Analysing The Institutional Building For Solar

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International Symposium on Fluids and Thermal Engineering (FLUTE 2021) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2178 (2022) 012024 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2178/1/012024

Analysing the Institutional building for Solar Radiation and

Photovoltaic Energy using AutoDesk-Revit
Mukul Kumar1 , Paritosh Rawat1 , Amit Maurya1, Ravinder Kumar2, Ujjwal Bharadwaj1
and Prakhar Duggal1
Department of Civil Engineering, Amity University, Noida, U.P.-201301
2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Amity University, Noida, U.P.-201301

Abstract: Unconventional sources of energy like solar are not only green but sustainable too.
Adopting sustainable sources of energy is a futuristic approach. Working in similar directions in
current research, paper authors analyzed and modeled various aspects of an institutional building
for solar energy suitability and efficiency by using Autodesk Revit software solar Plugin 2021. The
various aspects of solar analysis such as sun path, PV potential and solar radiation value are observed
and recorded. After ranging the different criteria like PV surface coverage and PV efficiency the
mean energy cost tends to be reduced. Authors observed that the energy cost got reduced to 18.8$
from 24.3$.

Keywords: Building Information Modeling, Autodesk Revit, Solar Energy Analysis, Sustainable Construction, PV

1. Introduction

The requirement of today’s world is rapidly increasing as companies are working faster than ever to revolutionize and
transform their respective industry. The practices of these organizations have set us far away as compared to the
utopian future. Companies are rapidly using the available natural resources and are constantly degrading the quality
of our environment. The global construction industry being the largest contributor of carbon emissions has a
responsibility to take corrective measures for diminishing the emissions and work for achieving a sustainable future.
The new generation of engineers should create awareness about the harms of the traditional construction practices and
instead incorporate sustainable construction practices during the entire life cycle of a project [1-3]. The various
Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations for a sustained environment in future can be achieved by
adopting these sustainable construction practices. One such practice is the method of passive design in building and
energy conservation which have been promoted by different green building rating systems in the world. By using BIM
tools such as AutoDesk Revit we are able to create a profound effect on the planning and design phase of the
construction project. This is one such solution which can be implemented to meet the sustainable requirements of the
construction industry [4-6].

1.1 Energy Analysis

The Energy analysis of a building is conducted to evaluate the total energy demand of a building. Every building
requires a certain amount of energy to operate and function effectively. Proper energy analysis would help us adopt

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International Symposium on Fluids and Thermal Engineering (FLUTE 2021) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2178 (2022) 012024 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2178/1/012024

and design passive building strategies which would lead to utilization of naturally available resources, thus decreasing
the overall carbon emission by the building. [7-8]

1.2 BIM and Energy/ Sustainability Analysis

Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a tool used to simulate the planning, design, construction and operation of a
particular construction project. Over the years the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry have
relied on this technology to produce a virtual structure of a building which helps them design, build and operate
buildings in an efficient manner. With the use of BIM, we can determine the life cycle of a particular building can be
demonstrated, thus improving the ease of implementation during the construction phase [9-11].

1.3 AutoDesk Revit

AutoDESK-Revit is a cloud-based software used for energy simulation service powered by Autodesk® Green
Building Studio® that supports sustainable design and facilitates the procedure of energy analysis of any building. It
is a robust software that focuses on the documentation and design of the input information. The tools and features
created by AutoDesk for Revit Architecture are mainly designed for architects and building professionals for
supporting the building information modeling (BIM) workflows [12-13].
1.4 Solar Energy Analysis and PV Potential

Solar Energy analysis of a building is another unique criteria which should be considered for Green Building Projects.
Photovoltaic (PV) Energy is growing as a replacement for traditional fossil fuels energy. A proper simulation of the
building while considering all the solar properties is modelled using AutoDesk Solar Plugin and the solar radiation
analysis of the building is studied. This helps us determine the future prospects of applying the PV energy techniques
and reduce the overall energy consumption of the building. [14-15]

2. Methodology
An institutional building is studied for performing the Solar radiation analysis, photovoltaic analysis and energy
analysis.The institution building is located in Bandikui city of Dausa district (01420) in Rajasthan, India.The
institutional building has G+3 floors and consists of Principal’s Room, Staff Rooms, Classrooms, Washrooms. The
weather is extremely hot in summer with the temperature between 40-45 degree Celsius and in winter the temperature
ranges from 6-21 degree Celsius.

Figure 1. 3D model of the Institutional building created using AutoDesk Revit Figure 2. Energy Analytical Spaces

International Symposium on Fluids and Thermal Engineering (FLUTE 2021) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2178 (2022) 012024 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2178/1/012024

Figure 3. Floor plan of the Institutional Building

2.1 Solar study

Solar study is used to visualise the sun-path and shadow that a structure or building generates at a particular time interval. We can
also create a graphic video or a still image using the path of the sun tool and sun setting tool box, either separately or together to
create the sun studies according to the needs. Different modes like still, single day , multiple day and lighting are available for
examining the solar study in a conceptual design environment and the project climate. We perform the solar study to analyse how
the shade from the landscape and surrounding models are affecting the site. We have also observed the area which allows the light
to penetrate the building at any given time of a particular date. By showing this effect of natural light and shadows on the model
created we collect a significant amount of data that can support passive solar design in the building.

2.2 Presets

With the usage of the presets, we mention the non permanent settings of the Sun in different views and can observe the changes in
the pattern of shadows. After saving the observed sun settings as a preset we have easy access to the project settings across all
perspective views. These presets are accessible in the sun setting dialog.

2.3 Types of solar study:

For evaluating the solar study of the building ,we’ve to select a particular solar study from the available solar study types:

2.3.1 Still Solar Study

It provides a single image of the model which shows the shadows of the site for a particular date and time.We have a image view
which shows of shadow patterns for the institutional building studied in Bandikui, Rajasthan on April 21 at 1:00 PM

Presets available:

● Summer solstice
● Winter solstice
● Spring equinox
● Fall equinox

2.3.2 Single Day Solar Study

This provides an animated view which shows the movement and operation of shadows on the site for a particular date, time span
and time interval.We can see the shadows at hourly intervals for the institutional building in Bandikui, Rajasthan on April 21 from
morning to afternoon i.e. from 7:00 am to 5:30 pm.

International Symposium on Fluids and Thermal Engineering (FLUTE 2021) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2178 (2022) 012024 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2178/1/012024

Presets available:

● One day solar study

● Spring equinox solar study
● Summer solstice solar study
● Fall equinox solar study
● Winter solstice solar study

2.3.3 Multi Day Solar Study

This solar study creates an animated view that shows the movement of shadows at a site location for predetermined data range
,time range, and time interval.We can see the shadow patterns at 2:00 PM each day from 1 April to 21 April for the institutio nal
building in Bandikui, Rajasthan. Similarly,we can also study the shadow patterns at hourly intervals from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM
over the same range of days.

Presets available

● Multi day solar study

● Spring solar study
● Summer solar study
● Fall solar study
● Winter solar study
● One year solar study

2.3.4 Lighting Solar Study

This solar study creates a single image that shows the shadows cast from a predetermined position of the sun in active view rather
than the position dependent on site location, time and date.We can project any angle view I.e. 0 to 360 degree shadows on different
elevation views, which then can be used for delivering.

We pick a preset for artificial sun position to indicate the sun position and enter values for Azimuth and Altitude. The freedom of
choice allows you to orient the sun to coordinate with either direction of the view or with the direction of the model.

Presets available

● Sunlight from top right

● Sunlight from top left.

2.4 Sun Settings

Sun settings shows the position and particular situation of the sun in view.We use this setting for various purposes:

● Observe the path of the sun.

● To see the shadows casted from the different positions of the sun which is independent of place and time.
● Solar studies.
● Utilize the sun setting command box to:

a.) Define the sun’s position by time date and geographic area
b.) Put the azimuth and altitude values.
Sun setting presets are predefined sun settings that can give simple access to time and date. Each study has mode key presets like
solstices, equinoxes and seasonal reaches. Moreover, we can make our own presets, thereby saving particular sun setting for
repeated access to time date and the required season of the year. Every study mode is fledged with an in meeting preset. By using
this preset we can determine a temporary setting for the sun in the active view and can see the changes in the patterns of shadows.
We would be then able to save the sun setting as a user defined preset.

2.5 Workflow For Solar Study:

Different solar studies which are required in the evaluation of the impact of natural light and shadows on the project are listed

1) Collect the necessary information structure drawing related to the project.

International Symposium on Fluids and Thermal Engineering (FLUTE 2021) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2178 (2022) 012024 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2178/1/012024

2) Specify the geographic location of the model or project.

3) Create different views that will support the disposal of shadows. Then further create views for solar studies.
4) From the sun settings we turn on the sun path and shadows.
5) Create the type of solar study required as per the observation.
6) Observe the resulting animation, and check if single day or multi day solar study is created.
7) Save the solar study result and then export the solar study result.

Figure 4. Sun setting dialog box Figure 5. Location and site

Figure 6. Sun setting dialogue box

2.6 Solar Analysis

Solar analysis basically visualizes and quantifies the amount of solar energy or sun’s energy that falls on the surface of the structure.
This analysis considers the shading provided by neighboring objects like vegetation and other surrounding built structures.Although
not intended for estimating photovoltaic panels, solar radiation analysis can help recognize the various locations that would help
maximize the solar gains by considering the shade effects and time variations in solar radiation analysis.

2.6.1 Workflow For Solar Analysis

For defining the workflow for solar analysis we follow these steps:

International Symposium on Fluids and Thermal Engineering (FLUTE 2021) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2178 (2022) 012024 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2178/1/012024

1. Set the geographical location of the project.

2. Set the true north of the project. (The real world north direction base on the model and site condition)
3. Switch on the sun path.
4. Set the time period of the sun path by selecting the appropriate type of solar study.
5. Display the shadows.

2.6.2 Performing The Solar Analysis.

First thing to do is to install insight 360 plug-in which is a cloud-based plug-in that helps in various analysis programs.For
performing the solar radiation analysis we open the analyze tab and select the solar insight plug in.

Figure 7. Settings dialogue box

Once we select the solar plug in , a new dialogue box will pop out named solar analysis which consists of different parameters for
selection like study type, surface selection and Results settings.Now, we select the type of of surfaces from available optio ns i.e.
All Roof exterior surfaces or All Mass faces and by moving the cursor we select the surfaces of the model which we have to analyse.
Revit permits only 3D models to perform the analysis. Once we have selected all the surfaces, click on the finish button for
performing the solar analysis

Figure 8. Solar analysis dialogue box Figure 9. Surfaces selected for solar analysis

We have an option to select the study type i.e. cumulative,peak and average isolation from analysis option ,once we have selected
the exterior roof surfaces. Now, we select the different Color overlays and the unit of the model analysis. Last step is to click on
the update tab and run the solar analysis. When the solar analysis is completed we can drag the legend bar around or can control its
size with the scale of the current view and for this we need to click on the Result setting style tab. From the colour tab, we can
customize the colour and manage the size of text & height from the legend tab.

International Symposium on Fluids and Thermal Engineering (FLUTE 2021) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2178 (2022) 012024 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2178/1/012024

Figure 10 . Analyze display styles (color) Figure 11. Analyze display styles (legend)

3. Conclusion and Result

3.1 Sun path

The sun path is described as the visual representation of the range of movements of the sun over the sky at the geographic sp ot
specified for the project. The sun path of the project lets you position the sun at various specified points within the range of the
movement throughout the time interval selected (monthly or yearly or single day). Using the on-screen control of the sun path, we
can create different types of solar studies by changing the sun path along its fixed daily regular path at various points and at any
point along its analemma.

3.1.1 Following are the different solar paths created by the different solar studies:

Figure 12. Sun path created by the multi day solar study at various time Figure 13. Sun path created by a still solar
intervals between 10:00 am to 4:30 pm from 21/03/2021 to 21/04/2021. study at time 11:15 am on 15 April 2021

International Symposium on Fluids and Thermal Engineering (FLUTE 2021) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2178 (2022) 012024 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2178/1/012024

3.2 Solar Radiation Analysis

The results obtained from solar radiation analysis help us to track the sun's energy through the design. This tool provides automated
settings for specific study types, as well as customizable options. It uses surfaces for solar analysis.

The exterior roof surface is selected = 3829-meter square.

Time period = 21 March 2021 to 21 April 2021, from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm

Insolation is the amount of energy that has been gathered on a surface area within a given time interval. Cumulative insolation is
generally expressed in (Kwh/meter sq.)

The cumulative insolation after performing solar radiation analysis= 1,33,828 kwh I.e. 35 kwh/ meter.sq

The different colors present in the final result display the impact of sun radiation on selected surfaces.

● Red = Maximum
● Yellow = Auto
● Green = Minimum

Figure 14. Solar Analysis result dialogue box Figure 15. Cumulative Insolation

Figure 16 . Solar Radiation Analysis

International Symposium on Fluids and Thermal Engineering (FLUTE 2021) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2178 (2022) 012024 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2178/1/012024

3.3 PV Potential

With the help of Revit Insight plug in we can evaluate the PV potential, we can assess the total quota of energy present for the roof
surface of the building. After doing the solar analysis, we generate the insight of the building which gives an idea of the energy
cost and visualize the photovoltaic potential in the insight web plugin.

Insight plug in refers to the alternate building materials to be used in the construction to reduce the energy consumption co st.
Various factors are available for reducing the cost of energy and we have used PV potential out of the different present factors.
Insight allows us to select the span of roof surface to be used for covering the roof with solar panels which will generate the energy
by using solar power and will help in reducing the total energy cost.

Figure 17. Benchmark Comparison

The initial cost after creating the insight was observed to be 24.3$.After ranging the different criteria like PV surface coverage and
PV efficiency the mean energy cost tends to be reduced. PV efficiency tells us the percentage of solar energy that will be converted
to AC energy.Panels having high efficiency cost more and have the ability to generate more energy without the requirement of any
extra area.The process of ranging which we did in PV surface coverage was about 75% to 90% of the total roof surface. The PV
surface coverage area basically defines how much area is to be covered by the panels. After ranging in the PV surface coverage,
the energy cost got reduced to 18.8$ from 24.3$.

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