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Strategies for Decreasing

Patient Anxiety in the

Perioperative Setting

Perioperative patient anxiety is a pervasive problem that can have far-reaching
effects. Among these effects are increased postoperative pain, increased risk for
infection, and longer healing times. Many factors affect perioperative patient anxi-
ety, including the need for surgery, perceived loss of control, fear of postoperative
pain, and alteration of body image. This systematic review of current literature was
undertaken to identify evidence-based interventions for decreasing patient anxiety in
perioperative practice. According to the current research literature, perioperative
education and music therapy can be used to successfully reduce surgical patients’
anxiety. AORN J 92 (October 2010) 445-457. © AORN, Inc, 2010. doi: 10.1016/

Key words: preoperative anxiety, surgical patient anxiety, perioperative anxiety,

anxiety reduction strategies.

increases anesthetic risk.2 Furthermore, anxiety

nxiety is a human reaction to any un-
known situation. Although perioperative has been shown to increase postoperative pain
anxiety is considered to be a normal part medication requirements, which can affect postop-
of the surgical experience, it is a pervasive prob- erative recovery, for example, by slowing respira-
lem with far-reaching health outcomes. Anxiety tions, which increases pulmonary risks; decreas-
triggers the physiologic stress response, which ing activity, which increases risk of thrombosis;
can impede healing.1 Anxiety in surgical patients and increasing risk of bowel upset.2,3 Anxiety
can increase the need for anesthesia, which also plays a role in increasing the risk of infection
and decreasing the immune system response.4
Starkweather et al4 found that patients under-
indicates that continuing education contact going spinal surgery experienced high levels of
hours are available for this activity. Earn the con- stress regardless of the scope of the surgery. Ele-
tact hours by reading this article, reviewing the vated stress and anxiety were associated with de-
purpose/goal and objectives, and completing the creased immune system functioning as measured
online Examination and Learner Evaluation at
by levels of natural killer cell activity and The contact hours for
interleukin-6.4 Kagan and Bar-Tal5 found that
this article expire October 31, 2013.
preoperative uncertainty and anxiety affect
doi: 10.1016/j.aorn.2010.04.017
© AORN, Inc, 2010 October 2010 Vol 92 No 4 ● AORN Journal 445
October 2010 Vol 92 No 4 BAILEY

well-being and short-term recovery. Both vari- midazolam before surgery, and using effective
ables were shown to have a negative effect on communication strategies.2 Perioperative nurses
postoperative physical symptoms and recovery as have expert knowledge not only of surgical proce-
well as overall mental health. dures but also of the surgical environment and the
Many factors can contribute to a surgical pa- experiences patients will face during their time in
tient’s anxiety level, and these factors can have a the perioperative area. This knowledge uniquely
cumulative effect. Often, surgery is associated with positions perioperative nurses to address patient
loss of control, fear of postoperative pain, and alter- anxiety with nonmedical interventions. However,
ation in body image.1 The need for surgery alone given the limited time that most perioperative
increases patient stress and anxiety, no matter the nurses have to spend with their patients before
extent of the planned surgical procedure.4,6 surgery, whatever communication and other non-
Preoperative waiting was cited in several stud- medical interventions are used must be precise
ies as a trigger for anxiety.1,7,8 In one study, am- and effective. This article reviews current re-
bulatory surgery patients felt a sense of abandon- search to identify effective strategies for decreas-
ment during the preoperative period.7 Long wait ing anxiety in surgical patients and recommends
times with little information added to their anxi- evidence-based interventions for perioperative
ety. Some patients reported feeling that nurses nursing practice.
were not open to their concerns. In addition, these
patients felt that they were not treated as indi- REVIEW OF CURRENT RESEARCH
viduals while they were waiting for surgery.7 I conducted a literature review by using the
Jangland et al6 found that, among those patients CINAHL® and ProQuest nursing databases. The
who complained about care and increased anxiety, combination of the following key words yielded
the most common complaints were insufficient the most articles: anxiety, surgery, and interven-
information, inadequate respect, and insufficient tion. I limited the search to research articles pub-
empathy. These factors increased patient and fam- lished from 2003 to 2009. This yielded 10 rele-
ily member anxiety and reduced their confidence vant research studies (Table 1).
in the health care system.
Therapeutic Relationship
The environment inside the OR also has an
Erci et al10 studied the effect of a therapeutic re-
effect on patient anxiety. Factors such as the
lationship on preoperative and postoperative anxi-
sound of alarms on machinery and the noise from
ety in Turkey. The study sample consisted of 120
surgical instruments being unpacked can have a
consecutive patients, 60 assigned to the study
significant effect on increasing anxiety.8
group and 60 to the control group. Patients were
In today’s health care setting, patients are less
included if they were
likely to receive inpatient care. Often, patients are
sent home after procedures that would have re-  older than 18 years of age,
quired an overnight stay just a few years ago.7  scheduled for a surgical procedure, and
Helping patients achieve the best outcome is es-  capable of giving voluntary consent.

sential for their fast recovery and safe return Data were collected by using the Beck Anxiety
home. Perioperative nurses are pushed to be effi- Inventory (BAI). The BAI is designed to assess
cient both during and between procedures, how- anxiety in clinical and research settings. It is com-
ever, which can leave little time to concentrate on posed of 21 items rated on a 4-point Likert scale
the psychologic needs of the patient.9 (3 ⫽ very serious to 0 ⫽ not serious), with a cumu-
Current management of anxiety involves using lative score between zero and 63. The higher the
medical interventions, such as administering score, the higher the person’s level of anxiety.

446 AORN Journal


TABLE 1. Summary of Research Articles on Perioperative Anxiety

Sample size and Instruments

Study characteristics Intervention used Findings
Erci et al10 N ⫽ 120  Control group: usual care  Beck Anxiety Anxiety mean score (P ⬍ .001):
Adults scheduled for  Study group: intervention Inventory (BAI)  Preintervention:
surgery at general designed to build a  Control group ⫽ 18.2

surgery clinic in Turkey therapeutic relationship  Study group ⫽ 18.5

based on the  Postintervention:

Interpersonal Relations  Control group ⫽ 9.7

Model  Study group ⫽ 1.4

Researchers concluded that

decreased patient anxiety was
associated with the intervention.

Spaulding3 N ⫽ 10 Qualitative study with  Researcher Intervention group:

British patients awaiting interviews with presenters designed coding of  Patients stated preoperative
total hip replacement of occupational therapist- themes from education had been helpful
procedure; and N ⫽ 7 run preoperative education observations  Patients suggested that the
education program program education intervention
presenters  Control group reduced anxiety in interviews
 Intervention group with researchers

Ng et al11 N ⫽ 196 Four patient education  Depression Anxiety  High trait anxiety patients:
Patients undergoing groups: Stress Scale mean anxiety scores of R and
oral surgery procedures  Group N: basic  Self reporting of PR groups significantly lower
in Hong Kong preoperative information anxiety by patients than groups N and P
 Group P: basic (P ⫽ .653)
information with details of  Low trait anxiety patients:
surgical procedure  P, PR, and R groups had

 Group R: basic lower anxiety than N

information with details of group (P ⫽ .753)
expected recovery  PR and R groups had

 Group PR: basic significant changes from

information with details of baseline anxiety (P ⬍ .05)
both surgical procedure Preoperative information
and expected recovery regarding postoperative
recovery and/or surgical
procedure details led to
significant reduction of self
reported anxiety.

Stirling et al2 N ⫽ 40 Three groups:  Strait-Trait Anxiety STAI day 21 scores:

Patients on a thoracic  Control: routine care Inventory (STAI)  Control mean ⫽ 43.13
surgery ward in the  Intervention 1: routine  Neutral oil intervention
United Kingdom care plus use of neutral mean ⫽ 44.64
essential oils  Oil blend intervention ⫽
 Intervention 2: routine mean 44.45
care plus use of essential No statistically significant
oil blend differences

AORN Journal 447

October 2010 Vol 92 No 4 BAILEY

TABLE 1. (continued) Summary of Research Articles on Perioperative Anxiety

Sample size and Instruments

Study characteristics Intervention used Findings
Roykulcharoen N ⫽ 102 Two groups:  Visual Analog  Control group:
and Good12 Patients undergoing  Control group: usual care Sensation of Pain  Preoperative mean 42.0

abdominal surgery (84  Intervention group: and Distress  End recovery mean 39.7

women; 18 men) in systemic relaxation scales  Intervention group:

Thailand  STAI  Preoperative mean 42.5

 End recovery mean 38.4

No statistically significant

Seers et al13 N ⫽ 118 Two control groups:  STAI Mean changes in STAI scores
Patients recruited from  one with usual care and  Visual Analog Pain (preintervention and
group admitted for  one with usual care plus Scale postintervention):
total hip or knee resting quietly for 15  Usual care group:
replacement surgery at minutes 0.115 (standard deviation
an orthopaedic hospital Two intervention groups: [SD] 2.160)
in the United Kingdom  one taught jaw relaxation  Usual care plus resting

and group: 1.179 (SD 2.019)

 one taught total body  Jaw relaxation group:

relaxation 1.208 (SD 2.502)

 Total relaxation group:

.320 (SD 2.501)

There was no statistically
significant change in score
between groups preintervention
to postintervention.

Arsian et al14 N ⫽ 64 Two groups:  STAI STAI mean scores:

Adult men, ages 18 to  Control group: routine  Before therapy
65 years, undergoing care  Control ⫽ 42.5

urogenital surgery in  Intervention group:  Intervention ⫽ 39.59

Turkey listening to music for 30  After therapy-

minutes with  Control ⫽ 44.43

headphones in the  Intervention ⫽ 33.68

preoperative area Control group: increased

anxiety scores (P ⫽ .003)
Intervention group: decreased
anxiety scores (P ⫽ .000)

Cooke et al15 N ⫽ 180 Participants randomly  STAI Postintervention STAI mean and
Adult surgery patients in assigned to 1 of 3 groups in 95% confidence interval (CI):
Australia admitted and the preoperative area:  Control: 32.7 (95% CI,
discharged the same  Control: routine care 31.5-34.0)
day as surgery, both  Placebo: routine care  Placebo: 32.5 (95% CI,
men and women over and headphones for 30 31.2-33.8)
the age of 18 years, able minutes with no music  Intervention: 28.5 (95% CI,
to use headphones,  Intervention: routine care 27.4-29.6)
fluent in English, no and music of choice via The music (intervention) group
preoperative sedation headphones for 30 had a statistically significant
minutes reduction in anxiety compared
with the control group (P ⬍ .001).

448 AORN Journal


TABLE 1. (continued) Summary of Research Articles on Perioperative Anxiety

Sample size and Instruments

Study characteristics Intervention used Findings
Kain et al16 N ⫽ 408 Four groups:  Parents: STAI Significant differences between
Healthy pediatric  Control: usual care  Child: Modified groups:
patients, ages 2  Group 2: parental Yale Preoperative F ⫽ 4.2; P ⫽ .0006
through 10 years presence at induction of Anxiety Scale Group 4 had significant
undergoing general anesthesia (mYPAS) decrease in anxiety
anesthesia for elective  Group 3: midazolam 30  Emergence (P ⬍ .001)
outpatient surgery and minutes before induction behavior:
their parents at Yale- of anesthesia observation
New Haven Children’s  Group 4: integrated  Analgesic
Hospital behavioral preparation requirements:
program including codeine-unit scale
parental presence at
induction of anesthesia

MacLaren N ⫽ 112 Two groups:  mYPAS  Anxiety: Change in mYPAS

and Kain17 Pediatric patients aged  Control: routine care  Induction separation to induction
2 through 7 years  Intervention: education Compliance comparing groups – F (1,101)
undergoing surgery and provided to children Checklist ⫽ 6.32, P ⬍ .02
their parents undergoing general  Induction compliance vs
anesthesia about mask noncompliance (intervention vs
induction and expected control) – ␹2 (1, N ⫽ 99) ⫽
behaviors in the OR; 6.14, P ⫽ .01
parental instruction also The intervention group was
provided significantly more compliant at
anesthesia induction than the
control group.

On the patient’s first day of enrollment in the no statistical demographic difference between the
study, the patient completed a baseline BAI two groups, and preintervention anxiety scores
in the general surgery clinic. Immediately after showed no statistical difference. There was a sig-
this, the study group was given an intervention nificant decrease in mean scores for patient anxi-
based on Peplau’s Interpersonal Relationship ety in the study group compared with the control
Model, which was designed to build a therapeutic group. This change was most pronounced be-
relationship between patient and caregiver, which tween the third and fourth measurements.10
in this study was specifically the researcher. The
Interpersonal Relationship Model has four phases Preoperative Information
(ie, orienting, identification, exploitation, resolu- Two studies examined the effect of preoperative
tion). This researcher used activities of caring information on relieving anxiety.3,11 In Britain,
within each of the model’s four phases as the in- Spaulding3 looked at the effects of a preoperative
terventions of the study. The second BAI was education program run by occupational therapists
completed by the patient the day before surgery, for patients awaiting total hip replacement. In this
the third was completed the day after surgery, qualitative, observational study, researchers col-
and the fourth and final BAI was completed the lected data from written patient evaluations, in-
day the patient was discharged home. There was person interviews with patients, interviews with

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October 2010 Vol 92 No 4 BAILEY

presenters of the educational programs, and obser- determined that preoperative education that in-
vation. Educational presenters were interviewed cluded information about recovery or information
twice, as were patients. The study sample con- about recovery and the intraoperative and postop-
sisted of 10 patients and 7 presenters. Patient par- erative periods helped decrease the anxiety of
ticipants were selected from the list of patients on study participants. However, receiving only basic
the total hip replacement waiting list and were information about the procedure (ie, the N group)
invited by mail to attend the preoperative patient only decreased anxiety in those participants who
program. According to the researchers, these sub- had a lower level of anxiety before the surgical
jective findings suggest that preoperative educa- experience.11
tion reduces anxiety because it gives the patient a
sense of what to expect.3 Essential Oils
Ng et al11 studied the effect of preoperative The effect of essential oils in reducing periopera-
information on the anxiety of patients undergoing tive patient anxiety was studied by Stirling et al.2
oral surgery in Hong Kong. Patients of six dental This was a double-blind randomized study to de-
practitioners were recruited for the study by using termine the feasibility for a larger study to exam-
notices placed in the dental offices. The 196 pa- ine the effects of essential oils on the anxiety of
tients who entered the study were separated into patients awaiting surgery in a thoracic ward. Par-
four groups: ticipants were randomly assigned to either the
 N—received basic information, control or study group. Although the goal was to
 P—received basic information plus details have 30 participants in each group and 71 patients
about the surgical procedure, consented to participate, only 40 completed the
 R—received basic information plus details of study.
the expected recovery, Participants were given essential oils to self-
 PR—–received basic information plus details apply and to take home to continue use for 21
of both the surgical procedure and expected days after discharge. Participants were instructed
recovery. to use the oil continuously from postoperative day
The Depression Anxiety Stress Scale was used to 1 through day 21. Participants completed the
measure study participants’ level of trait anxiety State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), which con-
before, during, and after surgery. The Depression sists of 20 statements rated using 4-point Likert
Anxiety Stress Scale is composed of three sepa- scale, to indicate how they felt at a particular
rate scales (ie, anxiety, depression, stress). Each time. Higher scores indicate higher anxiety. Data
scale has 14 items and is answered by the partici- were collected before the intervention and at day
pant on a 4-point Likert scale (0 ⫽ not applicable 3 and day 21 of the study. Results were reported
to 3 ⫽ always applicable). The scale was com- as differences in STAI measurements on day 3
pleted before the patients received any preopera- and day 21 for each participant.
tive information. Groups were further divided Low patient participation made it difficult for
based on measurements of high or low trait anxi- the researchers to draw specific conclusions from
ety. The patients’ self-reported anxiety before, the results. In addition, the study had less power
during, and after surgery by rating their subjective to detect differences in anxiety because the pa-
anxiety on a scale of zero to 100 (0 ⫽ none to tient population did not have uniform preinter-
100 ⫽ most intense). The PR and R groups had vention anxiety. This study did not demonstrate
statistically significant decrease in anxiety com- a statistically significant relationship between the
pared with the baseline measure. The researchers use of essential oils and anxiety reduction. It is

450 AORN Journal


difficult to draw specific conclusions about the In a separate study, Seers et al13 studied post-
intervention because of the study’s limitations.2 operative pain and anxiety, and the effects of re-
laxation. They examined jaw relaxation tech-
Relaxation Techniques niques as well as total body relaxation techniques
Two studies examined the use of relaxation tech-
with patients admitted for total hip or knee re-
niques in surgical patients.12,13 Roykulcharoen
placement in an orthopaedic hospital in the
and Good12 examined the effect of systematic
United Kingdom. The goal was to enlist 236 pa-
relaxation on pain and anxiety during recovery
tients, but only 200 were recruited, and only 118
after abdominal surgery. Their work was based on
completed the study. There were two relaxation
Orem’s Self-Care Theory and the theoretical as-
intervention groups and two control groups. The
sumption that nurses assist patients in meeting the
first experimental group was taught total body
need to care for themselves. This study was un-
relaxation, and the second experimental group
dertaken at a large hospital in Thailand. Patients
was taught jaw relaxation. The first control group
undergoing surgery were eligible to participate if
received the usual care, and the second control
group received the usual care and also rested qui-
 were 20 to 65 years of age, etly on their own for 15 to 20 minutes. Pain and
 were expecting to remain in the hospital two anxiety scores were measured before surgery and
to three days after surgery, and after the intervention by using the STAI. Al-
 would receive opioid pain medication as though there were changes in pain scores, no sig-
needed. nificant difference was found in anxiety scores
Participants were randomly assigned to the ex- between any of the groups. In addition, the re-
perimental or control group. Participants in the searchers report that the effect of total body relax-
experimental group were taught systematic relax- ation was not long-lasting.13
ation before surgery. The Visual Analog Sensa-
tion of Pain and Distress scale was used to mea- Music Therapy
Two articles described the effects of music on
sure pain in the area of the patient’s incision. The
stress and anxiety in surgical patients.14,15 Arsian
Visual Analog Sensation of Pain and Distress
et al14 investigated the effect of music on preop-
scale is a dual scale; the pain scale is a 100-mm
erative anxiety. The sample was composed of
horizontal line, with ends marked zero (ie, no
men who were to undergo urogenital surgery in
sense of pain) and 100 (ie, the worst imaginable
Turkey. Patients were
pain), and the distress scale is a 100-mm horizon-
tal line with ends marked zero (ie, no distress)  recruited from an inpatient urology clinic,
and 100 (ie, most distress imaginable). Pain was  between the ages of 18 and 65 years, and

measured immediately after patients returned to  fluent in Turkish.

bed after ambulation and then 15 minutes after After enrolling in the study, 32 participants were
relaxation techniques were used. The distress assigned to the control group and 32 participants
scale was used to indicate the amount of emo- were assigned to the experimental group. On the
tional upset associated with the pain. Participants’ day of surgery, participants in both the control
opioid use was also measured. The researchers and experimental groups completed the STAI.
reported that patients in the experimental group The participants in the experimental group were
had significantly less distress and decreased sen- then asked to pick their favorite selection from a
sations of pain than patients in the control group; variety of music. They were given a portable cas-
however, the intervention did not affect postoper- sette player with their choice of music and head-
ative anxiety or opioid intake.12 phones, and they listened to the music for 30

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October 2010 Vol 92 No 4 BAILEY

minutes. The experimental group participants then completed the STAI again. The data were ana-
completed another STAI. The control group lyzed by using analysis of variance (ANOVA),
rested in a quiet area for 30 minutes and then with an ␣ ⫽ .05 to determine statistical signifi-
completed another STAI. Statistical analysis of cance. Mean differences between the intervention
the data was conducted by using t tests and chi- group and the control and placebo groups were
square tests; the statistical significance level was statistically significant. There was no difference
set at .05. Comparison of the average anxiety between the control and the placebo groups. This
scores showed a statistically significant decrease study’s findings supported the hypothesis that lis-
in the experimental group’s average anxiety tening to music for 30 minutes before surgery on
scores. The control group’s post-test scores the day of surgery is associated with a decrease in
showed a statistically significant increase in anxi- preoperative anxiety.15
ety scores. The investigators concluded that hav-
Children and Families
ing patients listen to music preoperatively as a
Several studies focused on children and families
nursing intervention reduced anxiety levels of
in a variety of perioperative settings. Kain et al16
preoperative patients.14
evaluated family-centered preparation for surgery
The effect of music on preoperative anxiety
and how it affected outcomes. The participants
was also studied by Cooke et al.15 The study was
for the study were children who
conducted in an adult ambulatory surgery unit in
Australia. Only patients admitted and discharged  were two through 10 years of age,
to home on the same day of surgery were admit-  were in good health, and
 had undergone general anesthesia for elective,
ted to the study. In addition, the participants
outpatient surgery from 2000 to 2004 at Yale-
 had to be older than 18 years of age, New Haven Children’s Hospital, New Haven,
 had to be able to use headphones easily, Connecticut.
 had to be fluent in English, and
Participants were randomly assigned to one of
 could not have taken preoperative sedatives
four experimental groups. The control group re-
before the intervention.
ceived standard preoperative care. The parental-
The 180 participants were assigned to one of presence group received the standard care as
three groups: control, placebo, or experimental. A well as parental presence during induction of
research assistant not involved with data collec- anesthesia. The midazolam group received oral
tion helped to ensure that an equal number of midazolam (0.5 mg/kg) 30 minutes before being
men and women were assigned to each of the taken to the OR without parental presence. The
three groups. Anxiety was measured by using the ADVANCE (ie, Anxiety-reduction, Distraction,
STAI. Patients arriving for surgery were asked to Video modeling and education, Adding parents,
participate in the study, and those who agreed and No excessive reassurance, Coaching, and Expo-
met the eligibility criteria were assigned to one of sure/shaping) group received standard care plus a
the three groups. After being admitted to the pre- multicomponent behavioral preparation program,
operative holding area, the participants completed which included parental presence, video modeling
the baseline STAI. The control group received and education, coaching and exposure, and no
routine care only; the placebo group wore head- excessive reassurance. The primary outcome
phones but did not listen to music; and the exper- being studied was the children’s anxiety levels.
imental group wore headphones and listened to Secondary outcomes included parent anxiety,
music of their choice from a list of music types. incidence of emergence delirium, analgesic re-
At the end of 30 minutes, all the participants quirement, and time to discharge after surgery.

452 AORN Journal


Parental anxiety was measured by using the at the time of anesthesia induction as rated by the
STAI; child anxiety was measured on the modi- research observer.
fied Yale Preoperative Anxiety Scale (mYPAS). After patients and their family members had
The mYPAS consists of 27 items in five catego- arrived in the preoperative holding area, the par-
ries, and data are gathered via observation to as- ents were given the STAI, while the children
sess the anxiety behavior of children in the peri- were observed by trained research assistants who
operative setting. Emergence behavior was rated filled out the mYPAS. After this baseline obser-
on a 3-point scale by trained observers, analgesia vation, children were randomly assigned to one of
requirements were measured from the patient’s the two groups. Children in the intervention group
medical record and converted to a codeine-unit were then exposed to the shaping intervention,
scale, and time the patient arrived in the post- which included being introduced to the anesthesia
anesthesia care unit was used for the discharge mask and to the desired behaviors expected when
time. There were 408 participants in the study, they enter the OR. Examples of desired behavior
and all of the four groups were similar in demo- included the child playing with an anesthesia face
graphic characteristics. Using two-way ANOVA, mask, the child putting the mask over his or her
researchers determined that there was significantly mouth, the child allowing the parents to hold the
lower anxiety in the children in the ADVANCE mask on the child’s face, and the child climbing
group compared with children in the other three onto the examination table.
groups (P ⬍ .001). In addition, children in the Parents of children in the intervention group
ADVANCE group also were given instructions about the induction
of anesthesia. The children in both groups were
 were less likely to exhibit emergence delirium,
rated on the mYPAS when called to the OR and
 received only half as much fentanyl compared
at induction of anesthesia. Multivariate analysis
with the parental-presence group and only
was used to evaluate the findings. This analysis
one-third as much fentanyl as the other two
found that there were significant differences be-
groups, and
tween groups (P ⬍ .02). In addition, there was a
 were discharged significantly earlier than chil-
relationship between group and time. Anxiety in-
dren in the other three groups.16 creased significantly from the baseline measure-
MacLaren and Kain17 examined an educational ment to when the measurement was taken at the
program for pediatric patients concerning anesthe- point of separation from the parents for the inter-
sia induction and what to expect of the anesthetic vention group compared with the control group.
experience. The researchers randomly assigned However, there was a significant increase in anxi-
112 children, ranging from two to seven years of ety for the control group from separation from
age, to either the control or the intervention parents to induction of anesthesia, whereas the
group. Measures were made with the mYPAS, the intervention group had a statistically significant
STAI, and the Induction Compliance Checklist. decrease in this score. In addition, children in the
The Induction Compliance Checklist is an 11-item intervention group were significantly more likely
scale used to analyze a child’s behavior during to be compliant at induction than children in the
induction of anesthesia. Each item represents a control group (P ⬍ .01). Parents’ anxiety was
behavior that interferes with mask induction (eg, measured in the preoperative holding area and
turning the head away from the mask) and is again at separation from their child. Parents’ anxi-
rated zero (ie, present) or 1 (ie, absent). The In- ety increased regardless of group assignment. The
duction Compliance Checklist was used in this researchers concluded that children in the inter-
study to measure the behavior of the participants vention group were significantly more compliant

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October 2010 Vol 92 No 4 BAILEY

at induction of anesthesia and had smaller in-  the general process of getting ready for
creases of anxiety from baseline than did children surgery.
in the control group, but the intervention did not
Patients also should be given general intraopera-
affect the anxiety scores of the parents.17
tive information, including that
 they will move to another bed after arriving in
As this literature review demonstrates, many strat-  there will be unusual equipment around,
egies for reducing patient anxiety have been tried,  people may be coming and going, and
but only a few have proven successful. The most  that it can be cold, but warm blankets are al-
effective interventions from the current literature
ways available.
are perioperative patient education and music
therapy. A care plan that identifies nursing actions
Postoperative Information
to manage the perioperative anxiety of any patient
Postoperative information that patients need in-
undergoing a surgical procedure is presented in
cludes reassurance that pain needs will be met, an
Table 2.
explanation of how the pain scale will work to
help them communicate their needs, and what
Preoperative Education
to expect on discharge. Although not all health
In today’s health care system, it is rare for pa-
care providers will be able to give the postoper-
tients undergoing scheduled surgery to be admit-
ative information specific to each surgery and
ted before the morning of their procedure. This
surgeon, a general overview of the postopera-
admission routine limits the time that nurses have
to implement a preoperative education plan. In tive and discharge process should be included
addition, nurses in the preoperative and intraoper- in any teaching plan. For families with pediat-
ative areas are pushed to move patients through ric patients, research results show that educa-
quickly. These factors can limit the amount of tion before the day of surgery is helpful.17 If
time that can be dedicated to a preoperative edu- that is not possible, then basic information
cation program. about induction of anesthesia should be in-
From the review of current evidence, it is clear cluded with other basic preoperative teaching to
that some form of basic education should be im- help decrease fears and increase understanding
plemented for patients on the day of surgery. Be- by patients and their parents.16
cause some individuals do not want as much in-
formation as others, a framework of general Music Therapy
information can be put in place for all patients. Music therapy is an intervention that has also
Opportunities should be provided for patients to shown effectiveness in reducing preoperative
ask questions if more information is sought. This anxiety. However, giving each patient his or
basic educational material should include an over- her own music player for use on the day of sur-
view of the surgical process. I suggest the infor- gery may not be feasible in all settings, espe-
mation should include what to expect in the pre- cially given current constraints on health care
operative area, emphasizing organization budgets. Other, more cost-effective
 that wait times can vary, ways of providing calming music in the preop-
 who to ask for information should a question erative and intraoperative environments should
arise, be evaluated by facilities as a way of reducing
 who they will meet during this time, and anxiety for patients.

454 AORN Journal


TABLE 2. Care Plan for Managing Perioperative Patient Anxiety

Interim outcome Outcome

Diagnosis Nursing interventions statement statement
Anxiety  Identifies psychosocial status.  The patient  The patient or
or ineffective  Evaluates psychosocial status relative to age and verbalizes the designated support
coping stage of development. sequence of events person demonstrates
 Identifies patient home profile (eg, household to expect before and knowledge of the
composition, ages, gender, roles, occupations; family immediately after expected responses
coping skills, limitations). surgery. to the operative or
 Identifies patient’s resources (eg, insurance, home  The patient states invasive procedure.
environment, extended family, community). realistic expectations
 Assesses coping mechanisms. regarding recovery
 Reviews patient’s coping pattern and its from the procedure.
effectiveness.  The patient and
 Identifies patient’s religious practices. family describe the
 Identifies philosophical, cultural, and spiritual beliefs prescribed
and related practices. postoperative
 Asks the patient to describe current methods of regimen accurately.
dealing with stress.
 Observes for behavior that may indicate ineffective

coping (eg, verbalization of anger, depression,

ineffective coping, alterations in diet, disruption of
sleep pattern; restlessness; absence of eye contact;
absence of or reduced participation in plan of care;
withdrawal from family or staff members; hostility
toward family or staff members).
 Determines when these behaviors became first

 Encourages patient to express feelings.

 Determines the most effective methods of

communication and support.

 Evaluates availability and effectiveness of support

 Identifies patient and designated support person’s
educational needs.
 Determines knowledge level.

 Elicits perceptions of surgery.

 Identifies barriers to communication.

 Determines the patient’s ability to understand the

information offered.
 Includes the patient or designated support person in
perioperative teaching.
 Explains expected sequence of events.

 Provides status reports to the designated support person.

 Implements measures to provide psychologic support.

 Assesses for signs and symptoms of anxiety or fear

(eg, fears and concerns, preoperative insomnia,

muscle tenseness, tremors, irritability, change in
appetite, restlessness, diaphoresis, tachypnea,
tachycardia, elevated blood pressure, facial pallor or
flushing, withdrawn behavior).

AORN Journal 455

October 2010 Vol 92 No 4 BAILEY

TABLE 2. (continued) Care Plan for Managing Perioperative Patient Anxiety

Interim outcome Outcome

Diagnosis Nursing interventions statement statement
 Orients patient to environment and care routines and
 Introduces staff members.

 Assures the patient that a member of the staff is

 Provides information and answers questions honestly.

 Maintains a calm, supportive, confident manner.

 Provides an atmosphere of care and concern (eg,

privacy, nonjudgmental approach, empathy, respect).

 Offers alternative methods to minimize anxiety (eg,

music, humor).
 Reinforces physician’s explanations and clarifies

 Explains the purpose of preoperative preparations

before implementation.
 Encourages patient participation in decision making

and planning for postoperative care.

 Evaluates psychosocial response to the plan of care.

FURTHER RESEARCH area. Because of the paucity of research being

The evidence presented here supports implemen- performed on this topic in the United States,
tation of perioperative education and music ther- many of the studies reviewed here for evidence
apy to decrease patient anxiety. Managing the have come from other cultures and disciplines.
environment also could help decrease the effect of Although it can be difficult to extrapolate and
the perioperative environment on patients’ anxi- apply data from research done in diverse cul-
ety. When a patient enters the OR, care should be tures, these studies can point the way for further
taken to silence machinery, so that unnecessary research opportunities. Anxiety can have far-
alarms do not startle or frighten the patient. In reaching effects on surgical outcomes. Developing
addition, unpacking and moving instruments and effective anxiety-reducing strategies based on evi-
equipment should be minimized. Implementing a dence is essential to optimize patient care.
system to keep patients and their family members
updated while they are waiting for their procedures Editor’s note: CINAHL, Cumulative Index to
could help decrease anxiety and reassure patients Nursing and Allied Health Literature, is a regis-
that all is well. Reliable, replicable programs in tered trademark of EBSCO Industries, Birming-
these areas should be developed and tested to de- ham, AL.
termine the optimal interventions to reduce peri-
operative anxiety for patients and families. References
1. Grieve RJ. Day surgery preoperative anxiety reduction
Although articles about anxiety and surgery and coping strategies. Br J Nurs. 2002;11(10):670-
are available in the current literature, more stud- 678.
ies need to be performed to develop and test 2. Stirling L, Raab G, Alder EM, Robertson F. Random-
ized trial of essential oils to reduce perioperative pa-
interventions to determine their effectiveness in tient anxiety: feasibility study. J Adv Nurs. 2007;60(5):
reducing anxiety in the fast-paced perioperative 494-501.

456 AORN Journal


3. Spaulding NJ. Reducing anxiety by pre-operative edu- 12. Roykulcharoen V, Good M. Systematic relaxation to re-
cation: make the future familiar. Occup Ther Int. 2003; lieve postoperative pain. J Adv Nurs. 2004;48(2):140-148.
10(4):278-293. 13. Seers K, Crichton N, Tutton L, Smith L, Saunders T.
4. Starkweather AR, Witek-Janusek L, Nockels RP, Peter- Effectiveness of relaxation for postoperative pain and
son J, Mathews HL. Immune function, pain, and psy- anxiety: randomized controlled trial. J Adv Nurs. 2008;
chological stress in patients undergoing spinal surgery. 62(6):681-688.
Spine. 2006;31(18):E641-E647. 14. Arsian S, Ozer N, Ozyurt F. Effect of music on preop-
5. Kagan I, Bar-Tal Y. The effects of preoperative uncer- erative anxiety in men undergoing urogenital surgery.
tainty and anxiety on short-term recovery after elective Aust J Adv Nurs. 2008;26(2):46-54.
arthroplasty. J Clin Nurs.2008;17(5):576-583. 15. Cooke M, Chaboyer W, Schluter P, Hiratos M. The
6. Jangland E, Gunningberg L, Carsson M. Patients’ and effect of music on preoperative anxiety in day surgery.
relatives’ complaints about encounters and communica- J Adv Nurs. 2005;52(1):47-55.
tion in health care: evidence for quality improvement. 16. Kain ZN, Caldwell-Andrews AA, Mayes LC, et al.
Patient Educ Couns. 2009;75(2):199-204. Family-centered preparation for surgery improves peri-
7. Gilmartin J, Wright K. Day surgery: patients’ felt aban- operative outcomes in children: a randomized con-
doned during the preoperative wait. J Clin Nurs. 2008; trolled study. Anesthesiology. 2007;106(1):65-74.
17(18):2418-2425. 17. MacLaren JE, Kain ZN. Development of a brief behav-
8. Haugen AS, Eide GE, Olsen MV, Haukeland B, ioral intervention for children’s anxiety at anesthesia
Remme AR, Wahl AK. Anxiety in the operating the- induction. Child Health Care. 2008;37(3):196-209.
atre: a study of frequency and environmental impact in
patients having local, plexus or regional anesthesia.
J Clin Nurs. 2009;18(16):2301-2310. Laila Bailey, RN, MSN, CNOR, is a staff
9. Stirling L. Reduction and management of perioperative nurse and urology/cystoscopy specialist at
anxiety. Br J Nurs.2006;15(7):359-361.
10. Erci B, Sezgin S, Kacmaz Z. The impact of therapeutic Inova Fairfax Hospital Ambulatory Surgery
relationship on preoperative and postoperative patient Center, Fairfax, VA. Ms Bailey has no de-
anxiety. Aust J Adv Nurs. 2008;26(1):59-66.
clared affiliation that could be perceived as
11. Ng SKS, Chau AWL, Leung WK. The effect of pre-
operative information in relieving anxiety in oral sur- posing a potential conflict of interest in the
gery patients. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 2004; publication of this article.

AORN Journal 457


Strategies for Decreasing Patient

Anxiety in the Perioperative Setting

To educate perioperative nurses about methods to decrease patient anxiety in the
perioperative setting.

1. Describe the physiologic stress response triggered by anxiety.
2. Identify factors that can contribute to a surgical patient’s anxiety level.
3. Discuss methods to decrease surgical patients’ anxiety that perioperative nurses
can implement.
4. Discuss anxiety as it relates to pediatric patients and their parents.
The Examination and Learner Evaluation are printed here for your conve-
nience. To receive continuing education credit, you must complete the Exami-
nation and Learner Evaluation online at

QUESTIONS 5. lack of information about upcoming

1. Anxiety triggers the physiologic stress response, procedures.
which can a. 2 and 5 b. 1, 3, and 4
1. impede healing. c. 1, 2, 3, and 4 d. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5
2. increase the need for anesthesia.
3. increase postoperative pain medication 3. In a study by Jangland et al, among patients who
requirements. complained about care, the most common factors
4. affect postoperative recovery. that patients said increased their anxiety were
5. increase the risk of infection. 1. dissatisfaction with the need to arrive early at
a. 1 and 2 b. 3, 4, and 5 the facility.
c. 1, 2, 3, and 4 d. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 2. poor quality of postoperative snacks.
3. insufficient empathy.
4. insufficient information.
2. Factors that contribute to a surgical patient’s anx- 5. inadequate respect.
iety level include a. 1 and 3 b. 2 and 4
1. alteration in body image. c. 3, 4, and 5 d. 1, 2, 3, and 4
2. fear of postoperative pain.
3. loss of control. 4. Factors such as the sound of alarms on machinery
4. the need for surgery. and the noise from surgical instruments being

458 AORN Journal ● October 2010 Vol 92 No 4 © AORN, Inc, 2010


unpacked can have a significant effect on reassurance, Coaching, and Exposure/shaping)

increasing anxiety. group
a. true b. false 1. had statistically significant lower anxiety.
2. received less fentanyl.
5. According to a study by Ng et al, providing only 3. were discharged significantly earlier.
basic information about the procedure only de- 4. were less likely to exhibit emergence delirium.
creased anxiety in those participants who had a a. 1 and 3 b. 2 and 4
higher level of anxiety before the surgical c. 1, 2, and 4 d. 1, 2, 3, and 4
a. true b. false 9. In a study of pediatric patients by MacLaren and
Kain, the researchers concluded that
1. children in the intervention group had smaller
6. In a study by Roykulcharoen and Good, use of
increases of anxiety from baseline.
systematic relaxation techniques
2. children in the intervention group were signifi-
1. decreased sensations of pain.
cantly more compliant at induction of
2. decreased postoperative anxiety.
3. resulted in less distress.
3. the intervention did not affect the anxiety
4. decreased opioid intake.
scores of the parents.
a. 1 and 3 b. 2 and 4
4. the intervention decreased the anxiety scores
c. 1, 2, and 4 d. 1, 2, 3, and 4
of the parents.
a. 1 and 3 b. 2 and 4
7. According to a study by Cooke et al, listening to c. 1, 2, and 3 d. 1, 2, and 4
music for 30 minutes before surgery on the day
of surgery was associated with a significant de- 10. As found in this review of current literature, the
crease in preoperative anxiety. most effective interventions for decreasing patient
a. true b. false anxiety in the perioperative setting are
1. essential oils.
8. In a study on children and families by Kain et al, 2. music therapy.
the researchers determined that compared with 3. perioperative education.
the other groups, children in the ADVANCE (ie, 4. relaxation techniques.
Anxiety-reduction, Distraction, Video modeling a. 1 and 4 b. 2 and 3
and education, Adding parents, No excessive c. 1, 3, and 4 d. 1, 2, 3, and 4

The behavioral objectives and examination for this program were prepared by Rebecca Holm, RN, MSN, CNOR, clinical editor,
with consultation from Susan Bakewell, RN, MS, BC, director, Center for Perioperative Education. Ms Holm and Ms Bakewell
have no declared affiliations that could be perceived as posing potential conflicts of interest in the publication of this article.

AORN Journal 459


Strategies for Decreasing Patient

Anxiety in the Perioperative Setting

his evaluation is used to determine the extent to 8A. How will you change your practice? (Select all
which this continuing education program met that apply)
your learning needs. Rate the items as 1. I will provide education to my team regard-
described below. ing why change is needed.
2. I will work with management to change/
OBJECTIVES implement a policy and procedure.
To what extent were the following objectives of this 3. I will plan an informational meeting with
continuing education program achieved? physicians to seek their input and acceptance
1. Describe the physiologic stress response trig- of the need for change.
gered by anxiety. Low 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. High 4. I will implement change and evaluate the
2. Identify factors that can contribute to a surgical effect of the change at regular intervals until
patient’s anxiety level. Low 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. High the change is incorporated as best practice.
3. Discuss methods to decrease surgical patients’ 5. Other:
anxiety that perioperative nurses can implement.
Low 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. High 8B. If you will not change your practice as a result
4. Discuss anxiety as it relates to pediatric patients of reading this article, why? (Select all
and their parents. Low 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. High that apply)
1. The content of the article is not relevant to
CONTENT my practice.
5. To what extent did this article increase your 2. I do not have enough time to teach others
knowledge of the subject matter? about the purpose of the needed change.
Low 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. High 3. I do not have management support to make a
6. To what extent were your individual objectives change.
met? Low 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. High 4. Other:
7. Will you be able to use the information from
this article in your work setting? 1. Yes 2. No 9. Our accrediting body requires that we verify
8. Will you change your practice as a result of the time you needed to complete the 3.0 con-
reading this article? (If yes, answer question tinuing education contact hour (180-minute)
#8A. If no, answer question #8B.) program: ___________

This program meets criteria for CNOR and CRNFA recertification, as well as other continuing education requirements.
AORN is accredited as a provider of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
AORN recognizes these activities as continuing education for registered nurses. This recognition does not imply that AORN or the American Nurses Credentialing Center
approves or endorses products mentioned in the activity.
AORN is provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP 13019. Check with your state board of nursing for acceptance of this
activity for relicensure.

Event: #10271; Session: #4026 Fee: Members $15, Nonmembers $30

The deadline for this program is October 31, 2013.
A score of 70% correct on the examination is required for credit. Participants receive feedback on incorrect answers. Each
applicant who successfully completes this program can immediately print a certificate of completion.

460 AORN Journal ● October 2010 Vol 92 No 4 © AORN, Inc, 2010

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