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Signature of Concerned Remarks Faculty fh edie a a 2 eels 6 0 ; a: | veoh a wi wee ee error dete oI Segelan gles Povoreertn went Ob & TECHNOLOGY mit MEERUT INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING ‘em - Experiverl-2 owe t jechwe. 15 Atudy perbermance, of Serve volte Atablizer at acy Using me ban fe: a Ap ar % @ servo Stabilizer trainer kif. Pous er Supply. al spe * This setup desi ! iffou Called Servo eee fe ign) anc Comes a6 autonati Conbrol. System . the bose Oh Hix Retup ib +o btudg the Perporeat contro inaen (te Coutrel Ac volt te Glee pad by close. deop Pre .coma Coutaol and +e Obreve Ho eppect Of, loop gain upor error: eu Lor Permenend/mag not aymofure Con ~Gpltsed loee ele tT moy bo Apectpied by as a nn leap bys mm Db Auch, Hed Contred action & Buokoue Upow procs ofp. the i]P. 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U) SRE OY Clockisise, Movement cp Serramotor, a SCRo Teenie abt of serve mofor: the Bewhg Clmont traupormen back. lus Cousisting of sectipire filter and attenuator. Rosull. we Atudy Pexpomnante TO vol fa Ghabi\tzer at vari®ug |8as Ga dug. Joad banh . forecat inn 6 Orondle, pit cave Gotta CRI Power Aegp Sup Ply i On. ee eeeeeenenennly rd by lob Kihructor bopere | ind Sblale Gutput Vs input chavacterishios. & TECHNOLOGY “Geant me ject 15 study Synchro —tronsmittes and Scales HU 5 Ul MEERKUIL LNSILIUIE OF ENGLNEERING Apparatus Unred ¢. per ba Bit Dual trace, CRD MulHmotey Power ply. ; hs Theory AynehrO tronaw iter [ Secxiver So junit dass un stocky Stomote pransui er ee IN ACs Serve mechanism these. ave alse ¢ chronsmitfer Hecetuers ralsele are ened [The tyncl-re motors ave Sm eaitiont Cee terang mission Of C i The bastetsimuclure op Ben | Ata the wsinding ave Mi tho fp gives pubs tant function Of Hho al motors Bott ang ular P' 5 s0Ter and weurd| lode ine Such. a way lol. variation a & 13-94] 93-2] 6° apen| Sort] TS 59-5 | 14-44 FS2 seg | 22 | SD 736 [ses] IS! Go: 2| 77-0 RO19 aT Car dagen POziVibu ok & thro, R “Deke, NT Vie Dy Conve. How eee us b No(s) yas wet Vs (leet) a fy Sych 90 Frarshal ft 9 [sctiver or Re eg tude, | Hele, [Pha B MEERUI LNSTLTUTE OF ENGINEERING ie l & TECHNOLOGY Ree Amgular PoslHont utor Perit = OS ee al rola ee x Diberence| u o 1 ~ a 380 4o ~to} &3 bo to | “le i Jo 58 | -§ a Eva aS & Igo se f- ~ SF a Bo (88 8 | & 210 =o 240 24s | =te ult s. we Btu i te rept On ite au ~ In|p ole O O@/ana ody LE Pel entionoes ee — J — file gps TECHNOLOGY ths pesvations Tab Lt Date: So Poirier Cage] Ob oF Wlextone hy De if S100 QS Output voted Wiiolon Rosul+ 2 detector by Potentonatens: tae + Eee abet SR * ED 2 tthe a bi dish Ea a er) hd ue react lity gyre Tendo ‘es WY Lommand Bietsel Ub 458 Provided ne i gi Sek Ptertio iow Contwo} 5Y unit and tb) cousiats ° motes ye St nd CB in tomtosl: WO et rape i. {Command A al 6 tionary at toa Heat Te by a semen user Butt Comme! up Congr fe aoueghonr ent OS BwP 0 cae aac HBO +e ond pele peries ee tgs AN eat Ook Sea & ee 4 poxve Puce yo a mi t MEERUT INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY ’ bude block. + The. gain. Bling Popvidec Upon, the. 4 ‘fanet. “This block. provides fomwoxd pate gain KY jn equal. Bleps From Btoj 0, ahlootect bya. ‘ro\o7y pobuclor Provided. Cepous Hho parol. @ K= Ka GF rSCIVO Awplibipe Hoch, h The eave awelipier ia a is — pull bransistortzed amelibles- oleate Prone 26 t buprly «THs Voltage gain ks» ig Pinal at 26 itl 9 balput- how quectratave phase. wli2 motor Seaperenco, ii ings Vottage, Phase, ke (Ve = Ks Ucn; © Wa 5 85+ “Tho Hime Suspense. Of Ayblen iste blow fem Converter} cLisplay Upo CRO, “This wowbry Cord Con Cophmre Hho event, hore It Ina RAM eel ah, display ~fio &lered Contenl, On a } . 2 woe A aie: Sane ts zed il MODE B, ewvor detector mespoute ia Hecorded. 3 The patina Coslaal +, fA Second Order ayctene Hoprehenjed im Ho, fom as |S re To | Whove 'g" ts Called He clawping role and Ww. Fo dural frequency? the. Polos of tho, ypten wage bat eal pended og: Comp lox Conjugated depends upon Hho. Value, O'S. whieh ty Stef tocted im blep SespOntor . Th axe token as t- . Uedurrde ed core (OZE<1)t Drtbis cose the i MuerEe ace, “FranshOrm- Por input [ outpat is Y Sbtained on + | Por iou Feeppack in for Hoy eX bane train = Condy) hee ee (Xs winding ~ Lond ‘ | JL Step Sf - i e . "er tig be “Galen fener m Block iegnon” ) 2 Ri y — See tedicg ROTOR core | 3 . al COwhef Ec Lainelings Ku es Ec(s) STs) Ox (5) ligt: “reer place At Servomode oi? a mi t MEERUT INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY [ew = t | ENT) sin fant ee . N feat tare, Cotieall danged Case (pay) _ Rees 8 hear ¥ egret, he. 848}ene may be ore i dom Deen r nay aepined as Othoally wae and unegen = imuerse ck) = Be [ee 1 = kak ft & S43 4+Xakelr | |b Ri 2 Rise Thee 3 «Uy JeTH in Hotes sfobor ey He Ses PE |-+© pprocel Cpproack. tony. ef Hcl value. Per tirst fine. 2 gfaens wee) oe eg Ce) Peak time (49) 2+ THHs tine. tobim tow te Sespese ty Oppreack He ease P i | Gen OT ) TB49f dal Pade, i Feed bach. Pa. a ayn. Lime. loop pinged ne OF AC moor Fit, i Conta, tt uls) teh a i — fat gain (éa) Fars, gen (agy,) ' t dee. ol ey edith fob gi J Hep ies uso. to Typreedt Pink Xp & aa” teitiol valu Vr sae (see) ences atte € Hino ty: ‘Err6s Detecto » oS ” ea a mit MEERUT INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING ~ & TECHNOLOGY * | CO) Setting fee (26) fe PTiue Stegeh as 4 [4s ee The Mequived bp to, Sythe ne Seespe, and stay Reve ceoiffae A determined oe lane Lore oR Aleady slate value | rue fox sy, +teloronce. banc = 3/eton, W) for ar poterance hand = 4/e0%» The. -fincud voli -feoorene 6b Loplace. Hremsporne bounty Feed back Aystenc glues a . ain
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