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stra ahmed sheet Sheet Lecture (1) 1. Give Course Objectives and Course Outcomes? 1, Definition of TC's (integrated cireuit}?, 2 GivnlG Suesifcationst 3, What isthe Integrated circuit Seale? 4, Whats Gordon low prediction of integrated Circuit 4, Whats the manufacturing of Integrated Circuits (C) consists of Four Steps? 6. What the steps of planar technology? 7. Why Silicon not Ge? 8, "The crystal orientation defines its electrical properties” Explain 9, What sixprocesses fabrication of bipolar layers junction transistor (BJT)? 1+ Explain Wafer Preparation(Silicon purification and 2-Single Crt Growth ) fo obtain the final wafers 12. Exalsin Crochuakhisinek coatalzcamth? 1. Calculate the theoretical value of mn silicon at raom temperature temperate (200 oH. Where Eo=1.12 eV. And From The Text book e-Bolemnm's constant, £46238 10° UK ‘B= Material dependent parameter, 1.08 x10" K*. Car for Si. 16-Find the mobility and resitvtyofntintecom at 400 K and casi it as an insulator, semiconductor, or conductor B=1.08 x10", E=100 V/Cm, ve 13510 Caineg, Where Eo=1.12-€V and vy=2100 Cin Anowers: mobility values je= 4300 cns/s gpd ty= 2100 emo, , 1450 0° ex, semiconductor, * Calculate the resistivity of intrinsic silicon at 50 K if the electron mobility is 6500 em? +5 and the hale mobility is 2000 cam" s. Clasify the material Answer: 1.69 x 10" Q cm, insulator ‘From the text book. @ = 4.65 +2) Geomy* 1. Course Objectives: © To understand VESI circuit dasion processes, + To understand basic eicuit concepis and desiewing Arithmetic Building Blocks © To have an oversaw of Low poner VLSI. (Course Outeomet: © Coumplete Knoniedze about Fabrication process of Iss © Ableto dasign VLSI circuits as per specifications given, © Capable of optimizing the design of Arithmetic | logic building Blocks at all level: of Design Falrication, # Alkmowledge of CMOS cizeaits and SPICE simulation is desirable (Micsomind 55, LTsnice) 12. Definition of IC's (integrated circuit)? Integrated Circuit is a miniaturized Ait electronic cixcuit consisting mainly of active slemants censiconductor davices, (Bipolar and MOSFET and BiCMOS transistors) 5 ‘roll as passive elements (Dioda, resistance, and capacitance) that has heen manish inthe surface of shin subetrate of semiconductor material, (+ Higher speed, due to significant reduces intercomnection length + Loweost, + Lass testing requizen © Higher raliability de te mainly due to improve on-chip interconnects, ‘What we will Study in IC Technologies? ‘Fabrication of > BiCMOS Mos NMOS PMOS CMOS & Inverters Technologies yuRYy Basic Electrical Properties of MOS Cents > IDS-VDS relationships > MOS transistor Threshold Voltage-VT Trane conductance gm, gly > Pass transistor > NMOS Inverter, Resistive Load, Depleted. Load, Psendo load, CMOS Inverters analysis and desien 4. What isthe Integrated civenit Seale? Show evaluation of logic complexity in intezrated circuits? year ‘Chaifieation ‘No, of active devices per chip T8T I Seale Tetageaion (SS) Too 1966 | Madina Seale Integration (MSI) TOO-EOOT. THT | Lange Seale Intezration UST) TOE TOOT Ta Tay args Seale Tnteraton WES aga S50 | Ula Lange Seale Integration TLS) | aga) TO | Sper Large Seale Iteration SLED] 99%a0 0 “Extra Large Seale Integration (ELSI) 99 30° TD aig Sale SA TCT] ait ‘What is Integrated Cirenit Seale? + Small-Scale Integration (881) ICs contained 2 few (n=10 to 100) logic gate ‘whore k=log m=log10 to log 100, k= J to=2, available for NAND gates, NOR gates, and so on have few tens of transistors. + Madium-Scale Integration (MSI) increased the range of (a=100 to 1000, k=2 to 3) inteztated logic available to counters and sinuilar, larger scale, logic ‘Simetions + Large-seale integration (LSD) packed even large: losic functions (2=1000 to 20000, K=3 to), such as the first microprocessors, nto a single chip. «Very Large-Scale Integration (VLSD) contain a large mumber of logic gztas (2=20000 to 2000000, r= to 6), now offers 64-bit microprocessors, complete with cache memory and floating-point arithmetic units—well over a muillion transistors—on a single piace of silicon. + Ultra large Scale Integration (ULSD, contain saore large integrated circuit (a= 2,000,000 to 210,000,000, K=6 to 7) but most people stop atthe term VLSI, ofberwise we have to start inventing mew words. ©. What is Cordon low prediction of integrated Cireuit? (Cordon Maore’s Law 4 Whats the Integrated cinenit Seale? Show evaluation of logic complexity in integrated circuits? vex ‘Claeafcation Wo stactive devices per chip 181 jraall Scale Tntezration (S51) TO 1586 ___[ Medium Seale Integration OS THETOOT TST Large Seale Integration (CST) TOO TOOT TSE very Large Scale Integration (VLSIY TS ‘Ula Large Seale Tntexration (ULSI) 0] Super Cage Seale Integration STS1) om ‘Extra Large Scale Intezration (ELST) TH | Giga Seale Tneration (CEI ‘What is Integrated Cireuit Seale? Small-Scale Integration (SSL) ICs contained a few (n=104o 100) logic gates, where k-loz mlog10 to log 100, k= [to k=2, available for NAND gates, NOR, gates, and 20 on— have fiw tons of transistors. ‘Medium-Seale Integration (MSD) increased the ranze of (n=100 fo 1000, I=2 40 3) integrated logic available to counters and similar, larger scale, legic fimetions ‘Large-scale integration (LSI) packed even larger losic functions (o=1000 to 20000 , K=3 to 4), such as the first microprocessors, into a single chip. Very Large Seale Integration (VLSI) contain a large number of logis estes (=20000 to 2000000, I= to 6), now offars 64-bit microprocessors, complete ‘with cache memory and floating-point arithmetic units—wall over a million ‘transistors—on a single piece af silicon. Ultra large Seale Integration (ULSI), contain more large integrated circuit 2,000,000 to 210,000,000, K=6 to 7) but most people stop at the tenm VLSI, ctherwise we have to start inventing new words. & What is Gordon low prediction of integrated Cireuit? Gordon Moore's Law Moore made the observation, and the prediction that the mimber of components being, plagadom.2 chip was d times growth every three vears, and would contims to do so. © Whatis the manufacturing of Integrated Circuits (IC) consists of Four Steps? ~ Cireuit Desien + Physical Desien + Fabrication ~ Packaging, Testing and Debugging 7 The steps of planar technology are: * Silicon crystal growth Thermal oxidation Lithography: Doping diffusion ‘Tonic implantation sevitaxial & Why Silicon not Ge? ‘When compured to germanium, silicon preferred for the following reasons: ~ Silhas- larger bandeap (1.1 2V for Si versus 0.66 pox. Ge) - Sidevices can operate at'z higher temperature (130°Cv2 100°C), - Intrinsic resistivity is hicher (2.3 x 10*@-em For Si vs 47 9-cm to Ge) = 810; is more stable than GeO, which is also water-cohuble ~ Siis less costly. HOWEVER: 9 "The erystal orientation defines its electrical properties” Explain? Devices fabricated on wafers with different orientations will exhibit different bekavior, ‘even ifthe material of both wafers is the same! The Miller indices isa notation commonly used to refar to crystal planas. The three most common erystal crientations ‘used insilicom are chown in the following figure. Different interface density, current sheer vis density and electrical field. (200) (110) aaa) a Si ceystal orientation for BIT (Bipolex Function Transistor) i (111), Si crystal orientation for MOS is (100) 10- Explain Wafer Preparation(Silicon purification and 2-Single Crystal Gromth ) to obtain the final wafers ‘There are two main techniques for converting polyerystalline Si info sinele crystal ingot Depand on orientation + (IU) for Bipolar Junction Transistor) and + (00) for MOS transistor, tp obtain the final waftre we have five mamafictune prosase 22 follows: 1 Silicon purification Single Crystal Growth 1. Silicon Purification Toabtain pure silicon. + Silicon is grated from silica sand (SiO), ‘To separate Si fom the initial SiO: at high temperature (round 190°C) $10; () +2C@) + +200 ©) $i0:63) + C13) + Si+CO2 i) ‘This process results im 99% pure 8i inown as metallurgical-grade silicon (MGS), 2-Single Crystal Growth, Denessamahmed G ‘To obtain single erystal wafer we have two method: i: Caoehvalsksi <4.5° or crucible grown crystals (CZ erystale)., jg manufacturing single erystale for large wafers Si loat 2one or FZ crystals 11- Explain Grochralshisinele cotal exomth? (in the BOOK) = The famace bated shove 1500a C, since Simsting poet s 1412 5C, ~~ Aprecisaly oriented rod: mounted seed crystal dipped imto the molten Silicou. ‘The seed crystals rod slowly pulled upwards and rotated simaltaneously. The furnace vofated inthe direction oppose to tha crys puller. ~ The molten Si sticks tothe seed cystel nd stars to solidify withthe same oriartation a: the seed cystal is withdraw, + Thay, asingla aystal ingot chained > CZ process commonly used. for commercial suberate Aatiloettes + Rowing chuck RE Heatag calls cruete oocoones 900000000 Apa ‘S.mannted vertically side a chamber, with the single crystal seed of desired orientation, - The rod is under vacuum or filled of am inert gas furnace ~ A radio frequency (RF) coil iy used to melt aloug the length of the rod, starts from the fused region, containing the seed, and travels up, as shown in figure. = Impurities in che molten region stay in the molten region rather than be incorporated {into the solidified region, thus allowing a very pure single crystal region ~ When the molten rerion solidifies, it has the same orientation as the seed. Armed Sheeritl Insert Gas (intet Argon) | [> Floatzene puiting. fj) see Hh Ey cau stid <> ‘13. Discuss wafer size Wafer Size ‘The ingot is thon szwm 35 into thin vrafix slicas, each of which will be subjected to further etching and polishing until it is ready for use as substrates for VLSI fabrication Linch @5 mm) Zinch (61 mum). Thickness 275 um. 3-inch (76 mm). Thickness 375 pum. 4-ineh (100 mm). Thickness 5 -inch (130 mm) or 12 mm (4,9 inch). Thickness 625 pum. 150 mum (£.9 inch, usually referred to as "6 inch"), Thickness 675 jum. 200 mim (7.9 inch, usually referred to as "§ inch"). Thickness 725 um, 300 mim (11.8 inch, usually referred to as "12 inch". Thickness 775 um. 450 mum (17.7 inch, usually referred to as "18 inch"). Thickness 925 ym (expected). ees 414 Calculate the theoretical value of yin silicon at room temperature, Calculate the value of uin silicon at room temperature (200 2). Where Eg =1.12 eV. From The Text book: rz) BT exp 52 Cat an Aly was = BP esp( 22) cart " Par) Where Es = semiconductor bandgap energy in eV (electron Volts) ‘Ke Boltamam’s constant, §.622 10° eVK + absolute temperature, K ‘B= Material- dependent parameter, 1.08 x10" K”. Cus* for $i. ‘Unknowns: Intrinsic cartier concentration ri, Approach: Calculate ad by evaluating Eq (2.1). Assumptions: T= 300K 3troom temperature magitgiagtn an 108 m0 a cavty300 1 ap| e ieee coorcar Feed pe dazassxtn® fer 16 Find the mobility and resistivity of intrinsic silicon at 400K and classify it as an insulator, semiconductor, or conductor B=1.08 x10”, F=100 V/Cm, v- =4.3x1 0° Cenlsee , Where Ee = 1.42 eV and vy =2100 Cure Auewees: mobility values (a= 4300 cma’/s and_Up=2100 em’. , 1480.0 em, semiconductor, * Caleulate the resistivity of intrinsic silicom at £0 K if the electron mobility is 6500 cem/V' - s and the hole mobility is 2000 cm'/V - s. Classify the material. ‘Soeects) vist Answer: 1.69 x 10" O- em, insulator ‘From the text book o = 6.futs +e.) deem} Solution: ‘ 43x10 C15 yagget 1007 cm 5 ‘ 2 ”, Ixt0'cm/s _ 5 gmt £ 100K Jom s s.40x10"/em® | n,-2.32x107 fem" 08x10" (400) exp] —— Et? _ 62x10" (400) pele ei tus em © 1.60x10"|(2.32x10 1350) + (2.32x10"\$00)| a112 8.62x10°(50) 34810 | cn? 1,08s10"/50)° “| pale «1.60310 em > isa + [ao ) 2000)

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