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ah cae ek ds fee ee GENE) Deogiri institute of Engineering & Management Studies Page No. Dao: / 20 Concrete Mix Design. Grode of Gnerete = P1Go * Type aes posure Moderate A Design Mie 4 = 150-145) *_Mazinum Size ale ca Aggregate. = 2QOmmn Fine Age agate. = Zone DE & _Specift ei ate 2.0 aha ns! x 2S Grow of Water < * if. G eer k Specfi Grawity PL Fine Asgreante = 2.65 © mOaQiey = ane Pon ft : s2.cen 22} o'gr aot * Water ahsarphan of Bae Apgasaate 12S Y ens £ Add mixtun = 4.2! CEs Deogiri Institute of Engineering & Management Studies a Da: 10 | 4) Tax get Mean Stooegth, of Gnevete = fikt bes om nee <= shadard, othe deyichan = 63.2 f= SN foot | [Is : 456 :2000 Table: @ CPage 229) 2) Determinasen of Water Cement Rah'o water comer Radha cleperl: exposure (Poderafe] Pew Jable -5 of IS?456¢-2000 ( Pagez)| serum water smert Qatis = a Ba Lon experience adept Jen coment Rain duce by SY = 0.5-0-0 = ot 3) Determinah an Lf Water - Gnfent From table - 2 IS: 10262: 2009 [Page 3] MNammnurs walex contend fe Agaregaile = 126 tes 20mm x (DIEMS| Deogiri Institute of Engineering & Management Studies Page No. Date: / 20 -—— This_value of water conferf is for 2S fo Soa, - 2 2 Ie) — clause. %.2 CPage 2) *K arene 4 get f clump fs) 50-19 Sm CAs per Is: 16262-2009 clause 4.2 1, tacwcage 3/_fo oe additonal 26am s|umpo) Eohmaled uotes content fr }} Sim slump = lest (is yige) = 213.9 Jee Po . yo = ode As a admixture js used the water condyf can be reduced by Isy and abave ‘_vedoce by 157 = 213.9 ~ is 2j3.5\2 t2).92 Jin Water Galent = |2 |-82 titye. 4) Gloulatian af Cement sober As por ‘ahle S of IS: 456-2600 CPage:20) Ys moderate, XPosure muniaam Cement = 300 keg Ind water coment sada = p 4 toater ised = 19 J-92 |ifres (DIEMS| Deogiri Institute of Engineering & Management Studies Page No. Date Ean | ommend content = aber conlenf we Whe vad} geet 2 some e824 3 e a1ae 4.9 ca, tohicdy js orectern -than ae CB |S) Cateulabinn of” Volume of coarse ond fine | aggzegale—cactent from Table 3 of IS: 10262-2009 value of? max cg O. oggregihe ond fine agers Je zone -—IC fir toaber cernen radia a O.S = 064 actal ua hia = 0.4 [asthe we vaio js wedurel itis desrable to inceago the . proportion fo veduen the fir Sgegescpibe) Ih Coarse aggp-sele IS jnercogel af the gate a}. dal for: oii ‘Aodesasc © act f gos bx who = 00 o-05 Deogiri Institute of Engineering & Management Studies Page No Date: 1120 a ee 0.95 ole rad Caan. Ag = O64t0] = o.cs Since it js anqulae aagrgate £ Gneede is tn be pumps the sggesgte canbe eis fy lov, —— ZS: 1026 2~ 2009 clause Not As Page a) by schuscing Joy ws get = O.65-(jo yoss) 100 os gfe- 0 585° Volume of fine Aggy ~ I-0-S¢s = 0.41 NHN 6S Desian iy Cabo ation [As : 10262 - 2009] The Myr design caleubdian pertuopt valame necete shall be as fallarn Y Nolume of onerte = on Se eel C3 Deogiri Institute of Engineering & Management Studies Page No. Date: 20 b) Valuno of coment = Mass sf Cnmd p. gaily of coment x)000 = 404 = 0.133n3 2.93 X1000 SS Volume of eaters Mass of water pg f water X1900 = ig).g2 = 692m 1X 1000 sp. gravity XLooe Assumivg dorge of 1.21 by usighl £ comochhaug —_——neletial_ond asuming sp. gravihy a4 Le] | = 1e2igo X404 = 9-04 eon Lor HL x (060 7 jy= Qa] » 2 aggregate = 2X1 = 6. 02m3 100 Aspe 18: 10262 :200 5 _ is_cancide ved GUST Deogiri institute of Engineering & Management Studies Page No. Date: {20 | PS Volume of all-aymgate: Goarses hine)- L = Vol. 0} = Cv t volume i ve © i of £ 2 agon 6.le 240.0 O02). = 0-6 = 0.666 X0.S9¢ X22 2 Yino oe o92. 2k. b) Mass of fine aggraete.= val. of all Agg Xvol. of EA: Xp. grat, oo, u J i Mr 4 I nt 1000 F214 keg ( GENES Deogiri institute of Engineering & Management Studies Page No. Date: 1 (20 of Pospar tiny ov “Trial Mix te + Camert Chg fag) = 404 “ +22 ie = 92}. *x Coarse Aegregaile Cha fri) Jor2.2 [bey of Zamm 4 40% of lomm] Admivhrre Ck {ni)= 4.242 A wWoter, coment whip = 0.45

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