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I have a good idea.

I start my new job next week.
I need help with the new printer.
Have you tried applying for a job?
Do you have time to talk?
I've tried to do my best
Do you have final written approval for the project?
My job is exciting but it demands a lot of time.
Who should pay for the damage?
If we take the car, we have to pay for fhe parking.
I reminded you to send me your invoice last week.
His desk area and bookshelf are always well organised.
We have a corporate programme for those interested in larger purchases.
Operating expenses this year were higher than the budget allowed.

Sentence Builds

We are leaving.
There were a lot of problems to discuss.
The weather should be nice.
We didn't see what happened to the neighbours truck.
Where should we go this weekend?
Did you hear the company was sold?
Negotiating the salary takes confidence and patience.


The company may have to relocate.

I'll be finished by Friday.
What colour is your car?
It's raining at the moment.
The company is having a party for all employees this weekend.
Please spellcheck all reports before turning them in.
Please reply to this email if you're attending a seminar.
I eat there every night.
I turned down the offer because they needed someone who could travel.
I'm hungry. Let's take a break.
I'll see you on Thursday.
The plan will be drawn up tomorrow morning when everyone is together.
How long do you think we'll have to wait?
Why do you think some of the plants didn't grow?

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