Writing Task 2 Model Essay 1

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Some people fail in school but end up being successful in life. Why do you think this is the case? What is
the most important thing to succeed in life?

Write at least 250 words

When children are young, they often hear from their parents that the only way they will succeed

in life is if they try hard at school. However, I believe that being successful while at school or university

does not guarantee success. In fact, the world is full of successful people who were not big achievers

during their educative years.

While it is true that to be a doctor, you must study for a long period and pass many rigorous

exams, the same cannot necessarily be said of being a business person. This is because things pertaining

to business may be learned during experience of actually doing a job. There are many millionaires who

were very determined workers and who toiled for 10-12 hours per day seven days per week. It was their

perseverance that drove them to success. They never gave up. Similarly, there are successful

entrepreneurs who came up with very good ideas that made them money quite quickly. Even then, they

had to work hard at making the ideas work. One prime example of this is Bill Gates, who is a

multibillionaire, even though he never finished college.

On the other hand, there are many people who studied at college, and who have fairly decent

jobs, but they lack the passion and determination to push themselves further to be truly successful.

They are quite content to be where they are now. There are also university graduates who did well in

their studies, but they made a few wrong choices and then found themselves, 15 years later, in jobs they


In conclusion, I strongly maintain that having a great education is not nearly enough to succeed

in one’s professional life. No great success can be achieved without passion, tenacity, and endurance.

293 words

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