15 RMM Winter Edition 2019

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Number 15 Winter 2019


Founding Editor
Available online ISSN-L 2501-0099


JP.211. Prove that there are infinitely many triples (a, b, c) of
positive integers satisfying:
a3 + b3 + c3
− abc = a + b + c
Proposed by Nguyen Viet Hung - Hanoi - Vietnam

JP.212. Find all real roots of the following equation:

(x3 − 2)3 + (x2 − 2)2 = 0
Proposed by Nguyen Viet Hung - Hanoi - Vietnam

JP.213. Prove that in any ABC triangle the following inequality

r X B C
(7R2 − 4r 2 ) ≤ m2a tan2 tan2 ≤ 4R2 − 13r 2
4R 2 2
Proposed by Marin Chirciu - Romania

JP.214. Prove that in any ABC triangle the following inequality

27r 3 X A 27R2
≤ m2a sin2 ≤
2R 2 16
Proposed by Marin Chirciu - Romania

JP.215. Prove that in any ABC triangle the following inequality

r X A 1 2r 
(4R + r)2 · ≤ m2a cos2 ≤ (4R + r)2 · 5−
2R 2 16 R
Proposed by Marin Chirciu - Romania

JP.216. Prove that in any ABC triangle the following inequality

(4R + r)2 X B C 3(4R + r)2 3
(−2R2 +17r 2 ) ≤ m2a cot2 cot2 ≤ 2 (R −5r 3 )
r(R + r) 2 2 r (2R − r)
Proposed by Marin Chirciu - Romania
Romanian Mathematical Magazine Winter Edition 2019

JP.217. Prove that in any ABC triangle the following inequality

X X 3
n sin2 A − k cos3 A ≤ (6n − k), where n, k ≥ 0
Proposed by Marin Chirciu - Romania

JP.218. Let a, b and c be positive real numbers. Prove that:

a4 +b4 b4 +c4 c4 +a4
(a) (a2 −ab+b 2 )2 + (b2 −bc+c2 )2 + (c2 −ca+a2 )2 ≤ 6
5 5
b5 +c5
c5 +a5

(b) aa2 +b+b2 + 2
b +c 2 + c2 +a2
≥ 3 abc
Proposed by George Apostolopoulos - Messolonghi - Greece

JP.219. Let be a, b, c > 0 such that: a2 b2 + b2 c2 + c2 a2 = 3a2 b2 c2 .

Find the maximum value of:
ab bc
P = 6 5 4 2
+ 6 +
2a − a + b + a + 1 2b − b + c4 + b2 + 1

+ 6
2c − c + a4 + c2 + 1
Proposed by Hoang Le Nhat Tung - Hanoi - Vietnam

JP.220. Let a, b, c be positive real numbers. Prove that:

b+c c+a a+b 4(a2 + b2 + c2 ) 2(ab + bc + ca)
+ + ≥ +
a b c ab + bc + ca a2 + b2 + c2
Proposed by Hoang Le Nhat Tung - Hanoi - Vietnam

JP.221. Let ABC be an acute-angled triangle. The perpendicu-

lars from O on ∆ABC sides, intersect BC, AC and AB sides in
A1 , A2 , A3 and the circumcircle of ∆ABC in the points A2 , B2 , C2 .
Prove that:

A1 An n n n
2 + B1 B2 + C1 C2 ≥ 3r , ∀n ∈ N
Proposed by Marian Ursărescu - Romania

JP.222. In ABC triangle the following relationship holds:

 b  hc  a  hc  c  ha  b  ha  a  hb  c  hb
wc wc wa wa wb wb
a +b +b +c +c +a ≤ 4s
a b b c c a
Proposed by Daniel Sitaru - Romania

JP.223. Let a, b, c be the lengths of the sides of a triangle with

circumradius R. Prove that:
a(a3 + (b + c)3 ) + b(b3 + (c + a)3 ) + c(c3 + (a + b)3 ) ≤ 243R4
Proposed by George Apostolopoulos - Messolonghi - Greece
2 Daniel
c Sitaru, ISSN-L 2501-0099
Romanian Mathematical Magazine Winter Edition 2019

JP.224. Let a, b, c be the lengths of the sides of a triangle with

circumradius R. Prove that:
( a+b )3 + ( b+c )3 + ( c+a )3 + 3
1 ≤ (3R)4
+ b4
+ c4
Proposed by George Apostolopoulos - Messolonghi - Greece

JP.225. Solve the following system of equations:

x3 + 2x + 3 = 8y 3 − 6xy + 4y
p p
x2 − 2y + 2 + x2 − 4y + 4 = x2 − 3y + 4
Proposed by Hoang Le Nhat Tung - Hanoi - Vietnam


SP.211. Find all real roots of the following equation:
p p
2 − x2 + 2n 2|x| − 1 = (x2 − 1)2m + 2

where m, n are positive integers.

Proposed by Nguyen Viet Hung - Hanoi - Vietnam

SP.212. Evaluate:
1 2 n
be n c + be n c + · · · + be n c
n→∞ n
where bxc denotes the integer part of x.
Proposed by Nguyen Viet Hung - Hanoi - Vietnam

SP.213. Prove that in any ABC triangle the following inequality

9r 2 2 2
X B C 1
(2R − 5r ) ≤ m2a sin2 sin2 ≤ (4R4 − 37r 4 )
4R 2 2 4R2
Proposed by Marin Chirciu - Romania

SP.214. Prove that in any ABC triangle the following inequality

3r 2 2
2 2 B 2 C 3
(4R + r) ≤ ma cos cos < (4R + r)2
4R2 2 2 16
Proposed by Marin Chirciu - Romania
c Sitaru, ISSN-L 2501-0099 3
Romanian Mathematical Magazine Winter Edition 2019

SP.215. Let a, b, c be positive real numbers such that

a + b + c + 1 = 4abc. Prove that:
a2 b b2 c c2 a 1
+ + ≥
b + 5c c + 5a a + 5b 2
Proposed by Hoang Le Nhat Tung - Hanoi - Vietnam

SP.216. Let I be the incentre of a triangle ABC with inradius

r, and let K, L, M be the intersection points of the segments
AI, BI, CI with the incribed circle of the triangle ABC, respec-
tively. Prove that:
AK n + BLn + CM n ≥ 3 · r n
for each positive integer n.
Proposed by George Apostolopoulos - Messolonghi - Greece

SP.217. Let a, b, c be positive real numbers such that:

(a3 + b3 )(b3 + c3 )(c3 + a3 ) = 8. Find the minimum value of:
a b
T = + +
(b2 + bc + c2 )(a + 2b)2 (c2 + ca + a2 )(b + 2c)2
+ ab + b2 )(c + 2a)2
Proposed by Hoang Le Nhat Tung - Hanoi - Vietnam

SP.218. Let x, y, z be positive real numbers such that:

x2 + y 2 + z 2 = 3. Find the minimum of the expression:
x y z
P = q + q + q
4 y +z 8 8
4 z +x 8 4 x +y 8
+ 3yz 2
+ 3zx 2
+ 3xy
Proposed by Hoang Le Nhat Tung - Hanoi - Vietnam

SP.219. Prove the following inequality:

n n
X a2k 1 X
≥ ak
ak + (n + 1)(s − ak ) n2 k=1

where a1 , a2 , . . . , an are any strictly positive real numbers and we

make the notation s = a1 + a2 + . . . + an
Proposed by Vasile Mircea Popa - Romania

4 Daniel
c Sitaru, ISSN-L 2501-0099
Romanian Mathematical Magazine Winter Edition 2019

SP.220. Let a, b, c > 0 such that: a + b + c = 3. Find the minimum

of the expression:
a b c
P = p + p + p +
4(b6 + c6 ) + 7bc 3 4(c6 + a6 ) + 7ca 3 4(a6 + b6 ) + 7ab
(a + b)(b + c)(c + a)
Proposed by Hoang Le Nhat Tung - Hanoi - Vietnam

SP.221. Prove that in any ∆ABC the following inequality holds:

q q
3 2 2 2
(π − A)ma · (π − B)mb · (π − C)mc ≥ 4 (π − A)a2 (π − B)b2 (π − C)c2 ,
A, B, C the measures in radians of the angles.
Proposed by Marian Ursărescu - Romania

SP.222. Let ABC be a triangle and A0 , B 0 , C 0 the intersection

points of the simedians with circumcircle. Prove that:
6r 1 1 1 3R
≤ 0
+ 0
+ 0

R KA KB KC 4r 2
Proposed by Marian Ursărescu - Romania

SP.223. In ∆ABC the following relationship holds:

! ! !
 b  hc  a  hc  c  ha  b  ha  a  hb  c  hb
wc wc wa wa wb wb
a +b b +c c +a ≥ 8abc
a b b c c a
Proposed by Daniel Sitaru - Romania

SP.224. In ∆ABC the following relationship holds:

(s2 + ra rb )(s2 + rb rc )(s2 + rc ra )
(s2 − ra rb )(s2 − rb rc )(s2 − rc ra )
Proposed by Daniel Sitaru - Romania

SP.225. Let a, b, c, d be positive real numbers with abcd = 1.

Prove that:
X 1 1 X 1 X
≤ +2 a
a(b + c + d) 9 cyc a2 cyc
Proposed by George Apostolopoulos - Messolonghi - Greece

c Sitaru, ISSN-L 2501-0099 5
Romanian Mathematical Magazine Winter Edition 2019

UP.211. Calculate the integral:
Z 1√
x ln x
0 x2 + 1
Proposed by Vasile Mircea Popa - Romania

UP.212. Calculate the limit of the sequence (an )n≥1 defined by

the following relationship:
1 2
an = ln(1 + en·arctan x )dx
n 1
Proposed by Vasile Mircea Popa - Romania

UP.213. Let A ∈ M3 (R) invertible such that: Tr A = Tr A−1 = 1.

Prove that:
det(A2 + A + I3 ) ≥ 3 det A
Proposed by Marian Ursărescu - Romania

UP.214. Find:
1 1 1
1+ 2
+ 3
+ ... + 2n −1
Ω = lim
n→∞ en
Proposed by Daniel Sitaru - Romania

UP.215. If 0 < a ≤ b < π2 then:

Z b Z b
cot x + cot y + tan(x + y)  π(b − a)
dxdy ≤
a a cot x cot y tan(x + y) 2
Proposed by Daniel Sitaru - Romania

UP.216. If 0 < a ≤ b < π2 then:

(1 + tan x)(1 + tan y)(1 + tan( π4 − x − y))
Z bZ b
dxdy ≤ π(b − a)
a a 1 + tan x tan y tan( π4 − x − y)
Proposed by Daniel Sitaru - Romania

UP.217. Find:
Z  π − 9x   π − 3x   π + 3x   π + 9x 
Ω= tan tan tan x tan tan dx
3 3 3 3
Proposed by Daniel Sitaru - Romania
6 Daniel
c Sitaru, ISSN-L 2501-0099
Romanian Mathematical Magazine Winter Edition 2019


UP.218. Let be G = {a + b 5+c 25|a, b, c ∈ Q}. Prove that if
x ∈ G then x2019 ∈ G
Proposed by Daniel Sitaru - Romania

UP.219. Let a, b, c be positive real numbers such that abc = 1.

Prove that:
a3 b3 c3
+ + ≥1
b4 c(a2 + ac + c2 ) c4 a(b2 + ba + a2 ) a4 b(c2 + cb + b2 )
Proposed by Hoang Le Nhat Tung - Hanoi - Vietnam

1 n
UP.220. If en = (1 + n
∈ N∗ then find:
) ;n
Ω = lim (e − en ) · eHn
Proposed by D.M. Bătineţu-Giurgiu, Neculai Stanciu - Romania
xn 2 n = b ∈ (0, ∞);
UP.221. If (xn )n≥1 ⊂ (0, ∞); limn→∞ √ n
· e
an = n √1 then find:
k=1 k
Ω = lim (ean+1 − ean ) · xn
Proposed by D.M. Bătineţu-Giurgiu, Neculai Stanciu - Romania

UP.222. If a > 0; (xn )n≥1 ⊂ (0, ∞) such that:

log(n + axn ) = Hn − γ then find Ω = lim xn
Proposed by D.M. Bătineţu-Giurgiu, Neculai Stanciu - Romania

UP.223. If (an )n≥1 ; (bn )n≥1 ⊂ (0, ∞) such that:

n+1 √
a 1  b 
lim · √ = a > 0; lim · n =b>0
n→∞ an n n n→∞ bn
then find:
p  1 n+1 
Ω = lim n an bn · 1 + −e
n→∞ n
Proposed by D.M. Bătineţu-Giurgiu, Neculai Stanciu - Romania

UP.224. If (an )n≥1 ; (bn )n≥1 ⊂ (0, ∞) such that:

a  b 
n n+1
lim = a > 0; lim = b > 0 then find:
n→∞ n n→∞ an bn
 p p 
Ω = lim n+1 bn+1 − n bn
Proposed by D.M. Bătineţu-Giurgiu, Daniel Sitaru - Romania
c Sitaru, ISSN-L 2501-0099 7
Romanian Mathematical Magazine Winter Edition 2019

UP.225. If m ∈ N then in ∆ABC the following relationship holds:

 a m+1  b m+1  c m+1 
3m cot A + cot B + cot C ≥m+2
ha hb hc
Proposed by D.M. Bătineţu-Giurgiu, Daniel Sitaru - Romania

Mathematics Department, ”Theodor Costescu” National Economic, Col-

lege Drobeta Turnu - Severin, MEHEDINTI, ROMANIA

8 Daniel
c Sitaru, ISSN-L 2501-0099

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