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Author: Emmanuel Odumosu Temi

This is a series written down hoped one day will be acted or animated😁😁😁
Season1: 15 Episodes
EPISODE 2: Myths happens to be real.
300,000,000 years later
In Jason's 🏠
Jason: Hey mom when r we going to leave for the Christmas vacation to the journey
to the centre of the Earth.(Getting excited😃 and jumping on the couch)
Tiffany: comeon Jason my anxious child u know that it's just 2 days from now and
the tour ends in the 25th and we're meant to spend a week there, so if u calculate
Jason: yeah yeàh, we're leaving on the 18th and it's the 16th.
Tiffany: of course my smart and specially chosen child (rubbing his cheeks)
Tonia: (Starting to cry) why are u always to make him the special child I'm the
first born he's just last, oh I get it now just bços this stupid boy got a shinning
star that fuchiñg said he's chosen doesn't mean he's Shekar or God or.... Just
forget it .. (leaving the sitting room to her room)
Jason: what's up with her?
Mom: she just needs a little more time with us
Jason: u mean more care
Mom: yeah, so I Tiffany Willer, promise Tonia Willer that throughout the vacation
days I'll spend more time with my daughter than my son (door opens)
Tonia:(hugging her mom) Thanks so much.
Tiffany: of course darling.
Jason winks to his mom.
It's on the 21st of December the third day if their trip, Tiffany is having a lot
of fun with Tonia and Jason hàve been enjoying d trip as per taking a lot of photos
and he's so hyped up about today cause it's the day that they reach the journey to
the centre of the Earth.
Jason: uh uh uh uh uh, Today's the day I get to reach the centre of the Earth and I
heard that the myth of the guardian angels are hidden in the museum in the middle
of the Earth
Toñia: wait , there is a museum I'm the middle of the Earth
Jason: so u didn't know or heard about milliutiffa.
Tiffany: ok things in this Earth have strange names
Jason: yeah I wish dad was here
Toñia: it's ok he must be watching us on a big plane flat screen TV up in heaven.
Jason: oh Tonia u talk crazy
Tonia: that's just me
Bus driver: we've reached our destination.
Jason: oh yeah wooooooow
Tonia: calm down Jason
Jason: yeah yeah (as he jumps of the bus)
Rachelle: hey everyone I'm ur tourist for the journey to the centre of the Earth
(mystical music)
In The Museum
Rachelle: This is the uli married blaster, this little baby can blast things to
smitherines .
In Shekar's house
Shekar: oh yeah it's time
He snapped his finger and suddenly there was an earthquake in the museum
Rachelle: everyone leave now
Jason: I better grab this blaster
Tonia: come out Jason
But unfortunately as he was about to leave a rock fell on the only way out
Tiffany: No Jason No No I've gotta get my kid now open open SHEKAR
HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Hitting her hand and he's on the rock)
Toñia: come down Mom the security men r hon a get him (dragging her back and
patting her back)
Jason: wow how do I get out , yeah the blaster
He brings out the blaster and blasts a way out but as he steps in he falls into
a bigger hole and he sees a small box on the floor and he tried to open it but he
couldn't then he put it in his bag but suddenly a rock was about to fall on his
head but Shekar said 'finally' and he found himself on his bed the next morning ,
he also thought it was a dream but when he checked his bag he saw the necklacé.
Jason: mom !!
Tiffany: what darling are u feeling any pain?, we all thought you will be dead and
not survive the accident yesterday .
Jason: so it wasn't a dream that means this necklace is .....
Tonia: mom the mail man is around
Tiffany: coming darling gotta go Jason
(Kisses on the head)
Jason: guess I'll just break the case and see what's in it .
( Breaks)
Jason: wow a necklace for my life wow,I better give Tonia she'll love it
Jason falls and the necklace suddenly attachs to his neck
Jason: wow what the fuck how did this get on me
The necklace glows and opens a portal that Jason gets sucked into
Jason: wow where am I
Shekar: welcome to my home
Jason: Shekar is that u
Shekar: yes it's me by the way that,..
Jason: can I get a photo please
Shekar: wait!
Jason: sorry
Shekar: better now as I was saying that necklace gives u the power of the guardian
angels all u have to say is the name of the guardian angel u want to posses thier
power at that moment but it only lasts till the colour warts of the necklace and
the S comes back
Jason: wow this is awesome but y was I chosen
Shekar: cos u were special in the eyes of God
Jason: wow I was chosen by God so cool
Shekar: yeah it's alright and if there any damage in the world just tap ur necklace
and say ultimate and if u ever need anything and u wanna see me just tap again on
the necklace and say portal to Shekar
Jason: but why did u give me the .,
Shekar: just call it the Gàureñs
Jason: ok but y did u give me
Shekar: haven't u heard about Villa, the billing that can create monsters and give
them power a cording to what their made of
Jason: what!, there's no Villa
Shekar: oh yeah that's tommorow
Jason: wait a sec u can read the future
Shekar: of course I'm a god
Jason: this is so much ,but I can take it
Shekar: yeah by the way hers a hand book of all the guardian angels name and their
power so u won't get confused and also train Villa is gonna be attacking tommorow
noon at 2.00pm get it
Jason: yes, so sometimes mythß happen to be true
Shekar: yes my dear now mové on Gaurdian
Jason: bye Shekar, see u me time

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