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7.1   Introduction
Differential manometers are used to measure the difference of pressures between two
points in a pipe or in two different pipes. There are two types of differential
1.      U-tube upright differential manometer
2.      U-tube inverted differential manometer
7.2  U-tube Upright Differential Manometer
It is used to measure pressure difference at two points in a pipe or between two pipes
at different levels.
Case 1 - U-tube upright differential manometer connected at two points in a pipe
at same level
The construction and arrangement of a manometer connected at two different points,
A and B, of a pipe is shown in figure 7.1.

Fig. 7.1 U-tube upright differential manometer

ρ1 = density of liquid flowing in the pipeline
ρ2 = density of manometer liquid (assume mercury)
S = Specific gravity of liquid for which pressure has to be determined
S1 = Specific gravity of manometer liquid
hA be the pressure in terms of height of fluid in the pipe at point A
hB be the pressure in terms of height of fluid in the pipe at point B
h is the distance of mercury level in the right limb from the datum line XX�
h1 is the height of manometer liquid level in the right limb from the centre of
pipe at point B.

Case 2 - U-tube upright differential manometer connected between two pipes at

different levels and carrying different fluids

Fig. 7.2 Vertical differential manometer (pressure difference between two pipes)
S1 = Specific gravity of liquid in pipe A
S2 = Specific gravity of liquid in pipe B
S = Specific gravity of manometer liquid
hA be the pressure head in terms of height of fluid in the pipe at point A
hB be the pressure head in terms of height of fluid in the pipe at point B
h is the distance of mercury level in the right limb from the datum line XX�
h1 is the height of manometer liquid level in the left limb from the from the
datum line XX�
h2 is the height of manometer liquid level in the right limb from the from the
centre of pipe at point B.

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