Vectors: MATHEMATICS (Continued)

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MATHEMATICS (continued)

MATRICES For a third-order determinant:

A matrix is an ordered rectangular array of numbers with m
rows and n columns. The element aij refers to row i and a1 a2 a3
column j. b1 b2 b3 a1b2 c3 a 2b3c1 a3b1c2 a3b2 c1 a2 b1c3 a1b3c2
Multiplication c1 c2 c3
If A = (aik) is an m n matrix and B = (bkj) is an n s
matrix, the matrix product AB is an m s matrix
C ci j ail blj
l 1

where n is the common integer representing the number of j

columns of A and the number of rows of B (l and k = 1, 2,
, n).
Addition k
If A = (aij) and B = (bij) are two matrices of the same size
m n, the sum A + B is the m n matrix C = (cij) where
cij = aij + bij.
The matrix I = (aij) is a square n n identity matrix where
aii = 1 for i = 1, 2, , n and aij = 0 for i j.
The matrix B is the transpose of the matrix A if each entry
bji in B is the same as the entry aij in A and conversely. In
equation form, the transpose is B = AT.
Inverse A = axi + ayj + azk
The inverse B of a square n n matrix A is Addition and subtraction:
adj A A + B = (ax + bx)i + (ay + by)j + (az + bz)k
B A1 , where
A A – B = (ax – bx)i + (ay – by)j + (az – bz)k
adj(A) = adjoint of A (obtained by replacing A elements The dot product is a scalar product and represents the
with their cofactors, see DETERMINANTS) and projection of B onto A times A . It is given by
A = determinant of A. A•B = axbx + ayby + azbz
A determinant of order n consists of n2 numbers, called the The cross product is a vector product of magnitude
elements of the determinant, arranged in n rows and n B A sin which is perpendicular to the plane
columns and enclosed by two vertical lines. containing A and B. The product is
In any determinant, the minor of a given element is the i j k
determinant that remains after all of the elements are struck
out that lie in the same row and in the same column as the A B ax a y az B A
given element. Consider an element which lies in the jth
column and the ith row. The cofactor of this element is b x b y bz
the value of the minor of the element (if i + j is even), and
it is the negative of the value of the minor of the element
(if i + j is odd).
If n is greater than 1, the value of a determinant of order n is
the sum of the n products formed by multiplying each
element of some specified row (or column) by its cofactor.
This sum is called the expansion of the determinant
[according to the elements of the specified row (or
column)]. For a second-order determinant:
a1 a2
a1b2 a2 b1
b1 b2

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