Chemistry 3

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Expt. No. PageNo. 6

Expenment No-
i m a lo idenhty the Zinc ion 7

Mpparatus -1Reguised
aTest fube

Chem tal Reguied

aZinnitsate salt ssoluhon ZnloH)
b Na 014 soluhio
NH, OH oluhon
Colour 0f the salt =white

Natue of the salt Cystalline

PoLed ure

xpeiment Obse avohon Wn te xen Ce

aake a pat Ot a A gelahonu shite Znions
given salt saluio precpitaBe is ase paesent
n a clean and domed
day teut tube. To
th add NaOH
oluiOn in a Smal
9,uanhty theni

bTake a PartDf aA gelationu white Zn ions

gve Salt soluiOnprecep1kate v abe pbereht.

Teacher's Signature :
Date 19/10k
Expt. No. Page No.1E

ih a dean and day oxmed. whihL

test tube. To thus Soluble in ex Ce
add NH OH 4oluhion of NH, OH
in a amall 9,uanfhty
than 1n exte

Toacher's Signature:
ZCNo, + 2 Na OH Zn (OH). V +2 Na NO,
gelahon hue
peceprtade )

-> N a n b2 t 2Hzo
exesu Sod u uale

rCNO,). + N H, OH Z l o Hh t
2N H, NO,

Z(nno,), + ?NA, o > Lzn (NH, ]No,

ex ley) Tetsa ahe Und( 1)
Nitade foluhio
Coloua leu)
Expt. No. 8 Page No. 1 8

Aim lo identf the ax bonale jonC0
Appaxaus Requised
Tet tub e -r
bDelVeay tube - 1

Chemicali Reqjuuredd
a ih C Casbonate salt
bBle tmuspape
m e watex
d K C0apeaper
eDilute HSO,

Colous Ot the salt whute

N a u e of the salt- amaxphou

xpenment ObsenOhon TnfeaenLe
alake a pat Of A colourlesyand Thu qau
the Qiven sat ih0dous ledd gau
w ma be
a. clean and d Cnvolved wth a CO om
test tube To thu charactenestiu any saE
add litHle amount buiteffee vesence.
Of dilue Hsoy

bBai ng a moiut ltmuhe mowt blue he q0

Teacher's Signature :
Date 9/u/e
Expt. No. &
Page No.19

Papex near the it mu paner 1sQ i d .

mouth of the test tur ed.

cBanng a acidi fed No effect on the The gas M

k, C paper acudihed kCxO notSO,_
hear The mouth of|Ppes ie, 0xange
zinc test tube. Colous of dichaomate!
panex dosen t tuan

dNo pas he The me wafer he Qa

above ga1 hough tuns milky due to CO,Loa-
lime water. the foxmaon of -itme C0,
ingoluble Ca CO Onu Qre Deuen

Teacher's Signature:
ZnCO t H, S0 ZnO, + H0 + CO,t


CaloH), + CO Ca C0, +HO

me insoluble)
Date 911 2
Expt. No. Page No. 2 0

Expen men 9
im lo idenhfy the chlomde ion CI

Appaxahus Reguted
aest tube -1
bClad Rod

*Chenucals Regused
a NaC a l t
bConcentratedH 0
lue utfmu paDer
dNA,0H aoluhon
e A g N0, soluhon
qDilte HNO,
*Coloux Of the alalt-Whute

Natue of the saltCystalline


Lxpehment Obse aa/oion 1n exe n Ce

aTake a art of A Colourleis gas iThe ga Ls
he given sal t evolved with a mOy be
oluhon in a clean Suttocatinq odou HC
and dry test tube.and bask
To this add concent- etteye hsem ce
xated H50,
Teacher's Signature:
Date 91/2
Expt. No. 9 Page No.

bake most blue Blue limuw paper The gas u

limupaper neax fuans àed. auidic.
the mouh Of the
t e t tube.

Bnng glas àod It gve densee he qas

dipped in NH,OH Lohite fumes due to HCL
Soluhon when toxmaton ot
exposed to hea salid NH, CI
hear the mouth
Ot the test tube

d a k e a paxt ot theageenish yellow

Qiven Salt in a ga is evoluëd ofC
leah and day å punoent Blea chev
tet tube To it uffocaing odou athon due
add a ch Of he qa moyt blue to Cl gas.
HNO tox med by itm u pader ed Cl gas
tew daopu or and bleaches it.Con.hixmed
Concentsated HSO,The ga tuahs k? CI ion
paperblue - b l a k paeJent.
and he0t it

e.Take a Daat of the a urdy uhute ppt u

iven salt aaluion obtained which
i n clean and day oluble in eXLe Of
test tube.To this NH,OH and is
add AqNO, in mallsoluble in dulute
o,uanity- HNO
Teacher's Signature:

NaCI+ H. SOy -> Na H$0+HCi

Concentaa ¥ed)

(Dense ohite

NaCl + RgNO, AgCl +NaNO

Cu d
Lohute PPt)

AgC1+ NH,OH - LAg (NH),CI 4 H0

diammine silver T)

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