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RM -1 EXAMINATION CLASS - 12 SESSION — 2022-23 PHYSICS SET-B ‘TIME: 3 hours General Instruction: 1, The Question Paper contains five sections-A, B, C, D & E. Hi. There are total 37 questions. All questions are compulsory. IHL, Section A contains Q. no. 1-15. They are very short answer/assertion-reasoning questions,carrying one mark each, IV. Section B contains Q. no. 16-23. They are multiple choice questions carrying one mark each, Q. no, 24 to 26 are case study based multiple choice questions, carrying 4 marks each. v. Section C contains Q no. 27-30. They are short answer questions, carrying 2 marks cach, VI. Section D contains Q. no. 31 to 34. They are long answer questions, carrying 3 marks each, VII. Section E contains Q. no. 35 to 37. They are long answer questions, carrying S marks each, VIII, There is no averall choice in the question paper, However, an internal choice has been provided in 8 questions of 1 mark, 2 questions of 2 marks, 2 questions of 3 marks & all the questions of $ marks. You have to attempt only one of the choices in such questions. 1X, You may use the following values of physical constants wherever necessary, X. c= 3x 108 m/s, -6.63x 104s, e=1.6x10C, wo =4x x 10" THA, XL 9 =8.854 x 10°? C2’ Nm? XIL. Mass of electron= 9.1x10'kg XIII. Mass of proton=1.673x107"kg XIV. Avogadro’s No.=6.023x 107 per gram mole XV. Boltzmann’s constant=1.38x107 J/K SECTION A Q2) An electron with charge ¢ and mass m travels at a speed v in a plane perpendicular to a magnetic ffeld of magnitude B. The electron follows a circular path of radius R. In a time*t’, the electron travels halfway round the circle. What is the amount of work done by the magnetic field? A glass rod rubbed with silk acquires charge +1.6x10"7C. What is the charge on the silk? OR In an clectric field an clectron is kept freely. If the electron is replaced by » proton, what will be the relationship between the forces experienced by them? 1jPace 93. What oscillates in an electromagnetic wave of frequency 1y yyy OR 1 used for killing germs in Water pyring rs, Name the electromagnetic radia @) An alternating current I-10 sin (1001) A is passed through 9 TeSistor oy Find the average power consumed by the resistor over a complete eycle, Oy A solenoid with N loops of wire tightly wrapped around an iran core is cary, aur cletrie current. Ifthe current through this solenoid is reduced to half, then opt nge would you expect in inductance L of solenoid? OR A solenoid with an iron core and a bulb are connected to a d.c source. How does the brightness of the bulb change, when the iron core is removed from the solenoid? Q0) Name the physical quantity having unit J/T. Qi) show on a plot the nature of variation of electric field E and electric poten with distance r for a point charge +q. Q8. A negatively charged object A is repelled by anather charged object B. However, an object Cis attracted by the object B. What conclusion da you draw about the state of clectrification of object C? ch LV OR A given object has a charge of 0.2 uC and $x10" electrons are supplied to the object. What is the net charge on the object now? Q9. Magnetic flux linked with a coil is given by the expression: Op = (5t?+ 3t +6) Wo Find the value of induced e.m.f at time t=3s. OR What is the probable cause of occurrence of a mild spark between the terminals of an electric switch of a fan when the switch is either closed or opened? Q10. Two wires X & Y, of the same material and of equal lengths having area of cross section A & 2A respectively, are connected in parallel across an ideal battery of em.f E, What is the ratio of current density in them? In question numbers 11 to 15, two statements are given- one labeled Assertion (A) and the other labeled Reason (R). Select the correct answer to these questions from the codes (a), (b), (c) & (d) given below. (a) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and the reason is the correct explanation of the assertion. (b) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but reason is not the correct explanation of the assertion. (c) Assertion (A) is true but Reason (R) is false. 2[Paxe (ab Assertion (A) is ti Ise nnd Rey WON (RY is aba 0 Tulse, OIL) Assertion (a) eetrle — surface and fe Hlelt Is al ee ts slONg the rection of uae AUFTaL tan equlpon cetric pot deerensiny ordes an equipotentiat order of pa same value, lal a all points of a equipotent QI2. Assertion (A): Higher eC range ¢ Mg OFAN aMIMetEr, smaller Is fHs resi Reason (R): : To increas connected across fe Me MRE OF the ammeter, addittonal shunt needs to be QU3, Assertion ( (AME At Ra ransformer is used to increase or decrease alternating voltages Reason (R): a (R): A transformer works on the hasis of mutual induction, QU. Assert 7 sertion (A): The poles of bar magnet cannot be separated. Reason (R): Magnetic monopoles da not exist in nature. 15, Asserti 2 oe 8 erton (A): On increasing the current sensitivity of a galvanometer by sana naraher of tuensy voltage sensitivity may not necessarily increase. 1m (R): The resistance of the coil of the galva or ine i Besson (ai Tearat galvanometer increases on increasing oR a perfeet diamagnet for which magnetic ptibility is zero. jiamagnetic material do not possess a Assertion (A): A super conductot susceptibility is -1 & magnetic sus: Reason (R): The individual atoms of permanent magnetic dipole moment. Section -B Questions 16 to 23 are multiple choice questions. Each question has been provided by four possible options as the answer. Select the most appropriate option out of these four. noids are made by winding thin insulated wire over a pipe of cross- 16. Two coaxial sole! solenoids has 300 turns and the other Sectional area 10 em? and length 20 cm. If one of the 400 turns, their mutual inductance is: (a) 4.82 x 104H (b) 4.81 x 10S H (c) 2.40x 107 (d) 24n x 104 . When a 40 resistor is 2V. The internal en circuit for a cell is 2.2' 1 difference in op ial difference becomes: QU7. The potential ts two electrodes, the patent! connected between resistance of the cell i 52 (A040. MHz passes from vacuum into Then its remains unchanged. becomes half, ins unchanged. {a) 12 (b) 0.20 (6) 2 ctromagnetic wave of frequency ¥ dielectric medium of relative permittivity & {a) Wavelength is doubled and frequency (b) Wavelength is doubled and frequency (c) Wavelength is halved and frequency rema 3/Page Q18. An cle equency both remain unchanget oR F are the electric and magnetic fletd vectors af elec upagation of electromagnetic wave Isa (a) Wavelength and fr WES tromagnetic waves they direction of the direction 0 @F ) B © EB «@) xB fh airas medium between the plates has a capacitance » ved into two equal halves and fitted with (wo media, as 2 & Kz =4. The capacitance of the A parallel plate capacitor wit "uF. The area of capacitor is div shown in the figure, having dielectric constant Ky = system will now be: (a) $uF (b)10pF (@)15HF (a) 200F OR In the arrangement of capacitors shown here, find the charge deposited on the plates of 4uF capacitor. ih Rv (a) 6xC (b) 12pC (€) 24HC (Ad) 36RC GBD. Three charges Q, +4 & +9 are placed at the vertices of an equilateral triangle of side Tas shown in the figure. If the net electrostatic energy of the system is zero, then Q is equal to: (a) 44/2) (b)-q (ce) +q (a) zero Q21. Energy stored in electromagnetic wave is in the form of (a) Electrical energy (b) Magnetic energy (c) Both electrical and magnetic energy (d) Neither electrical nor magnetic energy electric current, The magnetic field due to the ‘Accircular coil of radius R carries an m the centre of coil is (1/8)th of the magnetic coil at a point on the axis at a distance x fro field at the centre of coil, Value of x is: (a) R (b) V2 R (c) 2R (a) V3 R 4|Paxe G2} A magnet Of Magnetic mome nt 5) * B= OSE 4-39) T, The torque neting gen Placed along the x als in a magnet ing on the magnet ts is In a magnetic field (a) 175 R Nem (b) 150 Nem (c) 78 Nem (d) 25V37 & Nem Questions 24 to 26 are Case sf Xudy questions and are comput: empt any for Q24. Read the following and answer any four questions fram (i) to (v): Teecalsting nie Shows a combination of two cells of emf E; & Ez & internal » therein f? Tespectively. The combination is connected so sis to maintain a current flow through an external resistance R. hag | 1 L_| | kn | ta ae ae Now answer the following questions: () The equivalent e.m.f of the combination of cells is: (a) Eurt Exes rete (b) Eppt Ears nn (Ein Ea ren (a) Ey-Exr, ren (ii) The equivalent internal resistance of the combinatior (a) (i+ n/n (b) tre (Oran) (@) (ey rire ‘The current flowing through the resistor R is: (a)__Epre+Epri Fe R (rita) + rit ree (b)_Eiry+Eart R (ii) néntR, (©) Exe rrtntR (a) Exer#Bars S]Page R¥ (in (rer) (iv) IP E.@18V, B2=12V, ro 102, 2920, then equivalent em.0& internal r the combination are respectively eslstang, {ay 14, 20 (b) 15V, 273.2 (c) 16V, 2/3. (a) 18V, 32 () IPR= 0/3 Q, then potential difference across it will be: E (a) 4V_ (6) 16V (0) 5.3V (4) 13.33 Q25, Read the following and answer any four questions from (i) to (iv): [Seat Ti y]2]3 | ;3]4]s Bs let ] | [° 7 | 8 | 9 [wy a fae | Current [0.2 [04 [0 Jos le [29 3.0 [ 50 p60 [70 | RO | ay Voltage [3.9] 7.8 [11.7 Lyerts | | et) 23220 3550 97.5 | 117 | 136 | 156 The above table gives I-V relationshi in coil hip for a manj it e : cross-section 1X 10" m? and length 4.1m, a eeitiuee et i) The nature of I-V graph for the given manganin wire is @) t » 4h I vo T= () t (a) t v vo (ii) Value of resistance of given manganin wire is (a) 2 (b) 19.52 (c) 1.952 (d) 0.050 (iii) As per data given the resistivity of manganin is (a) 4.76 X 10%2m — (b) 47.6X 10° 2m (ce) 4.76 X104QM (A) 4.76 X 107m (iv) Which of the following has highest value of resistivity? (a) Copper (b) Aluminium (c) Manganin (d) Tin (v) Manganin is a preferred material for preparing standard resistors, because (a) Its resistivity is high (b) Its temperature coefficient of resistivity is least possible. (c) It is a good electrical conductor. (d) We can draw fine wire of manganin. ¢ and answer any four questions from (1) & (iv): The large scale trans dane with the consumers. He en Stepped down at electrical power at 230V p " ‘caches our ty © nan heh of the fatlowing is true? Energy is created whem r a 4 transform | (YA SEP UP transformer increases the sume eee Naa step up transformer con voltage In (d) A ste} nverts low ave voltage Input into high a. ‘ PMP fransformer is designed to convert de capaly We shake output, Gi) We pret © brefer to transmit electrical power at high voltages so that: (a) Transmission toss of e Go Nother cen seo eee is reduced by a large extent. (ce) Ala rrent flow: 8 transmisgl e. FRE current flows through thi hn Alongs hrough the transmission line. ) “energy may be transmitted over the same line, (lit) Which of the following quantities remain unchanged when voltage iy increased Alecreased by use of transformer? (a) Electric current (b) Frequency af nc (c) Impedence (d) None of these (iv) A440 V alternating inpuc ts supplled to a step up transformer, The output circuit draws a current of SA at LE KV. If the transformer Is an ideal transformer then current drawn by the primary windings of the transformer Is: {a) 254 (hb) 1254 (IA (a) (15) A (¥) The core of a transformer fs usually a laminated soft iron core. This is preferred because (a) Soft iron is a paramagnetic material. (b) It minimizes energy loss in a transformer and Increases its efficiency, (¢) It prevents leakage of magnetic Mux, (a) It minimizes Joule’s heating in a transformer, ection-C each, Note: Short answer questions of 2 marl G23) A charged particle of mass m and charge q moving at uniform vetocty v enters a uniform magnetic field B acting normal to the plane of the paper. Deduce expressions for the (i) radius of the circular path in which it Gravels & (li) kinetic energy of the particle. i E ge int near it is defined as 28. ‘The electric field E duc to a point charge at any pol | a Jim F/q where q is the Cest charge and F is the force acting on it, What the physteal 0 signifance is of tiny in the expression? Draw the electric field lines of a point charge Q when (I) Q>0 & (il) Q=0. Eg sin (at+k2). Q29, The electrie field of an electromagnetic wave is represented as Ey i . ing? In which direction isthe wave propagating? | % In which direction does the magnetic fletd oscillate? OR TPage Write two important characteristics of electromagnetic waves. Q30. A uniformly charged large, thin plane sheet has charge density o=(1/18x) X 10Cm*. ' Find the electee fel at a point A which is $ em from the sheet. What isthe fg the point B which is 3 cm from the sheet on the other side? OR ‘Two small Mentleal conducting spheres carrying charge 10nC & -20uC, when separated hy a distance of r, experience a force F each. If they are brought in contact and then separated to a distance 1/2, what is the new force between them in terms of F2 SECTION -D Not Long answer questions of 3 marks each, QL, (a) Define the terms (i) drift velocity, a conductor, (b) Obtain an expression for the resistivity of a metallic conductor in terms of the relaxation time of the electrons, (i) relaxation time of free electrons drifting in 43>. (a) The graphs (i) & (i shown in the figure represent variation of opposition ~ offered by the circuit elements, X & Y, respectively to the flow of alternating, Current versus the frequency of the applied em, tdentify the elements X &Y, {h) Write the expressions for the impedance offered by the series combination sf these {wo elements connected to an a.e source of voltage V=Vm sinwot. Show on a graph the variation of the voltage and the current with ‘at? in the circuit. Opponitien ty current LOppenition to current — a w OR What do you understand by ‘sharpness of resonance’ in a series LCR cireuit? Find expression for Q-factor of the circuit. A rectangular loop of wire of size dem X 10cm carries a steady current of 2A, A straight long wire carrying $A current is kept near the loop. If the loop and the wire are coplanar, find (i) The torque acting on the loop & Gi) The magnitude & direction of the force on the foop due to the current carrying wire-peo zo dt OF Iden Tam tee Lech. 8[Paye 4 variable resistor R is co (a) Draw the cir Sern a ell cult ding eH Of emt E and f F anid Internal resistance tt (b) Plot the raph show function ork. showing variation of patent (o) ACWhaL value OF R curre O34 inl drop across Ras a "nt in circuit will be maximum? A storage hattery of em a Ai “UE BV & iy milaly oria'y aes internal resistance 0,5 is (2) Draw the cleeut diagam, OS OE 2 Caicnlete the potential difference Across the battery, s the purpose of having series resistance in this cireuit? ‘uit? SECTION-E, No = Long answer questions of 5 marks each, (a) Derive the expressi Hexctaee'vhee pression for the current flowing in an ideal capacitor and its ; connected to an a.e source of voltage V=Vm sinc, (b) Draw its phasor diagram, a ony resistance is added in series to capacitor what changes will occur in the rent flowing in the circuit and phase angle between the voltage and current. OR (a) State the principle of a,c generator, (b) Explain with the help of a well labeled diagram, its working and obtain the expression for the e.m.f generated in the coil. (c) Is it possible to generate e.m.f without rotating the coil? Explain. Q36. (a) State Gauss’s law in electrostatics and give its mathematical expression. (b) Using Gauss’s law, prove that the electric field at a point near a uniformly charged infinite plane sheet is independent of the distance of the point from the sheet. ates are 3 em apart (c) Two large metal plates of area 5m? face each other. The pk and carry equal and opposite charges on their inner surfaces, If electric field at point between the plates Is 5 x 10° N/C, then calculate the magnitude of charge on each plate. E OR mean by capacitance of a capacitor? Give ity S.Lunit. f capacitance Ci is charged to x potentinlVi, while another acitance C2 is charged to @ potential V2, The two capacitors are d from their respective charging batteries & connected in (a) What do you (b) A capacitor 0 capacitor of cap: now disconnecte arallel to each other. ) Find the potential energy stored in the two eapacitors before they are connected in parallel. (i) Find the total energy stored in the parallel combination of th acitors. Exp reason for the difference of energy in paratiel iii) Explain the 1 (i re vompared {o the total energy before the capacitors are conn Wo combination ected. giPage axis with w velocity i Is subjected ty crosses the origin O. y, along, the acting along the Z-axis a8 it 93, (a) A charge *q” Is moy — unitarm magnetic field (i) Trace its trajectory. (ii) Does the charge gain kine answer. tic energy as i enters the magnetic Meld? Sustify your netic force F acting on a charged particle q ‘eof the magnetic field B in a veetor form. (b) Write the expression for the mag the magnitude of the velocity of the moving with velocity 0 in presenc Show that no work is done and no change itt particle is produced by this force. charged particle will move undeflected in the ic and magnetic ficlds. OR (c) Write the condition under which @ presence of mutually erossed electri (a) With the help of a diagram, explain the principle and working of a moving coll galyanometer. vraportance of a radial magnetic field and how is it produced? Pile using a moving coll galvanometcr as 2 VoKTnee! high cas in an ammeter a shunt Is used? 8 resistance in series is required whe

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