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Assessment Task 1

1. Investigate the following points within your organisation/relevant to the industry in which you work:

Bounce Fitness provides the service that improves the productivity of businesses in the Brisbane and
Melbourne areas by lowering the cost of various programs in creative forms of wellness. It outlines
proactive and proactive techniques to promoting excellent health. By better managing human resources,
the staff member deals with health-related difficulties.
HR personnel, Line Managers, Senior Managers, Employee Representative Groups, Potential
stakeholders and external contractors, Outsourcing agencies, and Suppliers are the designated
subordinates. To secure the tasks and performance requirements, these subordinates and possible plan
participants must have a clear grasp and insight about their job roles and concurrently assigned tasks.

a) Your organisation’s preferences with regard to human resource strategic direction, objectives and

1. Company Overview and Description

Human resource strategic planning is a procedure that assists in identifying the future and current
human resources that are required in the firm to accomplish the established goals. In businesses, it is
critical to improve human resource planning in order to further develop strategic initiatives that will help
in the future. The different activities that satisfy the defined goals are included in the strategic planning.
This encompasses staffing, workplace policies, benefits, remuneration, retention, development, training,
and working safety. This could be maintained through human strategic planning, which aids in better
working conditions.
In this situation, Bounce Fitness Corporate Marketing Plan in Brisbane has been implemented as the
human resources strategic planning to improve better forms of productivity and lower costs through the
inventive way of thinking in the wellness that creates the set programs. The study of human resources
provides management with a better type of planning that recognizes the company's values and mission.
Various ways in the services, on the other hand, aid in meeting the stated goals necessary to carry out
the business. This helps to meet a variety of issues as a result of effective preparation in the human
resource strategy.

b) Emerging industry practices and trends that may impact on human resources management in the
Based on the facts supplied in Bounce Fitness' business plan, it can be stated that the usage of life
coaching, health approaches, personal training, and other similar services is expanding among market
participants. Furthermore, clients want trainers to understand their health needs and to give effective
training to meet those goals. However, labor market trends are unsatisfactory and skilled, and qualified
instructors are few. Furthermore, the selected commercial organization will be expected to apply
innovative technology when offering training and health-related services to all of its potential clients. It
will aid in the development of a sense of pleasure among clients since, with the assistance of
technology, the firm will be able to provide quick and precise services. It has been discovered that the
market's demand for skilled trainers is expanding, and Bounce Fitness will be required to provide this
It may be argued that the developed goals and targets are SMART and will have an impact on the overall
growth of all staff members in both positive and bad ways. In a positive sense, the goals will provide
particular direction to Bounce Fitness personnel. Furthermore, it will assist staff employees in achieving
greater personal and professional growth. However, it might be claimed that staff employees will be
required to commit a significant amount of time and effort in order to meet all of the objectives.

c. Future organisational labour needs, skill requirements and options for sourcing labour supply
The complete capacity required in the Bounce Fitness to accomplish the stated objectives at the time of
carrying out operations is included in the strategic planning of human resources. The human resources
must correctly handle the full operations carried out in the Bounce Fitness. Bounce Fitness was founded
in 2001 in Brisbane with the primary goal of providing various facilities to help people improve their
fitness. Proper marketing is required to reach the market and accelerate the growth of a business. There
are many programs and activities that assist in carrying out the full process through human resource
capability. HR strategy must be implemented in order to grow the maximum number of staff members
while also lowering company costs, which aids in the achievement of the wellness program. The human
resource planning process develops a better form of strategy that maintains a better form of directions
in Bounce Fitness's future growth. It aids in gaining access to the appropriate HR capability through
strategic planning. Human resource planning comprises a study of the gap on the indulged staff
employees at the time of business development. Meeting the established targets and objectives to
develop the organizations is part of the work of human resources. These goals include staff recruiting,
retention, training, succession planning, career development, reward, performance management, and
engagement. Human resource managers at Bounce Fitness must focus on the goals that the company
has set for itself. However, this organization is developed in collaboration with the corporation, which
ensures that the entire operation runs well. There are specific goals that are pursued by the SMART and
The specific things include the fitness things that   provides the healthy staff members that make the high productive as
compared   to the chronically ill staff members.
The entire activity carried out by the Bounce Fitness   could be measured properly through the working of the indulged HR.
The set goals are easily achievable through the proper   staff members that could carry out the entire fitness.
The entire activity helps to meet the set objectives from   the better working of the staff members.
In order to achieve the set goals there lies with the   fixed time to carry out the entire programs properly.

d. Recent and potential changes to industrial and legal requirements

Following an examination of Bounce Fitness' present business objectives, strategies, and performance, a
human resource strategic plan for future improvements was produced. It can be argued that the fitness
center should prioritize professional development for its employees. Training relating to the
strengthening of trainers' existing communication abilities might be taught here. It will assist the
employee in better understanding customer needs and providing more pleasant services. Currently,
Bounce Fitness has set goals such as boosting revenue by 10% per year, increasing market penetration,
cutting customer acquisition costs by 4% every two quarters, and so on. To fulfill all of the specified
objectives, staff employees must adhere to principles such as teamwork, integrity, diversity, and strong
coordination. The hours of 6:30 to 8:30 a.m. and 8:30 p.m. in the morning and evening are the busiest in
the gym, and staff members' schedules will be extremely hectic during these hours. Aside from that, the
winters and monsoons are the quietest times of the year, while the summers are the busiest.
Management is responsible for ensuring that all staff members have equal chances for growth and
development. Furthermore, proper measures related to first aid, health, and safety of both trainers and
customers should be considered. Anti-discrimination policies, equal compensation, and the equality
principle must be integrated into Bounce Fitness' general company processes. Job descriptions, skill gap
analyses, feedback systems, and other performance management tools must be adopted throughout
the organization. In terms of remuneration, it can be stated that Bounce Fitness is mandated to provide
monetary and non-monetary incentives to all employees based on their performance. A fair and
transparent scheme of remuneration should be used to that the trainer remains satisfied, motivated and
business objectives can be achieved easily.
           Different motivational strategies and techniques must be implemented inside Bounce Fitness in
order to retain staff members. Employee praise and recognition in front of others can be employed in
this situation. The performance and outcomes generated by the center's trainers will be the sole basis
for succession planning. However, it can be argued that a lack of growth possibilities, low compensation,
long work hours, and inadequate leadership are some constraints that can hinder staff members' future
productivity. It is proposed that performance-based remuneration, democratic leadership, and an open
door policy be employed to address the aforementioned constraints.
Meeting notes
• Employees' communication skills must be improved.
• Summer is the busiest season.
• Anti-discrimination and equality practices must be included into Bounce Fitness' business
• All precautions for the health and safety of members and clients must be taken
• Retention will be accomplished through the use of a motivational tool.

2. You will the need to develop a human resources strategic plan. You will need to ensure that you:

a. Consult relevant managers about their human resources preferences

There are numerous thoughts and perspectives about how the Bounce Fitness works that need to
be discussed with the Centre Manager. The manager gives varied points of view and suggestions
that help to improve human resource preferences. The following are the steps:
 Required knowledge and abilities: The manager must outline the information and skills that
employees must possess while working at Bounce Fitness. This will identify the level of
productivity required to improve Bounce Fitness' operations.. 
 Duties and responsibilities: To ensure that the business runs smoothly, management divides up
the responsibilities and roles that must be filled among the employees.
 Working hours: Staff members' working hours are discussed with the Centre Manager and are
entirely dependent on the fitness operation.. 
When discussing with the management, methods of overview include group member presentations,
face-to-face meetings, and video-conferencing. The full overview might be addressed using these ways
with the manager in order to improve a better manner of business operations in the fitness activities.
Face-to-face meetings are the most ideal style of procedures for the Centre Manager to undertake in
order to improve planning with the human resource departments.

b) Agree on human resources philosophies, values and policies with relevant managers
Acquiring a common understanding of the area's goals can be achieved by achieving consensus on
policy, values, and philosophy Diversity, human resource information, job analysis, and excellent
performance in terms of employee retention are the major developments in these fields. Policies,
values, and philosophies that encourage high output must be adhered to by Bounce Fitness As a result
of the HR management philosophy, leadership styles are implemented at the top of the management
chain. In addition, it outlines the ideas and culture of today's corporate environment. When it comes to
Bounce Fitness, this is defined by the leader's vision at the time. The advanced leader at Bounce Fitness
needs to implement contemporary HR management techniques in order to improve the working
environment. Philosophy, beliefs, and policies take a long time to evolve. While taking into account
stakeholder viewpoints, the concept adheres to the informal approach.

c) Consult with stakeholders in the development of the plan with regard to:
i. Budget
Bounce Fitness' use of technology has a positive influence and boosts productivity. The surgery was
completed promptly and efficiently thanks to advanced technology and dedicated employees. Although
it is normal for new recruits to work together to finish a task, doing so successfully might be tough.
Bounce Fitness uses technology to reduce the number of staff and enhance working conditions.
Technology minimizes the likelihood of making a mistake and improves a person's ability.
ii. Priorities
iii. Objectives, targets, programs and practices based on cost-benefit analysis
The two alternatives comprise an internal and external aspect that completes the work in human
resource management and aids in the achievement of aims and objectives. Outsourcing and internal HR
services are two examples. Outsourcing was chosen because it allows for the highest level of efficiency
to be achieved. Outsourcing delivers services in external sectors with the assistance of a consultant who
assists in improving performance through working and increasing cost savings. Clients benefit from the
internal HR offering since it provides services in a way that they can benefit from. This gives new and
original ideas, as well as value-added services and new perspectives on HR management, resulting in
increased productivity. Certain procedures must be completed in order to complete the cost-benefit
analysis, including:
• A cost and benefit list
• Making a cost-benefit analysis
• Assigning monetary values that provide a significant costing advantage
• Assigning a high importance in the areas of monitoring

iv. Timeframes
 Recent changes have necessitated legislation that has had a significant impact on staffing facilities.
These issues include small business management, workplace bullying, zero-hour contracts, shared
parental leave, and adoption leave. The right kind of laws leads to Bounce Fitness's excellent production.
This legal component must be followed by higher authorities in order to improve commercial
operations. Bullying in the workplace has the potential to have serious consequences that must be
considered and addressed:
 Bounce Fitness requires HR personnel to be trained when new policies and procedures are
 There is a need to increase training activities among staff members to aid in the identification of
techniques that have been used in bullying.
 The guidelines provide rewriting based on the expected behavior of the employees..  

v. Risk management
Events: The entire recruitments process could not be managed by   the HR. 
What could be happened
Probability: There might be high chances of improper recruitments and   selection due to
Chances of happened probability the lack of support. 
Impact: There might be high impact arise in the company. 
Impacts happening
Mitigation: This could be reduced through the support provided from   the strategic human
Reduce the chances of probability resources plan. 
Contingency: The management needs to follow the planning and strategy   required in the
Reduce the impacts of happening human resources departments 

d) Develop strategic objectives and targets for human resources services and obtain management
support for the plan
Various essential documents could be drafted to achieve the strategic objectives and offer the
suitable target at the time of plan approval. These steps are as follows:
 Staff retention and proper planning methods: Succession planning in leadership positions aids in
the development of the company and eliminates the risk of unanticipated loss. This aids in the
growth of a new leader who is capable of dealing with a variety of obstacles while on the job.
The correct development planning gives a track for staff members, assisting them in achieving
their career goals and identifying various prospects while working at Bounce Fitness. This could
help to increase the retention with the high motivation. 
• Recruitment and selection: In order to fulfill the strategic objectives and targets, HR
management must pick and hire the right people to help increase productivity.
• Information systems for human resources: It delivers important information about technology
that has been intersected in human resources through advanced software. It enables all
electronic processing and activity to take place.

e) Examine options for the provision of human resources services and analyse costs and benefits
An effective human resource plan has been designed in order to attain the above-mentioned goals. To
attract new trainers, aggressive advertising on social media and in the press will be carried out. At the
same time, existing employee referrals will be encouraged in order to attract the desired number of
employees. In addition, every weekend from 1:30 to 4:00 pm, training and development activities will be
held to improve the skill set of workers. An open door policy and enticing incentive schemes will be used
to keep employees. 
It can be said that Bounce Fitness will have to spend a significant amount of money on job
advertisements and employee training. However, it might be claimed that the strategy will bring long-
term benefits in comparison to the money invested. It will aid in the expansion of the company's
membership and profitability.

f) Identify appropriate technology and systems to support agreed human resources programs and
The use of technology provides a positive impact in the Bounce Fitness and enhances a high
productivity. The entire operations could be carried out easily using the advanced technology with the
help of dedicated staff members. The entire working among the newly recruited members could be
understandable and the completion of the activity becomes very less. The use of technology reduces the
workforce in the Bounce Fitness and makes a better mode of practices in the working. The chance of
error becomes less from the use of technology and enhances a better skill.

g) Develop applicable risk management plans to support the strategic human resources plan
Events: The entire recruitments process could not be managed by   the HR. 
What could be happened
Probability: There might be high chances of improper recruitments and   selection due to
Chances of happened probability the lack of support. 
Impact: There might be high impact arise in the company. 
Impacts happening
Mitigation: This could be reduced through the support provided from   the strategic human
Reduce the chances of probability resources plan. 
Contingency: The management needs to follow the planning and strategy   required in the
Reduce the impacts of happening human resources departments 

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