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1. She _____________ (not tell) me where the money is.

2. I won't be able to go out with you tomorrow because I _____________
(prepare) for the exam on Monday.

3. I _____________ (talk) to my son about his bad behavior at school. 

4. By the time I'm 80, I _____________ (loose) my sight. 

5. This time tomorrow I _____________ ( y)to New Zealand.

6. By the time mother comes back, I _____________ (clean) my room. 

7. She decided that she _____________ (start) writing a book about her

8. I _____________ (exercise) more in the next two months.

9. By the time we get home, children _____________ (eat) the whole

10. I'm really exhausted today - I _____________ (write) my essay


11. I _____________ (meet) you tomorrow at 8 a.m.

12. Tomorrow I _____________ (read) all day. 

13. I _____________ (meet) him tomorrow evening. 

14. After I nish this book, I _____________ (read) the whole trilogy.

15. - Can I come over in an hour? - No, I _____________ (study) for
tomorrow’s test. 

16. By the time we get there, all tickets _____________ (sell). 

17. She doesn't know yet what a liar he is, but she _____________ ( nd
out) soon enough.

18. She insulted me in public. I _____________ (go out) with her again!

19. This time next week, I _____________ (lay) on the beach in Greece.

20. If we continue driving so fast, we _____________ (arrive) there in two


b) won't tell
b) will be preparing
a) will talk

a) will have lost

b) will be ying

a) will have cleaned

b) will start
b) will be exercising

a) will have eaten

a) will write

b) will meet

a) will be reading

a) am meeting

b) will have read

b) will be studying
b) will be sold out
b) will nd out
a) will never go out
a) will be laying
a) will arrive

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