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Benito Juárez Autonomous University of Oaxaca

Faculty of Medicine and Surgery

Bachelor of Occupational Therapy

Idiopathic Arthritis

Matter: English
Teacher; Cristian Cruz Ochoa

Members: Alejandra Morales Canseco

Francisco David Santos Báez

Firts semester Group: “ B ”

Hello good morning, have a seat.. My name is James Harris
With whom I have the pleasure??

Hello, my name is Rachel Allen.

How old you Rachel?

I am fourteen years old.

You live alone Rachel?

No, I live with my family

How many people do you have in your family?

Well, my family is made up of my dad, my mom, my two brothers and me.

Do any of them suffer from a chronic illness?

None, but my grandparents on my father's side have hypertension

Okay Rachel, I'm going to ask you please to get on the scale, to measure your weight and height.

You have a body weight of 60 kg and a height of 1.68 m. You are in shape

Take a seat and please put your arm on the desk I will take your blood pressure

Perfect, your blood pressure is 119 over 79.

Well Rachel, you are healthy, but tell me what do you do for a living?

I go to high school, I play basketball although lately my knees hurt.

How long have you been practicing it?

I have been doing it since I was 8 years old.

Did you suffer from that pain, back then?

No, I had no pain back then.

Is this pain what brought you here?

Yes it is, the doctor I went to told me that it was convenient for me to see a therapist

How long has this been happening to you?

Recently, the doctor who referred me to you told me that I have idiopathic arthritis and
prescribed medication to reduce the pain.
When do you have this pain?

After training and in the mornings. That's when my knees hurt

When is the pain most intense?

It's usually when I just woke up

Do you have feel anyother disconfort?

If so, I have them. Normally in the morning when I just got up I have a hard time doing some
things, it's as if I couldn't move well.

In order to determine your type of therapy, I need to ask you a few questions, okay.

Yes, that's fine

In your house there are stairs?

Yes, at least to go to my room

Is your family financially stable?

Yes we live comfortably

If I asked you to buy some materials, could your parents buy them?

Yes, there would be no problem. My parents have good jobs, so it wouldn't affect us at all.

Ok Rachel, we will work together and little by little regain your confidence and you will be able to
continue your activities normally. See you next week to start your rehabilitation

Ok, what time would I see him?

Is 10 in the morning okay with you?

Yes, it's perfect

See you next week

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