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Multiply Technologies

In-House Developed E-Commerce Solution

Technical & Commercial Proposal

1 051-5191840, Marble Road, Westridge III, Rawalpindi

This document contains information that is proprietary and confidential to Multiply
Technologies and its technical alliance partners, which shall not be disclosed outside or
duplicated, used, or disclosed in whole or in part for any purpose other than to evaluate our

The information (including, but by no means limited to, data, drawings, specifications,
documentation, software listings, source and/or object code) shall not be disclosed,
manipulated, disseminated or otherwise in any manner inconsistent with the nature and/or
conditions under which this documentation has been issued.

2 051-5191840, Marble Road, Westridge III, Rawalpindi

Table of Contents

Disclaimer 2

About Multiply Technologies 4

Document Description 4

1. Introduction 5

2. Requirements and Analysis Summary 5

3. Technical Proposal 6

4.1 Website 6

4.2 Mobile App 6

4.3 Admin Portal 7

4.4 Rider App 7

5. Solution Architecture 8

5. Deployment Services 9
5.1 Deployment prerequisites availability 9

6. Documentation 10

7. Commercial Proposal 10

3 051-5191840, Marble Road, Westridge III, Rawalpindi

About Multiply Technologies
Multiply Technologies is a software solution company working in different domains to provide IT
related services. Our goal is to help our clients gain more by atomizing their complex manual
systems. We offer services like Web Development, App Designing and Development for companies
that are ready to take their business to the next level.

From designing an optimal solution to the deployment of the final product and providing excellent
post-deployment maintenance and support, we make sure that our clients get the perfect solutions
for their daily problems.

Document Description
The purpose of this document is to explain the functions, components and architecture of a standard
eCommerce system developed by Multiply Technologies. It includes the proposed solution and
architecture along with the details of all the features included in the system.

The document also includes the details of our deployment services and how we provide proper
documentation for our clients to understand their systems in a better way.

4 051-5191840, Marble Road, Westridge III, Rawalpindi

1. Introduction
With the rapid advancement in the business sector, many companies face the problems of being
unable to handle the manual processes that have been in place for decades. Automating business
processes not only allows businesses to keep track of their operations in a better way, it also
improves the work quality by saving time and effort, and introducing accuracy in all operations.

Businesses are also moving to the online market as well, which allows them to expand their
customer base. This requires a website, mobile application, and an admin portal to handle all the

The purpose of an eCommerce system is to automate business operations to achieve maximum

results with minimum efforts. It also allows businesses to have an online identity as a brand and
attract more customers through their website and mobile application. The system also has an admin
portal that allows the administrators to manage the data for the website and mobile application.

2. Requirements and Analysis Summary

The main requirement of this eCommerce system is to create an online shopping store for a
business. Logging of important data and keeping track of operations becomes much easier when all
processes are handled in a system where server, admin portal, website and mobile application are
linked together.

The eCommerce website and mobile application must allow the customers to create and manage
their accounts. They must show all the available products and their details. The users should be able
to place and track their orders through both the website and the app. An additional requirement of a
Payment Module can be requested which will be integrated to allow a user to make online

The admin portal will allow the administration or management to handle the data, orders, and order
details for the website and application. A business website will show all the details about the
business and can be made separate from the eCommerce website upon request.

5 051-5191840, Marble Road, Westridge III, Rawalpindi

3. Technical Proposal
The proposed system consists of three parts.

● Website
● Mobile App
● Admin Portal

4.1 Website
Website will include the following pages/features.

● Products
● Categories
● Detail
● Customer Details
● Order History
● Shopping Cart
● User Signup
● Order Tracking
● Packages
● Payment Integration
● Contact Us
● Complaints

4.2 Mobile App

The android mobile application and website will have the following features.

1. Signup

2. Login

3. Customer Dashboard

a. Personal Information

b. Orders

c. Discounts

6 051-5191840, Marble Road, Westridge III, Rawalpindi

e. Cart

4. All Products

5. Packages

6. Contact Us

7. Complaints

8. Payment Mode Integration (On Integration)

4.3 Admin Portal

The admin portal will have the following features.

1. Order Management

2. Stock and Inventory control

3. Customer Information handling

4. Customer purchase history management

5. Receipt printing

6. Employee details

7. Tracking of Orders

8. Delivery Rider tracking and live location

9. Monthly statistics reports

10. Rider Current Location

11. Rider Location History

4.4 Rider App

The android mobile application for rider will have the following features.

1. Login

2. Assigned Orders

3. Customer Location and Address

4. Payment

7 051-5191840, Marble Road, Westridge III, Rawalpindi

5. Order History

6. Attendance

The app and website will allow a user to create an account and view all the products offered by the
business. The user can view all the products and its details in a user-friendly interface. The user will
be able to place orders that can also be tracked through the order status. A customer dashboard will
show the personal details, orders and order details linked to the user. The app and website can also
allow the user to make online payments through an additional Payment module that can be
integrated upon request.

The admin portal will allow the administration to manage the customer data along with the order
details and purchase history. It also allows proper stock management and inventory control. The
admin will also be able to handle all the employees data along with the delivery riders. The portal
will make it very easy to track the delivery of parcels along with the live location of the rider. The
portal will also generate monthly statistics reports that show different figures like sales, profits, etc.

5. Solution Architecture
The figure below shows the solution architecture of the system. It is a visual representations of all
the components of the eCommerce system and how they interact with each other.

8 051-5191840, Marble Road, Westridge III, Rawalpindi

The customer will interact with the mobile application and the website which gets the data from the
database using the web service. The admin portal allows the administration to directly access the
web service to manipulate data in the database. Last but not the least, the delivery rider will be able
to access required customers’ and order data from the database through the web service as well
using the rider application.

5. Deployment Services
Multiply Technologies will be responsible for the deployment services for this project. We will make
sure that a smoothly running system is live making operations easier and more efficient.

5.1 Deployment prerequisites availability

We will define the deployment prerequisites as part of the definition process. The project team will
coordinate for the implementation and availability of all prerequisites including hardware like

9 051-5191840, Marble Road, Westridge III, Rawalpindi

servers, IP connectivity and communication ports on corresponding platforms to be integrated
before the app goes live.

6. Documentation
Documentation of the system is a key artifact for successful operations. We will submit the system
documentation in an easy to use interactive format. Documentation consists of product documents,
user manual and functional specifications. Documents are made available in Adobe PDF format and
will be either sent by email or provided on CD-ROM.

7. Commercial Proposal
Following is the preliminary summary of project financial distribution:

Description Qty Unit Price Total

Customer Website/Admin Portal 1 - 250000

Mobile App 1 200000

Rider App 1 130000

Payment Gateway Integration 1 50000 50000

One Year Support from Go Live 1 0 0

Total 630000

10 051-5191840, Marble Road, Westridge III, Rawalpindi

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