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BBASPomCS501x Seat No: B.B.A. Semester - 5 (CBCS) Examination December -2020 (NEW COURSE) Production and Operations Management (Core) iS Marks: 42 Instructions: 1 Figures to the right indicate marks. 2. There are five questions in the question paper. 3. Answer any three of the following questions. Q.1 Define the term production and operation management and also discuss the recent (a4) trends in operations management. Q.2. Discuss in detail the advantages and limitations of Job Shop Process. (4) Q3. What is Maintenance Management? Explain the different types Maintenance Management.(14) Q.4 Write in detail factors affecting to location of plant. (14) Q.5 Discuss in detail differences between Product Layout and Process Layout. (a4) FESO OEE

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