of 10 zip
codes in the state, then survey all business within each chosen zip code
about their benefits package.
Cluster Sampling
2. To determine the quality of education at the University of Utah, UNID
number is chosen at random, then every 1000 th student is evaluated until 30
students are selected.
Systematic Sampling
3. The names of 25 employees are being chosen out of a hat from a company
of 250 employees.
Simple Random Sampling
4. The same study participants are measured before and after an intervention.
Matched Random Sampling
5. To determine the quality of on-campus housing, 20 residents from each
dorm were chosen to complete a survey.
Stratified Random Sampling

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