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Patana, Genmari Leoneil R.

Biodiversity Conservation December 10, 2022
Midterm Examination
1. Define the three levels of biodiversity
• The term "biodiversity" refers to the diversity of life on Earth at all scales,
from genes to ecosystems. It can also refer to the processes involved in
evolution, ecology, and culture that support life. Under this are three levels
which is genetic diversity, species diversity, and ecosystem diversity
which works in harmony with each other create the complexity of life on
Earth. Genetic diversity deals with different varieties of genes within a
species. Species diversity takes account the species richness and lastly,
ecosystem diversity deals with the different habitats, ecological processes,
and different biological communities.
2. What are the classification of Threatened Species? Elaborate.
• There are four classifications under Threatened Species. Critically
endangered species are species that is under high threat of going extinct
soon in the wild. Endangered species are species are considered to be next
classified as critically endangered if factors still continue. Vulnerable
species are neither critically endangered nor endangered but is under
threat from various factors. Lastly, other threatened species refers to a
species that is not critically endangered, endangered nor vulnerable but is
under threat from adverse factors.
3. Discuss the factors of genetic diversity.
• Genetic diversity are affected by four factor: genetic mutation, gene flow,
genetic drift, and natural selection. Mutations are change in the DNA
sequence of an organism and can happen randomly. Gene flow is the
movement and exchange of genes from one population of species to
another. Genetic drift is the random change of frequency of a given allele
within a population from one generation to another. Caused by two
mechanisms: bottleneck and founder effects. Natural selection is the
process through which populations of living organisms adapt and change
whereas the strong survives and the weak will perish.
4. What is the main reason why the Rio Forest Principle did not materialize?
• The main reason why the Rio Forest Principle did not materialize is that the
Rio Summit is non-legally binding which means the countries that were
involved are not required to follow it to which is why it failed.
5. Sino ang pinaka-pogi/magandang Prof sa TUP? Bonus
• Of course, ang pinakapoging prof sa TUP is none other than Mr. Jansteen
Jeareau Manuel himself. Baka Sir Jansteen yan Advance Happy Holidays
Sir :>
6. According to the CBD Convention Text, what are the key elements of genetic
resource use agreements?
• These are the key elements of genetic resource use agreements according
to the CBD Convention Text:
➢ The requirement that before granting access to resources, the
country of origin must give its prior, informed consent.
➢ The requirement for access agreements that are mutually acceptable
to both the country of origin and, if possible, direct genetic resource
providers like private individuals or local communities
➢ The significance of benefit sharing; the need to fairly and equitably
distribute any gains resulting from the utilization of genetic
resources with the party that provided them.
7. What is the difference between Agenda 21 and the Rio Declaration?
• Agenda 21 is more of a blueprint in providing a comprehensive action plan
to be taken globally, nationally, and locally by organizations of the UN,
governments, and major groups. On the other hand, Rio declaration are
principles and guidelines that are established towards the goal of
sustainable development around the world.
8. Factors affecting forest diversity. Elaborate
• One of the major factor affecting forest diversity is climate change such as
species found in high elevations cannot move to even higher elevations.
Forest management systems, in which many species depend on more open
and heterogenous forest conditions. Plantation forests which is the
replacement of native forests and habitat loss. Lastly, is growing stocks in
which strict forests with high structural density can decline.
9. Parameters to measure the health and integrity of an ecosystem
• There are 3 parameters to measure the health of an ecosystem. First is
through organization, in which how an ecosystem maintains its structure
or group of organisms. Production, which is the mortality rate of species.
Lastly, resilience, which the capacity to maintain its structure under
external stress or respond from disturbance by resisting from the damage
of natural or human activities.
10.Why Rio Summit urges countries to “think globally and act locally”?
• The saying “think globally and act locally” means that countries or nations
must in order to combat a common enemy which is climate change, they
must first act locally by changing the policies in their localities first. Same
as the saying goes “change starts from oneself first”.

11. Under Article 7 of the CBD Convention, provide at least 3 examples of indicative
categories that guide parties in determining the priority for identification.
• Tracking the biological diversity elements discovered by sampling and
other methods.
• Maintaining organize data that derived from the identification and
monitoring activities.
• Identifying species' processes that significantly affect biodiversity
conservation and sustainable usage
12.What are the remaining countries that have yet to ratify the CBD? Cite the reason
• There are only two UN members who are not parties to the CBD: the United
States of America, and Vatican City. Vatican City did not ratify due to their
conflicts in their beliefs and laws. As for the United States of America,
Republican resistance prevented Congress from obtaining a 67-vote
majority in the ratification vote under President Clinton. No president has
since put the agreement up for approval.

13.Under the CBD, discuss the difference between Financial Resources and Financial
• Financial Resources and Financial Mechanisms differ in that Financial
Resources offer their capacity to provide financial support that makes
funding for national events available for CBD purposes, while Financial
Mechanisms offer the provision of financial resources to the nations that
require financial resources/support that makes funding for national
events/activities available and are held accountable for resource use.
14.Discuss the significance of genetic diversity in a) Agriculture, b) Livestock
production, c) Forestry
• A.) Genetic diversity play a significant role in ensuring food security since
mostly crops depend on genetic diversity. This play a huge role in future
food production. B.) Livestock rely on genetic diversity the same way as
agriculture. Domestic livestock has increased the amount of food and
nourishment available to people in four different ways: by supplying
sources of meat, milk, fertilizer, and pulling plows. This has led to the
emergence of human cultures and civilizations. C.) In Forestry, trees are
the foundation of forests which provide diversity in foods services. Forests
play a huge role in landscape restoration and help in climate change
adaptation and mitigation.

15. Why do we still get the ecosystem services that sustain us even though we live in an
urban setting with very limited interaction with nature?
• As we interact with and change the natural environment, we have also
changed it. It has acted as a continual influence in our lives, guiding our
cultural, intellectual, and social growth.

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