General Survey To Integumentary P and R

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To obtain baseline data of the client’s functional abilities
To assess the general health status of the client
To obtain data that will enable the nurse to establish nursing diagnoses and plan client care

Equipments / Materials:
Weighing Scale
Height Chart
Pen Light
Neurologic Hammer / Reflex Hammer


1. Identify the client. Ask the client his/her name
to confirm the necessity.
2. Explain the procedure and To build rapport and for the
discuss how she or he can patient to cooperate with the
cooperate. procedure.
3. Perform hand hygiene. To prevent the spread of
4. Provide privacy. To minimize embarrassment.
5. Position the client
comfortably allowing for easy
access to the body part being
6. Check the level of Awake, asleep, lethargic, or General:
consciousness and if the alert. Yes or no. Eye opening, EO-
patient is responding to the verbal response, and motor VR-
tone of your voice. response. MR-
7. Client’s orientation. (Ask the To check if the patient is
name, place where u are, and oriented and aware.
the time and date.)
8. Language and If the client understands and
communication. Assess for answers your question
the appropriate client’s clearly.
9. Describe the quantity and Assess if the client’s tone is
speech. slow or fast or in normal
10. You can also ask irrelevant What happen yesterday or
questions for the relevance what keeps him/her busy.
of organization of thoughts Check if the client if he/she
of the client. has organized thoughts.
11. Check for physical From head to toe scan if
deformities and signs of there are or none.
12. Behavioral status. Ask how If the client has a good mood
the client is feeling that day that day and has thoughts
or what he/she feels about about the pandemic.
the corona virus (relevant
13. Client’s attitude. Cooperative, calm, and not
resistive or the opposite, etc.
14. Describe the face and body To check if his/her face is
built. (Ask the age). appropriate for his/her age.
Is his/her body built
endomorph, mesomorph, or
15. Measure height and weight Underweight, normal,
and determine BMI. overweight, or obese.
16. Describe posture, symmetry Standing straight, rigid spine,
and gait (Observe client while or stiffed neck. Asymmetric
standing, sitting and body movements and the
walking). way he/she walks.
17. Describe over-all hygiene and
grooming (Relate these to
the persons activities prior to
the assessments.)
18. Identify signs of distress in
posture or facial expression.
19. Inspect for skin color Normal: light – deep brown, Color uniformity:
uniformity, presence of ruddy pink or light pink, and
edema. yellow overtones – olive. Presence of edema:
Abnormal: pallor, jaundice,
cyanosis, or erythema.
Bruising or bleeding?
20. Inspect for lesions according Check the body parts for
to locations, distribution, lesions and discolorations.
color, configuration, size, Freckles, nevi, or birthmarks.
shape, type or structure Abrasions or lesions?
21. Palpate skin moisture and Normal, dry, or moist.
temperature (thermometer). Normal temp or low?
22. Note for skin turgor by lifting If it sprints back to normal
and pinching the skin. state or not.
23. Inspect the evenness of If there are bald areas or
growth over the scalp. none.
24. Inspect hair for volume. Thick or has loss of hair?
(Thickness and Thinness)
25. Inspect for texture and Dry, oily, moist, or normal?
oiliness over the scalp
26. Note for presence of If there are lice or
infection and infestations inflammation.
27. Inspect amount of body hair. Normal or excessive in what
28. Inspect fingernail plate shape Vertically long, broad
to determine its curvature sideways, rounded, egg-
and angle. shaped, squarish, or
29. Inspect and palpate fingernail Yellowish, brittle, ridges, or
and toenail texture white bands, red skin around
30. Inspect tissues surrounding the moon or nails. Rough or
nails smooth? Are there ingrown,
cuts, and inflammation? Nail
bed color.
31. Perform blanch test of If after pinching the color
capillary refill brings back to normal or not.
32. Evaluate if findings from the To provide proper nursing
physical assessment is care.
within normal limits.
33. Document and report To obtain baseline data.
significant findings.

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