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High Technology Letters ISSN NO : 1006-6748


Shubham Bidkar1, Vijay S Rajpurohit2, Prashant Niranjan3
Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
Gogte Institute of Technology, Belgaum, India


This project idea of the app will allow the users to book tickets for flights, buses, trains and
hotels. Saving time and effort by booking and maintaining travel arrangements from a single
app is a perk. In fact, many applications such as or TripAdvisor give offers and
discounts on bookings to the customers. This entices clients to continue using their apps.
Benefits of using such an app include the ability to organize excursions from a single
location, which includes selecting a destination, renting a car for sightseeing, and travelling to
nearby locations while on vacation. The creation of an app based on this full-stack project
idea offers all travelers a one-stop shop for all their needs. These applications provide the
management of the entire travel experience by your consumers from a single online booking
platform. What are the All-in-One Travel Booking App's Core Features? Searching
capabilities to locate a bus, a location, and stops checking seats in real-time purchasing
tickets Payment choice Access to reserved tickets offline real-time bus or train tracking Using
push notifications Option to cancel a ticket Chat assistance integration of hotel and taxi

Keywords: -Web application, Java Full Stack, Booking, Flight, Bus, Train, Hotel, Angular,
Spring Boot.

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High Technology Letters ISSN NO : 1006-6748

There are two elements to full-stack development to begin with: front-end development and
back-end development. In terms of full stack development, it includes a stack of apps that the
developer would manage and work on entirely from beginning to end.

Using Java "Full Stack Java" technology, dynamic and static web content may be created
quickly and easily. The chance to create components that enhance online apps and advance
our job prospects as IT professionals is wonderful.

To become a web developer, there are no formal schooling or licencing prerequisites.

However, a lot of universities and technical institutions provide courses in web development.
Additionally, there are an a plenty of courses and publications that educate web development
and are frequently free to access online, such as those on JavaScript.
Although there are no official criteria, web development projects call for sophisticated
knowledge and abilities from web developers, including:

 JavaScript, CSS, and HTML

 Server/client-side architecture, which includes some or all of the advantages
 Using one of the several server-side programming languages or frameworks
 The capacity to use a database using front-end tools like Angular to build single-
page applications

[1] Angel Jude Suarez December 2021This 2022 Travel Management System Project In
Java was developed in JAVA Programming using NetBeans IDE, This Java Project With
Source Code designed using Graphical User Interface (GUI), This project in Java NetBeans
Using Selection Statement (If Statement), Random Function Generator, and the following
components, JTextField, JTextArea, JLabel, JRadioButton, and JComboBox.

[2] Online booking, often known as "e-booking," comes in a variety of formats and is
frequently categorised according to the degree of digitization of three dimensions: the service
being offered, the sales process, and the delivery agent (Turban et al, 2002).
[3]People used to go in order to purchase bus tickets in the past when there was no internet
capability available, but today all customers need to do is conduct a simple web search for
such businesses before making their trip arrangements.
[4] A one-of-a-kind travel management solution, travel management system includes full
online one-way trip reservation capabilities as well as the ability to combine travel, hotel, and
car rental reservations into a single request. The traveller merely needs to take out the printed
ticket and make the trip on the scheduled day when the client has finished searching for a seat
and specifying any necessary options (car rental and/or hotel booking).

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High Technology Letters ISSN NO : 1006-6748

Existing System:
• All Work are done Manually.
• In Manual Booking System Customer has to go to the Tours and Travel Agency.
• Ask Inquiry for Travelling then Book ticket Finally Pay Payment & Collect Receipt.
• Difficult To Maintain the Customer Details of Package and Payment Receipt in
• They Register Tour Package in the notebook.
• Add advertisement in Local newspaper or Local Market.
• Use Travelling Facility for the Limited Area or Person.

 Different websites for booking different modes of travel.

 Unavailable of cab services.
 Old payment methods

We are all aware of how difficult it is in these days to stay away without using internet. And
in this era of internet and advanced technologies who will book their travel in the traditional
methods such as by visiting the booking office and getting a paper-based ticket. To reduce all
these efforts required in the booking tickets we have toused the web-based applications which
provides best user interface and save lot of time required in the process. The online booking
process is very simple and every individual can understand it and can book their tickets
within no time.

 To build a Travel Booking which helps all the user to book the entire trip at a single
 This application involves modules such as Flight booking, Train booking, Bus Booking
and Hotel booking.
 The information of the user can be stored in database safely which can be used later.

Web application which helps users to book tickets for flights, trains, buses.
1) It provides good user interface.
2) It has an authentication system that allows users to log in and will get a verification
mail for the new users.
3) Maintains the user records in MySQL database.
4) It has a payment gateway through which users can pay the ticket amount.

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The travel booking website helps us to book tickets of flights, trains, buses and hotels at a
single place. It is built using angular 14 framework for front end and Spring Boot framework
for backend. There are various modules such as Admin, Home, Paymen Payment, Booking, Flight,
Train, Bus, Hotel etc. All the modules have different functionalities. The admin has authority
to add the data to the data base, which the users can fetch while booking.
For example, the admin can add a flight along with its price and availability
availability and later the user
can book it. The payment module has several ways of making a payment such as debit card,
phone pay, google pay etc. Later after booking the flight the user can manage their booking
and can also cancel it.

Entity Relationship Diagram

Figure: ER diagram of the Booking System

This figure provides all the information related to the modules and the relationship between

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The route that information follows through
through a system or process is shown in a data flow
diagram. It includes the multiple data inputs, outputs, and storage that the data passes
through. The following diagram describes data processing and all host permissions.

Figure: Data flow diagram of Flight module.


Figure: Data flow diagram of Train module


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Figure: Data flow diagram of Bus module


Figure: Data flow diagram of Hotel module

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1. Front-End:
 The front-end stack is made up of many languages and libraries. All web browsers
can only understand a few numbers of generic languages, albeit they do vary
depending on the application. The three main front-end coding languages are HTML,
CSS, and JavaScript.

 Together, they create the basic structure used by web browsers to create the online
sites that we use every day. Front-end developers must be familiar with these three
fundamental languages since they provide the basis for all other libraries and front-
end engineering.

 You could actually compare a webpage to a house. The first UX design serves as the
framework. The foundation of the home is HTML. The CSS is what makes the house
seem appealing, including the paint, furnishings, and other design choices. Last but
not least, JavaScript is the home's internal systems that we, as the owner or tenant, use
and enjoy (lights, heating, water).

2. Back-end:

Java has been the most frequently used programming language for more than 20
years. There are several backend frameworks available, however they all have
varying degrees of dependability and adaptability. Cur3rently, the most popular Java
backend frameworks are Spring Boot, Hibernate.

 Spring

One of the most reliable and adaptable backend frameworks is the Spring Framework. It has a
number of various modules that provide programmers a selection of application tools.
Additionally, Spring offers a data access architecture that eliminates many of the challenges
associated with using application databases, such as:

o Exception handling
o Resource management and unwrapping
o Transaction participation

Unfortunately, there is a steep learning curve because Spring is such a powerful framework
and can provide so many alternatives. Confusion might result from the framework's
complexity and the abundance of options, especially for novice developers.

 Hibernate

Hibernate is a well-known Java backend framework that offers an abstraction layer for
dealing with your database, from creating connections to carrying out CRUD tasks. It's
important to remember that hibernate is not a totally independent framework and is not
intended to solve many of the problems with Java Database Connectivity (JDBC). However,
JDBC is significantly simpler to use since it supports object-level interactions and has an
abstraction layer.

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Figure: Above image is the home page of the website.

Figure: Login Page.

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Figure: Flight Booking module.

Figure: Confirmation page.

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Figure: Payment module.

Figure: Manage Bookings.

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High Technology Letters ISSN NO : 1006-6748

This application helps us to overcome the present system’s drawbacks. This work is
electronic. Remote monitoring and control are possible for it. It reduces the manpower
required. It consistently offers correct information. Any information obtained or added may
be preserved and viewed at any time. The project's data storage aids in the management
team's ability to make timely and informed judgments. All the information of the user can be
stored in database safely which can be used later. This system is essential in booking of all
kinds of travel.

[1] D. I. Scărişoreanu, "Configuring an application which allows online booking and
purchase of travel tickets for railway and road transport - Unified Modeling
Language," 2020 International Conference on Mathematics and Computers in
Science and Engineering (MACISE), 2020, pp. 30-33, doi:
[2] Puhe, M.; Edelmann, M.; Reichenbach, M. 2014. Integrated Urban E-Ticketing for
Public Transport and Touristic Sites. Final Report on Application Concepts and the
Role of Involved Stakeholders. European Parliamentary Research Service. 96 p.
[3] M. Conyette, "Modeling factors that influence online travel booking," Proceedings of
the International Conference on e-Business, 2011,
[4] R. Dhanagopal, N. Archana and R. Menaka, "Enhanced Hotel Booking Application
using PEGA," 2020 4th International Conference on Electronics, Communication and
Aerospace Technology (ICECA), 2020, pp. 80-84, doi:
[5] M. K. Shaikh, S. Palaniappan, T. Khodadadi, S. Ali, F. Ali and F. Ali, "Using eBus
Services Solution, Book Anywhere to Save Time," 2020 International Conference on
Information Science and Communication Technology (ICISCT), 2020, pp. 1-7, doi:

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